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Wireless Security for

Mobile Devices
Seminar 2A
8:30AM-Noon April 10, 2007
H. Morrow Long, CISSP, CISM, CEH
Director - Information Security
Yale University
Copyright Notice
Copyright H. Morrow Long 2007. This work is
the intellectual property of the author.
Permission is granted for this material to be
shared for non-commercial, educational
purposes, provided that this copyright
statement appears on the reproduced
materials and notice is given that the copying
is by permission of the author. To
disseminate otherwise or to republish
requires written permission from the author.

2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 2
A discussion of the security issues involved in a
multitude of wireless data technologies including PPP
over cellular, IEEE Cellular and Mobile Data (one way
and two way pagers), IEEE 802.11a/b/g/i, WEP,
WPA as well as IEEE 802.1X, WEP, WAP’s WTLS,
Bluetooth, ZigBee, CPDP, 1RTT, EVDO and SMS.
A useful guide to the relative information security risks
to an individual or organization involved in wireless
data technologies including those used by pagers,
cellphones, PDAs, assorted networked ‘appliances’
and wireless WANS, LANS and PANs

2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 3
Outside workshop scope:
Private Mobile Radio
Private Microwave
Shortwave Radio IP
SkyDSL / Aloha Networks High Speed ISP
Mobile Satellite data services
 Iridium (Motorola, et. al)
 GlobalStar (Qualcomm, Loral)
 Teledesic (Gates/McCaw)
Digital cordless

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Introduction, History and Evolution of Wireless Data
Terminology Definitions: Wireless Data Security
Wireless Data Risks and Threats
Pager Security
Cellular Phone Security
 Analog
 Digital
Wireless Data Security
 Non-IP Mobile Data Access Networks
 Wireless PANs / Pico-Nets
Wireless LANs and VLANs
 802.11 / WiFi

2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 5
Prediction for the Late 1990s
“Most people now carry a portable radio transceiver with a Touchtone
keyboard. They have a wallet full of credit-card size overlays. When
an individual is dialed, he can be reached in most parts of the country.
The zones of radio in-accessibility are diminishing. It has been
suggested that the public should be issued with transceivers that
transmit their national identification number, even when switched off.
These devices would help in controlling crime, which is still growing
at an appalling rate. They would also be used in most financial
- James Martin, 1971, “Future Developments in
Telecommunications”, p. 355, Prentice Hall.
2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 6
•Workers connect wireless home LANs to the Internet at high speed.
•Workers set up office PCs to push data to PDAs over Internet.
•Senior US Government official told staff he wanted wireless access.
They set up a demo of all kinds of reports and data availability.
Turns out he just wanted an alphanumeric pager.
•INS considers a ban on the use of personal devices to hold data.
•Doctors are buying PDAs and putting notes & data on patients in them.
•Army Material Command giving senior managers Blackberry 2-way
•Pentagon issues a warning reminder that wireless LANs are not allowed
in the Pentagon, nor may mobile wireless devices enter most DOD areas.
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Mobile Wireless Voice –
Radio-telephones develop 1901-1920
First wireless voice AM Radio – 1906
Commercial AM Radio Pitt PA – 1920
First FM broadcast – 1935 (FM is a big mobile radio help)
Military walkie-talkies - 1940
Two-way police radios –1930-1950s
Commercial RadioTelephone:
MTS & IMTS 1946..1965..1976..1980s
Private mobile radio services
DC-NYC Metroliner phones – late 1960s
CB Radios – 1970s
1G Cellular (Tokyo 1979, Sweden 1981, Chicago 1983)

2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 8
Wireless Data – History
and Evolution

