Jefferson-Madison Regional Library

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Jefferson-Madison Regional Library

(For Ff eoro/zorr)


a Introduction 1
o Circulation Graph (Z/ oS-6 / go / og) 2
o Regional Cost Allocations 3
a Local Jurisdictions-Proj ected Cost Allocations 4
o Local Funds D

a Department & Branch Allocations 6-tg

o Charlottesville & Albemarle 6-15, 19
a Mclntire-Historical Collection r4
o Monticello Avenue 15
a Greene County r6
a Louisa County 17
a Nelson County r8
o Bookmobile - Albemarle & Charlottesville L9

Jefferson-Madison Regional Library
zor East Market Street I Charlottesville,Virginia 21zgo2| (+SD 979-7LSLI FAX (qSD 971-Togs

RegionalLibraryenhancesthe qualityof life by

providingequalaccess Libraryseruesall ages,promotes
to information.TheRegional
reading,seryesas a life-longeducationalresource,and supporfsdemocracyby fosteringthe
free exchangeof ideas.[Adoptedby the LibraryBoard,September2009]

Publicuseof Jefferson-Madison RegionalLibrary(JMRL)has neverbeenheavier.ln the

midstof the GreatRecession. localresidentsturnedto theirlibrariesmorethaneverfor
continuingeducation,information, entertainment, andaccessto the Internet.Manylocal
residentsare usingthe libraryto searchforjobsandsubmitonlineapplications. Overthe
past2 years,circulationof librarymaterialsincreadedover11%.Visitsto the library
increasedover23o/o as morepeoplere-discovered the valueof the publiclibrary.Withinthe
past12 months,morethan1.2millionpeoplepassedthroughthe doorsof JMRLlibraries.

JMRLis addressing of limitedbudgetsin manywaysincluding

the challenges the installation
of self-checkout
stationsand increasingfines/fees
to supplement
the bookbudget.JMRL's
proposedoperational budgetfor FY2010-2011 includesonlymodestincreases
to the weekly
workhoursof severalcurrentstaffto keepup with growingworkload,No new positions
requested.Mostof the small,overallbudgetincreaseis neededto covermandatedchanges
in medicaland retirementrates.

The FY2010-2011 budgetwas developed basedon the goalsand objectives

JMRL'sFive-Year Plan.The Five-Year Planwasdeveloped by a 12-member planning
committee fromtheWeldonCooperCenterat UVAwithsignificant
withassistance inputfrom
librarystaffandthe generalpublic.The adoptedplanmaybe viewedonlineat

The librarybudgetfor FY2010-2011 was developed by the LibraryBoardof Trusteesand

librarystaffduringpublicmeetingsheldSeptember throughNovember 2009.Questions or
commentsaboutthe library'sproposed budgetor the Five-Year Planmaybe directedto John
201 EastMarketStreet,Charlottesville,VA 22902,or

AnthonyTownsend,President(Albemarle) HopeV. Payne(Charlottesville)

VicePresident (Greene) MikePlunkett(Charlottesville)
MaryCoy,(Nelson) FayeRosenthal (Louisa)
GaryGrant (Albemarle) TimothyF. JostTolson,(Albemarle)
SaraT. Murray(Charlottesville)

Serving Charlottesville,Albemarle County, GreeneCounty, Louisa County, and Nelson County

Northside 525,721 32.21%
Central 406,169 24.89%
GordonAve. 188,749 1,1,.56%
Crozet 13I,785 8.08%
Louisa 111.,009 6.8A%
Greene 706,r79 6.5r%
Nelson 73,179 4.48%
Scottsville 68,522 4.20%
Bookmobile 20,673 L.27%

TOTAL 1,631,986 100.00%

Albemarle 58.37% 58.13% 58.25Yo
Charlottesville 19.36% 19.47% 19.42%
Greene 8.87% 8.74% 8.80%
Louisa 8.12% 7.96% 8.04%
Nelson 5.28% 5.70% 5.49%

100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Thesecosts are atlocatedto the Gity of Gharlottesvilleand

AlbemarleCounty in direct proportion to their respective
sharesof circulationat the Gentral,Gordon Avenue,and

Albemarle 61.27Yo 60.28% 60.77Yo

Charlottesville 38.73% 39.72Yo 39-23%

100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Albemarle 54.86% s4.95% 54.90%

Gharloftesville 4s.14% 4s.05% 45.100h

100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Albemarle 85.66% 85.35% 85.51%

Charlottesville 14.34% 14.65% 14.49o/o

100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

ReferenceServicesallocationsare calculatedon samples

of actual use done twice each Year.

