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REVOLUTION Volume 2 Issue 7 July 2008


Shift in Human Consciousness Interview with Judy Satori
Loving Me... Loving You Gods and Leptons
Message From The Editor
This issue is a general issue
without any specific theme. The
cover story is on the nature of truth. Truth is often seen by most
people as absolute. In the famous
story of the blind men and the
elephant, the blind men touch
Executive Editor different parts of the elephant and think that what
Amitt Parikh they felt alone is the ultimate truth about the
elephant. They never realise that their truths,
though apparently contradictory, are all aspects
of the integral truth of the whole elephant.
Editor Humanity has witnessed even violent conflicts
Prabhath P caused by differing and competing versions of
truth. The cover story examines this paradox of
truth and points to the integral and
multidimensional nature of truth.
Graphic Design
Gunaji M. Parab Other topics this issue explores include the
Parikh Info Solutions P. Limited tendency to defend ourselves against the unknown, the Shift in human consciousness
leading to evolutionary transformation in 2012,
Published By Oscar Wilde's spiritual realisation of Love,
Spiritual Science & Research Foundation Neuro-Linguistic Programming, how our finite perceptions affect our understanding of reality,
the importance of loving relationships and the
Editorial & Advertising Office light language that helps Earth's ascension to the
24, Shree Hari Nagar, Opp. Palika Nagar, fifth dimension. There are also spiritual poems
D. Z. Patel School Rd., V. V. Nagar Road, and a short story.
Anand 388001, Gujarat, India.
Tel : +91-02692-657582 Love and Light,
Fax: +91-022-28681221
Prabhath P
01. The Paradox of Truth 01
By Divyaa Kummar

02. The Shift in Human Consciousness 05

By Sol Luckman
03. Loving Me…Loving You 11
By Ellaeenah
04. Defending Ourselves Against The Unknown 14
By Ellen Davis

05. Be Love - An Interview 16

With Judy Satori

06. Gods and Leptons 18

By Jim Mcinvale

07. Oscar Wilde: The Triumph of Love 20

By Oscar Del Santo
08. NLP is what you ARE 23
By Christa Barbara Asal

09. When Fire Flowers Blossomed 24

By Prabhath P

10. Spritual Poems 28

By Divyaa Kummar
Truth is a beguiling goal but meet with truth cheekily continuing to play hide and
'truly' it is the journey towards it seek with you!
that is truth's reason to be! And
Truth is usually considered, the apex of a triangle
just as tarot's high priestess veils
pointing upward! Most of us take the journey
the truth behind her so that you
towards truth to be this triangle, with us exploring
may each make this journey yourself, does life,
from the widest base of information, facts, data,
indeed existence does the same! And when you
input and then narrowing and defining each 'truth' to
venture forth, on this expedition for 'the truth' - a clue
finally culminate as the one ultimate truth! But it is
from me to you: be open to the many paradoxes you
in fact quite the reverse - you start at the narrowest
will find along your way! Truth will turn you and
point, of your perception, experience, and
itself left, right and upside down. So be prepared to
understanding of any aspect (truth) till its 'truth'
play this game with abandon, exploring each facet
encompasses more and more, infinitely widening
wholly, for then will truth unfold and unravel itself;
towards what you call the 'top'! For truth doesn't
any resistance, any hard-line approach will only
narrow into 'a truth,' but moves into a place where

