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10 Alpha Behaviours

for Breakbeat (Important)

by Tyler Durden
Psychobabble just reminded me about something I wanted to post about.
When I first came onto the board, breakbeat IM'ed me to ask if I had any insights onto what an
alphamale really was, and what characteristics/attributes/qualities they had.
I kept my eyes open for a long time, and compiled a mental list. I've been meaning to post this for a
I think that this is really important, and I hope that people will read all of this.
This post is about to get messy I think... confusing, etc.
Alright, for me, as I've gotten good at PU, I've finally started to notice discrepancies between myself
and NATURAL players.
It's funny, because even though I can outgame any natural in terms of results, I often feel like I'm
trying too hard.
Like, even though I can outgame them, they can have a nice chill night and just be comfortable and
secure, while my mind is racing a million miles a minute.
Of course this is because I LOVE the game, and because I play it for the purpose of stimulating
myself intellectually (once you get very experienced, your mind buzzes with info-processing while
you're doing PU, as you rapidly compare past experience and game-theory that you've read, to
events at hand.. This is why I play the PU game so much, and it is a similar reason to why I enjoy
my philosophy cirriculum at school).
Still though, I've studied alpha behaviour very carefully now, and I've noticed some characteristics,
which you guys may or may not agree with.
Here they are off the top of my head:

"Qualify" meaning that they never brag or even REMOTELY explain things... they don't say "I'm
tired right now", or "I'm really hung over", or "My good clothes are at home", or "I used to be able
to lift that weight, but I haven't been in the gym for a while.", or "I could do that, but I'm having a
bad day."
Similarly, they don't talk excessively about all the chicks they've laid, or all their girlfriends, or all
their success.
WHY? Because they don't even GIVE A FUCK enough about you to even tell you about it.
They ASSUME that you'll think that they're the shit, because they ARE.
Think CLINT EASTWOOD. He hears a big bang or loud noise, and he SLOWLY turns to look at it.
He doesn't let ANYBODY disturb him. He's in his own reality.
I can remember walking into a class late one day, and not looking at the teacher WHATSOEVER.
The girls started giggling, as I looked totally unconcerned at what anyone thought, and they started
hitting on me after class. I mean I can hardly convey this over the net.. The reaction was
Think to when you are chatting some authority figure, or somebody who you admire. If you're like
me, you'll increase your speech DRAMATICALLY.
It's very obvious, and I've seen guys who are alpha start talking abnormally fast when confronted
with guys who are MORE alpha.
Talking fast is a way of QUALIFYING yourself to someone, because you are WORRIED that they'll
stop listening to you and that you won't get out what you have to say.
Notice that when an obviously alpha guy is present, everyone faces their bodylanguage towards
If you crack a joke, people wait for the alphamale to laugh as a sort of "approval" of the joke. He
laughs, and then everyone follows.
Also, an alphamale can crack a DUMB joke, but notice that everyone laughs. It's a laugh of
SUBMISSION in many ways, as when I'm sarging girls they always giggle non-stop.. (alot of PUAs
I've met will say "dude, you make girls giggle like nobody else.. this is ridiculous".. This is only
something that I learned as I practised ASF stuff, and it never used to happen.

Notice that chicks LAUGH HYSTERICALLY when you call them "geeks/dorks/powerpuffgirls".. Or
they laugh when you say that if they're not rich you'll break up with them.
Guys, this stuff is NOT FUNNY. But they laugh like its the funniest thing they've ever heard. Why?
IMO, its because its a laugh of submission. These C&F remarks set you as ALPHA, and they giggle
to submit.
This is called going "girly-girl", and the ugly chicks always bash the hotties for giggling at the
captain of the football team's lame jokes.. "see how she laughs at all his dumb jokes.. its so
pathetic!" (even though they WISH that THEY were the ones who the cool-guy would be chatting
Alphas seem to take ANYTHING that challenges their alpha status in the room and USURP it for
This is a variation of being the ANCHOUR of the convo.
Basically, if you're not the alpha, and you say something cool, the alphamale might do something
Somehow, YOUR cool idea has become THEIR cool idea, and they've usurped the credit for your
There's this one dude, who whenever I hang out at his house (university frathouse type deal, with
lots of guys living there), there will always be this little "alpha-subtext" deal going on.
Like, I'll be showing the dudes there something, and I'll have ALL the attention.
But will HE come over and act impressed? NOPE.
He'll just go do his own thing, or just sit there eating his ravioli, unimpressed with me, in his own
The ONLY time he'll pay attention to what I'm doing is if its a case like 4b, where he'll usurp it for
Otherwise, he's NEVER interested.
I've noticed that I can't get along with alphamales as well as I used to be able to.
It's like a conflict in the room, where the heirarchical status is totally out of order.
Alphas will often hate eachother, except that when they DO make friends, they are BEST FRIENDS.
Or, they can co-exist, but have this sort of weird way of talking.
Like they'll say things to eachother in ways that don't qualify themselves, so its sort of like a weird
broken conversation. I dunno how to describe this, but I'm sure you've all seen it.

