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Theodore Roosevelts Foreign Policy

Background: The Monroe Doctrine

In 1823, President James Monroe declared in a speech to
1. The U.S. would stay out of European Affairs
2. The U.S. would not interfere with already
existing European colonies in the Western
3. No other nation could form a NEW colony in the
Western Hemisphere
4. Any attempt by a European nation to interfere with a
nation in the Western Hemisphere would be viewed as
a HOSTILE actionmeaning an act of war

Definition of COROLLARY:


a. Something that follows directly from something that has been proven
b. Something that naturally follows

C. Main Goal of the Roosevelt Corollary:

(Excerpts from the speech on back)

1904, in a speech to Congress, Roosevelt announced his amendment to

the Monroe Doctrine
1. Asserted the United States right to interfere in the _____________________
matters of other nations in the _____________________.
2. Claimed the United States right to exercise international __________________________.
3. Advocated the ________ ____________ _____________________, such as the building of
the ______________________________.

Excerpts from Theodore Roosevelts 1904 speech to Congress announcing his

Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine:

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