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Mark TwainRobel Mesfin


Robel Mesfin
Prof. Kim Nelson
Introduction to Humanities
30 June 2015

Mark Twain the lowest animal

Before I start to evaluate in my understanding the ideology of Mark Twain I would like to
mention some points on how economy is governing force nowadays, it has been long time since
economy became the governing force of the current world, because peoples view towards
economy has changed tremendously, economy of a family, a county, a city, a state and the
economy of overall population of a country governments started computation on economy
Majority of governments believe economic foundation is not only important for a strong modern
and educated population but this ideology is based on personal, family wide or nationwide
ideology to maintain self-interest with or without considering the advantage of others, it is also
important to influence the surrounding countries either economically or politically, but most of
the time there should be one governing force in one area to emerge economically strong.

Mark TwainRobel Mesfin


Based on the above facts, I will try to analyses the basic facts, Mark Twains
research is very interesting for me because he deeply understand the behavior of human being
in many ways. The most interesting part of his paper is that he analyses his arguments by
providing and comparing common facts of human being activities with other animals, he
chooses expressive and detailed words to show us the influences, creativity and general crimes
of human beings to other human beings and animals. Twains ideology also explains majority of
the facts that we see on the ground in our daily life,1I was aware that many men who have
accumulated more millions of money than they can ever use, in this cote he simply used to
show the greediness of human being comparing to another animals and how money was used
unfairly in this world to attack other human beings or animals. The world was governed by some
common forces among human beings which resulted computation not only for good works but
also for evil works too and greediness became the foundation for the majority problems in the
world, when we see majority of the conflicts of the world the core base is greediness, example
like division among people who have the same social cultural and linguistic base are results of
greediness either directly or indirectly, nobody expects a leader of one country to bring
socioeconomic improvement of the neighboring countries or in other, even medias tells us that
one country should be powerful over the neighboring country and their relation lies only on how
to defend and secure the advantages of their own individual countries, even two countries with
the same culture, language and history cannot trust each other as it was supposed to be
because greediness governs the world everyone believes somebody is taking advantage, even
the most powerful countries in the world focus in maintaining their interest only and this resulted
in a complex world that we are facing right now. Andrew Greely in 2004 Chicago Sun times
states that 2Greed is responsible for crooked cops and crooked politicians. Greed causes

1 Mark Twain
2 Andrew Greely

Mark TwainRobel Mesfin


the constant efforts to destroy unions that protect basic worker rights. Supremacy,
powerfulness and accumulating millions of dollars may not bring happiness because if we are
greedy the get the millions we will never ever satisfy our selves.
Mark Twain explains broadly the relationship between human being and animals, one of
the most important points of Twain is greediness, Mark Twain has explained it in the right way
majority of us specially those who were able to make millions of dollars are greedy, some of us
drive luxury cars, we spend tens of thousands in vacation, and we never satisfy our appetite,
but in the contrary we might have seen people living under bridges who always thanks their God
for giving them their daily food, actually life doesnt have the same definition for all people living
in this world, one might enjoy expensive vacation and others struggle for living end even some
they dont have shelter for living, I tried to research on some other papers which focuses on the
behavior of human being 3Man is the only animal that robs his helpless fellow of his countrytakes possession of it and drives him out of it or destroys him. Man has done this in all the
There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is in possession of its rightful owner, or that has
not been taken away from owner after owner, cycle after cycle, by force and bloodshed.
He also tried to explain by comparing the behavior of humans with other animals,
according to Mark Twain man is the only animal that robs his helpless fellow of his country.
Generally what he tries to explain is really important as we know majority of human being
accumulate wealth some of them even they cant finish it in their life time and power by taking
advantage of the poor people who are helpless, in the history of human being wealth and power
became the governing force and used as a tool to oppress the helpless poor people specially in
the ancient time the poor people were working only to get food for their daily needs.
3 Mark Twain

Mark TwainRobel Mesfin


According to Twain, 4Cats are loose in their morals, but not consciously so. Man, in his descent
from the cat, has brought the cat's looseness with him but has left the unconsciousness behindthe saving grace which excuses the cat. (Twain)
Twain also tried to compare the behavior of human being with cats, expressing man as
loos moral as similar as cuts but has left unconscious behind the saving grace which excuses
cat. In general it is very ungraceful full to understand that we human beings are not as good as
some animals like cats, but what I found very interesting is that man is mentioned as very
religious in the research of Mark Twain, he believes expressed man a very religious animal and
the only animal with true religion, and human beings are also expressed as the only animal
which loves its neighbors as himself. It is also interesting and frustrating to learn that man is the
only slave and the only animal who enslaves. I believe the multiple and endless needs of human
being putted humans in life complexity
To show the cruelty of human Mark Twain explained in his research by powerful word

man is the only Slave. And he is the only animal who enslaves. (Twain), I believe Twain was

trying to tell us how cruel a human being is because in other animals it is not common one kind
of animal to hurt another one of the same kind but in human being it is quite different human
being can be expressed in many ways different from the other animals but we need also to
consider the kind people also because human being is smart, cruel, but also kind. I believe the
main reason why some people are engaged in evil activities is due their personal and social
problems, and some due to the way their family raised them but economy and the needs of
human being also have some factor to our daily activities. Human being to engage in evil
activities of enslaving another humans, as Mark said man became the only animal which
4 Mark Twain
5 Mark Twain

Mark TwainRobel Mesfin


showed to the world being a slave and how to enslave. Mark twain also tried to explain the word
patriotism which is common to man, human beings attack other territories and society for many
reasons such as expansion, fun, economic gain and to enslave others. Generally even though
we are not sure how patriotism and flag resemblance introduced to this world nowadays flag is a
common sign which is used all over the world to imply the belongingness of the territory of the
area where the flag is putted, patriot days celebration also became common in any nation as a
sign of proud of your own patriots either who defended your territory or expanded territory.
In Conclusion we I believe Mark Twain tried to explain vast areas of human activities by
comparing them with other animals, and we can say man is intelligent brilliant animal who lives
in a civilized way by committing uncivilized, unfair, and greedy crimes on other human beings
and animals, Twain used definitely true arguments, and facts to concert his ideas towards the
activities nature of human beings and how they affect either positively or negatively other
human beings and animals.

Mark TwainRobel Mesfin


Work Cited
"America's Disease Is Greed." Common Dreams. Andrew Greeley, 20 Aug. 2004. Web. 01 July

Twain, Mark. "Lowest Animal." (1997)

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