Anyway, they get along with everyone, since everyone is on their knob. But as soon as someone who
tries to "take over" the alpha status comes along, he's ridiculed for whatever reason they see fit.


I've noticed that alphas will also have tendencies to take any question that you may have posed in
attempt to get rapport with them, and answer it with some stupid non-sensical bullshit.
This goes back to why I say "don't ask girls questions.. just make statements until they try to get
rapport with YOU.. 'what's your name', etc etc"
Say that you come across an alphamale, and you want to try to get rapport with him. Maybe you'll
ask him some basic questions or something.
But he'll answer with stupid shit like "guess", or "I work at taco bell.. I'm the employee of the
month".. SOUND FAMILIAR? :)
Also, they have a tendency to take what you asked and TWIST it around to ridicule you.
Have you ever been onto a campus where there are cliques everywhere.
Go look at the clique of rich jewish kids. (many of my closest friends are in these, so no stupid racist
bullshit comments)
They don't give a fuck about you. You can be the centre of attention, life of the party, whatever..
It doesn't matter, they're in their corner with a few hotties, minding their own business, and they're
NOT gonna come out to see what cool shit is going on with you.
Now you'd THINK that this would make them BETA, but there's just something ABOUT them that
makes it seem cool.
Their disinterest puts them up above you, and if they DO come over, they come over like you're
their "CLOWN" whose purpose is to ENTERTAIN THEM. It's all about THEM, not YOU. Again,
When I was in NYC with Papa and Mys, we stayed at the house of this guy named "Garvellous"
(NYC Lair top guy).
He was a really cool guy, and he'd been laid around 40 times in college before he'd even FOUND
He'd been in a frat, and he told me about something that the frathouse would intentionally do to
new pledges when they'd apply.
According to Garvellous, they were told to appear UNAPPROACHABLE and CLIQUISH initially.
THEN, they were to be REALLY DOWN TO EARTH.

What he explained was that if you APPEAR to be cliquish and unapproachable, that when you
turned out to be actually down to earth, people would say "this guy is the NICEST/COOLEST guy.."
As opposed to a librarian or a geek being nice, which NOBODY appreciates because they interpret it
as COMPENSATING for short-comings.
Just think: Imagine if you were to bump into Jay-Z or Dr. Dre or Michael Jordan, and they had a
big entourage. The celeb in question comes up to you and says "what's up.. having a good time
dude? cool.. yeah this place is pretty busy you know, and it can be kinda intimidating.. but you
know, I just try to have a good time.. anyway, have a good night man.."
tell EVERYBODY about how cool and down to earth the celeb is, and you'd be really appreciative
and impressed.
Now take the SAME REMARK from a geek or whatever, and you wouldn't give it a second
thought... Whatever, its just some geek.
In clubs, the "unapproachable" guys are the dudes who wear sunglasses into the club, and have
superfly clothes and a corner with hot girls. Notice that if one of THOSE guys approaches your set
in a club, you will NEVER snub him. The two-man cockfarm of generically dressed guys on the
other hand, its a different story.
Here is one that I find really funny.
Look at rapport 50-Cent, or any stereotypical rockstar.
Now your average woman will have all of these "ideals" that guys should have, but notice that these
go out the window for guys like 50-Cent.
50-Cent raps about how he's going to kill and shoot people.. Fuck hoes, etc etc..
NOBODY questions this.
He is 50-Cent, he's from the streets, and THAT-IS-WHO-HE-IS.
Similarly, a rockstar pumps massive drugs and fucks groupies all day long.
He's a REBEL.. a BADBOY.. a SEX SYMBOL.. (notice the correlation, and how projecting
rebel/badboy can get you laid, even though there is no LOGICAL reason for that being the case)..
Even a spiritual guy who talks about inner-peace and non-violence and all that stuff will usually say
"well, he's a superstar" when they're asked what they think about these types of guys.. (there are
exceptions of course, and the dudes with more zeal will call out anybody).
Another example is like COLLEGE ALPHA MALES who wear dumb shit like TOGAS and marker up
their faces with magic marker and shit like that.
Notice that everyone thinks that its COOL, just because the "cool kids" (alphas) are doing it.
NOBODY questions it.

