Notice: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) : Antidumping and Counterveiling Duty Proceedings Binational Panel Roster

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No.

225 / Friday, November 23, 2007 / Notices 65769

amount to the Consent Decree Library at Fleetwood (, NAFTA Party. Binational panels decide
the stated address. fax no: (202) 514–0097, phone whether such AD/CVD determinations
confirmation number (202) 514–1547. In are in accordance with the domestic
Henry S. Friedman,
requesting a copy from the Consent laws of the importing NAFTA Party, and
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental
Enforcement Section, Environment and
Decree Library, please enclose a check must use the standard of review that
Natural Resources Division. in the amount of $6.25 (25 cents per would have been applied by a domestic
[FR Doc. 07–5785 Filed 11–21–07; 8:45 am]
page reproduction cost) payable to the court of the importing NAFTA Party. A
U.S. Treasury or, if by e-mail or fax, panel may uphold the AD/CVD
forward a check in that amount to the determination, or may remand it to the
Consent Decree Library at the stated national administering authority for
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE address. action not inconsistent with the panel’s
Henry Friedman, decision. Panel decisions may be
Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree reviewed in specific circumstances by a
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental
Under the Comprehensive Enforcement Section, Environment and three-member extraordinary challenge
Environmental Response, Natural Resources Division. committee, selected from a separate
Compensation, and Liability Act [FR Doc. 07–5786 Filed 11–21–07; 8:45 am] roster composed of fifteen current or
Notice is hereby given that on BILLING CODE 4410–15–M
former judges.
November 2, 2007, a proposed Consent Article 1903 of the NAFTA provides
Decree in United States v. County of that a NAFTA Party may refer an
San Bernardino, California, Civil Action OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES amendment to the AD/CVD statutes of
No. 5:07–cv–01454–SGL–op, was TRADE REPRESENTATIVE another NAFTA Party to a binational
lodged with the United States District panel for a declaratory opinion as to
Court for the Central District of North American Free Trade whether the amendment is inconsistent
California. Agreement; Invitation for Applications with the General Agreement on Tariffs
The Consent Decree settles claims for Inclusion on the Chapter 19 Roster and Trade (‘‘GATT’’), the GATT
under the Comprehensive Antidumping or Subsidies Codes,
Environmental Response, AGENCY: Office of the United States
successor agreements, or the object and
Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 Trade Representative.
purpose of the NAFTA with regard to
U.S.C. 9207, in connection with the ACTION: Invitation for applications.
the establishment of fair and predictable
Newmark Groundwater Contamination SUMMARY: Chapter 19 of the North conditions for the liberalization of trade.
Superfund Site in San Bernardino American Free Trade Agreement If the panel finds that the amendment is
County, California. Under the Consent (‘‘NAFTA’’) provides for the inconsistent, the two NAFTA Parties
Decree the County will pay $11 million establishment of a roster of individuals shall consult and seek to achieve a
to settle the United States’ claims for to serve on binational panels convened mutually satisfactory solution.
past and future response costs. to review final determinations in
The Department of Justice will Chapter 19 Roster and Composition of
antidumping or countervailing duty Binational Panels
receive, for a period of thirty (30) days
(‘‘AD/CVD’’) proceedings and
from the date of this publication,
amendments to AD/CVD statutes of a Annex 1901.2 of the NAFTA provides
comments relating to the Consent
NAFTA Party. The United States for the maintenance of a roster of at least
Decree. Comments should be addressed
annually renews its selections for the 75 individuals for service on Chapter 19
to the Assistant Attorney General,
Chapter 19 roster. Applications are binational panels, with each NAFTA
Environment and Natural Resources
invited from eligible individuals Party selecting at least 25 individuals. A
Division, and either e-mailed to
wishing to be included on the roster for separate five-person panel is formed for or
the period April 1, 2008, through March each review of a final AD/CVD
mailed to P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
31, 2009. determination or statutory amendment.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
20044–7611, and should refer to United DATES: Applications should be received To form a panel, the two NAFTA Parties
States v. County of San Bernardino, no later than December 7, 2008. involved each appoint two panelists,
California, D.J. Ref. #90–11–06902/2. ADDRESSES: Applications should be normally by drawing upon individuals
Commenters may request an submitted (i) electronically, to from the roster. If the Parties cannot
opportunity for a public meeting in the, Attn: ‘‘Chapter 19 agree upon the fifth panelist, one of the
affected area, in accordance with section Roster Applications’’ in the subject line, Parties, decided by lot, selects the fifth
7003(d) of the Resource Conservation or (ii) by fax to Sandy McKinzy at 202– panelist from the roster. The majority of
and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. 6973(d). 395–3640. individuals on each panel must consist
The Consent Decree may be examined FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: J. of lawyers in good standing, and the
at U.S. EPA Region 9, Office of Regional Daniel Stirk, Assistant General Counsel, chair of the panel must be a lawyer.
Counsel, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Office of the United States Trade Upon each request for establishment
Francisco, California 94105. During the Representative, (202) 395–9617. of a panel, roster members from the two
public comment period, the Consent SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: involved NAFTA Parties will be
Decree may also be examined on the requested to complete a disclosure form,
following Department of Justice Web Binational Panel Reviews Under which will be used to identify possible
site, at: NAFTA Chapter 19 conflicts of interest or appearances
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

