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Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their system. This type of malware forces its
victims to pay the ransom through certain online payment methods in order to grant access to their systems, or to get their
data back. Some ransomware encrypts files (called Cryptolocker). Other ransomware use TOR to hide C&C
communications (called CTB Locker).
The ransom prices vary, ranging from $USD 24 to more than $USD 600, or even its bitcoin equivalent. It is important to note,
however, that paying for the ransom does not guarantee that users can eventually access the infected system.
Users may encounter this threat through a variety of means. Ransomware can be downloaded by unwitting users by visiting
malicious or compromised websites. It can also arrive as a payload, either dropped or downloaded by other malware. Some
ransomware are delivered as attachments to spammed email.
Once executed in the system, a ransomware can either (1) lock the computer screen or (2) encrypt predetermined files with
a password. In the first scenario, a ransomware shows a full-screen image or notification, which prevents victims from using
their system. This also shows the instructions on how users can pay for the ransom. The second type of ransomware locks
files like documents, spreadsheets and other important files.
Ransomware is considered a "scareware" as it forces users to pay a fee (or ransom) by scaring or intimidating them. In this
sense, it is similar to the FAKEAV malware, though using a different tactic. Instead of capturing the infected system or
encrypting files, FAKEAV coax users into purchasing their bogus antimalware software by showing fake antimalware
scanning results.

Early Years
First cases of ransomware infection were seen between the years 2005 2006 in Russia. We first reported this incident
back in 2006, in which a ransomware variant (detected as TROJ_CRYZIP.A) zipped certain file types and overwrites these,
thus leaving only the password-protected zip files in the users system. It also created a notepad, which poses as the
ransom note to inform users that they can retrieve their files in exchange for $300.
During its initial phase, ransomware were typically files that encrypt particular file types (.DOC, .XL, .DLL, .EXE, just to name
a few).
By 2011, we first reported about SMS ransomware threat, in which users with infected systems were asked to dial a
premium SMS number. Detected as TROJ_RANSOM.QOWA, this variant also displays a ransomware page repeatedly to
users until they finally pay up the ransom via dialing a certain premium number.
To up the ante, we uncovered a ransomware that infects the Master Boot Record (MBR) of a vulnerable system. By targeting
the MBR, this variant prevents the operating system from loading. To do this, the malware copies the original MBR and
overwrites it with its own malicious code. After doing this routine, it automatically restarts the system for the infection to take
effect. When the system restarts, the ransomware displays its notification (in Russian).

Ransomware Leaps Outside Russia

Ransomware infection was initially limited to Russia. But its popularity and profitable business model soon found its way in
other countries across Europe. By March 2012, we have noticed the continuous spread of ransomware infection across
Europe (and the United States, Canda). Similar to TROJ_RANSOM.BOV, this slew of ransomware displays a notification
page from the victims local police agency instead of the typical ransom note (see Reveton, Police Ransomware below).
We also uncovered a different tactic to spread ransomware variants. Certain threat actors compromised a popular French
confectionary shops website to serve TROJ_RANSOM.BOV. This watering hole-like tactic resulted to widespread infection

in France and Japan (where the shop has a significant fan-base). Instead of the usual ransom
note, TROJ_RANSOM.BOVdisplays a fake notice from the French police agency Gendarmerie Nationale.

The Rise of Reveton or Police Ransomware

Reveton (also known as Police Ransomware or Police Trojan) is a type of ransomware that impersonates law enforcement
agency. These malware typically shows a notification page purportedly from the victims local law enforcement agency,
informing them that they were caught doing an illegal or malicious activity online.
To know which local enforcement agency is applicable to users, Reveton variants track the geographical location of their
victims. Thus, affected users living in the US receive a notification from the FBI, while those located in France are shown
with a notice from the Gendarmerie Nationale.
Reveton variants also employ a different payment method in comparison to early ransomware attacks. Once system is
infected with Reveton variants, users are prompted to pay through UKash, PaySafeCard, or MoneyPak. These payment
methods afford ransomware perpetrators anonymity, as both Ukash and PaySafeCard have faint money trail.
In 2012, we have seen different types of Reveton variants exhibiting new techniques. During the latter part of that year, we
reported about variants that play an audio recording using the victims native language and another one bearing a fake
digital certificate.
The Evolution to CryptoLocker
In late 2013, we saw a new type of ransomware emerge. These ransomware variants now encrypt files, aside from locking
the system. This is to ensure that users will still pay up even if the malware itself was deleted. This new type of ransomware
was dubbed as CryptoLocker due its new behavior. Like previous types of ransomware, these malware demand payment
from affected users, this time to unlock their now-encrypted files.

