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Viktoriya Kuz


December 6, 2014

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

1. When senator Sam Foley dies, how is his Senate seat
Someone new is appointed by the governor.
2. Why is the governor and his group of supporters
worried about who will take Senator Foley's place?
They need to make sure that this new governor will go along with
their shady legislation.
3. Who becomes the new Senator and what group of

people recommend him?

Jefferson Smith becomes the new governor. He is recommended
by the governors children.
4. Why are the people of the state so happy that

Jefferson Smith has become Senator?

They are happy because he is young and not corrupted, and will
not be a yes man for the shady legislation.
5. What does Mr. Smith do when he first arrives in
Washington, D.C.?
He takes a tour of the sights on a bus.
6. What nickname does Saunders give him?
She calls him Daniel Boone.

7. Why does Mr. Smith want to visit Mt. Vernon before

his first day as Senator?
He wants to visit it in order to get in the mood.
8. What is Mt. Vernon?

It is George Washingtons house.

9. How does the press change Mr. Smith's words from

his first press conference? Examples?

They take photographs of him and use them in the newspapers,
but out of context with what he really said; they basically pout
words in his mouth.
Why can't Mr. Smith respond to the allegations
on the Senate floor about his sincerity as a Senator?
He has not been sworn in yet as Senator so he cannot speak on
the floor.

How does he react to the newspaper articles?

He beats up all of the reporters.

What bill does Mr. Smith want to introduce and


He wants to create a National Boys Camp.


Why are there only 96 Senators?

There are two senators from each state, and since Alaska and
Hawaii are not states yet, there are 96.
Why doesn't Saunders think that Mr. Smith's bill
will be easy to pass?


She dies not think that his bill is important enough to be passed,
and he has only been in the Senate for two days.

Why is the location of Mr. Smith's camp so



He grew up in the location (Willow Creek).

What does Saunders call Senator Payne's
daughter, Susan?
She calls her Susan Payne in the Neck.
Why does Susan Payne tale Mr. Smith out for the


She takes him out so that he will not be in the Senate when
Senator Payne will introduce the bill with the dam on Willow
What does Saunders to "enlighten" or tell Mr.
Smith about his bill?


She shows Jeff a copy of Senator Paynes bill.

How has Senator Payne managed to stay in office
for 30 years?


He has stayed in office for so long because he compromises and

takes Taylors advice.
How does Senator Payne prevent Mr. Smith from
speaking against the deficiency bill?


Payne cuts Smi8th off and says that he has been stealing nickels
and dimes from the Boys Club.
What does the Payne "group" do to make Mr.
Smith look bad?


They say that he bought that land so that he could sell it after.
What does Mr. Smith do on the floor of the
Senate to be heard?


He creates a filibuster.

How does the President of the Senate react?

He seems to encourage and believe Jeff Smith.

How does Taylor try to keep the news away from
the state?


He controls the newspaper so that it prints whatever he wants.

How does Saunders get the correct information
to the state?


Saunders puts the correct information in the Boys Club

What does Taylor's group do to the members of
the boys' club?


His group steals their newspaper, runs them off of the road, and
hits them with water hoses.

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