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Port Clinton Yacht Club

JIB Sheet
September 2015

From the Commodore

Is it Labor Day already?
Where did summer go?
Its been a fabulous summer with the tempered
weather, the multiple
events at the club and
the historic Pool vote.
Lets hope we have great
fall weather ahead of us
to enjoy and for the start
of the NEW pool!
Labor Day is jam packed
with events for everyone
or all ages to join in onstarting with FNS, a Pool
Splash Party Saturday
afternoon, the Power
Fleet Dinghy Cruise and
poker run Saturday afternoon, chicken BBQ Saturday night, Green Island
breakfast Sunday morning followed by the Green
Island Race and finally
the popular perch fish fry
on Monday. Be sure to
visit your club and enjoy
one of these fine events
your fellow members put
In 2006 we celebrated
100 years of being a
club. It also happens to
be the last time drink
prices were adjusted!
The board has been
monitoring this over the
last three years and it
can no longer be
avoided. Starting Sep-

tember 1st you will notice

a modest increase in
your favorite beverage.
Special thanks to Hal &
Diane Hawk for bringing
the very talented Port
Clinton Community Band
to the club. The Concert
Band provided members
with a wonderful afternoon filled with music for
all to enjoy. The concert
was enjoyed by over 100
members and guests. If
you have never attended
this special event, mark
your calendar for next
year as it is an excellent
The Commodores Cup
Race was held August
23rd and PCYC had 7
club boats that participated. Congratulations to
PC Park McRitchie and
crew of JEB III for their
first place finish in the
PHRF class. Feet Captain of Power Jim Miller
and his crew took first in
the JAM class. I was a
little confused why Jim
got towed in after the
race;.maybe its tradition or something! Anyway, we enjoyed beautiful weather and a nice
pot luck dinner on the
deck after the race. This
event dates back to 1971

when then Commodore

Chick Schaffner organized the first race and it
remains a solid tradition
and hopefully for many
more years to come.

2015 Commodore
Don Rodwancy

This month we will be

renovating the ceiling and
replacing the lighting in
the kitchen. The new
lighting is long overdue
and should really
brighten the room up.
Be sure to visit the Ships
Store this month. Carolyn
Nitz is constantly bringing
in new and fresh items
for sale. Its never too
early to shop for the Holidays!
I would like to recognize
Eric, Gloria and the
flower committee for
keeping the grounds
looking incredible this
year. The Club has never
looked better!
Thats all for now and I
look forward to seeing
you around the Club.
That is unless Terry and I
are at some corner of
one of the 5 Great Lakes
looking at another boat!

Sept. 5th

Page 2

JIB Sheet

The Rear Perspective

The bad weather early in
the summer has been replaced with fantastic
weather lately. Its great to
see the PCYC docks, pool,

clubhouse and grounds so

busy. We all need to appreciate the committees
and staff who make our
enjoyment possible.
The reality of the new pool
is happening! Design is
well underway and the
slides and other water toys

are being finalized, all under the expert direction of

PC John Bolte. Soon we
will be seeing contractor
activity around the pool
removing the old pool. We
need to remember the
safety of all members must
be a priority. We have a
number of projects which
must be completed before
the contractor starts. The
largest project is the removal of the fence which
must be done carefully in
order to be reused. We
will need many members
to accomplish this job. I
will confirm this date soon
via e-mail and posting in
the club. Because of the
pool project we will not
keep the pool open be-

yond Labor Day.

Also mark your calendars
for the Fall Work
Party Sunday October
18. Finally I hope the remainder of your summer is
a safe and enjoyable
one! Any questions,
catch me at the club, or
call 312 961 6522.
Dave O.

We have had several issues in the marina that must be addressed and your cooperation would be appreciated on these issues:
1) Please do not put your boat in a vacant dock without checking with Eric
Reynolds first.
2) Any member who has a boat or watercraft that is using a temporary transit dock
must pay a rental fee, as stated in the club yearbook under Rules, Regulations
& Policies, Section II Dock and boat Regulations B # 9. We have had several
members who have used docks and have left without paying. Payment should
be made before you leave the marina. This makes more work for the Treasurer
who has to send out invoices for payment.
3) You are allowed only one watercraft per dock besides your boat. You must also
have permission from your well partner to leave it there.
4) Please notify Eric if you are leaving the marina for a period of time. We need
docks for transit quests. Especially on weekends.
PC Denny Bergeman, Dockage Chairman

