Tech Meeting

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Tech Meeting: Saturday February 7 @ 3 pm in office

Personnel: Hammer, Smokey, Aidian, Bruno, Ron, Paul, Justin R., Nikki,
Brandon, Zack, Mark, Dave, Taylor (Postponed)
Greeting (10 minutes)
Good afternoon,
First off, thank you for coming today, I know we all have things
going on so well try to make this as informative as possible. The goal
of today is that you all can setup, and test, all equipment without any
assistance. This is the first of the quarterly tech meetings we will be
having as a refresher for those that dont get a chance to use all of the
items we have in stock for the 2015 wedding season. Today we will be
covering: Frank navigation, all possible DJ booth variations, TV setup,
lighting placement and calibration, Gobo setup and focus, Photo booth
stations, and all of the new items, which some of you may have seen
already (i.e. new apps, green screen, moving heads). Proper attire,
appearance, and courtesy on site, as always, are paramount. You will
NEVER drink or smoke in LCDJs attire. We hold our brand to a higher
standard and expect all employees to act accordingly.
-Any questions? (Movement to TV for Frank brief)
Cover Frank navigation (10 minutes)
Stations: Group instruction at each station.
*Clipboard checklist for every job
*Neatness is paramount
*Treat all gear as if it was your own
DJ (30 minutes)
o Half-sub/sub stand, and wireless mic // half-tripod stand,
(Speaker height)
o Up light controller // uplit faade w/ 3 lights (tripod white
o How to replace batteries (where to put the old)
o 1 wireless speaker
o Perform checks (around the room)
Mics, lights, sound

TVs, Lights, Gobo (50 minutes)

o 1 TV connected to comp // 1 TV with media player


Moving heads on top (1 with gobo) (Smokey)

Stand alone gobo
Box of 4 lights + 2 wired up lights
Download Live Mobile

Photo booth (2Hot) and party box w/ curtains (L-shape) + table

(30 minutes)
o Table location in relation to booth (No props, they have pic)
o Change s/s
o Changing media

*Clean up after yourself! Regarding the venue as well as the van

*Any dirty scrim or broken gear is to be set-aside after unloading
Remediation if necessary/Break (10 minutes)
Aidian power point (New Gear) (40 minutes)
Green screen
Closing address (5 minutes)
Once again, thank you all for attending. We are looking into the
first week of April for our next meeting to keep everyone up to date.
Please keep in mind appearance and professionalism on all events to
which you are assigned. Anyone who does not have polos or jackets
(or only one) to now come up and grab one.
Also, by the end of this weekend, please post your days off as soon as
possible because we are scheduling at a cyclic rate and jobs keep
pouring in.
Blackout days so far this year are as follows: (AIDIAN)
If there are any issues with these dates, feel free to discuss the
situation with Duane.
We will be staying behind to cover anything that anyone wishes to
have more direct instruction on.
Are there any questions?
Enjoy your evening (adjourn meeting)

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