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Distribuidor Autorizado Robinsn

Centro de Servicios R22 R44 DGAC N 249 y Robinsn Helicopter
Venta helicpteros, Partes, Refacciones, Reparacin y Mantenimiento a Servicios a Terceros

Date and Place: July 07. 2015. Manzanillo, Colima. Mexico.


It was in offshore operations, that the helicopter start to have a problem with cylinders in the engine. This report
was received by our Maintenance Center. Per security, It was determined to end operations and come back to
square one for engine replacement.
Detailed below the engine with a brief technical overview of failure. Date of the report of failure: June 21 2015.




612.5 TSN. /JUN 17 2009.

O-540-F1B5. /RL-27030-40E.





6294.64 TSN. /494.64 TSN.



Brief technical overview of engine failure:

The failures began the April 10 of this year, with only 211.0 hours of engine operation after installation. It was
reported severe lateral vibration in flight. The Pilot decided to land in Boat platform, the Technician Mechanical
began with a differential pressure check, the cylinder No. 2 show zero compression, a leak is found in the intake
valve. Is come to do the work of removing waste from the valve and the seat. The valve continuous with zero
compression. It was determined the replacement for a new cylinder.
* The engine operates smoothly for the next 194 hours.
In May 30 2015. 194.0 hours after the above fails dated April 10. Now with 405 hours. After five minutes of flight,
the Pilot reports strong lateral vibrations and power loss. The Mechanic proceeds to re-work in the revision of
the differential pressure of the cylinders. Obtained satisfactory results in the cylinders 1, 3, 5, and 6, but in the
cylinder No. 2 and in the cylinder No. 4 readings were 52/80 and 00/80. The Mechanic realize the same work of
the cylinder affected previous date, to remove waste between the valve and the valve seat. The cylinder No. 2
and cylinder No. 4 continue to be unacceptable with 68/80 and 00/80, try several times and nothing changes.
The cylinder No. 2 continuo with 68/80 and the cylinder No. 4 with 00/80 as final reading.
* We determined the replacement of both cylinders.
With these two changes, the engine was operated during the period of break-in by 50 hours with no reports. But
about 40 hours after the end of the break-in in period, that is 90 hours after change of cylinders 2 and 4, The
helicopter start with problems of power loss, because the cylinders spark plugs 1, 3, 5 got wet very easily
causing a rough engine.
The spark plugs were replaced and the cylinder compressions were reviewed, synchronization of magnets
everything was in order, but the engine does not work well. Therefore, we determined to remove the engine and
send in warranty it to the factory for further inspection by the manufacturer. All this for safe operation.
Along with the engine, we are also sending the cylinders replaced.

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