1) Good topic for discussion - how to DEAL with these kinds of guys. For any of us who do clubs,
these kind of guys can be DIFFICULT TO BEFRIEND, for group thoery purposes (for social proof,
and of course for stealing their chicks)
So how do we get good at out-alpha-ing these guys, who barely talk, and who are disinterested in
getting to know you?
2) In what ways do WE on ASF EMULATE these behaviours?
Some obvious ones are just making statements and not asking about them until they go for it first.
And following up "what's your name" with answers like "guess".
3) How does this CONFLICT with the fact that you NEED TO BE TALKATIVE in order to pickup.
It's funny, because it could be argued that the true alpha doesn't TRY to pickup, but just goes out
with his group and has girls do the work to approach HIM.
It just strikes me funny that although I'm supposedly thought of as this big alpha guy on campus,
that I TRY REALLY HARD compared to all the other alphas. Basically, I'm a MASSIVE try-hard
when you really get down to it. I just hide it very well.
So if alphamales don't talk too much, because that is QUALIFYING YOURSELF, then how do we
run a good PU?
One way to get over this hump is to just go and make statements, run routines, etc etc, in a way that
conveys that you're just in the mood to TALK, and it has NOTHING to do with impressing them.
Of course this is what David D, Gunwitch, and others are referring to when they say its 90%
This goes back to the ideas of 2) TALK SLOW, 3) NOT LOOKING AROUND. Also 1) NOT
QUALIFYING YOURSELF is important here as well, since you JUST TALK and don't try to get
rapport, or say things that could be interpreted as qualifying yourself.
A GREAT way to do this is JERK ROUTINES, which are NEGS because you are saying that you
don't want them, so they interpret that as NOT qualifying yourself, which makes them perceive you
as alpha, which attracts them to you.
Also importantly here, 8) ALPHAMALES DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU... That is conveyed by
the fact that you DON'T ASK QUESTIONS to the chick. You don't ask her her name, or where she
works, or ANYTHING until she starts asking YOU.
IOW, I don't go for rapport with HER, until she goes for it with ME, and then I initialy TEASE her
that I won't reciprocate this intention ("guess", C&F answers, etc), for the first minute, until I DO
give it to her.
---OK, long post. I hope people will find this helpful.

I'm really cool!

Another connection that I just drew here with #10 was PEACOCKING..
This is similar to the dudes who wear the togas or magic markers... YOU make the clothes cool.

OK I'm on campus, and I just went and played a game of Street Fighter... beat it on one quarter!
That reminds me of the 11th characteristic of an alphamale.. REALLY GOOD AT VIDEOGAMES..
that's really true, right guys? :(
shit.. am I qualifying myself?? fuck, I'm so confused..
How does this alpha behaviour stuff fit into GUNWITCH METHOD??
Is it possible that GUNWITCH tells us not to use routines or ANYTHING other than NEUTRAL
TALK, because it could be interpreted by the chick as you QUALIFYING YOURSELF?
Maybe that's why he finds it so hard to believe that any routines could be helpful in PU. Because he
hasn't seen routines executed in such a way that you are still alpha.. He's only seen it delivered in a
supplicative way.
I could TOTALLY see that, given that routines ARE often delivered in such a way, by myself
included on some days.
Neutral talk could be projected as ALPHA, because it is SELF-SECURE and not TRY-HARD.
I'm thinking that the fundamental type stuff that I've written here may auger very well with GWM,
in terms of bodylanguage, and "less is more".

>How does this alpha behaviour
>stuff fit into GUNWITCH
>Is it possible that GUNWITCH
>tells us not to use routines
>or ANYTHING other than NEUTRAL
>TALK, because it could be
>interpreted by the chick as

>Maybe that's why he finds it
>so hard to believe that any
>routines could be helpful in
>PU. Because he hasn't seen
>routines executed in such a
>way that you are still alpha..
>He's only seen it delivered in
>a supplicative way.
>I could TOTALLY see that,
>given that routines ARE often
>delivered in such a way, by
>myself included on some days.
>Neutral talk could be
>projected as ALPHA, because it
>is SELF-SECURE and not
>I'm thinking that the
>fundamental type stuff that
>I've written here may auger
>very well with GWM, in terms
>of bodylanguage, and "less is
Yeah i find any of this as a supplication, SOMEtimes it comes off ok, then sometimes it fails, im
about time efficiency myself, ANYTHING that COULD fail, i dont use.
ALSO i dont feel comfortable in my own skin trying to tell her im worthy, she wants to fuck, why do
i need more than a dick? Sounds like the simplest PU method, but in truth its going all the way
back, all the way to the first of it, the sex, its always gotta be about the sex when it comes to a man
and a woman, if not its social conditioning, non mutual attraction, real non sex based enjoyment or
a waste of time.
One of the 4 and youll find THE dynamic between a man and woman, stare into that abyss and
youll see nothing more.
"make the ho say no"
On 4/7/03 5:08:00 AM, TylerDurden wrote:
>That reminds me of the 11th
>characteristic of an
>alphamale.. REALLY GOOD AT
>VIDEOGAMES.. that's really
>true, right guys?
I'm a master of arcade games, I'm also good at generally any computer game you can dish out,
especially arcade like, and RTS, like StarCraft and WarCraft.
I know Jay's a Quake champion :-)
You can beet Street Fighter in 1 go? That's great bro! Try going to the mall [in peacocky clothes of
course] and doing that where everyone can see. Trust me on this :-) Go to an internet site with all
the moves and methods, study them, and get to the mall. If you pull this off on a good day, the

whole phucking mall's gonna be around you becasue you're da thang. Where you go from there, is a
choice I leave to you ;-)

