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Rehabilitation of Tibial Fracture

Schatzker Classification

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Treatment Goals
Orthopaedic Objectives
Prevent varus / valgus deformity
Prevent Instability
Prevent future degenerative changes

Bone Congruity restored
Rigidly Fixed

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Treatment Goals
Rehabilitation Objectives
Range of Motion
Restore ROM of knee ASAP (prevent functional
Restore ROM Ankle and Hip

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Treatment Goals
Rehabilitation Objectives
Muscle Strength

Quadriceps (knee extensor)

Rectus Femoris (flexing hip)
Hamstrings (primary knee flexors, assisting hip extension)
Satorius and Gracilis (supporting medial side)
Gastrocnemius (plantar flexor of the foot)

Functional Goals
Normalize the gait pattern and restore the stability of the
knee during stance phase

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Treatment Goals
Expected Time of Bone Healing
10-12 weeks (8 weeks Type I)

Expected Time of Rehabilitation

14-20 weeks

Methods of Treatment
Hinged Orthosis
External Fixation
Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Treatment Goals
Special Considerations of fracture
Location (IV-VI)
Injured anatomy

Associated Injury
Weight Bearing
NWB 3 Mos

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Treatment Goals
Gait Cycle

Stance Phase (60%)

Heel Strike

Quadriceps ~ Extend ~ Intraarticular Fx ~ antalgic Gait (<<)

Foot Flat

No problem

Mid Stance

Full Weight Tibia plateau not smooth ~ antalgic gait ~ hop off
(reduce pain)


Weight bearing << ~ may be painful

Swing Phase (40%)

No problem

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Early to Immediate (DOI 1 week)
Inflammatory phase
Orth & Rehab Consideration
PE: NVD, Ankle & Foot ROM, Compartement, Wound,
edema ~ elevation
Dangers: compartement synd, Drop foot, even minimal
displaced ~ future degenerative ~ work aggressively
Ro: Alignment , displacement
WB: NWB 3 Mos
ROM: early knee ROM (CPM, Active-Assistive), sitting
edge of seat~ 40-60 increasing 90 after 1 week
Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Early to Immediate (DOI 1 week)
Orth & Rehab Consideration
Muscle Strength: (-), when pain subsides ~ ankle
isotonic w/o resisance, gluteal exercises (help from
sitting to standing)
Functional Activities: NWB
Gait: 2 point NWB using crutches
Crutch + Sick = Healthy
Stairs: up~ healthy 1st, down~sick 1st
Difficult to ambulate in NWB: Toe touch

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Early to Immediate (DOI 1 week)
Methods of Treatment: specific aspect
Hinged Orthosis: adequate fit with the knee
ORIF: + Hinged orthosis ~ knee 0-90, no strengthening
exercise, ankle isotonic ex + gluteal sets
Ex Fix: across knee no ROM

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Two Weeks
Reparative Phase (osteoprogenitor cells
Osteoblast for woven bone
Orth & Rehab Consideration

PE: Wound, pain, parasthesia, CRT, Flexion knee ~90

Dangers: risk of displacement / loss of fixation
Ro: if not yet ORIF alignment?, ORIF done Position?
WB: NWB 3 Mos
ROM: active & Active assisted ROM exercise (0-90),
incr. Freq & intensity, ankle (+)

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Two Weeks
Orth & Rehab Consideration
Muscle strength: isometric exercises of Quadriceps at the
end of 2 weeks (prevent disuse artrophy)
Functional Activities: NWB
Gait: two-point NWB gait using crutches. Elderly Px ~ toetouch allowed while using walker

Method of Treatment: Specific Aspects

Hinged orthrosis: accomodate ROM
ORIF: + hinged orthosis remove evaluate wound
remove sutures dressing before hinged orthosis
Ex Fix: signs of Infection
Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Four - Six Weeks
Reparative phase, Bridging Callus, Stable (Confirm
with PE)
Orth & Rehab Consideration
PE: Wound, pain, parasthesia, CRT, Flexion knee ~90
Dangers: Fracture displacement, loss of fixation
Ro: loss of correction/displacement, varus/valgus
WB: NWB for 3 Mos
ROM: active & Active assisted ROM exercise (0-90),
incr. Freq & intensity, ankle & hip (+)
Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Four - Six Weeks
Orth & Rehab Consideration
Muscle strength: continue isometric exercise of
Quadriceps + start of Hamstring + continue ankle
Fucntional Activites: NWB
Gait: two-point NWB gait using crutches

Method of Treatment: Specific Aspects

Hinged orthrosis: accomodate ROM
ORIF: + hinged orthosis remove evaluate wound
remove sutures dressing before hinged orthosis
Ex Fix: signs of Infection
Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Eight - Twelve Weeks
Stable, early remodelling phase, woven lamellar,
fracture line starts disapperaring
Orth & Rehab Consideration
PE: Wound, pain, parasthesia, CRT, Flexion knee ~90
Dangers: Fracture displacement, loss of fixation
Ro: loss of correction/displacement, varus/valgus deformity,
callus, fracture line
WB: callus adequate + stable fracture + no collateral lig
tenderness/instabillity Partial Weight Bearing
ROM: active & Active assisted ROM exercise (0-90), incr.
Freq & intensity
Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Eight - Twelve Weeks
Orth & Rehab Consideration
Muscle strength: Quadriceps + Hamstring + Ankle
Fucntional Activites: if callus is adequate end of 12th
weeks PWB
Gait: WB regular gait pattern

Method of Treatment: Specific Aspects

Hinged orthrosis +/- ORIF: if no varus, valgus, ant, post
instabillity + callus discontinue. If instability (+) 24 weeks NWB
Ex Fix: change to ORIF/Hinged orthosis
Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Twelve to Sixteen Weeks
Stable, remodelling phase, woven lamellar,
Fracture line disappear
Orth & Rehab Consideration
PE: Wound, pain, parasthesia, CRT, Flexion knee ~90
Dangers: stiffness
Ro: loss of correction/displacement, varus/valgus
deformity, callus, fracture line & Callus
ROM: full extension + at least 90 degree of Flexion

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Twelve to Sixteen Weeks
Orth & Rehab Consideration
Strength: Quadriceps + Hamstring, resistive excercise
increase progressively
Functional activities: weaned of assistive devices
Gait: normalizing gait

Method of Treatment: Specific Aspects

Hinged orthrosis +/- ORIF: bear weight
Ex Fix: depend on changing to ORIF/Hinged orthosis

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.

Hoppenfeld S and Murthy VL. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fracture. Philadelphia: Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins. 2000.


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