JIB Sheet

Page 3


Hello, my name is Emma Eickert and I am 15 years old. I am a student at Port Clinton High School and a
member of the Port Clinton Yacht Club Jr. Sail Team. This July was my rookie year at the I-LYA Jr. Bay
Week Regatta. For those of who dont know, its a big sailing race that lasts a week at Put-In-Bay on South
Bass Island every summer for dinghy sailors all over Lake Erie and other inland lakes. Ive been in the PCYC
Learn to Sail program for as long as I can remember, only hearing of experiences I would encounter on the
island during that week. Only now do I know what they were talking about! For example, getting up super
early to rig boats, the amazing food and even better food staff, the no wheels rule, and to expect brutally
slow races one day and howling winds the next. I thought I was told everything I possibly needed to know
about the regatta.
All sailing season, mostly the same teams and the same sailors come to all of the same regattas, and as a
rookie, I began to see some familiar faces in the 420 fleet which I sailed in. My crew, Ethan Taylor, and I
would occasionally say, Hey, nice race, or I like your life jacket, which club are you from? It was usual
sailing small talk for the rookie 420 boat from PCYC. Now comes Jr. Bay Week and Ethan and I learn that
those faces have names and personalities too, that we really grew
"JJ" Miller, Will Taylor and Ben
to like. All of a sudden those faces were around us 24/7 rigging
Sprenger accepting the Travelers
boats, eating breakfast, launching from the ramp, starting and finSeries 1st Place Thistle Trophy and
ishing races, and walking to the hotel with us. At the end of our
Scholarship funded by the I-LYA
race days, wed meet up with those faces that had become our
Yachtsman's Fund.
friends to grab some ice cream. We even realized one girl we befriended happened to be the skipper of a boat we t-boned the regatta prior! There were no hard feelings and we couldnt help but
to laugh at the irony.
I had never known how tightly knit the junior sailing community
was until I had experienced Jr. Bay Week. On the water were all
competitors trying to beat our friends from the other clubs up the
course. On land were all asking those friends how they did and
rehashing on that days worth of racing. Before the end of the
week phone numbers were exchanged, plans for other regattas
were made, and boats were strapped down for the ferry ride
home. At the beginning of the week on the ride to the island, I
thought I knew everything there was to know about Jr. Bay Week.
On the ride back to the mainland, I knew I was wrong. I didnt
know how quickly the skippers and crews that finished near me
would become my friends. People I could laugh with, trust for advice, and will miss until next summer when the sailing season will
start back up. Although we had some memorable races and finishing places, what topped off my experience at Jr. Bay Week was
the fun and good times I had bonding with my team, and sailors
from across the lake that I look forward to seeing next year.


The dockage rules state that if your boat is not registered as an assigned boat in our
marina and you wish to bring that boat to the marina, guest dockage rates will apply. It is
not permissible to bring your unregistered boat to the marina without notifying the Dock
Master or the bar before or as you arrive to the marina. Please respect and follow the
rules of our marina. (this notice is due to recent abuse of the rule)
The Commodore

2015 Commodore Don Rodwancy

Page 4

Fleet Captain of Sail, Jim Miller

Greetings to all PCYC Members. Well another month gone by! This month ended the Jr. Sailing Season. Our
team completed its final regatta at Erie Yacht Club. Michael Leone took 3rd Place with our Thistle Team finishing 1st Place. The final results follow:
Alex Sprenger/Ethan Taylor
Michael Leone
Lucas Kyle
Jayson JJ Miller
Will Taylor
Ben Sprenger
Travelers Series:Club 420
Alex Sprenger
Emma Eickert
Aubrey Wenzinger
Ethan Taylor
Jasper Nickel
Noah Ross
Laser Radial
Michael Leone
Lucas Kyle
Noah Ross
Jayson JJ Miller
Will Taylor
Ben Sprenger
The Commodores Cup was held Sunday, August 23rd. Seven boats competed with Park McCritchie winning
the PHRF Fleet. Winds were light and shifty for a slow but exciting sail. After the race Commodore Don Rodwancy treated the sailors to a burger cookout. Thanks Commodore.
Erie Regatta:

Club 420
Laser Radial

Final results:

Park McCritchie
1st Place
John Schaffner
2nd Place
Juice Box Hero Bill Taylor
3rd Place
Red Dog
Cliff Ruckstuhl
4th Place
Thin Ice
Mark Sprenger
5th Place
Main & Jib (JAM)
Sea Turtle
Jim Miller
1st Place
Sally Jo
Rob Kyle
2nd Place
Next up Green Island Race on September 6. Saturday September 5 at 6:00 PM is the Commodores Reception for the last 55 years of Green Island Race Winners. Join us for a great party.
Periodically I invite our Jr. Sailors to present an article on their Summer Experience. Please enjoy the article
by Emma Eickert on her first trip to Jr. Bay Week.
Jim Miller, FCOS

Fleet Captain of Power, RJ Basil

I would like to thank everyone
for a great weekend at Middle
Bass. We had a great time with
a total of twenty-five boats and
over sixty people. There was
some good dancing on the
docks Saturday night with a special tutorial by Dottie Jilek.
Our next outing will be to the
Miller Dock at PIB the weekend

of August 19th. Please sign up

at the Bar. Itinerary to follow.
There will be a "dingy cruise" on
Saturday September 5th. We
will meet on the Deck for the
"Bloody Mary " Party. Please
bring a dish to share. We will
leave from there at 11:30 and
head to the "Bringman's" for a
cookout. The cost will be 5.00 a

person. We will have the cookout and then head back to

PCYC for the "Cannon Ball"
contest that will begin at
two. Hope to see everyone on
the "High Dive".
Happy Boating,
RJ Basil


7-9 am, .50 cents per
item, Egg casserole, various fruit,
4:30 to 7:00 P.m.
bagels, rolls, juice & cof- $10.00 for Adults
$5.00 for Children







14. Board meeting







28. Board meeting





Sun 6th Green Island



5 PCYC Green Island

Chicken Bar-B-Que
5 7 PM
Carry outs after 4PM

Barbeque Beef and Hot

Chicken with JWs FaShredded Chicken
mous Sauce, Pasta Salad,
Corn on the Cob, Corn
usual fixins: Coleslaw,
Muffin, Ice Cream Sandchips, Baked Beans,
wich, Lemonade, Coffee
Relishes and Yummy
Adults $10
Desserts 5:30 - 7:30 PM
12 and Under $6



Friday Night
Salad & Dressing
Garlic Toast
Ice Cream
Start 6:00, $7.00










6:00 $7.00
Dont Give Up the
Appetizer Kabobs,
Chicken Kabobs,
Shrimp Kabobs,
Orzo Salad, Veggies,
& Desserts

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