>I know Jay's a Quake champion :-)
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Topic:Re: 10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (7 of 25), Read 447 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 05:13 AM
In article <>, TylerDurden
I like em all except for this one. If you can't get an even 10, don't
stretch it homes.
I don't know if "degrading" is the right word. I think it's more about
answering with something people don't normally hear so that the
conversation never gets dull, but at the same time it can't become
The Rick H "I'm an ass model" is not degrading, but it works. It just
has to be something that demonstrates his synapses are firing and he's
not willing to be lured into dull conversation. Plus the added benefit
you get the other person's synapses firing too.
> I've noticed that alphas will also have tendencies to take any question that
> you may have posed in attempt to get rapport with them, and answer it with some
> stupid non-sensical bullshit.
> This goes back to why I say "don't ask girls questions.. just make statements
> until they try to get rapport with YOU.. 'what's your name', etc etc"
> Say that you come across an alphamale, and you want to try to get rapport with
> him. Maybe you'll ask him some basic questions or something.
> But he'll answer with stupid shit like "guess", or "I work at taco bell.. I'm
> the employee of the month".. SOUND FAMILIAR? :)
> Also, they have a tendency to take what you asked and TWIST it around to
> ridicule you.

-Wintermute *** RAFC+

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Topic:Re: 10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important (8 of 25), Read 441 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 06:27 AM
On 4/7/03 5:13:46 AM, Wintermute wrote:
>I don't know if "degrading" is
>the right word. I think it's
>more about
>answering with something
>people don't normally hear so
>that the
>conversation never gets dull,
>but at the same time it can't
>The Rick H "I'm an ass model"
>is not degrading, but it
>works. It just
>has to be something that
>demonstrates his synapses are
>firing and he's
>not willing to be lured into
>dull conversation. Plus the
>added benefit
>you get the other person's
>synapses firing too.
Should have posted this. I've recognized TWO types of alphas.
#1, the type that maintains alpha status by making everyone around them BETTER.
-Wayne Gretzky
-Mark Messier
-Winston Churchill
#2, the type that maintains alpha status by putting everyone around them DOWN.
-Saddam Hussein
-puck hogs in hockey, who score goals but never pass
-my dad
-my insecure principle who would suspend people left and right, and teachers who always yell
-posters on this board who criticize alot of material, but never post their own (this isn't at anyone
specific since I don't have mental-energy to keep track of this stuff, but you'll see it happen from

time to time with posters who pass through here)

-the bully in high school
---Going back to your post....
this is a REALLY good point, and I agree completely in some ways.
The 'ass model' type stuff is excellent because it APPEARS like you just thought of it right then and
there, and makes you seem intelligent -> good genetics.
However, I was commenting on typical traits of *natural* alphas, and wasn't NECESSARILY
commenting on IDEAL traits of alphas.
Rather, I was just commenting on what many natural alphas do, and that it should be
The degrading retorts fall into alpha category #2.
I am still as of yet UNSURE which of these tactics I feel I should KEEP, and which I should throw
The degrading answers is something that MANY of the "Mr. Cool Guy" types around my campus do,
in a lame way to retain their alpha-status. I think its undeniable that it goes on, but that's only given
what I've seen in my life experience.
Either way though, I do agree with your rationale.

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Topic:Re: 10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important (9 of 25), Read 376 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 11:28 AM
On Mon, 07 Apr 2003 06:27:00 -0400, TylerDurden wrote:
>The 'ass model' type stuff is excellent because it APPEARS like you just
>thought of it right then and there, and makes you seem intelligent -> good
Hey Tyler,
The idea of these flippant answers is also to convey the 'I don't give
a shit' attitude.
I think that's probably why Sisonpyh (from Cliff's List) recommended
never giving a straight answer & coming back with flippant replies.
I think this can be overdone, though, and doesn't neccessarily give
the best alpha impression.

