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Nevertheless, you may all get safe home still, although not without
suffering much, if you can control yourself and your companions when
you have traversed the sea as far as the island of Thrinacia. There you
will find the cattle and sheep of Helios, who sees all things and hears
all things. If you sail on without hurting them you may come safe to
Ithaca, although not without suffering much. But if you do them hurt,
then I foretell destruction for your ship and your crew; and if you can
escape it yourself you will arrive late and miserable…

Teiresias fades into Odysseus’s mother, the dream continues.


Aye indeed, your wife does remain in your house. She has a patient
heart; but her nights and days are consumed with tears and sorrow. Your
honours and your possessions have not yet been taken away by any man,
but Telemachos holds your demense and attends the public banquets as a
ruling prince ought to do, for they all invite him. But your father
stays there in the country and never comes to town. There he lies
sorrowing and will not be comforted, longing for your return; old age
weighs heavy upon him. And this is how I sickened and died. I missed
you so much, and your clever wit and your gay merry ways, and life was
sweet no longer, so I died.

Cut to Odysseus, still sleeping in the cave. He shivers in his sleep, as he

relives the memory of his mother’s conversation.

Scene fades back to the dream, this time depicting Circê.


You will come next to the island of Thrinacia, where the herds of
Helios feed. There are his cattle and great sheep, fifty in each. These
never have young, and never die. If you leave these unharmed and attend
to the business of getting home, you may yet reach Ithaca, although not
without suffering; but if you do any damage, then I fortell destruction
for shop and men. You may save your own life, but if you do, you will
reach your home late and miserable, and all your companions will be

Odysseus slowly awakens and he realizes he must return to his men. He swiftly
walks back, but comes back to a horrific scene. His men have killed the
animals on the island for food. They begin to feasting as he walks onto the
scene. Odysseus has an extremely disappointed facial expression, for he knows
this will bring misfortune upon them.

As soon as I came down to the seashore, I reproached them one and all,
though we could do nothing to help it now: the cattle were already
dead. But awful portents were seen in that place: the skins crawled,
the meat bellowed on the spits, both raw and roast; it was like the
noise of cattle.

Cut to Helios Hyperion calling out to the immortals angrily.


Father Zeus and all ye gods that live for ever! Punish those men of
Odysseus Laërtiadês! They have brutally killed my cattle, which were my
great delight when I climbed into the starry sky, and when I turned
back to earth from heaven. If they do not pay me a fitting
compensation, I will just go down to Hadês and show my light among the


Now then, Helios, you just go on showing your light to us immortals and
to mortal men upon mother earth. I will soon strike the ship with a
thunderbolt, and smash it into smithereens in the middle of the sea!

Skip to six days later. The crew prepares to continue their journey. Fade to
the crew in their ship at sea. Dark clouds gather overhead, the sea below
appears to be blackened as well. A storm breaks out. Thunder crashes as a
lightning bolt strikes the ship, sending the whole crew, to the deeps.
Odysseus grabs a hold of a piece of the wrecked ship and is the only survivor.

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