Although the ransom note in CryptoLocker only specifies RSA-2048 as the encryption used, our analysis shows that the
malware uses AES + RSA encryption.
RSA is asymmetric key cryptography, which means it uses two keys. One key is used to encrypt the data and another is
used to decrypt the data. (One key is made available to any outside party and is called the public key; the other is kept by
the user and is called the private key.) AES uses symmetric keys (i.e., the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt
The malware uses an AES key to encrypt files. The AES key for decryption is written in the files encrypted by the malware.
However, this key is encrypted with an RSA public key embedded in the malware, which means that a private key is needed
to decrypt it. Unfortunately, the said private key is not available.
Further research revealed that a spam campaign was behind the CryptoLocker infections. The spammed messages contain
malicious attachments belonging to TROJ_UPATRE, a malware family characterized by its having small file size and a
simple downloading function. It downloads a ZBOT variant which then downloads the CryptoLocker malware.
Near the end of 2013, a new variant of CryptoLocker emerged with propagation routines. This
variant, WORM_CRILOCK.A, can spread via removable drives, a routine unheard of in other CRILOCK variants. This means
that the malware can easily spread compared to other variants. This new variant doesnt rely on downloader malware like
CRILOCK to infect systems; rather, it pretends to be an activator for software in peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing sites.
Technical differences have led some researchers to believe this malware is a product of a copycat.
Another file encrypting ransomware soon came into the picture. This malware, known as CryptoDefense or Cryptorbit, like
other encrypting ransomware, demands payment for its decryption services. Detected by Trend Micro
asTROJ_CRYPTRBIT.H, this variant encrypts database, web, Office, video, images, scripts, text, and other non-binary files.
It also deletes backup files to prevent restoration of encrypted files.
The Foray into Cryptocurrency Theft
Ransomware soon began to incorporate yet another element: cryptocurrency (e.g., Bitcoin) theft. We came across two
variants of this new malware, called BitCrypt , The first variant, TROJ_CRIBIT.A, appends .bitcrypt to any encrypted files

and uses an English-only ransom note. The second variant, TROJ_CRIBIT.B , appends .bitcrypt 2 and uses a multilingual
ransom note, with 10 languages included. CRIBIT variants use the encryption algorithms RSA(426)-AES and RSA(1024)AES to encrypt the files. This malware also requires that the payment for unlocking files come in the form of Bitcoins.
It was discovered that a variant of the FAREIT information stealing malware, TSPY_FAREIT.BB, downloads
TROJ_CRIBIT.B. This FAREIT variant can steal information from various cryptocurrency wallets,
including wallet.dat(Bitcoin), electrum.dat (Electrum), and .wallet (MultiBit). These files contain important information such as
transaction records, user preferences, and accounts.
POSHCODER: PowerShell Abuse
A new variant of Ransomware and Cryptolocker threats surfaced that leverages the Windows PowerShell feature to encrypt
files. Trend Micro detects this as TROJ_POSHCODER.A. Windows PowerShell is a built-in feature in Windows 7 and higher.
Cybercriminals often abuse this feature to make threats undetected on the system and/or network.