01 YSR JULY 2008

you can view all points of view co-existing equally Not only do you not hanker after some one and final
as truths, relative to different points along the truth but this awakening also renders null and void
journey, each truth only a function of a particular the association of 'truth' being synonymous with
time and space co-ordinate! The triangle is indeed 'one absolute'. More importantly you do not get
upside down! confused by the different truths presented by
different masters, texts or even by the same master to
Thus truths are not as usually considered
different people, or different truths presented to you
absolute facts without contradictions! Seekers get
along your journey!
confused when they come across what appear as
'contradictory' universal truths; they constantly try Spiritual texts are 'written' in ways, in which all
and determine which of those truths is the 'one and aspects of any universal truth are present - with you
ultimate truth'! Either way they feel that if one is coming across or accepting that truth which you
right then the other must be wrong, old or redundant! need in the now! And this brings us to a very vital
And it is this need to categorize reality in terms of its point in this exploration of truth. Each individuation
'one ultimate' truth, that comes in the way. The is on its unique journey in experiencing the Whole
classic Rumi story outlines this beautifully: He tells for the Whole. Each so-called current life is
us about four blind men in a bazaar, each one on one designed towards this, in inimitable ways. And
side of an elephant, touching the elephant to describe based on your purpose of each life, what you have
its truth. Naturally an argument ensues, for one chosen to experience, explore, expand and
describes the elephant through the tail, another disempower through any current life you will meet
through the trunk and the others through each of its as your truths! For truth depends on many variables -
flanks, and yet the people of the bazaar, from their your era (time) and place (space), your soul purpose,
vantage point of the larger picture, can see all your current life purpose, your stage of what you call
aspects being the truth about the elephant! 'evolution' to name only a few, so yes truth is an ever-
evolving aspect along with 'you'. And if you observe
Universal Truths can be likewise viewed from
carefully, the truth of each level of your personal
many angles, each one as true as the other! Indeed
evolution is self-verifying, as at each level you are
seemingly opposing perspectives, for example, the
native to that! So everyone feels justified in his or
principle of complete free will and complete divine
her own truth! In some life (or phase of) for example,
will; or the truth behind desires must be fulfilled and
you may choose to explore surrender to divine will;
desires must be transcended - can both be equally
in another you may choose to claim your complete
and simultaneously valid, for it depends from which
free will as Creator - and both experiences are valid
'angle' you are viewing 'the truth', and which
for the larger soul journey and both truths have to be
experience you require in the now! Neither negates
wholly experienced as your truth - beyond
the other, and as you truly embark on the journey to
intellectual concepts. Only then are you, as a soul,
reach 'the truth', you find not only these two points
ready to move to another of its facets becoming your
(your current and the larger) co-existing but the
truth! For your truth is what is you experience; your
many gradations in between all making up its truth!
truth is in your energy signature, and not your
For each point of view, understanding, and
intellectual understanding thereof!
experience - each truth indeed - has its own validity
in its time and space co-ordinate and is required for At this point we can loosely, for the sake of
'soul' growth therein! And as you explore, expand, explanation only, define truth in terms of a) your
evolve, acknowledge and accept that each current (or personal) truth b) the larger truth or what
individual truth, and all collectively together too, is you consider you will finally 'find' as the ultimate
'the truth,' your connotation of truth itself changes. truth of any aspect c) and the seeming polarities in

