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Hassan Alzahrani Statement of Purpose

I completed my Bachelor of Science degree in Riyadh, after getting an

opportunity to attend King Saud University (KSU), which is considered as a premier
educational institute for science education, particularity for computer science and
information technology in the entire Middle East region. During my Bachelor of Science
degree in Information Systems, I undertook courses related to Computer Science,
Information Systems, Business Programming, Information Management, and Accounting.
This is where my passion for this field grew and I realized I wanted to pursue a career in
relation to Computer Science that I could apply in every day business environment.
After graduation, I became professionally active and worked for a few
organizations at different positions, which were associated with the fields of Information
Systems and Information Technology. My major roles and responsibilities in these
organizations covered various tasks such as the design, implementation, operation, and
support of technical and commercial solutions of Hewlett Packards OpenView and Cisco
Networking products. Implementations of company/campus wireless networks, IP
telephony and Virtual Switching Systems, I gained extensive experience of putting
solutions for a variety of clients and their needs. This helped me in getting an insight of
various organizational requirements and practical implications of the knowledge and
skills which we acquire during our academic years. By being part of the development and
mantainance of enterprise networks, enterprise systems, their management and solution
integrations, I observed how techology can drastically impact customer business and its
success by improving productivy and efficiency real time. This deepened my already
serious interest in the field and the desire of getting to know the Computer Science side
of things that could then help me work on business solutions for variety of clients. While
working with Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital, I realized the need of pursing a Master
Degree that would help me respond to substential Information Technology needs of this
hospital. By dealing with extensive data that requires strong security, we needed to find
ways to establish better traffic control at the hospital and this is where my interest in
Network Architecture and Optimazation was born. I knew that pursusing a Masters
degree would increase my knowledge and help guide me in the next step of pursuing a
doctorate degree related to this field.

The idea of pursuing graduate education in this area of study brought me to the
United States where I joined Hood College as a student of the Computer Science
department. I have completed three semesters of valuable learning thus far and I am
looking forward to completing my degree in this coming Fall semester. During my
studies, I had an opportunity to work as a Teaching Assistant for Computer Forensics and
Network and Telecommunications classes. Working in these specified areas helped me
develop my knowledge of all components withing Forensics Toolkit Product (FTK) made
by AccessData, as well as my expertise in Graphical Network Simulator (GNS3) for
Telecommunications purposes.
As my last semester is approaching, I plan on pursuing a doctorate degree in
Information Technology. I am driven by the purpose of enhancing my knowledge and
skills that I have accumulated during my Bachelor and Masters degree and while
working with different organizations. Moreover, a doctorate degree would help me in
acquiring a very specific knowledge and information regarding a specific area of my
interest in this discipline, which are Network Architecture, Virtualization and
Optimization of large data networks. These areas of study have a great importance for me
due to their paramount importance in health care organizations, particularly hospitals, as
they often require handling of large amount of data securely on an everyday basis.
There are a few noteworthy reasons that inspired my interest in Towson
University in particular for pursing my doctorate degree. The first among them is a
renowned name of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, which has just
celebrated its 30th Anniversary this April. Besides this, I have been living in Maryland for
more than a year now and I have a fair idea regarding the quality of education delivered
by this premier institute through the word of mouth of both students and professors that
are familiar with Towson. The university does not only focus on making a student
academically sound, but it also creates an equal opportunity for developing an allencompassing technical, organizational and behavioral skills person. The department of
Computer Science and Information Sciences has created a record of extramural grants,
and has received a grant of more than $3 million in FY13, which shows its contribution
and performance in the same field.
After a close study and analysis of faculty profiles in the Computer Science
department at Towson University, I realized Towson would be a perfect fit for my interest
area since I would be able to pursue the study of Network Architecture Optimization and
Virtualization. Incorporating Virtualization to large data networks and data warehouse

optimizes and improves traffic control in wireless networks and data exchange. Faculty
members at Towson have research related to these areas which would be extremely
valuable to me, as I am very interested in enhancing my learning and expertise in these
fields which is due to my firsthand experience of importance of network optimization and
virtualization need in Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital. Pursuing my doctorate degree at
Towson would help me learn techiniques and perform research to enable me to respond to
these networking and data communication challenges for a large organization.
I perceive myself as a capable candidate for a doctorate degree at Towson
University and my perception is based on my strengths of my academic career thus far,
which enable me to come to the United Statees on a two-year scholarship program from
the government of Saudi Arabia. Also, I worked as a Technical/Teaching Assistant for
Computer Forensics and Telecommunications courses which gave me experience of
working with other students and thought me the merits of assisting others in their
learning. Being able to pursue a doctorate degree would finaly create a range of
opportunities for me as a professional and as a learner as I would be able to both work on
reasearch of real-world problems across international orgnizations, but also to teach
others in my area of expertise. I would be pleased with an opportunity to work with your
faculty and gain a worthwhile learning and research full experience through the
Information Technology from your esteemed university.

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