IME this stuff should be used lightly to kid around with the girl
during rapport-building. You look like a bit of a clown if you keep
doing it nonstop in what should be normal social situations.
It should only used a bigtime in a situation where you're expected to
clown around a lot, like at a wild party, or in a club where
everybody's feeling wired.
ALSO, this is really important- guys who just read these C&F things
and SAY them are going to get the same results as guys who just recite
canned patterns or opening routines- they'll fall flat.
These replies have to be delivered with the right body language and
eye contact, for example, you might face her, pause, look deadly
serious into her eyes as you say it, then raise your eyebrows and
'twinkle' your eyes at her (the flirting eye gesture, as the
ethologists call it :) The 'twinkle' is a non-verbal way of saying
'just kidding'. Or you might hold the serious pose until she replies
to you, letting the tension build, and using the release of the
tension to improve your proximity/kino situation.
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Topic:10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (10 of 25), Read 443 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 05:20 AM
>Look at rapport 50-Cent
What the fuck? How can I gain rapport with 50 cents? It's not possible. No way, Jose! Is he
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Topic:10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (11 of 25), Read 439 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 06:27 AM
On 4/7/03 5:20:00 AM, Euphorio wrote:
>>Look at rapport 50-Cent
>What the fuck? How can I gain
>rapport with 50 cents? It's
>not possible. No way, Jose! Is
>he Mexican?
damn you! don't mess with me, I am ALPHA!
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Topic:10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (12 of 25), Read 409 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 08:49 AM
I know of a guy whos very much an alpha and displays all of the alpha traits you listed, except he
DOES ask questions. Infact, he asks more questions than anyone else I know, to someone he's just
met. But he doesn't seem even slightly impressed with the answers.
I think that this is just a bit of alphaness that he's missing, and that him not asking questions will
make him seem even more alpha. He may think that when he asks questions, it helps in making
him more talkative, and helps his PU.
Any guy that me meets, he instantly tries to befriend, by being superfriendly, looking interested
(but not impressed) in what they're saying and who they are. Several people I've spoken to about
him, say that they "feel as if they're his best friend". This may just come down to good rapport
building skills. Can anyone expand on this?
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Topic:10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (13 of 25), Read 399 times
Conf:>> Advanced
From:Commander Zap
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 09:43 AM

I agree with just about all of this, interesting discussion.

Including that not asking many questions in a *social context* is alpha. Also for the reason Mystery
states, asking is requesting value, telling is giving value. But of course if you give too much value by
yacking away, you risk not being alpha.
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Topic:10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (14 of 25), Read 274 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 06:45 PM
On 4/7/03 6:27:00 AM, TylerDurden wrote:
>On 4/7/03 5:20:00 AM, Euphorio wrote:
>>>Look at rapport 50-Cent
>>What the fuck? How can I gain
>>rapport with 50 cents? It's
>>not possible. No way, Jose! Is
>>he Mexican?
>damn you! don't mess with me, I am

If you were really alpha you wouldn't need to qualify yourself to me like this. Who am I? Your
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Topic:Re: 10 Alpha behaviours - Narrow Alphaness and comparison with work (15 of 25), Read
392 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 09:27 AM
Some interesting stuff here which has given me insights into a problem I've
had translating "work alphaness" into "PU alphaness"
The issue as I see it is that in a business context you often get Leaders
(ie Alphas) + Drones (ie Betas), but ALSO sometimes an additional role of
Advisor/Expert. ie someone who is respected for their opinion, analytics,
intellectual input etc by both the leader + the drones. Typically an advisor
will also be happy to directly confront the leader in their area of
speciality as they are, in essence, "Narrow Alphas", who are the gurus on a
particular area but are not challengers for outright leadership.
In a work context, I'm a Narrow Alpha - I am opinionated on my field of
choice, command respect (and cash) from people wanting my advice, spend a
lot of time doing presentations to paying audiences or being interviews by
But, this doesn't translate to PU very well, as (perhaps apart from a
wingman) there isn't an analogous role in PUA vs Target
Looking at some of your specific comments:
> They ASSUME that you'll think that they're the shit, because they ARE.
...whereas an expert is an expert precisely because their comments &
opinions are articulate & inherently well-qualified
... I have historically talked too much & so I am training myself to STFU
except on certain "pet" topics useful to convey value in PU (Travel is my
main one).
> Talking fast is a way of QUALIFYING yourself to someone, because you are
> WORRIED that they'll stop listening to you and that you won't get out what
> have to say.
... again, this varies in a business context. An expert has SO MUCH to say,
they deliver value by trying to communicate as much of it to "the audience"
as possible. A bit like a sports commentator, I guess, which is a similar

type of role, or possibly a TV News anchorman.

I once took a job partly because my boss-to-be and I kept upping the pace of
speech to a ridiculous speed throughout the hour-long interview. She & I
mutually impressed each other, based largely around articulacy & common
intuitive thought processes.
Again, I'm training myself on talking more slowly. Difficult one, though.
Again, different in a "Narrow Alpha" sense. I know I can get PROFESSIONAL
rapport with anyone as I speak their language & "look them in the eye"
without either of us being a threat to the other. I've had drinks or meals
with a number of CEOs & other honchos, where we've had total rapport &
mutual understanding - sharing in-jokes, doing business etc.
Obviously not in this context!
All this is helping me to crystallise some thoughts I'd been working on. In
a way, it's been really annoying to find that my Alpha work persona has been
fuck-all use in PU except with a narrow-niche of "braindigging" chicks who
get swept away by articulacy and analytics.
But on the other hand, I have been able to re-use certain mental states (eg
confidence to talk to whoever) in adopting ASF approaches. I realised that
if I can ask Bill Gates questions & not have him think I'm an arsehole, I
shouldn't be worried about some HB in a bar.
Cheers TD
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Topic:10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (16 of 25), Read 374 times
Conf:>> Advanced
From:Prime Alpha
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 11:16 AM
On 4/7/03 4:30:00 AM, TylerDurden wrote:
Very interesting post bro. Some thoughts:
Some of these characteristics are walking a fine rope between Alpha and a$$hole. Remember the
Tiger/raven thread? Tigers are respected by everyone, ravens are eventually chucked away from the
group and need to find other turfs.
For example, the not being impressed might better be not being TOO impressed. "Hey dood, that's
kool :-)" would be ok, IMO. Totally ignoring wouldn't come of good; Neither would drooling all

over. There's always an optimum.

