Resume Fabio Baccanico

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Fabio Baccanico

Viale Ezio 5
Milano (MI), Italia
H +39 3668115200
Skype: baccanico.fabio
d.o.b.: 02-11-1989

Oct 2014 Consultant, PriceWaterHouseCoopers, PwC, Milan.
curr Strategy, operation and organization services in order to support the participation of
Companies and Institutions in Expo Milano 2015.
{ Support the customers in planning of ICT strategy (systems and process analysis, cost
estimation, market analysis);
{ Requirements definition, Design & Development of web-based matching plattoform Expo
Business Matching, allowing to strengthen worldwide visibility on the country records and
performances and the best occasion to foster national identity, industrial progress and
corporates best practices;
{ Create a Semantic Search Engine for companies correlation.
Operation and organization services to support the voluntary disclosure processes.
{ Planning a huge number of face-to-face meetings with the clients in a small amount of
{ Support the digitization of processes and procedures in order to complete the process
Market Analysis and Client Offering presentation production.

Feb 2014 Oct Consultant, Critiware s.r.l, Neapolis.

2014 Dependability advisory for a leader of aerospace technologies: logging process and practices
{ Analisys of logging practices and support the log reengineering activities of SATCAS
(Standard Air Traffic Control Automation System), latest generation of ATC Systems;
{ Improvement of 40% of quality of logging proccess and implementation of innovative
tool for data analysis allowed a decrease, up to 80%, of time for fault identification.

Apr 2013 Nov Research Scholar, Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at
2013 Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA.
{ Performed field failure data analysis for Blue Waters, Cray Petascale Machine. Communicated the findings of the study to the development and verification teams, enabling the
identification of reliability bottlenecks in platform codebase. Findings resulted in an
factor of 1.7 improvement of platform reliability.
{ Designed and implemented a pipeline to measure the resilience of production highperformance computing (HPC) systems through big data analysis (based on Apache
Hadoop), resulting in reducing the estimated time of 60% for system analysis;

Sep 2011 Masters Degree in Computer Engineering, University of Naples, Federico II,
Feb 2014 Napoli, 110/110 cum laude (GPA 30/30).


Relevant Skills

Team working and problem solving;

Analytical and result-oriented;
Knowledge of Itil V3 approach
Project Management techniques application, in reference to PMBOKs 5th edition

- Advanced knowledge of software life-Cycles model and use of design patterns

- Ability to acquire, identify, filter, interpret large set of data and analyze result using
statistical and empirical techniques, producing reports for executives;
- Dependability analysis of system through mining of event logs and manual failure

Relevant Technical skills

Languages Java, JSTL, Javacript, Perl,
Framework Hadoop, Storm, Spring,

DataBase MySQL, SQL server, Cassandra,

Statistics R, Matlab

Lessons Learned From the Analysis of System Failures at Petascale: the
Case of Blue Waters..
Event Logging in a Large-Scale Industrial Process: Practices and Reengineering
LogDiver: A Tool for Measuring Resilience of Extreme-Scale Systems and Applications.

English Full professional proficiency (B2)

2005 Class Representative.
2006 School Representative.

Caribbean Dances, Food&Cooking, Wine.

Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n.
196 "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali".


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