Albemarle 31.66% 37.20% 34.43o/o

Gharlottesville 64.29% 57.73% 61.01o/o
Greene 0.93% 1.77o/o 1.35%
Louisa 1.49% 1.21% 1.35%
Nelson 1.63% 2.09% 1.86%

100.00% 100.00% 100.00%


Administration 522,296 174.129 78,905 72,090 49,226 896,646

TechnicalServices 352.662 117,574 53,278 48,676 33,238 605,429
Sub-Total 874,959 291,703 132.183 120.767 82.464 1.502.075

Services 150.720 267.077 5,910 5.910 8,142 437.759

GentralLibrary 557.621 359.972 917,593

GordonAvenue 192,650 1s8.260 350,910

Northside 883,594 '149.728 1.033.322

Scottsville 178.454 178.454

Crozet 235.738 235.738
Louisa 206.346 206,346
Nelson 176.098 176.098
Greene 164.141 164.141
Bookmobile 76,962 20.458 6,900 104.320
Mclntire 39,090 39,090 78.179
Mont-AW 88.8s1 88.851 177.702

Sub-Total 3,278,638 1.375.139 302.233 339,923 266.704 5,562,637

lnterestDeduction 0 0 0 0 0 0

GrandTotal 3,278,638 1,375,139 302"233 339.923 266,704 5,562,637

FY 10Allocation 3.173.138 1,355,385 288,909 321.272 243,648 5.382.352

LouisaBookmobile 6,900 6.900

DollarChange 105.500 19,754 13.324 11,751 23,056 173.385

Salaries 3,067,150 3,142,877
SocialSecurity 235,640 240,434
Retirement 574,432 664,168
LifeInsurance 30,775 31,540
Healthinsurance 441,730 461,424
WorkersComp 10,200 10,200
Sub-Total 4,359,927 4,550,643

OfficeSupplies 30,000 30,000

Postage 30,500 36,000
Cleaning Supplies 5,850 5,850
Maintenance Supplies 4,800 4,800
Professional Services 135,900 136,500
Dues& Subscriptions 3 , 18 0 3,130
Telephones 42,900 27,805
Utilities 125,400 129,400
Printing/Duplicating 10,000 11,500
ServiceContracts 137,514 133,515
Conference Travel 1,700 1,700
LocalTravel 5 , 15 0 4,750
LocalMeals 1,300 1,500
Advertising 6,800 8,500
Insurance 31,850 31,500
Rent 286,124 286,124
Equipment Rental 2,000 2,000
Repairs& Maintenance 57,438 59,445
Education & Training 32,500 36,000
VehicleMaintenance 9,000 11,000
VehicleFuel 16,020 16,400
DataProcessing Charges
Freight 400 200
HVACCharges 19,470 19,275
OtherContractServices 9,000 10,500
Library Supplies
StaffAppreciation 3,000 3,000
Promotions 2,000 2,000
CvilleEmployment 19,529

Sub-Total 1,029,325 1,012,394

Salaries 371,191 378,615 2o/o
SocialSecurity 29,396 28,964 -1Yo
Retirement 88,963 106,482 20%
Lifelnsurance 3,750 3,820 2Yo
Healthlnsurance 35,230 36,465 4o/o
WorkersComp 10,200 10,200 0%
Sub-Total 538,730 564,546 5%

OfficeSupplies 30,000 30,000 0%

Postage 30,500 36,000 18%
Professional 124,400 125,000 0%
Dues& Subscriptions 1,700 1,900 60/o
Telephone 5,700 4,600 -19o/o
Printing/Duplicating 10,000 11,500 15%
ConferenceTravel 1,700 1,700 0o/o
LocalTravel 500 500 0o/o
LocalMeals 1,300 1,500 15o/o
Advertising 6,800 8,500 25%
lnsurance 29,900 29,900 0%
Rent 21,400 21,400 0%
Equipment Rental 2,000 2,000 0%
Repairs/Maintenance 500 500 jYo
Education/Training 32,500 36,000 11o/o
VehicleMaintenance 6,000 8,000 33Yo
VehicleFuel 7,700 8,000 4o/o
Freight 400 200 -50o/o
ServiceContracts 0o/o
StaffAppreciation 3,000 3,000 0%
Promotions 2,000 2,000 004
Sub-Total 318,000 332,100 4%
Salaries 393,962 401,841 2o/o
SocialSecurity 30,139 30,741 2%
Retirement 84,500 100,102 1lYo
Lifelnsurance 3,980 4,050 2%
Healthlnsurance 51,490 53,295 4%
Sub-Total 564,071 590,029 5To

Dues& Subscriptions 200 200 0o/o

LocalTravel 400 700 75%
Repairs/Maintenance 4,000 3,000 -25%
ProfessionalServices 11,500 11,500 0%
lT Services
Telephone 400
Sub-Total 16,100 15,400 4%
Salaries 299,415 305,198 2o/o
SocialSecurity 22,905 23,348 2%
Retirement 54,750 64,148 17%
LifeInsurance 2,940 2,990 2%
Healthlnsurance 40,650 42,075 4o/o
Sub-Total 420,660 437,759 4To

Salaries 491,348 499,377 2%
SocialSecurity 37,588 38,202 2o/o
Retirement 104,966 112,337 7%
LifeInsurance 4,990 5,060 1%
HealthInsurance 75,880 78,540 4o/o
Sub-Total 714,772 733,516 3%

