Setting Goals For Personal Work

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Setting Goals for Personal Work

My goal is ______________________________________________

- Suggestions:
o Invite _______ people to our next gospel meeting.
o Invite _______ people to worship during the next ___ months.
o Speak to _____ people about Christ during the next month.
o Think about each person based on what we learn from Jesus’
conversation with the woman at the well.

Biblical Goal Setters

1. Gen 28:20 – 22 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me,
and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and
clothing to put on. So that I come back to my father’s house in peace, then
the Lord shall be my God and this stone which I have set as a pillar shall
be God’s house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to

2. Luke 2:49 Jesus call God His Father, and based on that He said, “…did you
not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”
a. We are children of God, made in His image; must we be about our
Father’s business?

3. Brainstorm the “self-talk” we have with ourselves that keeps us from

talking to others about Christ.
a. I don’t know how to start.
b. They will be mad if they know I question if they are saved or not.
c. It will be awkward.
d. It will mess up a good working relationship.
e. They do so much more within their belief than I do.

f. _____________________________________________________________

g. ____________________________________________________________
Biblical Personal Workers

4. Passages to reflect on when considering the self-talk that limits the people
we try to talk with.
a. Exodus 4:1-9 Moses argued with God about not being capable to
bring Israel out of Egypt. God does provide us what we need to
complete our work. Vs 30-31 Aaron spoke God’s words and
performed the signs…the people believed and worshipped God.
6:28-30 Moses continues to dwell on his inability rather than
recognizing that God is Who will do the work.

b. John 4:1-42 Jesus teaches the Samarian woman at the well. She
brings the town and Jesus teaches them, many of whom believed.
i. social reason for Jesus not to speak to her:
1. She was not a Jew.
2. She was a woman.
3. She was living in sin.
c. How did Jesus engage her in conversation?
1. He started with physical topic at hand. “Give Me a
2. He followed with a contrast between the physical and
the spiritual.
3. He did not tip toe around the issues but addressed them
4. The woman was not offended when He spoke the truth
about her relationship.

d. Mark 6:14-20 John talking to Herod about his unlawful marriage (vs
18) and Herod gladly heard him (vs 20).
i. What are examples of negative self-talk why not to tell Herod
the truth?
ii. What are positive examples of self-talk why to tell Herod the

e. Acts 18:24-28 Aquila and Priscilla explained the way of God more
accurately to Apollos.

5. Mark 10:28 – 31 Reward of those who have left this world’s blessing for
the gospel will be blessed with eternal life.

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