Also, you mentioned how some guys just make themselves out so alpha and wait for the women to
approach them. This reminds me of a thread from a while ago. There was this Alpha male who was
the head of a group and phucked most of the girls that passed thru the group. But he was only
Alpha in THAT group, and by using methods which sometimes would border the raven. He was no
true Tiger. Outside of his group, any ASFer could outsarge him any day, and some ASFers could
even dethrone him. A true Alpha would not hesitate to act upon an AI, or even approach from
scratch; People who rely too much on group dynamics to get laid are only half-Alpha, IMO.
Take a rock star to a country where he's not even known, and see how good his game his. Sure,
phucking 100's of chicks most of them would have developed some, and would have no trouble
nexting and sarging caveman style, but some of them would probably only be half-Alpha, not true
Alpha; Sarging groupies isn't PU, it's just good ole' sex.
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Topic:10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (17 of 25), Read 371 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 12:08 PM
On 4/7/03 4:30:00 AM, TylerDurden wrote:
Also, do crazy shit at once, when you enter a new environment. Do it like its the most natural thing
in the world. This tells everyone that this is who you are and that you expect/demand everyone to
be cool with it. After you have demonstrated this at an early stage, you can get away with
ANYTHING with the people you demonstrated for - they'll probably even think its cool/funny since
it far out shit that normally is frowned upon.
>hears a big bang or loud
>noise, and he SLOWLY turns to
>look at it. He doesn't let
>ANYBODY disturb him. He's in
>his own reality.
Bruce Willies does the exact same thing in Die Hard movies.
Another great one is when someone talks to him from the side/behind and he talks back without
moving, even if they threaten to kill him. The clue here is to reveal that you have NO FEAR.
Good, but not half as important as the one you forgot: MOVE SLOW. I was at the mall on saturday,
and in the center there is a winding stairs and I was walking down and there were some very small
kids in front of me walking veeery slow, so I had to slow down myself. As I was moving down the
stairs in UTTER SLOW MOTION, I notice that at least 10 girls are staring at me from different
places on the floor below. Two small groups of girls changes their direction of movement towards
the base of the stairs and stops, turn their backs towards me and start throwing quick glances at me
over their shoulder. It was a SHOCKING experience - like I was the KING walking down from my

throne or something... But listen: I was not moving slow - I was moving INCREDIBLY SLOW. Each
step took like 4 seconds and i did it in fluid motion, not step - wait - step... you better try this out!
This is an effect, not a cause. This is of course good if you want to gauge how well you are doing.
But also IGNORING betas WHENEVER they feel like it. Exsample1: beta talking to HB. alpha
comes in and starts talking to HB as if beta does not exist. Example2: beta says something. alpha
says something totally unrelated as if beta never said anything.
Hehehe - I never miss an opportunity to do this to other alphas. They go slightly mad in the
beginning, but soon they give in and become beta when I'm around :-)
Ok - you covered my comment under 7.
Recap: Try slow graceful moves - try doing all your movements like Clint does his slow head turn.
This is the BOMB!
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Topic:Re: 10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (18 of 25), Read 315 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 04:05 PM


>Alphas seem to take ANYTHING that challenges their alpha status in the room and
>USURP it for themselves.
>This is a variation of being the ANCHOUR of the convo.
>Basically, if you're not the alpha, and you say something cool, the alphamale
>might do something like "YEAH THAT IS THE SHIT... YOU COULD EVEN DO X,Y,Z...."
>Somehow, YOUR cool idea has become THEIR cool idea, and they've usurped the
>credit for your idea.
that, my friend, is shit.
you see how people react to mystery when he shows up on this board
recently? now he does have good shit of his own, so why do they?