ConsentlDecrees.html. A copy of the Article 1904 of the NAFTA provides thereof. The disclosure form requests
Consent Decree may also be obtained by that a party involved in an AD/CVD information regarding financial interests
mail from the Consent Decree Library, proceeding may obtain review by a and affiliations, including information
P.O. Box 7611, U.S. Department of binational panel of a final AD/CVD regarding the identity of clients of the
Justice, Washington, DC 20044–7611 or determination of one NAFTA Party with roster member and, if applicable, clients
by faxing or e-mailing a request to Tonia respect to the products of another of the roster member’s firm.

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65770 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 225 / Friday, November 23, 2007 / Notices

Criteria for Eligibility for Inclusion on the individuals chosen by the United 8. Relevant professional affiliations
Chapter 19 Roster States for inclusion on the Chapter 19 and certifications, including, if any,
Section 402 of the NAFTA roster. The roster is renewed annually, current bar memberships in good
Implementation Act (Pub. L. 103–182, and applies during the one-year period standing.
beginning April 1 of each calendar year. 9. A list and copies of publications,
as amended (19 U.S.C. 3432)) (‘‘Section
Under section 402, an interagency testimony, and speeches, if any,
402’’) provides that selections by the
committee chaired by USTR prepares a concerning AD/CVD law. Judges or
United States of individuals for
preliminary list of candidates eligible former judges should list relevant
inclusion on the Chapter 19 roster are to
for inclusion on the Chapter 19 Roster. judicial decisions. Only one copy of
be based on the eligibility criteria set
After consultation with the Senate publications, testimony, speeches, and
out in Annex 1901.2 of the NAFTA, and
Committee on Finance and the House decisions need be submitted.
without regard to political affiliation. 10. Summary of any current and past
Committee on Ways and Means, USTR
Annex 1901.2 provides that Chapter 19 employment by, or consulting or other
selects the final list of individuals
roster members must be citizens of a work for, the Governments of the United
chosen by the United States for
NAFTA Party, must be of good character States, Canada, or Mexico.
inclusion on the Chapter 19 roster.
and of high standing and repute, and are 11. The names and nationalities of all
to be chosen strictly on the basis of their Remuneration foreign principals for whom the
objectivity, reliability, sound judgment, Roster members selected for service applicant is currently or has previously
and general familiarity with on a Chapter 19 binational panel will be been registered pursuant to the Foreign
international trade law. Aside from remunerated at the rate of 800 Canadian Agents Registration Act, 22 U.S.C. 611
judges, roster members may not be dollars per day. et seq., and the dates of all registration
affiliated with any of the three NAFTA periods.
Parties. Section 402 also provides that, Applications 12. List of proceedings brought under
to the fullest extent practicable, judges Eligible individuals who wish to be U.S., Canadian, or Mexican AD/CVD
and former judges who meet the included on the Chapter 19 roster for law regarding imports of U.S., Canadian,
eligibility requirements should be the period April 1, 2008, through March or Mexican products in which the
selected. 31, 2009, are invited to submit applicant advised or represented (for
Adherence to the NAFTA Code of applications. Persons submitting example, as consultant or attorney) any
Conduct for Binational Panelists applications may either send one copy U.S., Canadian, or Mexican party to
by fax to Sandy McKinzy at 202–395– such proceeding and, for each such
The ‘‘Code of Conduct for Dispute 3640, or transmit a copy electronically proceeding listed, the name and country
Settlement Procedures Under Chapters to, with ‘‘Chapter of incorporation of such party.
19 and 20’’ (see http://www.nafta-sec- 19 Roster Applications’’ in the subject 13. A short statement of qualifications line. USTR encourages the submission and availability for service on Chapter
index_e.aspx?DetailID=246), which was of documents in Adobe PDF format, as 19 panels, including information
established pursuant to Article 1909 of attachments to an electronic mail. relevant to the applicant’s familiarity
the NAFTA, provides that current and Interested persons who make with international trade law and
former Chapter 19 roster members submissions by electronic mail should willingness and ability to make time
‘‘shall avoid impropriety and the not provide separate cover letters; commitments necessary for service on
appearance of impropriety and shall information that might appear in a cover panels.
observe high standards of conduct so letter should be included in the 14. On a separate page, the names,
that the integrity and impartiality of the submission itself. Similarly, to the addresses, telephone and fax numbers of
dispute settlement process is extent possible, any attachments to the three individuals willing to provide
preserved.’’ The Code also provides that submission should be included in the information concerning the applicant’s
candidates to serve on chapter 19 same file as the submission itself, and qualifications for service, including the
panels, as well as those who are not as separate files. applicant’s character, reputation,
ultimately selected to serve as panelists, Applications must be typewritten, reliability, judgment, and familiarity
have an obligation to ‘‘disclose any and should be headed ‘‘Application for with international trade law.
interest, relationship or matter that is Inclusion on NAFTA Chapter 19
likely to affect [their] impartiality or Current Roster Members and Prior
Roster.’’ Applications should include
independence, or that might reasonably Applicants
the following information, and each
create an appearance of impropriety or section of the application should be Current members of the Chapter 19
an apprehension of bias.’’ Annex 1901.2 numbered as indicated: roster who remain interested in
of the NAFTA provides that roster 1. Name of the applicant. inclusion on the Chapter 19 roster must
members may engage in other business 2. Business address, telephone submit updated applications.
while serving as panelists, subject to the number, fax number, and e-mail Individuals who have previously
Code of Conduct and provided that such address. applied but have not been selected may
business does not interfere with the 3. Citizenship(s). reapply. If an applicant, including a
performance of the panelist’s duties. In 4. Current employment, including current or former roster member, has
particular, Annex 1901.2 states that title, description of responsibility, and previously submitted materials referred
‘‘[w]hile acting as a panelist, a panelist name and address of employer. to in item 9, such materials need not be
may not appear as counsel before 5. Relevant education and resubmitted.
another panel.’’ professional training.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