POSHCODER uses AES in encrypting the files and RSA 4096 public key in encrypting the said AES key. Once all files on
the infected system are encrypted, it displays the following image:

Ransomware Infects Critical Files

While crypto-ransomware may have become popular with cybercriminals, this doesnt mean that other types of ransomware
have disappeared from the landscape. We recently came across police ransomware that locks the screen of the infected

What makes this particular ransomware different from other police ransomware is that its infection vector is patched
malware. Patched malware is any legitimate file that has been modified (via addition or injection) with malicious code.
Modifying a legitimate file can be advantageous to cybercriminals as the rate of execution of malicious code will depend on
the infected files frequency of use.
Another distinction for this ransomware is that it infects user32.DLL, a known critical file. Infecting a critical file can be
considered an evasion technique as it can help prevent detection by behavioral monitoring tools. Additionally, cleaning
critical files such as user32.DLL requires extra care as one misstep can crash a system, which could be seen as a possible
obstacle for cleaning tools.
The infected user32.DLL will begin a chain of routines that ends with the ransomware being loaded. Included in the
ransomwares routines is locking the computers screen and projecting a ransom image, similar to previous police
ransomware messages.
Future of Ransomware
In our 2013 Security Predictions, we predicted that conventional threats like ransomware are likely to evolve gradually, as
cybercriminals will focus mainly on refining existing tools. This is partly propelled by the ongoing arms race between certain
cybercrime groups and security researchers. Because of the positive developments in catching these groups, like the arrests
of certain FAKEAV groups and ransomware key figure, we can expect ransomware variants to contain new functions and
other improvements in terms of stealth mechanism.
Critroni or Curve-Tor-Bitcoin (CTB) Locker came about in 2014. This type of ransomware uses the Tor network to mask its
C&C communications. Some variants of this ransomware asks for bitcoins as ransom. CTB Locker variants in 2015
introduced "freemium" - free decryption service. Also in 2015, TorrentLocker ransomware attacks were prevalent in the
Australia-New Zealand region. This particular ransomware adds CAPTCHA code and redirection to a spoofed site.

Within a couple of years, we have seen ransomware evolved from a threat targeting Russian users into an attack affecting
several European and North American countries. With profitable a business model and payment schemes affording
anonymity for its perpetrators, we may be seeing more of ransomware in the coming years. Thus, it is crucial for users to
know how ransomware works and how to best protect themselves from this threat.
Ransomware Families
Below are known ransomware families:

Family Name


First spotted early 2012; Encrypts files into a password-


Anti Cyber Crime

protected; Cybercriminals behind this ransomware asks payment

Department of

thru Moneypak, Paysafe, or Ukash to restore the files and unlock

Federal Internet

the screen; Known as a multi-component malware packaged as a

Security Agency

self-extracting (SFX) archive; May come bundled with third party


applications such as Sdelete andWinRAR

First mobile ransomware spotted; Uses Tor, a legitimate service
that allows anonymous server connections; Users with mobile
devices affected by this malware may find the files stored in their


mobile device rendered useless and held for ransom

Similar to CRILOCK with its use of RSA-AES encryption for target
files; Version 1 uses RSA-426; Version 2 uses RSA-1024; Appends
the string bitcryp1 (for version 1) and bitcrypt2(for version 2) to



the extension name of the files it encrypts

Employs Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) for its C&C server
connection; October 2013 - UPATRE was found to be the part of
the spam mail that downloads ZBOT, which further downloads



Uses advanced encryption standard (AES-128) cryptosystem; The



word Cryptolocker is written in the wallpaper it uses to change an


affected computer's wallpaper

Encrypts files and appends the corresponding email address


contact for file decryption

Encrypts data files; Ensures there is no recovery of encrypted files
by deleting its shadow copies; Arrives via spam mail that contains
Critroni, CTB Locker,an attachment, actually a downloader of this ransomware; Uses

social engineering to lure users to open the attachment; Uses Tor



to mask its C&C communications





To decrypt files, it asks users to pay ransom money in bitcoin

Encrypts files and demands users to pay in bitcoin to decrypt
files; Offers a one-time free test to decrypt one file
Uses unique public key generated RSA-2048 for file encryption
and also asks users to pay 1 bitcoin to obtain private key for