Cleaning Supplies 3,500 3,500 0%

Maintenance Supplies 3,500 3,500 lYo
Dues& Subscriptions 200 200 0%
Telephone 11,000 7,500 -32o/o
Utilities 78,400 80,000 2o/o
ServiceContracts 50,814 49,000 -4%
LocalTravel zvv 100 -50%
Repairs/Maintenance 21,500 21,500 0%
HVACCharges 10,381 10,277 -1o/o
OtherContractServices 6,500 8,500 31o/o
Sub-Total 185,995 184,077 -1%
Salaries 199,781 196,077 -2o/o
SocialSecurity 15,283 15,000 -z-/o
Retirement 34,412 38,825 13%
LifeInsurance 2,000 1,950 -3o/o
HealthInsurance 32,520 33,660 4%
Sub-Total 283,996 285,512 1%

Cleaning Supplies 700 700 0%

Maintenance Supplies 300 300 0%
Dues& Subscriptions 100 100 0o/o
Telephone 4,000 4,000 Oo/o
Utilities 18,900 18,900 0o/o
ServiceContracts 23,840 26,000 9o/o
LocalTravel 100 100 Oo/o
Repairs& Maintenance 5,800 5,800 0%
HVACCharges 9,089 8,998 -1o/o
OtherContractServices '1,000 500 -50%
Sub-Total 63,829 65,398 2%
Salaries 478,894 495,978 4%
SocialSecurity JO,OJO 37,943 4o/o
Retirement 62,779 71,733 14o/o
LifeInsurance 4,730 4,910 4%
HealthInsurance 82,655 86,254 4%
Sub-Total 665,694 696,8{8 50h

Cleaning Supplies 700 700 0%

Maintenance Supplies 1,000 1,000 0o/o
Dues& Subscriptions 180 180 0o/o
Telephone 2,400 2,000 -17Yo
Utilities 17,000 19,000 12%
ServiceContracts 35,000 36,000 3%
LocalTravel 200 200 jYo
Repairs& Maintenance 8,000 12,700 59%
Rent 264,724 264,724 0%
Sub-Total 329,204 336,504 2%
Salaries 150,240 2Yo
SocialSecurity 11,494 2o/o
Retirement 21,346 14%
LifeInsurance 1,510 1%
HealthInsurance 25.745 1o/o

Cleaning Supplies 500 0o/o

200 -50%
Dues& Subscriptions
Telephone 1,600 60/o
4,400 -5%
10,000 -17%
LocalTravel 350 0To
250 -20o/o
Repairs& Maintenance 3,795 0%
Salaries 101,855 2%
SocialSecurity 7,792 2%
Retirement 19,874 19o/o
Lifelnsurance 970 2To
Healthlnsurance 13,550 4%

Cleanihg Supplies 450 0o/o

Dues& Subscriptions 200 0%
Telephone 2,100 0%
Utilities 5,000 4%
ServiceContracts 14,000 -31%
LocalTravel 600 0%
Insurance 700 43o/o
Repairs& Maintenance 10,816 -17o/o
Salaries 51,480 20h
SocialSecurity 3,938 2o/o
Retirement 12,937 20%
Lifelnsurance 520 2o/o
HealthInsurance 5,420 4o/o
Salaries 119,772 121,914 ZYo
SocialSecurity 9 , 16 3 9,327 2%
Retirement 20,507 23,878 16%
LifeInsurance 1,220 1,250 2%
HealthInsurance 17,615 18,233 4%
Sub-Total 168,277 174,602 4%

Dues. 150 100 -33%

Teleohone 10,000 -100%
Reoairs& Maintenance 1,500 1,500 0%
OtherContractServices 1,500 1,500 0%
Sub-Total 13,150 3,100 -76%
Salaries 140,132 142,934 2%
SocialSecurity 10,720 10,935 20
Retirement 21,243 25,010 18%
LifeInsurance 1,430 1,470 3Yo
HealthInsurance 18,970 19,635 4%
Sub-Total 192,495 199,984 4%

Dues& Subscriptions 100 100 0%

Teleohone 2,750 2,900 5%
LocalTravel 1,700 1,000 -41%
ServiceContracts 2,362 2,362 Oo/o
Sub-Total 6,912 6,362 -BYo
Salaries 108,491 9%
SocialSecurity 8,300 9%
Retirement 21,047 29%
LifeInsurance 1,115 9o/o
HealthInsurance 14 13%

Cleaning Supplies
Dues& Subscriptions 50 0o/o
Telephone 1,600 60/o
ServiceContracts 21 2533o/o
LocalTravel 700 0o/o
Repairs& Maintenance
Salaries 49,384 59,305 20%
SocialSecurity 3,779 4,537 20Yo
Retirement 9,723 12,153 25%
Lifelnsurance 480 600 25o/o
Healthlnsurance 8 , 13 0 11,220 38%
Sub-Total 71,496 87,815 23To

Telephone 1,000 365 -64%

Utilities 1,700 2,100 24%
Insurance 1,000 1,000 0%
Repairs& Maintenance 1,000 1,000 0%
Vehicle Maintenance 3,000 3,000 0o/o
Vehicle Fuel 8,320 8,400 1%
WirelessService 750 540 -28%
Dues 100 100 0o/o
Sub-Total 16,870 16,505 -2%

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