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Homeopathy and
breast cancer
By Dr Leow Chee Seng, British Institute of Homeopathy Regional Director
A better understanding of how homeopathy treatments work can help address breast
cancer issues with changes in your diet.


hile the general populace often refer
to particular disease as being ‘incurable’,
a lot of homeopaths are still often consulted by
patients who have those very same conditions
– and there are many instances of those well
on their way to recovery once they have started
homeopathic treatments.

Given this background, it is so sad that a lot of people

don’t realise that homeopathy as alternate therapy
could help them and they really do not have to put
up with so much unnecessary suffering.

Worse, it is often quite surprising just how little There are also instances when certain conditions
people know about homeopathy. It is usually can’t be diagnosed despite the individual feeling
misunderstood as a concept – people think it is chronically tired and below par for many years
similar to herbalism or has something to do with (these symptoms can often precede more serious
nutrition and diet. conditions) – after many tests and undergoing
rather unpleasant investigations.
The problem is also that some are simply dismissive
of homeopathy or speak condescendingly about Since homoeopathy treats the individual as a whole,
such therapy without actually knowing what it is; rather than just the disease, it is possible to treat
others think it is only suitable for minor ailments people successfully if they are feeling very unwell, in
and that it is essential to take the ‘right’ medicine for pain or with unpleasant symptoms – including those
something serious. for whom there is, as yet, no orthodox diagnosis.
All such ideas are incorrect – they invariably Homeopathy recognises that many things
occur when people know little or nothing about contribute to the development of disease – from the
homeopathy or its philosophy. toxic load we acquire through daily life, weaknesses
and tendencies towards certain diseases we may
Homeopathy has been used since the late 1700s to inherit and all sorts of stresses, both emotional and
treat a variety of conditions. A 1999 BBC telephone physical – these result in the body’s natural healing
survey reported that 17% of a random selection of powers failing.
1,204 adults in Britain were found to have had used
homeopathy in the previous year. Thus, homeopathy can prevent the onset of many
People tend to turn to homeopathy or other serious conditions as the progression of disease
alternative therapies after they have tried orthodox results in the body running out of the energy to
medicine and it has either failed them completely heal itself – as the homoeopathic remedy acts as a
or they have had to cope with unpleasant or serious stimulus which boosts this energy and so assists in
side effects from the drugs. the healing process.

22 MAR/APR 2010 • OH!


actually stimulate the body’s own defenses in the

prevention or treatment of specific diseases.

It is not simply a coincidence that both of these

treatments are derived from the homeopathic
‘principle of similars’.

How it works
The human body is truly amazing! It possesses the
capability to heal itself in many situations. Even
long-standing complaints can be reversed once the
body knows how to heal itself.

This is a very important concept to grasp. The

Origins homeopathic remedy does not itself cure sickness
The word ‘homeopathy’ is derived from the two or alleviate symptoms. The remedy tells the vital
Greek words of homoios (which means similar) and force what is wrong and empowers the vital force
pathos (suffering). to do something about it!

Homeopathy’s basic premise is called the ‘principle Homeopathy is based on the notion of treating like
of similars’ – as it refers to recurrent observation with like – that means a substance that can cause
and experiences which a medicinal substance certain symptoms can also be used to resolve
will elicit a healing response; for the specific similar symptoms.
syndrome of symptoms (or suffering) that it has
Patients are treated with very low dose preparations
been proven to cause when given to healthy people
of substances, which produce symptoms similar
in overdose.
to those experienced by the patient. Patients’
symptoms are then monitored, and treatment is
A homeopathic remedy is rather special – adjusted accordingly.
it involves giving only a very minute dose of
the prescription substance. This means that As a result, the homeopathy treatment is highly
the remedies are not addictive and do not have individualised and will vary from patient to patient
side effects. and also between practitioners.

The beauty of the ‘principle of similars’ is that Conditions that can be commonly treated with
it not only initiates a healing response, but it homeopathy include:
encourages a respect for the body’s wisdom. • where there is no known diagnosis and tests are
The ‘principle of similars’ may be one of nature’s normal but the patient feels unwell;
laws that, when used well, can be one of our most • chronic conditions where there may be poor
sophisticated healing strategies. prognosis without sufficiently effective
Because symptoms represent the best efforts of • conditions where drug treatments are poorly
our body in its defenses against infection or stress, tolerated or contra-indicated; and
it makes sense to utilise a medicine that helps and • those who suffer from repeated episodes of
mimics this defense rather than that which inhibits acute illnesses. prognosis without sufficiently
or suppresses it. effective treatments;
• conditions where drug treatments are poorly
It is important to note that immunisations and tolerated or contra-indicated; and
allergy treatments are two of the very few • those who suffer from repeated episodes of acute
applications in modern medicine today that illnesses.