decrypting the files

Reported to be the updated version of CRYPTODEFENSE; Uses
bitocin currency as mode of payment; Uses Tor network for



anonymity purposes; Arrives via spam mail, following UPATRE-


ZBOT-RANSOM infection chain; CryptoWall 3.0 comes bundled

CryptoWall 3.0

with FAREIT spyware

Shows troll face image after file encryption

Changes the wallpaper to picture of walls and asks users to pay


the ransom
batch file

Arrives thru DOWNCRYPT; A batch file ransomware capable of


encrypting user files using GNU Privacy Guard application

batch file

Arrives via spam email; Downloads BAT_CRYPTOR and its



components such as a decoy document


VirLock, VirRansom Infects document files, archives, and media files such as images



Discovered in 2005; first ransomware seen

One of the first ransomware that encrypts files using certain
extension names; Target files include Microsoft Office documents,
PDF files, and other files deemed information-rich and relevant to


most users; Adds the string GLAMOUR to files it encrypts

Payload of the attack related to YouTube ads that lead to the


Sweet Orange exploit kit


Backdoor that has screen locking capabilities; Asks for ransom

Generic detection for applications that restrict the users from fully
accessing the system or encrypts some files and demands


a ransom in order to decrypt or unlock the infected machine

Locks screen using a bogus display that warns the user that they
have violated federal law; Message further declares the user's IP
address has been identified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation


Police Ransom

(FBI) as visiting websites that feature illegal content

64-bit ransomware; Attempts to use Shell_TrayWnd injection;


Enables TESTSIGNING option of Windows 7




Downloads GULCRYPT and its components

Archives files with specific extensions; Leaves a ransom text file



containing the instructions on who to contact and how to unpack


the archives containing user's files

Encrypts the databases in the web server making the website
unavailable; Uses HTTPS to communicate with the C&C server;


PHP ransomware

Decrypt key is only available in the C&C server


Dirty Decrypt

First seen in 2013 before the emergence of Cryptolocker

Detection for images, text, and HTML files which contain ransom


notes that are indicators of compromised (IOC)

What Can Users Do?

Users infected by ransomware should do the following:

Disable System Restore.

Run your anti-malware to scan and remove ransomware-related files.
Note that some ransomware requires extra removal steps such as deleting ransomware files in Windows Recovery Console.
Be sure to follow all required steps to completely remove the specific ransomware your computer has.

To prevent ransomware infections, keep these things in mind:

Backup your files regularly.

Apply software patches as soon as they become available. Some ransomware arrive via vulnerability exploits.
Bookmark trusted websites and access these websites via bookmarks.

Download email attachments only from trusted sources.

Scan your system regularly with anti-malware.
Trend Micro Protection
Trend Micro Smart Protection Network offers protection for users by blocking this threat from possible points of infection.
Specifically, it prevents access to malicious websites hosting ransomware variants, and blocks IP addresses and C&C
servers that ransomware variants access. It also blocks spam and email messages verified to carry ransomware disguised
as attached files. Most importantly, it detects and deletes ransomware variants if found in the system.
To combat ransomware in your home and home office PCs, try the following Trend Micro products that uses the power of the
Smart Protection Network:

Housecall (Free Online Virus and Spyware Scan)

Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security (Advanced Protection for Consumers)
Ransomware also affects office networks and workstations. The following Trend Micro products ensure the safety and
protection of your corporate networks and desktops against ransomware attacks:

OfficeScan (Endpoint Protection for Physical and Virtual Desktops)

In addition, Deep Discovery protects your corporate network from ransomware - from monitoring communication ports,
analyzing malware, and network traffic monitoring. These prevents the spread of ransomware to other computers in the
corporate network and contains the threat should it be detected at any level.
Other detection and removal tools for ransomware known as CryptoLocker are available for your use:

Threat Cleaner for GOZ and CryptoLocker for 32-bit systems

Threat Cleaner for GOZ and CryptoLocker for 64-bit systems

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