Henar Character Bio

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Name: Henar Zansari

Race: Human
Class: Warpriest
Deity: Sarenrae
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 26
Height: 64
Weight: 210lbs
Languages: Common, Varisian, Infernal

Henar was born to a Samsaran, humanoids in a near-eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth. As
is the custom among these mysterious people, the human child (for all naturally born Samsaran
children are human) was given up not long after birth to live a normal life in human society. In
this particular case, these humans were Varisians wandering the River Kingdoms. A nomadic
people with a rich culture of mystery and storytelling, they readily adopted the baby when
Whether by design or coincidence, Henar fit in without much difficulty. To anyone who didnt
know any different, he looked more than enough like his adoptive family to fit in, and he took
naturally to the travelling lifestyle of the Varisians.

Henars adoptive mother (Zeldana), father (Inigo), and older brother (Zandor).
His father and brother taught the young Henar how to handle a sword, while his mother
recognized some more supernatural talents in him, teaching the youngster how to help heal the
cuts and bruises his swordplay inflicted.

For many years, nothing out of the ordinary happened, as the Varisians traveled the lands and
plied their trades wherever they made camp. Henar grew into a strong young man and soon
found himself turning to both that strength and his prowess with a sword to help his family.
One such occasion was during a tournament in Maashinelle. It was a surprisingly informal affair,
with a come one, come all approach to contestants. Not something easily passed up by an
opportunistic young man who knew how to hold a sword. His family was supportive of this
initiative and remained so, even after Henar was not only declared the tournaments winner, but
also offered a position on Lord Arnefax fearsome Black Eagles.
While the decision wasnt necessarily an easy one, it was made swiftly nonetheless. Henar
swore fealty to his new employer, happy in the knowledge that doing so would make his familys
life significantly better. As is their nature, the clan wandered on as Henar remained behind.
As decisions go, this wasnt a bad one.
Henar learned a lot while riding with the Black Eagles. His family gained some significant
advantages while traveling through the River Kingdoms with one of their kin employed by
someone as powerful as Lord Arnefax, and they even made some efforts to pass either through
or by Maashinelle a few times in the subsequent years.
Fearsome as Lord Arnefax reputation was, and as dark a moral shade of gray the Black Eagles
were, Henar never truly perceived anything they did as bad. Let alone evil. Harsh and
unforgiving, on the other hand that they were, and it was something that was heavy on his
mind. Heavy enough that, after seven years of loyal service, he simply couldnt bring himself to
reject the notion of redemption any longer.
He requested, and to his surprise was lightly granted, a discharge from his position with the
Eagles and, not knowing what else to do, took to the road once more. He hopes to find his family
once again, but until then is content to aid others and discover how to best align his moral
compass into a, for a lack of a better word, more compassionate direction.

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