now i've seen you do this with my ideas from day one, and i never said
anything because i don't feel like chasing through each and every one
of your long-ass posts to scan for material that's mine, and number
two it doesn't really matter cuz the people who need it will get it
and i'm not about getting nods.
i have realized something about you, tyler D, you are 50% creative and
50% competitive. in other words, half of what you do is your own
creation, and you steal 50% from other guys.
in other words, you are 50% your alpha type A and 50% your alpha type
now i like the 50% alpha type A about you, that's your cool side. all
that other stuff i think is just plain being a dick, period. i'm
convinced the girls you're gonna actually have real fun with like you
because of the 50% alpha type A that's in you. that's the 50% of you
if you feel like you're trying too hard, that's the 50% competitive.
that's the guy who'll just take two (inferior? wtf???) sevens by the
arm and fuck with them so he will "impress" a (perceived) 9. dude,
sorry, that's fucked up. you're TAKING AWAY from the sevens (possibly
ruining their night), you're TAKING AWAY from the 9s, because if they
want a guy with chicks flocking off him you're only giving them one
who PRETENDS to be a guy with chicks flocking off him. and finally,
you're taking away from yourself because you strike through your
ability to TRULY become somebody with the chicks flocking off him.
i actually hate to be pissy like this and i'd much rather write about
something else, but i like you, or should i say that 50% real tyler D
about you, and all that bogus bologna just plain pisses me off, and
besides you ARE taking away real value from me by stealing
let's take a counter example. hedge killa gave me an awesome book tip
that really improved my conversation skills. i wanna help the newbies
on this board, so did i go around and call myself breakbeat the newbie
guru and pretended i came up with that book tip and everything else
out of thin air like a deity? no way man, every single time (and that
was a lot of times, and i was wondering if this was kind of stupid) i
said thanks hedge in my posts.
now did that take away from my perceived glory? maybe. i can make up
for that, if i'm interested in glory. the real question is, how does
hedge feel about that? i'm sure he feels pretty darn good and he shows
me that too. you know how that makes me feel? RELAXED. no mind
spinning, i just know i gotta buddy here on ASF who's not fucking me
over, we just are here and provide value for each other. so you wanna
stop the constant mind-race? STOP PRETENDING dude. now i know you hang
with mystery who's probably really good at pretending and if you stop
pretending you're probably not going to want to learn as much from him
as you do now. it will shatter your relationship with him if you stop
pretending. you gotta know that, and it's not pretty.
now to the benefits of not pretending. now you complain about the true
alphas just shooting the shit and here you are spinning and mindracing

and constantly STRESSED OUT AS HELL to keep up your image. what's the
trick? well, you let yourself be the image.
now dude this does not mean you get out-alphaed. alpha has a lot to do
with setting your priorities and creating your own world. you already
know that. now try adding this: creating your own world in a way where
everybody whose world mingles with your world gets benefit. this is
NOT a zero sum game! this is a question of growth, more of everything
for everybody.
okay let's bring this back to the alpha thing. you wanna get chicks.
so what you do is you throw yourself out there and be (make the
mundane fascinating by expressing it in your own unique way). you show
these chicks what it is you want from them. you have your conditions
for taking them. you screen. but you are you, and compromising your
ability to just express yourself for ANYBODY, including chicks, is
just about the most beta thing you can do. it's SUPPLICATING TO THE
WORLD. TRYING TO PLEASE THE WORLD. now the only way you're gonna
please the world is by making the most of yourself, and i mean REALLY
make the most of yourself, by BECOMING more, not only APPEARING to be
now, you wanna do that, go ahead and do that. i'm telling you you're
gonna crash. or at the very least you're never gonna get rid of the
constant stress in your mind, constantly working to keep up the image.
that will be your constant companion, as well as the fear to be
uncovered. now nobody likes to be ignored and betaized, so what do you
do? you create groups in which you alphaize each other. i can see you
starting to do that right now.
now what about those "fake" chicks? well if a chick reduces her "real"
self to nil and is only fake... now why the hell would i want to hang
with her? she has nothing to offer me. i think her sweet body gets
ugly as fuck when she's fake. i screen her. you see there are club
chicks with sweet bodies who go to the place to have fun and have a
life, and there are club chicks who live in the club and hope to get
approval by whoever they think is the MOST ALPHA, or whatever. those
chicks just don't get it. why would i want to compromise something
REAL, like perhaps a possibly nice person 7, to create a fake image?
dude that sucks so bad i just wanna give you a good kick to shake you
back into reality. imagine it this way. you wanna be the shining guy
who shines because he sucks up all the shinyness around him and leaves
a trail of destruction? or do you want to be the shiny guy who shines
because he knows where the shiny stuff comes from in the first place
and leaves a trial of abundance behind him?
dude it's your choice. i like you as a person, you have value. if you
wanna be that 50% of yourself that's real, you're welcome in my life
in whatever way, IM, come over to switzerland for a visit, we'll have
a blast together, cause i know you're a great guy.
now if you wanna be that other 50%, you can go freeze to death on the
north pole. if you're gonna steal my ideas and call them your own, i
have two words for you: NOT WELCOME. PISS OFF. you will have NO
RELEVANCE WHATSOEVER in my reality, you're gonna be beta whenever
you're near me cause i'm going to ignore you. why? because you do not
add to my reality, you take away from it. you're a cheat. a stealing

shit. a lyer. i screen people like that and you are no exception, if
that's the person you wanna be. it's your choice. think about it.
f.m. breakbeat
-------appreciate to attract
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Topic:10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (19 of 25), Read 253 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Monday, April 07, 2003 08:25 PM
Is that a word? If it is, could you please give use the definition, or at least the correct spelling.