McClure's Magazine, February, 1902, pages 291-299 : Marconi‘s Achievement. Telegraphing Across The Ocean Without Wires.
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Wireless Data – History
and Evolution
1901 – First Transatlantic telegraph – Marconi Company 1920s commercial service –
Marconi Company
Mobile – 1908 Shipboard telegraph – Marconi Company
Encrypted radiotelegraph messages
Alohanet / Hawaii Radio WAN – 1970s
TCP/IP over shortwave (Ham) radio – 1980s
Cellular V.90 modems – 1990s
PDAs and cellphones with digital wireless services
$150 Wireless 802.11b Ethernet cards and base stations
(Mobile Data + Mobile Internet + Internet) -> Supranet

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Secure Wireless Data –
History and Evolution
Secure telephony over Radio

 A-3 – analog “scrambling”

• US/UK analog voice privacy system in use at WWII start
• Broken by Germans early in WWII, real time decryption

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Secure Wireless Data –
History and Evolution
Secure telephony over Radio

 SIGSALY Secure Digital Voice Communications

• First useful use of :
– Companded PCM encoding of voice (vocoder – BTL 1936-9)
– Enciphered telephony, quantized speech transmission
– Speech bandwidth compression
– Spread Spectrum technology
– multilevel Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) and FDM (Frequency Division Multiplex) as a viable transmission method over a fading medium
– Weighted 90 tons, ocupied a large room.
– Special phongraph records contained a secret key masking voices with white noise
– Germans monitored but never broke the system
– Declassified in 1976.

• US (BTL, DOD), UK (Turing)

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Secure Wireless Data –
History and Evolution

Alan Turing

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Secure Wireless Data –
History and Evolution
Spread spectrum radio transmission
• Actress Hedy Lamarr and composer
George Antheil.
•Patent 2,292,387 given to DOD,
Declassified in mid-1980s.

Designed to defeat interception and jamming of

sub signals to torpedo by sending multiple coded
signals on different frequencies in random pattern.
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Secure Wireless Data –
History and Evolution
Secure telephony over Radio – Other WWII methods
 Navaho code-talkers

1st Marine Division

7 July 1943 Photog: Ashman

Private First Class Preston Toledo (left) and

Private First Class Frank Toledo, cousins and
Navajos, attached to a Marine Artillery Regiment
in the South Pacific will relay orders over a
field radio in their native tongue.


USMC #57875

(Paraphrased caption)

2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 15
Wireless –
Terminology Definition

AMPS • 1G • Spread-
• 2G spectrum
DAMPS • Frequency
• 2.5G
TDMA Hopping
• 3G
• Dual-mode
GSM • Tri-mode

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Wireless Data –
Terminology Definition

• Portal • IEEE
• WLAN 802.11a
EVDO 802.11b
• IEEE 802.1x
GPRS • “Web-
• PQA – Palm
Query App
• Bluetooth
2007/04/10 • HomeRF 17
EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices
Wireless Data Security–
Terminology Definition

VPN • PPP CHAP • Encryption

mode • Authenticati
Supranet on
• Firewall
Internet • WEP • PKI
internet • SSL / TLS • LDAP
intranet • WTLS • “Certificate”

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Wireless Data Risks and Threats
Business Needs for Wireless Data

Financial / m-commerce
Enable Telecommuting for employees
Secure current insecure applications (alerts,
remote administration)
Provide remote access to important internal
information resources (e.g. E-mail)
Monitoring/Controlling sensitive and/or
important real-world devices (sensors)

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Wireless Data Risks and
Threats – CIA / AAA /etc
Confidentiality - Data Exposure
Integrity - Data Modification/Tampering
Availability - Denial of Service to Data/Resources
Authentication - Identification vs Spoofing
Authorization - Appropriate Access Control
Accounting - Theft of Service (cloning, wireless ISP)
M-commerce - Fraudulent transactions, CC # theft
Malicious Software – Trojan Horses, Viruses, Worms, etc.
Personal Privacy - Location exposure (new 911 law, GPS)
Physical theft of device