02 YSR JULY 2008

between that come your way, as others' truths. Most resides the field beyond right and wrong, nothing
important and what many seekers do not give credit and everything, yes but also beyond untruth and
to is their current (personal) truth. Seekers are so truth. But beloveds you must experience each of
concerned with the 'ultimate' truth that they do not these; the totality of the aspects you seek, you must
realize that 'The Truth' is always what you are experience as its truths, with their seeming
experiencing in your here and now as your current 'contradictions' before you reach this place of all
truth! It is what you have chosen to experience of the truth or no truth; you cannot arrive here from any
larger truth! Indeed wherever you are seeking one single viewpoint, experience - truth! When you
ultimate truths, consciously determine what is your experience all My nuances through your many
current knowing and experience of it beyond the 'lives', and 'look back' you do not then consider them
intellectual! Do you live it? Then is it your 'truth,' at variance with each other but experience how
and then will you be open to its 'larger' and 'higher' perfectly it all fits! What we are referring to here
truths?! And a vital clue here: the 'ultimate' truth does not mean an intellectual understanding of my
always dwells in that 'next' level of consciousness 'different' truths, but experiential: each truth
thereby catalyzing your evolution, experience into experienced, through what you call your many
that level. That is all the 'ultimate' truth of any aspect existences, as your personal truth! This is indeed one
is - the next level of any truth! And this then of your reasons to Be… to experience and integrate
infinitely continues - your current truth and the the multi-faceted nature of My reality - That I AM
'next'! Now many of you will think, aha, the 'real' and That You are. 'My reality': what do these words
ultimate truth then, is that which comes at the 'end'! imply? 'Real' implies truth to you and if My reality is
These are the ways in which the human mind leaps, multi-faceted so must its truth be! I am All That Is -
always seeking that 'one final' answer on any aspect! and any 'aspect,' truth of mine that you seek to
understand, is also made up of all that it can be!
And thus it may surprise some of you: There is no
Remember as is the macrocosm, so is the
'one' single truth in the 'end'! So what is this 'larger
microcosm. Do the tango - wholly explore,
truth' then? It is that point of focus where all truths
experience your current truth and be open to the
co-exist simultaneously! Paradoxical, yes? That the
next! Understanding consciously now, that if your
larger truth (of any aspect) is not one 'final' truth
truth is not another's truth, it does not make it 'more'
shorn of all its 'contradictions', but its totality, which
(or 'less') of the truth. Understand also, that your
contains all it's seeming polarities and
current truth is not less valid than the next level of
contradictions! Collectively it is the larger truth -
truth - for there is no short cut!”
remember the elephant story!
Universal truths are but aspects of All That Is,
As we take this further, we come to the startling
and thus does your journey towards truth take you
realization that embracing all truths leads to a place
everywhere till you pierce the veil behind the high
of no truths - to indeed a beingness of All That Is! I
priestess, and enter into her secret of all truth and no
will quote from a previous channeling of mine: “Do
truth. Then you flow out once again as life, and the
not now despair and wonder why you need to go
empress card, but looking through the high priestess'
through all truths to arrive at no truth! For there is no
eyes, leads to an enhanced experience of all that
truth in the sense of what truth is usually taken to
comes your way.
mean by you all - where one truth negates another or
truth implies something that is not truth. Universal Here is an explanation through analogy: conjure
truths are but aspects of That I Am. And as I Am All if you will, a circle. Blue at one end; red at another
That Is - where can untruth be? And if there is no and many different colors in between. When you are
untruth how can there be what you call 'truth'? In me bang in the middle of blue, and cannot see the other

03 YSR JULY 2008

color, blue will be your truth. Then as you travel
through it, a point will come when you glimpse the
next color, whilst still experiencing the current! It is
only when you move into another color, and become
that color will it become your truth and you will view
the blue as a valid truth you have experienced but is
not your truth anymore. Likewise you will go
through, glimpse and experience every color
making up this circle - till having done that, replete
and fulfilled you will view the circle as a whole, and
experience all the colors co-existing simultaneously.
None are old or redundant or invalid! But whilst you
are within any color, this bird's eye view of all colors
in the circle can only be intellectual.
© Divyaa Kummar, all rights reserved

Divyaa Kummar, from Mumbai, India, is a

spiritual facilitator reaching out through
discourses, writings, tarot workshops, personal
energy sessions, and meditation groups blending
ancient dhyana and tantra techniques with a more
current approach.

04 YSR JULY 2008

By Sol Luckman
Are you aware that a Shift in human the middle of a long-awaited Shift in consciousness
consciousness is occurring even as you read these predicted in hundreds of indigenous cultures
words that employs celestial triggers such as worldwide.
supernovas and Earth's alignment with Galactic
Today this Shift is visible nearly every time you
Center in the years leading up to 2012 to trigger the
open a newspaper or turn on the TV. It can be seen in
evolution of our species? This Shift has been
the breakdown of many old structures such as those
documented in a stimulating multimedia
that underpin governments, churches and
presentation entitled Preparing for the Shift, by
corporations, as well as in families and individuals.
Barry and Janae Weinhold, Ph.D. Over decades
It is also evident in the ecological breakdown of
devoted to the study of consciousness and evolution,
numerous Earth systems, a widespread perception
the Weinholds, both trained psychologists, have
time is accelerating, drastic changes in weather
gathered overwhelming evidence that humanity is in