6. Spanish language fluency, written Public Disclosure

Procedures for Selection of Chapter 19 and spoken. Applications normally will not be
Roster Members 7. Post-education employment subject to public disclosure. They may
Section 402 establishes procedures for history, including the dates and be referred to other federal agencies in
the selection by the Office of the United addresses of each prior position and a the course of determining eligibility for
States Trade Representative (‘‘USTR’’) of summary of responsibilities. the roster, and shared with foreign

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 225 / Friday, November 23, 2007 / Notices 65771

governments and the NAFTA Secretariat individuals for inclusion on the Chapter transaction; and the materials used to
in the course of panel selection. 19 roster and for service on Chapter 19 determine that the transactions were
binational panels. effected in compliance with the
False Statements
procedures adopted by the board. The
Pursuant to section 402(c)(5) of the Daniel E. Brinza,
Commission’s examination staff uses
NAFTA Implementation Act, false Assistant United States Trade Representative
these records to evaluate transactions
statements by applicants regarding their for Monitoring and Enforcement.
between funds and their affiliated
personal or professional qualifications, [FR Doc. E7–22807 Filed 11–21–07; 8:45 am] brokers for compliance with the rule.
or financial or other relevant interests BILLING CODE 3190–W8–P The Commission staff estimates that
that bear on the applicants’ suitability 3583 portfolios of approximately 649
for placement on the Chapter 19 roster fund complexes use the services of one
or for appointment to binational panels, SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE or more subadvisers. Based on
are subject to criminal sanctions under COMMISSION discussions with industry
18 U.S.C. 1001. representatives, the staff estimates that
Proposed Collection; Comment it will require approximately 6 hours to
Paperwork Reduction Act Request draft and execute revised subadvisory
This notice contains a collection of contracts in order for funds and
Upon Written Request, Copies Available
information provision subject to the subadvisers to be able to rely on the
From: Securities and Exchange
Paperwork Reduction Act (‘‘PRA’’) that exemptions in rule 17e–1.1 The staff
Commission, Office of Investor
has been approved by the Office of assumes that all existing funds amended
Education and Advocacy,
Management and Budget (‘‘OMB’’). their advisory contracts following
Washington, DC 20549–0213.
Notwithstanding any other provision of amendments to rule 17e–1 in 2002 that
law, no person is required to respond to Extension:
Rule 17e–1; SEC File No. 270–224; OMB conditioned certain exemptions upon
nor shall a person be subject to a these contractual alterations, and
Control No. 3235–0217.
penalty for failure to comply with a therefore there is no continuing burden
collection of information subject to the Notice is hereby given that, pursuant for those funds.2
requirements of the PRA unless that to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Based on an analysis of fund filings,
collection of information displays a (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520), the Securities the staff estimates that approximately
currently valid OMB number. This and Exchange Commission (the 600 fund portfolios enter into
notice’s collection of information ‘‘Commission’’) is soliciting comments subadvisory agreements each year.3
burden is only for those persons who on the collections of information Based on discussions with industry
wish voluntarily to apply for summarized below. The Commission representatives, the staff estimates that
nomination to the NAFTA Chapter 19 plans to submit these existing it will require approximately 3 attorney
roster. It is expected that the collection collections of information to the Office hours 4 to draft and execute additional
of information burden will be under 3 of Management and Budget (‘‘OMB’’) for clauses in new subadvisory contracts in
hours. This collection of information extension and approval. order for funds and subadvisers to be