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Wireless Data Risks and
Sniffing / Eavesdropping / Interception from the air
Sniffing / Eavesdropping / Interception at endpoint
Via Compromise of mobile/wireless device
Via Compromise of base station (cell tower / GSM POP)


devices – stored data
Stolen devices – use of keys & secrets for access
Brute Force Decryption / Cryptanalysis
Replay Attack

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Alternatives to wireless data
service provider encryption

Secure corporate or partner portals

SSL Web servers / Secure ASPs
 WTLS WAP servers
Secured Applications (SSLized IMAP/POP)
Secure Remote Access (Term/File xfer)
 SSH, Secure Telnet/FTP, FTP over SSL
 Multiuser NT/W2K (w/WinCE MS Term Srvr Client)
 Remote Console: CC, PCA, Timbukto, VNC
 PGP Encrypted Files for transfer over insecure links/email

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Wireless Data Risks and
Threats –

Integrity – Data/etc Modification

Tampering with intercepted data in transit
Tampering with stored data
Tampering with keys & secrets for access
Tampering with device identification credentials
Tampering with device applications (programs)
Replay Attack

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Wireless Data Risks and
Denial of Service via Signal Jamming (e.g. Israeli device)
 Netline C-Guard Cellular Firewall
Non-malicious man-made problems
Natural Disasters in cell areas

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Wireless Data Risks and
Authentication - Identification
Spoofing data in transit – Man in the middle
Spoofing the endpoints
 Cloning analog phones
 Impersonating servers (e.g. m-commerce web servers or WAP servers)
Cellphone credentials
 ID #s
 Phone #s
 GSM SIM cards
User credentials
 PINs, Passwords, X.509 “Certificates”, Smartcards

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Wireless Data Risks and
Authorization – Access Control
Allowing a user or device access to a:
 Application
 Network
 Resource (file, printer, fax)
E.g., Cellular phone companies authorize devices/users for access to their networks:
 Roaming
 Long distance calls
 Local calls
 911 calls

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Wireless Data Risks and
Theft of Service:
 Via cloning
 Via theft of wireless ISP access credentials
 Via theft of physical device
 Via compromise of base station / networked servers / etc.
 Via fraudulent registration with carrier or ISP

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Wireless Data Risks and
Fraudulent transactions
Credit Card number theft
 At WAP WTLS gateway
 At Web server endpoint
 At mobile device endpoint
Other account (customer/employee/vendor) theft.

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Wireless Data Risks and
Cellphone Malicious Software

E-Mail & WAP browsers too “dumb” to infect?

Other push and pull content methods
 PIM synch
First Cellphone Virus Hoax –
 “Mobile Phone Virus Hoax” – May 18, 1999
No Known Cellphone Malicious Software
First Cellphone Messaging Attack – Spanish SMS

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“Mobile Phone Virus
Dear all mobile phone's owners,



All mobile phone in DIGITAL system can be infected by this virus..If you receive a phone call and your phone display
"UNAVAILABLE" on the screen (for most of digital mobile phones with a function to display in-coming call telephone number),
PHONE WIL L BE INFECTED BY THIS VIRUS.. This virus will erase all IMIE and IMSI information from both your phone
& your SIM card which will make your phone unable to connect with the telephone network. You will have to buy a new phone.

This information has been confirmed by both Motorola and Nokia..

For more information, please visit Motorola or Nokia web sites: or

There are over 3 million mobile phone being infected by this virus in USA now. You can also check this news in CNN web site:

Please forward this information to all your friends who have digital mobile phones..

2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 30
“Mobilevirus” Hoax –

Följande har hänt:

Om din mobiltelefon ringer och det blinker: !?UNAVAILABLE!? på
displayen. SÅ SVARA INTE. Din telefonen blir angripen av ett
virus, som raderar alla IMIE och IMSI informationer,
både från telefonen och SIM-kortet.
Och då finns det bara en sak att göra, just det - köpa en ny

Både Motorola och Nokia har bekräftat denne information. I USA

har detta virus förstört 3 miljoner mobiltelefoner.

