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Quiz 3 Marketing

Question 1
According to Professor Bell, its never been easier to start a new business, and a product idea for
a new business should do all of the following EXCEPT:
Be easy to explain and describe
Deliver exceptional value
NOT require much capital to test and scale
Address a large market
Always be a completely new idea

Question 2
In regards to execution, Professor Bell names four changes that are affecting the way new
businesses are coming about and growing. Which of the following is NOT one of these trends?
Collaborative consumption
Democratization in access
Luxurification of mass market
Value chain disruption
Matching of supply and demand

Question 3
In recent years, several major cities have started offering bike-sharing programs. In New York
there is Citi Bike, in London there is Barclays Cycle Hire, and in Paris there is Velib. What trend
do these bike sharing programs represent?

Democratization in access
Collaborative consumption
Matching of supply and demand
Value chain disruption

Question 4
Louisa wants to purchase a new watch and goes to her local jewelry store. She finds a watch that
she likes, but its more expensive than she was hoping to spend. There is another watch store in
the next town, which is 15 miles away and which may have some nice watches at better prices.
She ultimately decides against checking out the inventory of the other store because she doesnt
want to spend the time it would take to drive over. What type of friction has Louisa experienced?
Search friction
Travel friction

Customer friction
Geographic friction
Selection friction
Time friction
Constraint friction

Question 5
Jeff decides to move from Houston, Texas to Toronto, Canada. While Toronto has many benefits
that Houston does not, Jeff is disappointed to realize that he can no longer attend NFL football
games, which is one of his favorite things to do. What type of friction has Sam experienced?
Selection friction
Time friction
Constraint friction
Geographic friction
Customer friction
Travel friction
Search friction

Question 6
The virtual world is a _____ in larger places where we need to figure out what to do with our
free time.

Question 7
If you own a small bookstore in Philadelphia, are you more likely to sells books from the head
or the long tail?
The long tail

The head

Question 8
What is the supply-side hypothesis for the existence of the long tail?
Its now possible for sellers to offer a lot more variety because the economics of distributing
those products have changed dramatically.
Peoples tastes are more varied because they have access to a greater variety of products.
The internet has allowed many more people to become product suppliers.
Big hits are becoming even more popular among internet users.

Question 9
The average level of satisfaction __________ as you go from the head to the long tail.
Stays constant

Question 10
The Lorenz curve below shows that:

Bottom 70% of the population holds 30% of all of the income

Income is equally distributed in this population according to the Gini-coefficient
Top 30% of the population holds 30% of all of the income
50% of the population holds 50% of all of the income

Question 11
Research has shown that internet channels follow _________ distribution, whereas catalogues
follow _________ distribution.
an 80-20; a long-tail sales
a long-tail sales; a Gini-coefficient
a long-tail sales; an 80-20
a Gini-coefficient; a long-tail sales

Question 12
There is a greater number of sales of niche products on the internet for all of the reasons below
High-quality images
Non-directed search
Directed search

Question 13
The long-tail phenomenon is dependent on the:
Demand side

Supply side

Question 14
Please choose the best answer. In the context of marketing, the Law of Double Jeopardy states
You cant be tried for the same crime twice
Customers buy products and services that have been recommended by their peers
People like to watch hits twice but usually no more than that
Unfamiliar things are less well-liked

Question 15
People who dont read a lot of books tend to read best-sellers. What is this trend an example of?
Product centricity
Law of Natural Monopoly
Long tail

Question 16
Research shows that more isolated customers are _________ to shop online.
Less likely
More likely

Question 17
You are the owner of a company that makes high-end kitchen equipment and your target
customer group is wealthy, single adults between the ages of 26 and 40 years old. Which of the
following markets is most likely to have the greatest online sales?
Market B has 250 target customers and 750 non-target customers
Market D has 300 target customers and 1000 non-target customers
Market C has 300 target customers and 300 non-target customers

Market A has 250 target customers and 250 non-target customers

Question 18
True or false: a portion of the value in global stock markets is attributable to the brand power
of companies.

Question 19
Choose the best answer: from a marketing perspective, what is demonstrated by the following

The importance of digital marketing

The superiority of the Guinness brand
The difference in taste between many beer brands today
The importance of brand

Question 20
Professor Fader introduced us to the concept of CLV - customer lifetime value. Professor Bell
continued the discussion of CLV this week and explained that in the digital environment, CLV
needs to also incorporate RLV. What is RLV?
Referral lifetime value
Retail lifetime value
Recent lifetime value
Relative lifetime value

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