contains no annual reporting or record Rule 17e–1 (17 CFR 270.17e–1) under able to rely on the exemptions in rule
keeping burden. This collection of the Investment Company Act of 1940 17e–1. Because these additional clauses
information was approved by OMB (15 U.S.C. 80a–1) (the ‘‘Act’’) is entitled are identical to the clauses that a fund
under OMB Control Number 0350–0014. ‘‘Brokerage Transactions on a Securities would need to insert in their
Please send comments regarding the Exchange.’’ The rule governs the subadvisory contracts to rely on rules
collection of information burden or any remuneration that a broker affiliated 12d3–1, 10f–3, 17a–10, and because we
other aspect of the information with a registered investment company believe that funds that use one such rule
collection to USTR at the above e-mail (‘‘fund’’) may receive in connection generally use all of these rules, we
address or fax number. with securities transactions by the fund. apportion this 3-hour time burden
The rule requires a fund’s board of equally to all four rules. Therefore, we
Privacy Act directors to establish, and review as
The following statements are made in necessary, procedures reasonably 1 Rules 12d3–1, 10f–3, 17a–10, and 17e–1 require

accordance with the Privacy Act of designed to provide that the virtually identical modifications to fund advisory
1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a). The remuneration to an affiliated broker is a contracts. The Commission staff assumes that funds
would rely equally on the exemptions in these
authority for requesting information to fair amount compared to that received rules, and therefore the burden hours associated
be furnished is section 402 of the by other brokers in connection with with the required contract modifications should be
NAFTA Implementation Act. Provision transactions in similar securities during apportioned equally among the four rules.
2 We assume that funds formed after 2002 that
of the information requested above is a comparable period of time. Each
intended to rely on rule 17e–1 would have included
voluntary; however, failure to provide quarter, the board must determine that the contract provision in their initial subadvisory
the information will preclude your all transactions with affiliated brokers contracts.
consideration as a candidate for the during the preceding quarter complied 3 The use of subadvisers has grown rapidly over

NAFTA Chapter 19 roster. This with the procedures established under the last several years, with approximately 600
portfolios that use subadvisers registering between
information is maintained in a system of the rule. Rule 17e–1 also requires the December 2005 and December 2006. Based on
records entitled ‘‘Dispute Settlement fund to (i) maintain permanently a information in Commission filings, we estimate that
Panelists Roster.’’ Notice regarding this written copy of the procedures adopted 31 percent of funds are advised by subadvisers.
system of records was published in the by the board for complying with the 4 The Commission staff’s estimates concerning the

Federal Register on November 30, 2001. requirements of the rule; and (ii) wage rates for attorney time are based on salary
information for the securities industry compiled by
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

The information provided is needed, maintain for a period of six years a the Securities Industry Association. The $292 per
and will be used by USTR, other federal written record of each transaction hour figure for an attorney is from the SIA Report
government trade policy officials subject to the rule, setting forth: the on Management & Professional Earnings in the
Securities Industry 2006, modified to account for an
concerned with NAFTA dispute amount and source of the commission; 1800-hour work-year and multiplied by 5.35 to
settlement, and officials of the other fee or other remuneration received; the account for bonuses, firm size, employee benefits
NAFTA Parties to select well-qualified identity of the broker; the terms of the and overhead.

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