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PDA/Cellphone Malicious
E-Mail Clients and Web browsers
Other push and pull content methods
 PDA PIM synch
First PDA Virus Hoax – “Hairy Palms” 10/12/97
First PDA Malicious Software:
 Palm.Liberty.A 8/28/00 Trojan Horse
 Palm.Vapor 9/22/00 Trojan Horse
 Palm.Phage.Dropper 9/22/00 Computer Virus
PDA Anti-Virus Software
 Palm: Symantec, McAfee, CA, Trend, F-Secure
 EPOC: McAfee, F-SecurePocketPC: McAfee

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Wireless Data Risks and
Personal Privacy
Location exposure:
 Passive roaming transmit cellphone #ID continously in cell area. This method is used to track down fugitives today. Reg 911.
 New E911 law requirement and methods require greater accuracy:
• Triangulation within cell area – TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival)
• AOA – Angle of Arrival (CDMA near-far problem as with TDOA)
• Location Pattern Matching
• GPS – Global Positioning System -- is one method likely to be used as well as included inside mobile wireless devices. Under user privacy
Caller-ID / ANI / *69
Physical theft of device – stored data / credentials / etc.
 Phone card / Credit card numbers / PINs, Passwords, etc.
 Traffic Analysis – called #s recorded on mobile device

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Wireless Data Risks and
Physical theft of device
Loss / Destruction of mobile device
Loss / Destruction of data:
 Sensitive business records
 secret access credentials
Compromise/Abuse of secret access credentials
Fraudulent use of mobile device
True replacement cost of mobile device, new device + :
 Damage assessment – exposure of business data
 Replacing data
 Securing secret access credentials

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Wireless Data Risks and
Reverse Tunneling
Utilizing a VPN tunnel or other “trusted” connection to connect back to or burrow
through to the user’s enterprise network and computer resources (if you can steal the
device or hijack the connection)

This is a particular Blackberry worry.

Carpal Tunneling
Also a particular Blackberry worry….

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Pager Technologies and
Typically low data rate, insecure, one-way short messages. Powerful ground transmitter
In CT and NY individuals are actively listening on pager traffic (PIs, news organizations,
etc.). Don’t use for anything private as there is no encryption.
One Way
 POCSAG - Post Office Code Standardization Advisory Group – 1981. 512bps – 2400bps.
 ERMES – 1995 – International Standard
 FLEX (Motorola)
Two Way
 reFLEX (Motorola)
 Mobitex (2 way paging and mobile data)

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“Zero G”


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“One G”


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Cellular Techology and
1G – 1st Generation - Analog
• AMPS (US) 800Mhz (UHF) FM used
• UK: TACS (1982), ETACS (1985)
• Japan: NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephone) – 1979

Data transmission is unreliable and 9.6kbps or less.

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“Two G”

IS-95/cdmaOne WiDEN
PDC CDMA2000 1xRTT/IS-2000

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Cellular Techology and
2G - 2nd Generation – Digital
• PDC (Japan) Pacific Digital Cellular
• GSM (World-wide)
• USDC (North American TDMA Cellular, aka
US Digital Cellular) Dual-mode 800Mhz
• DAMPS: IS-54 (1992), IS-136 (1996)
• IS-95 (CDMAone 1993) Dual-mode 800Mhz
2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 41
Cellular Techology
and Standards
2G - 2nd Generation – Digital Cellular
• PCS – (Personal Communiations Services) 1.9 Ghz
PCS is a misnomer, but was supposed to be for a different type of
coverage range and/or service than cellular phone service.
• DCS-1900 – Upbanded GSM
• J-STD-011 – Upbanded USDC
• J-STD-008 – Upbanded CDMA
Data rates from 9.6kbps to 14.4kbps. Slow.
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Cellular Techology and
2.5G - 2 1/2 Generation – Digital Cellular Enhanced
• HSCSD (High Speed Circuit-Switched Data)
• 38.4kbps
• GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)
• 144kbps
• EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution)
• 384kbps