This one I have to agree with more so than anything else that I agree with.
It's true. Alphas are confident, outstanding, and bold, all traits that people envy, so when they
receive a kind act from an alpha they feel a little higher than they were before, depending on where
they are on the Beta-----Alpha scale. (This is why 101 theory works)
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Topic:10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (20 of 25), Read 196 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Tuesday, April 08, 2003 12:11 AM
There are many characteristics of an alpha-male, however, here are the FIVE most talked about by
Show that you don't everything seriously...that you can laugh at the funny things in life. Be the guy
who is able to make boring things and mundane situations into playful and enjoyable ones. Laugh!
When you are having a good time, laughing, and having fun, others will feel it.

Shave well. Make sure you look sharp (unless you are going for a grungy-rockstar-biker look). Keep
good hygiene. Be a guy that people look at because you are well-dressed, stylish, and people look at
you and know you take good care of yourself.
Demonstrate that you have an outgoing personality, a passion for life (and the fabulous things in
it). If you have a sense of adventure and enthusiasm for a certain somthing, you go for it. You are
successful, ambitious, and take what you want. You are always in control.
You establish a genuine connection and rapport with the people you talk to. Be a good-listener and
establish common grounds with people you talk to. You are not egotistical or arrogant. You connect
with people on their level and are genuinely interested in people.
When you smile and are having a good time, the energy you put out will be shared by others around
you. Do NOT fake a smile, but when you are enjoying yourself, smile! Smiling is contagious. People
feel good when they know they are around other people having a good time with them.
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Topic:Re: 10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (21 of 25), Read 168 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Tuesday, April 08, 2003 02:23 AM

> Usurping??????????????
From the base word..
Usurp: To take or assume without right.
RTFD!! (Read The Fucking Dictionary!!) lol
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Topic:Re: 10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (22 of 25), Read 167 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Tuesday, April 08, 2003 02:28 AM
> Usurping??????????????

> Is that a word? If it is, could you please give use the definition, or at
> least the correct spelling.
I'm not a native speaker, so my dictionary helps out sometimes. It says:
"formal: to take a job or position that belongs to someone else without
having the right to do this"
Just what I understood from the context the word was presented in...
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Topic:Re: 10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (23 of 25), Read 91 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Tuesday, April 08, 2003 12:37 PM
Usurp (yoo-srp, -zrp)
- verb
v. usurped, usurping, usurps
v. tr.
To seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for example) by force and
without legal authority. See Synonyms at appropriate.
To take over or occupy without right: usurp a neighbor's land.
v. intr.
To seize another's place, authority, or possession wrongfully.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Middle English usurpen, from Old French usurper, from Latin srpre, to take
into use, usurp. See reup- in Indo-European Roots.]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------usurper n.
usurpingly adv.
(or as the teacher said ... look it up!)
-Sarge103 - RAFC, 1st class
<InnerCalm> wrote in message
> Usurping??????????????
> Is that a word? If it is, could you please give use the definition, or at
> least the correct spelling.
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Topic:Re: 10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important (24 of 25), Read 71 times
Conf:>> Advanced
From:Pissed Off!
Date:Tuesday, April 08, 2003 03:45 PM
Pretty good list.
My personal opinion on alphaness is very simple and extremely effective.
1. Have fun, enjoy whatever your doing.
2. Don't care what anyone else thinks of you.
3. Thats it!
If you follow this step by step plan, you will be much more alpha and all the things on tylers list will
happen naturally. I'm not gonna explain why this works, because I think its pretty self-explanatory.
It takes time to really get good at this, but if you invest the time in my "Alpha Recipe" then you will
be a true alpha and a happier person.
Pissed Off!
Formerly known to the internet community as "Mr. Mystery", NOT "Mystery".
"Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find
love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it" - D.H. Lawrence
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Topic:Re: 10 Alpha behaviours - for breakbeat (important) (25 of 25), Read 44 times
Conf:>> Advanced
Date:Tuesday, April 08, 2003 05:56 PM
dude! I love you. This post is mad $$ for me. I'm printing a card to
remember it all for the next weeks. I'm seeing this as something which can
really help me in allot of areas. You'll get feedback on this from me in two
weeks or so.
> I can remember walking into a class late one day, and not looking at the
> teacher WHATSOEVER.
> The girls started giggling, as I looked totally unconcerned at what anyone
> thought, and they started hitting on me after class. I mean I can hardly
> convey this over the net.. The reaction was RIDICULOUS.
ok, now do this with food in one hand while eating. (not chicken for christs
sake, it looks ridiculess) I was thinking about posting something about
that/not giving a fuck. But I wasnt really sure what was going on when I did
it. Well anyways I do it once in a while just to get my ego up.


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