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Ajogun don't act on their own unless human prone them to action by

engaging in ewoo (taboo or donts) it is when man violate taboo that ajogun
come to action. The preventive measures against ajogun is through constant
sacrifice and prayer to orisa using of charm and medicine. Orunmila is eleri
ipin (the witness of fate) he is believed to be in attendance when olodumare
created the universe. So through him a means is available for man to correct
his lots.
Now I Wil explain ajogun (malevolence force) in detail. I have said earlier that
ajogun will only affect human being only when he has violate the ewoo
(taboo). it is not olodumare (God) that creates evil to torment human beings,
rather evil emanate from the super natural force called ajogun.
In yoruba ifa spirituality it is believed that there are over okanlelegbeta
irumonle (over 601 deties) this deities are classified in to two namely irinwo
irumonle ojukotun and igba irumonle ojukosi (that's four hundred deities at
right hand and two hundred deities at left hand). However some babalawo
prefer to use igbarumonle ojukotun and igbarumonle ojukosi (two hundred
deities at the right hand and two hundred deities at left hand) but the former
is rarely used but it is more appropriate than the later. The deities at the
right side as explained above are the orisas, they are benevolent and kind,
but they can some time punish human being for their bad behavior. Human
being offered sacrifice to this deities at the right hand for human being to
achieve their desires. The deities on the left side as explained above is called
ajogun (malevolence force) the ajogun are extremely wicked and malevolent
in nature. The world ajogun is derived from the two words aja ogun (that's
the person who wage war) so ajogun mean warrior. So ajogun usually wage
war against human being and the other orisas at right hand as I explained
above. But ajogun don't just wage war with human being. Ewoo (taboo) is
the instigator of ajogun to human being life. So it's wrong to say it olodumare
(God) that creates evil to this world, hence the popular saying in yoruba
olorun ko sebi eniyan ni ka be (God does not do evil it is human beings that
we need to implore). If fact in yoruba ifa spirituality it was believed that at
the beginning of the universe there was peace order and perfection. And that
problem and disorder and hardship misfortune set in into this world as a
result as a result man self created problem. The ajogun (the malevolent
force) and aje (witches) are ordained by olodumare (God) at the creation of
the universe. And the function the olodumare want them to perform then is
calm and cool the iji aye (storm of the universe), but as a result of human
beings disobedience this plan that olodumare (God) have for human beings
was displace. So it is human beings through disobedience that creates evil.
Ajogun and witches is instigated to negative action by human being engage
in ewoo (taboo). However no matter the misfortune through iwure and

constant ebo (prayers and sacrifice) any problems in the world is easily

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