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“Three G”


1xEV-DO/IS-856 HSPA+

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Cellular Techology and
3G - 3rd Generation – Digital Next Generation
• UMTS – Universal Mobile Telecom System
• European implementation of IMT2000 standard
• WCDMA – Wide band CDMA (NTT Japan)
• CDMA2000 (US)
Data rates from 144kbps to 2000kbps.
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“Four G”

 3GPP2 Project based on IS-95/CMDA (e.g CDMA2000)

UMTS Revision 8 (LTE)

 3GPP Project based on evolved GSM (UTMS)


2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 46
Cellular Techology and
Standards - 4th Generation
UMB (Ultra Mobile Broadband)
• OFDMA technology
• 3GPP2 CDMA200 upgrade’s brand name
• 280 Mbits/sec downstream, 75 Mbits up
• Std in 2007, commercialization in 2009.
• IP based -- but supports voice cell calls
• Interoperable with 1x and 1XEV-DO

2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 47
Cellular Techology and
Standards - 4th Generation
UMTS Revision 8 (LTE) - 3GPP Long Term Evolution
• E-UTRA OFDMA down, SC-FDMA uplink
• 3GPP GMS/UTMS upgrade’s name - AKA SC-
• 100 Mbits/sec downstream, 50 Mbits up
• Std in 2007, commercialization in 2009.
• IP based -- voice cell to WiMAX & UMB?
• Interoperable with GMS/GPRS or W-CDMA-
based UMTS - WRT mobility hand-offs
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Cellular Techology and
Standards - 4th Generation
WiMAX - Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
• IEEE 802.16 standard AKA WirelessMAN100
• Theoretical 70 Mbits (distance related)
• 20 - 30 Kilometres radius
• IEEE 802.16e-2005 is called “Mobile WiMax”

2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 49
Cellular Techology
GSM has been criticized for cryptographic insecurity.
It is a non-open, licensed system. In 1999 Adi
Shamir and Alex Biryukov deciphered GSM A5/1.
The SDA (SmartCard Developers Assn.), Ian
Goldberg and David Wagner of UC Berkeley
‘cloned’ a SIM card in 1998 (broke Comp128):
2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 50
GPRS Security

GPRS - Global General Packet Radio Service

2.5G Packet-switched Mobile Data Service
Built on GSM and IS-136
Uses GSM security.
Superceded oler GSM CSD (Circuit Switched Data)
Superceded by EGPRS (Edge GPRS)
 200+ Kbps vs. 60 - 80 Kbps

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EV-DO - Evolution Data Optimized

Built on CDMA - 1x data available w/CDMA
1xRTT 50 Kbps-100 Kbps - burst to 144Kbps
# EVDO Rev 0 400kbps-700kbps Download, bursts
up to 2.0Mbps, 50kbps-100kbps Upload Speed,
bursts to 144Kbps.
# EVDO Rev A 450Kbps-800Kbps Download,
bursts to 3.0Mbps, 300Kbps-400Kbps Upload
Speed, bursts to 1.8Mbps.
Uses CDMA built-in encryption / security.

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Cellular Techology /
Mobile Data
• SMS – Short Message Service
• Similar to paging
• Small text messages
• Encryption is supported