05 YSR JULY 2008

patterns, more people feeling overwhelmed by the Galactic Year. It takes 225 million Earth years for
modern life's complexity, and increased polarization the Milky Way Galaxy to make one complete
between groups, religions, and regions. rotation in the sky, which is believed to be a birth
cycle for our galaxy. From a galactic perspective, the
Fortunately, along with signs of breakdown, the
Weinholds ask, “What was conceived on Earth 225
Weinholds emphasize there is also considerable
million years ago?”
evidence of breakthrough: the appearance of
stunningly gifted children in unprecedented They point out this was when Earth's landmass,
numbers, the emergence of innovative and Pangaea, began separating into what we now know
integrated healing modalities, people becoming less as the seven continents. This process of planetary
'religious' and more 'spiritual,' and the dawning of individuation not only correlates with continental
new communities and social structures based on drift theory; my research indicates there is also an
servant leadership and other partnership principles. energetic correspondence between Earth's twelve
tectonic plates responsible for continental drift and
The significance of the winter solstice on
the twelve pairs of cranial nerves in the human brain,
December 21, 2012, according to the Mayan, Aztec,
which are themselves linked to the biblical Twelve
Incan and Hopi traditions, is that this date marks the
Tribes. Considered together, this evidence suggests
close of several cycles of time. The first is the end of
that Earth, like humans, has undergone her own
the 26,000-year Mayan calendar, also called a
'separating out' or individuation. Based on such
'precession' and the Annus Magnus ('Great Year'),
interconnectedness, it is also reasonable to expect
considered by many a gestational or birth cycle for
that as human consciousness exponentially
Earth. Mayan timekeepers believe that human
increases, Earth will also undergo a significant - and
evolution unfolds as a result of such precisely
observable - transformation.
calibrated master cycles of time. They predict that
Earth and humanity are about to be birthed into a Astronomers studying Galactic Center report
new reality based on unity predicated on a dramatic that it periodically becomes extremely active.
advance in consciousness. During these episodes, it spews out fierce barrages
of cosmic energy equal to thousands of supernova
From a Mayan perspective, the Weinholds ask,
explosions. These outbursts are the most energetic
“What began 26,000 years ago?” Their extensive
phenomenon in the known universe. A growing
psychohistorical research indicates this marked the
number of researchers such as Sergey Smelyakov,
beginning of humanity's psychological
author of a fascinating paper entitled The Auric Time
individuation. In human terms, becoming
Scale and the Mayan Factor, in addition to many
'individuated' means moving from being
indigenous peoples worldwide, theorize that as
unconsciously united with the Creator or Ground of
Galactic Center becomes more energized, it
Being, to choosing to become divided from the
catalyzes human evolution through frequency
Creator and developing separate individual
emissions in the form of higher-dimensional
consciousness, to finally returning to the Creator as
'torsion' waves transmitted to Earth via the sun.
conscious, aware individuals. Once people fully
individuate, it becomes possible for them to make A comprehensive scientific model for the
empowered, discerning choices and use intention to “Energetic Engine of Evolution” has been proposed
co-create reality with Source - or perhaps more by David Wilcock, a highly gifted psychic and
accurately, to create reality as Source. speculative scientist whose theory of “Evolution as
'Intelligent Design'” deserves summarizing. Citing
The second cycle of time ending in 2012
the work of a vanguard of researchers, Wilcock
highlighted in Preparing for the Shift is the close of

