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ME 345W

Lab 4

Cris Demby

Laboratory 4:
Displacement Sensors

Christopher Demby
Lab Partner: Kegan Minney
Date of Experiment: 11/04/14
Date of Submission: 11/18/14

ME 345W

Lab 4

Cris Demby

The lab uses several displacement sensors to measure objects. The instruments are
used to measure the displacement changes in voltage read by the Tektronix
DSO2002 Oscilloscope. Several labs measured two different materials, steel and
aluminum, to compare any different results that can be found when using different
materials. This lab demonstrates the methods that each instrument measures in
and their sensitivity to materials if needed.

ME 345W

Lab 4

Cris Demby

Introduction to Displacement Sensors:

Within the lab, 5 different sensors were used as practice. At station A, an induction
sensor is used. At station B, an optical sensor is used. At station C and F, an LVDT
sensor is used. At station E, a capacitance sensor is used. At station A and E, the
use of two different materials where given to show the difference material can
affect the results of our sensors.
Induction sensor: These sensors detect the presence of electrically conductive
materials. The eddy currents generated in the measured materials will increase the
impedance of the sensor, drooping the internal AC current.
Capacitance Sensor: Sensor measures by becoming oppositely charged by the
observed object. This detection depends on the objects ability to become
electrically charged. The current will move out of its internal plate when the
measured object is close enough to affect the sensors internal charge.
LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer): Sensor uses a core that is
surrounded in a casing. The casing consist of insulating materials, a primary coil,
and secondary coils. The movement of the core through the casing causing a
change of voltage in a linear form. The core is attached to the measure object by a
rod to measure the movement.
Optical Sensor (Light Beam Sensor): Sensor used a light frequency to measure the
objects distance from the sensor. This can be a slower sensor when there is more
current presented.

ME 345W

Lab 4

Cris Demby

Station A and E:
At station E, a capacitance sensor is used on the two materials, steel and aluminum.
There was a noticeable difference in the results of the two material. Both materials
resulted in similar graphs presented by the oscilloscope as shown below.

Figure 1: Steel

Figure 2: Aluminum
The two materials had different ranges to where they would be detected by the
sensor. The aluminum was able to be detected within .0625 inches from the sensor.
The steel was detected at .125 inches from the sensor. The result of a smaller
minimum is present in the inductance sensor between the aluminum and steel
In comparison to station E, we see that the inductance sensor shows the results in
an oscillation form, unlike the capacitance sensor. Another difference in our result at
station A in comparison to station E is that given graphs were different. In station E,
only two results were present in the graph, varying at steady state to an instant
change to -21V. In the results of station A, an oscillation form is shown that varies
depending on the proximity of the material observed.

ME 345W

Lab 4

Cris Demby

ME 345W

Lab 4

Cris Demby

Voltage Average vs. Distance


Voltage average (mV) -2000


Distance (inches)

Figure 3: Steel chart

Voltage Average vs. Distance


Voltage average (mV) -2000

0 0.5 1 1.5


Distance (inches)

Figure 4: Aluminum Chart

The difference between these two materials was the proximity at which the sensor
would operate. For aluminum, the minimum distance needed to operate was
approximately .25 inches and maximum approx. 1.25inch. This gave a total
operating range of 1 inch for the sensor to display a result. The other material,
steel, had an operating range of 1.5625 inch, minimum approx. .4375 and
maximum 2 inches.
The inductance of the materials difference from one another as well when looking at
the results. With aluminum, we see the voltage arrives at a positive voltage at a
closer range than the steel.

ME 345W

Lab 4

Cris Demby

Station B:

Figure 5: Max Distance 4.126 in.

Figure 6: Min distance 2.152 in.

At this station, an optical sensor is used. There was no difference in measurements
when using different materials. On this sensor, the maximum range at which it
could detect the observed object was 4.126 inch. As shown in the figure above, the
average voltage read by the oscilloscope was 961mV. This was the further range
detectable before the result reached a steady state as shown below. The minimum
found before the object was unable to be detected was 2.152 in.

Figure 7: No object in range


ME 345W

Lab 4

Cris Demby

Station C:
This station, a LVDT sensor was used to show the behavior of the sensor on the
oscilloscope. The LVDT sensor is limited to it size in respect to its effective range. On
the figure below, the effective range was between 0 and 3.5 inches. When the core
passed through the casing by more than 3.5, the behavior of the results is mirrored,
resulting a similar results found between the effective range of the sensor. The
voltage range of the effective range is 11v.

Figure 8: Effective range (0 to 3.5 inch)

ME 345W

Lab 4

Cris Demby

Station F:
At station F, the sensor is similar to the LVDT sensor (station C) where both share
same the same structure of rod and casing. The sensor, however, displays a
different result in comparison to station Cs sensor. In the figure below, two spikes
are shown, having a voltage change equal in magnitude. The speed of the
movement affected the spikes magnitude. Below, two figures are shown, one with
slow movement, the other with a fast movement. The distance the rod traveled of
both results is 5 inches.

Figure 9: Slow movement of the sensor

Figure 10: Fast movement of the sensor

Comparing the two results, we can see that magnitude of the voltage change is
proportional to the speed of the sensor. In figure 9, the change of voltage is less

ME 345W

Lab 4

Cris Demby

than 1V and has a range of almost 2 second for each spike. In figure 10, the change
of voltage is approx. 3V with a span of about 1 second for the spike.
Comparison chart:
Sensor type
Induction (AL.)
LVDT (Station
LVDT (Station

Max Output

Min Output




Range of
.4375 to 2 inches







.25 to 1.25











4.126 to 2.152
3.5 inches




5 inches


ME 345W

Lab 4

Cris Demby

In the lab, each station shows how a sensor works and gives an idea of the ranges
and output that can be expected from the sensors. Some sensors are shown to react
differently, depending on the objects material, causing a smaller range of
operation, or smaller output read by the oscilloscope. Due to some human errors,
some results such as the optical sensor can be off. This is due to the small
shakiness of the human hand holding the object being measure. Other errors affect
by this can also be seen in the LVDT sensor at station F when the movement of the
core is not constant. The lab, however, shows the type of scenarios in which these
sensors are used and the way each sensor takes measurements.


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