• NTT DoCoMo iMode

2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 53
Cellular Techology /
Mobile Data
• WAP – Wireless Application Protocol
• 4 or 5 line text menus in ‘microbrowser’
• Designed for use of numeric keypad on
cellphones called ‘Internet-enabled’ phones.
• Mobile Web: HTML/HDML/XML/WML files
converted at WAP gateway.
• WTLS (Wireless Transport Level Security)
provides single leg vs. end-to-end security using
ECC (less cpu intensive), not RSA encryption.
Uses X.509v3 certificates from root Trust CAs
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EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices
Mobile Data Techology
and Standards
Public Packet Data Networks (WAN Tech)
• 19.2kbps – Ardis, RAM, CDPD
• 128kbps – Metricom (circuit-switched)
Used by paging and wireless data services:
• RIM (Research in Motion) Blackberry
• AT&T Wireless
• Verizon
• OmniSky
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Mobile Data Techology
Public Packet Data Networks (WAN Tech)
• Motorola DataTAC and ASTROs
• EDACS (Ericsson Enhanced Digital Access
Communications System)
• TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) – Europe.
Used by :
• Fedex
• US Govt
• Private companies who build their own mobile
data networks.
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Mobile Data Device
Palm Security

@Stake NotSync utility demonstrated an attack on

the Palm via the use of the IR port to attempt to
sync with the Palm. The Sync could be hijacked
and important information (e.g. password)
Any time you are beaming from a Palm you must
be careful about any devices in IR range.

2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 57
Blackberry Security
Has message level security between BB & BES
(Blackberry Enterprise Server) but not on Internet.
Only allows ‘signed’ applications to run - but these
could infect & compromise..
Such an application could be used as a
backdoor/proxy into enterprise networks.
It could also read and send e-mail, SMS and Internet
rd Party Applications.

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Wireless Data Tech and
Wide/Metro Area
PPP over Cellular
 Analog (AMPS) – 9.6kbps
 Digital (US CDMA) – 14.kbps
CDPD – 19.2kbps
Metricom Richochet modem– provides encryption!
Wireless ISPs for high speed access
 Several hundred kbps to several megabits per second
 Proprietary MAN technologies
 Native American Reservation high speed Internet access
WiMax - 20 to 30 KM at 70 Megabits/sec.

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PAN (Personal Area
Network) Standards
PAN/piconet net works PCs, print ers,
peripherals, applicances in a very sm all
(10’ – 20’) personal area net work. Meant
as wire/cable replacem ent s.
Wireless LAN Technology
• Bluet oot h (IEEE 802.15)
• Hom eRF
• Jini – Sun Microsyst em s Java – provides
aut hent icat ion and securit y
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EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices
1, 10 and 100 metre versions.
Uses 2.4Ghz freq range.
Bluetooth uses custom algorithms based on the
SAFER+ block cipher for authentication and key
The E22 used for initialization and master
key generation.
Encryption is via the E0 stream cipher.
“PINs” have been cracked/hacked.
Encryption to be upgraded.
Bluetooth 3 to use UMB.

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Bluetooth Security
Bluejacking - sending messages to
Bluetooth-enabled devices.
Bluesnarfing - stealing info from a
Bluetooth device (contacts/addressbook)
Bluestumbling - discovering and
cataloging Bluetooth devices
Buebugging controlling another’s device
Bluetooth “rifle” can be used up to 1 mile
to receive signal..
2007/04/10 EDUCAUSE 2007 Security Professionals Conference Sem 2A Wireless Security for Mobile Devices 62
ZigBee (AKA HomeRF lite)

250 Kbps at up to 30 meters.

Uses the 2.4GHz radio band - ala 802.11b/g
and 868/915 MHz.
HomeRF Lite plus the 802.15.4 specification.
AKA PURLnet, RF-Lite, Firefly & HomeRF
CSMA/CA in varied topologies up to 50 metres
Low Power

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Summary and
Unresolved Issues
Wireless data over digitally encrypted
channels (e.g. US CDMA) is better security in
general than “over” analog un-encrypted.
No encryption nor security mechanism is
100% secure. You need to assess risk
threats and evaluate tradeoffs.
For sensitive/critical data you should use end-
to-end protection: either encrypted
applications (e.g. SSL) or VPNs (or both) over
wireless networks even those with digital

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Additional Resources
• 3G Wireless FAQ
•Official Bluetooth SIG Website:
• HomeRF Working Group, Inc.
•IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee:
•Wireless Application Protocol Forum Ltd.:

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