06 YSR JULY 2008

presents a model that unites many disciplines and Moreover, as indicated by the Mayan calendar,
provides several critical missing pieces to the rather than in fits and starts, such evolutionary fast-
evolutionary puzzle. In his own words, this forwards of physiology and consciousness happen
provocative model “suggests that humanity is on the in organized, predictable cycles. Theorizing a
verge of a near-spontaneous metamorphosis into a 'harmonic relationship' between the 26,000-year
more highly evolved state of consciousness.” Mayan calendar and 26-million-year period
between extinctions/evolutionary leaps in the fossil
Basing his analysis on the realization, embraced
record, Wilcock notes that all Earth species have
by more and more of today's scientists, that
suddenly evolved, or metamorphosed, every 26
Darwinian evolutionary theory is “extinct,” Wilcock
million years, making a strong case for “an outside
observes that the “probabilities that DNA could
energetic influence that operates in a regular, cyclic
evolve by 'random mutation' are so minute as to be
utterly laughable - akin to the idea that if you have
enough monkeys tapping away on typewriters, one To answer the question what outside energetic
of them will eventually produce a complete influence is responsible for these rhythmic
Shakespearean play.” Far surpassing the reach of evolutionary revolutions, it is necessary to factor in
gradual, incremental evolution, which certainly the concept of torsion energy or universal creative
occurs as environmental adaptation, the fossil consciousness. Some writers, most notably Barbara
record from all over the planet makes it abundantly Hand Clow, have focused attention on something
clear that species regularly evolve in heretofore called the Photon Belt or Photon Band, which can be
inexplicable leaps and bounds, skipping what would envisioned as a torsion-wave 'light lattice'
seem from a Darwinian perspective to be crucial connecting Earth via our sun to Galactic Center that
evolutionary phases. At the top of a long list of serves as a guiding data communication network for
species whose evolution has baffled science is the human and planetary evolution.
human species.
While some astronomers have scoffed at the
Although for more than a century a 'missing link' notion of a Photon Band, other scientists who grasp
has been assumed to exist based on largely the higher-dimensional nature of this network's light
unchallenged Darwinian presumptions, scientists understand that it not only exists but plays a critical
have never managed to discover it. “When we role in cosmic evolution. Wilcock's research
consider that the size of the brain literally doubled indicates that something very much like a Photon
between that of humanity's apparent ancestors and Band most definitely exists as lines of higher-
ourselves, with no evidence of a smooth dimensional torsion radiation emanating from
transformation whatsoever,” writes Wilcock, “once Galactic Center. Both Wilcock and Clow envision
again we see a spontaneous evolution of the the Photon Band as tracing figure-eights throughout
creatures on Earth.” One scientist associated with the spiraling pattern of the Milky Way Galaxy. It
National Geographic, studying the intricate bone appears from Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev's research
carvings dating to 70,000 B.C.E. found at Blombos involving aether that such looping 'zero point' or
Cave in South Africa, concluded that behavioral torsion energy based on the phi ratio (1.6180339) is,
evolution mirrors anatomical development - an among other things, directly responsible for our
important observation meaning, in Wilcock's words, cyclical experience of time.
that “spontaneous evolution is not simply
From Book One on the Regenetics Method,
physiological, but consciousness-related as well.
Conscious Healing : The Photon Band & Black
When a new bodily form has emerged,
Road. It takes 225 million Earth years for the Milky
consciousness changes appear to occur.”

07 YSR JULY 2008

Way Galaxy to make one complete rotation through our planet, including the living organism that is
the Photon Band, which is believed to be a birth Earth, is intelligently stimulated to evolve in
cycle for our galaxy. The Black Road, a spectacular ways not only physically but also
Mesoamerican phrase for a type of wormhole, can mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
be conceptualized as simultaneously an
“By combining the effects of geo-cosmic change
astrophysical and genetic alignment with Galactic
with the overall flourishing of humanity in the
Center that engenders a Shift in consciousness.
cultural and spiritual sense,” observes Wilcock, “we
Recalling the aether theories of Kozyrev, fellow see that as the cycle continues to exponentially
Russian scientist Sergey Smelyakov's research accelerate its energetic rate of vibration into the
demonstrates that the harmonic vibrations of phi, 2012-2013 'singularity,' we can expect … rapid
also referred to as the Golden Mean and Fibonacci increases in human awareness.” This centripetal
sequence, inform the very fabric of space-time. cycle leads inexorably to a “discontinuous mega-
Mathematically, the Photon Band appears to be event where 'time and space collapse.'” Perhaps this
structured on phi, producing set cosmic intervals the transformation of our experience of time and space
Mayans were aware of when constructing their is the truth behind the disjointed description of the
uncannily accurate calendar. Smelyakov's The Auric “end of days” in the Book of Revelation.
Time Scale and the Mayan Factor compellingly
In humans, evolutionary activation occurs as
suggests that Earth connects to Galactic Center via
torsion waves stimulate transposons or 'jumping
our solar system in a harmonic fashion he calls
DNA' to rewrite the genetic code - a phenomenon
“Solar-planetary Synchronism,” a vibratory
supported by a considerable amount of scientific
relationship based on the Golden Mean.
evidence. Bruce Lipton's research unambiguously
In an article entitled The Ultimate Secret of the affirms that cells possess the ability to reprogram
Mayan Calendar, Wilcock cites Smelyakov's their own DNA, with measurable physical results
research, writing that it helps explain the end of the such as otherwise inexplicable dietary
Mayan calendar in geometric terms as an “infinitely- modifications in organisms, when environmentally
converging end point” in which time appears to prompted. Dr. Lipton hypothesizes that such
'collapse.' This is because time as we experience it rewriting, which is typically beneficial, accounts for
follows the imploding spirals of phi much like a up to ninety-eight percent of evolutionary
finger tracing the cyclical involutions of a conch transformation.
shell to its centerpoint. History, then, does not
Similarly, in a concise but excellent study
exactly repeat itself; it is more like climbing a spiral
entitled Retrotransposons as Engines of Human
Bodily Transformation, biochemist Colm Kelleher
Torsion energy spiraling as the Photon Band addresses the subject of radical genetic adaptation or
from the creative consciousness at the Core of our evolution as a result of what he terms a 'transposition
universe is Wilcock's “Energetic Engine of burst.' “If one were to hypothesize a transmutation
Evolution.” Because of its curvilinear form, the of the human body,” writes Dr. Kelleher, “it would
Photon Band is composed of swaths of lesser and be necessary to orchestrate a change, cell by cell,
greater density of torsion waves manifesting as involving the simultaneous silencing of hundreds of
higher-dimensional light. As our solar system orbits genes and the activation of a different set of
episodically into galactic regions characterized by hundreds more. A transposition burst is a plausible
greater density of torsion waves (i.e., greater light or mechanism at the DNA/RNA level that could
consciousness), which it is currently doing, life on accomplish such a genome wide change.