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Breast cancer
Breast cancer is the third most common cancer folic acid supplements must not be taken by cancer
worldwide and is the most common cancer among patients who are also taking the chemotherapy drug
women. Various health promotion programs have methotrexate.
been conducted to create awareness because breast
cancer has been the second leading cause of cancer Insoluble fibre from grains helps reduce the risk of
admission in hospitals. breast cancer among young women. Fibre lowers
oestrogen levels in premenopausal women but not in
Now, breast cancer is in the fourth place in terms post-menopausal women.
of cancer deaths, accounting for 6-8% of all cancer
deaths. (Ministry of Health Malaysia, 2005). Phytate, an active component in fibre, and isoflavones
provide protection in the absence of a decrease in
Before looking at possible homeopathic treatments for oestrogen levels. In practice, this means switching
breast cancer, it would be good to refer to the article from white rice to brown rice or from bakery products
ABC of breast diseases written by Dr K McPherson and made with white flour or mixed flours to 100% whole
published in the British Medical Journal. wheat bread, whole rye crackers and whole grain
pancake mixes.
Of the few factors which can affect the risk of having
breast cancer: Diet changes
• the later the age of the first menstrual cycle, the When I encountered a patient that was diagnosed
lower the risk; with the last stage of breast cancer, she said the
• full-term pregnancy at an early age lowers the risk; oncologist had told the patient to enjoy her last six
• being overweight increases the risk of post- months in her life.
menopausal breast cancer;
• use of hormone replacement therapy increases Understandably, she was quite depressed
the risk, but this increase in risk has been reported with this prognosis.
to disappear shortly after hormone use is
• being older at the time of the last menstrual cycle
confers a higher risk compared with women who
have had their last menstrual cycle at a younger
age; and
• use of oral contraceptive increases risk of
postmenopausal breast cancer.

Several clinical researches have also proven that

women who drink alcohol have a higher risk of breast
cancer compared with teetotalers. Alcohol increases
level of oestrogen that stimulates the increase of
the risk.

Female drinkers with low intake of folic acid had a

32% higher risk of breast cancer as compared with
nondrinkers. The folic acid supplement is useful among
women who drink alcohol because folic acids are able
to reverse the damaging effect alcohol on DNA.

A research concluded that this supplement of at

least 600mcg per day was associated with a 43%
reduction of risk factor for breast cancer. However,

24 MAR/APR 2010 • OH!


I advised her to shift from a normal diet to the you to take a dressing of salads with olive oil and a little
vegetarian diet. I told her to steam all the organic wine vinegar three times a week. Vinegar stimulates
vegetables and do without salt and oil during food qi flow, which is helpful in addressing the stagnant
preparation. Surprisingly, after seven years, I was able condition of this energy in our bodies.
to meet her and have a wonderful dinner with her.
I would also recommend consumption of Brassica-
In retrospect, this shouldn’t be quite so surprising genus vegetables such as cabbage, turnip, kale,
because female vegetarians have been reported to cauliflower and broccoli.
have lower oestrogen levels compared with meat-
eating women. Brussels sprouts have been recommended in general
by the National Cancer Institute for cancer prevention
In addition, tomatoes help reduce the risk of breast properties. These contain dithiolthiones (a group of
cancer. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that compounds which have anti-cancer, antioxidant
is similar to beta-carotene. Lycopene is able to inhibit properties), indoles (substances which protect against
proliferation of cancer cells. breast cancer) and sulphur – which has antibiotics and
antiviral characteristics.
Higher intake of tomatoes intake of tomatoes
reportedly reduces risk of variety of cancers in 57 of 72 This family of vegetables also mildly stimulates the
studies. Besides, tomatoes also improve condition of liver and other tissues out of stagnancy. Cabbage and
prostate and lung cancer. its juice are particularly useful because they help clear
mental depression.
Further, onions and garlic are rich sources of the
potent anti-cancer bioflavonoid quercetin. One onion Note that methods of meat preparation can be directly
daily inhibits malignant cell growth and cooking does associated with risk factor of getting breast cancer.
not destroy the effectiveness of quercetin. Well-done meat contains more carcinogenic materials
than does lightly-cooked meat. Still, genetic factors
Garlic also contains large quantities of antiviral, may determine which women increase their risk of
antibiotics and antifungal/anti-yeast compounds breast cancer by eating well-done meat.
such as allicin. Thus, it is useful in the treatment
of breast cancer with concurrent candida proliferation. Some research has been done on the relationship
Garlic compounds too appear to be effective between the co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and risk factors
against leukaemia. of breast cancer. Studies in Denmark and the US on the
effects of CoQ10 among 32 breast cancer patients found
Then, omega-3 fatty acids rich in fish are seen to be that only one patient suffered a recurrence and all are
responsible for protection against cancer. Fish eaters still alive.
have reportedly lower risk of contracting breast cancer.
Hence, fish oil supplement is always associated with Patients continued to do well after two years of
reducing the risk of contracting breast cancer. supplementation, and after three to five years,
surprising improvements were reported in two patients
Another finding is that olive oil consumption is able to who had had advanced disease at the beginning of
reduce the risk factor of contracting breast cancer. As the trial. Unfortunately, CoQ10 remains unproven as a
a strategy of cancer prevention, I would recommend cancer treatment. OH!

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