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1. Write a vector equation that is equivalent to the system of linear equations.

What is a
homogeneous system? Non-homogeneous? Under which conditions does a system
have solutions? Find the solutions set.

Vector Equation
Homogeneous system is when it is written in the form Ax = 0 where 0s are the last
Non-homogeneous systems are systems that are of the form Ax = b where b is not a
zero vector.
Systems have solutions as long as the right most column of the augmented matrix does
not contain a pivot position. Although, a homogenous system always has a solution of a
zero vector.
Solution Set:
x1 = free variable
x2 = x1 +5
x3 = x1 + 7
S = { |x1 |
|1 |
|0 |

x1 c R}

2. What is the relationship between the solution set of a homogeneous system and the
associated coefficient matrix?
Homogeneous system solution set has zeros at the end
3. What is a pivot position? Why do we study pivot positions?
Pivot position is the position of the first nonzero element of a matrix when it is reduced
to echelon form. We study them as they help us determine if a system has a solution.
4. How does the row reduction algorithm work?
Scaling (Multiply row by scalar)
Interchange: (switch to rows)
Replacement: (add row plus a constant to another row)
5. Given a matrix A, is the echelon form unique? How about the reduced echelon form?
(See Theorem 1 page 13)
For a given matrix A, the echelon form is not unique as it can be multiplied by a scalar.

However the Reduced Row echelon form is unique.

6. How do we prove Theorem 4 from Chapter 1?
First 3 theorms are basically the same, just have to tie in pivot in each row.
Do P => Q By showing that a matrix mxn has a pivot in every row, then adding a b
would make a pivot in each row and guarantee a pivot not being in the rightmost column
making Ax=b have a solution. P holds true
Also not Q => not P By making a matix A that does not have a pp in each row so the
last row of row reduced echloen form will have all zeros. This means can potential have
pivot in rightmost column making the system have no solution.
7. Describe the solution set in a parametric vector form.

| x1 | = |x1 = x1 |1 |
| x2 | | 4x1|
|4 |
| x3 | | 5x1|
|5 |

8. What is the span of a certain number of vectors? What is the span of one nonzero
vector? How about the span of two nonzero vectors multiples of each other? How about
the span of two vectors not multiples of each other?
The span of a certain number of vectors are all the linear combination of the vectors that
can be combined with a constant. Span of 1 nonzero vector is a line through the origin
in the direction of the vector. Span of 2 nonzero vectors that are multiples of each other
is still a line through the origin through the vectors as they lie on the same line. Span of
2 vectors not multiples of each other is in 2 space as a plane through the origin
containing both vectors.
9. When do we say that a variable is a free variable? And when do we say that a
variable is a basic variable?
A free variable is a variable not corresponding to a pivot point while a basic variable
10. What is a trivial solution for a homogenous system and why it is called the trivial
A solution of all 0s it will always be a solution due to the b vector being a zero vector
11. Are homogenous systems always consistent? Why or why not?
Yes as they always have at least one solution.

12. If a system is homogenous, how many solutions does it have?

At least one
13. What is the zero matrix? What is the identity matrix?
A zero matrix is a matrix with a zero as each element, made of zero vectors. The
identity matrix is a matrix with 1s as its diagonal and zeros as all the other elements.
14. Given appropriate matrices A and C, determine products AC and CA. Are they
always the same? Why or why not?
They are not always the same as multiplication of matrixes are not commutative. It is
the vectors of A added by using the vectors in C as weights.
15. Define two nonzero matrices A and C such that AC = 0 where 0 is the zero matrix.




16. Given two vectors u and v in R3, what can you say about the product uvT ? and
about the product vTu? and about the product vTuT? which of these products cannot be
defined? which one will give you a 3x3 matrix and which one will give you a 1x1 matrix?
uvT = 3x3 matrix
vTu = 1x1 matrix
vTuT = impossible as columns of vT do not match rows of Ut
17. Given A, B suitable matrices. If the 4th column of B (if it exists) is the zero vector,
what can we say about the 4th column of AB?
It will be a zero vector as well since those zeros will be used as weights on the vectors
of A.
18. What is (AB)T equal to? How do you explain it?
BT * AT the order must be reversed in order for the T to be distributed. If you work it out
the first way and start the second you would see that the only way the columns and
rows would match up if they started different would be in a reverse order.
19. What is (AT)T equal to? Why ?
A as it is simply the transpose of a transpose which gets it back to where it started.

20. Does the associative property hold true for matrix addition? Why or why not?
Yes, because rules of algerbra apply for sums of matrixes
21. Does the associative property hold true for matrix multiplication? Why or why not?
22. Does the commutative property hold true for matrix addition? Why or why not?
Yes simple algrebra
23. Does the commutative property hold true for matrix multiplication? Why or why not?
No, as the different weights of the second matrix can result in different solutions.
24. What is a power of a square matrix?
The matrix multiplied by itself the amount of times the power is
25. Can you find a 2x2 matrix A such that A3 = A?
Yes if a is the identity matrix I2
26. Can you find a 2x2 matrix A such that A3 = 0?
Yes if a is a zero matrix 0
27. What is the proper choice of subindex for n for the product InA where A is a 5x9
28. Let p < n. Can p vectors in Rn span Rn? Why or why not? (See Theorem 4 page 37)
(Hint: define A as the matrix whose columns are the given vectors, can A have a pivot
position in every row? Why or why not?) Explain.
No, as there are fewer columns then rows so there cannot be pivot in each row of A
29. Given a matrix B and a vector x. Calculate the matrix vector product. When can you
compute the product? Which condition on the columns of B relatively to the entries of x
do you need to define the matrix product?
Bx When there are n columns in B and n rows in x

30. If a system has a free variable, is the system always consistent? Why or why not?
No, a free variable does not indicate whether the s
31. What is the transpose of a matrix?
Turning a mxn matrix into an nxm matrix
32. What is the main diagonal?
33. What is a diagonal matrix?
Matrix with diagonals full but others zero
34. What is a square matrix?
N x n matrix
35. What is the identity matrix In for n 2 N?
(AB)ij = E k=1 (A)ik (B)kj

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