08 YSR JULY 2008

Transposition bursts comprise the concerted energy patterns for the creatures on the planet are all
movement of multiple mobile DNA elements from upgraded, and the mutations occur so rapidly - well
different genetic locations to new positions, within one lifetime - that no “transitional” fossils
sometimes on different chromosomes … Human exist.”
DNA contains an abundance of the necessary
Earth's movement through a denser area of the
genetic structures to accomplish a transposition
Photon Band directly aligned with Galactic Center
burst involving hundreds, or even thousands, of
began around the time of the so-called Harmonic
Convergence in 1987, will enter into a historical
Referencing a particular DNA sequence astronomical alignment around 2012, and will be
containing three different transposon families complete (from our present linear perspective) by
arranged in bead-like formation, Kelleher theorizes about 2016. Over the course of the past two decades,
that owing to its tripartite configuration, this DNA as Wilcock and the Weinholds point out, major
sequence would be “an effective participant in large Earth, planetary and solar changes - from
scale transposon mediated genetic change that unprecedented alterations in planetary atmospheres
eventually results in transformation of the human to drastic surges in volcanic and earthquake activity
body.” - have been observed. Arguably of greatest
significance from our perspective is that the sun is
Perhaps the most undeniable evidence
now moving into alignment with Galactic Center.
supporting the concept of a torsion life-wave or
During this transit the sun's magnetic field has
Photon Band of universal creative consciousness
increased over 230% and there have been wildly
energetically directing the spontaneous formation
elevated levels of sunspot activity (as reported by
and development of Earth species comes from Tim
NASA and other space agencies) that have
Harwood, who calls attention to one of nature's more
transmitted record-breaking waves of
miraculous phenomena. After caterpillars form their
electromagnetic (to say nothing of torsion) energy to
chrysalis during metamorphosis, it is a little-known
Earth and, thus, to us.
but very relevant fact that they completely dissolve
into a soup of amino acids before reassembling into It is worth noting we are composed of the same
butterflies. This soup contains no recognizable cells substances found in the heavens, so it really is not so
or DNA as it is currently understood, but when the odd that celestial events should profoundly impact
time is right, the torsion life-wave signals the DNA us. Harvard professor of astronomy Robert Kirshner
to recombine and, within a matter of days, cells has remarked that “supernovas created the elements
emerge to create new life-forms. we take for granted - the oxygen we breathe, the
calcium in our bones, and the iron in our blood are
Wilcock concludes that the human species,
products of the stars.” Other researchers, observing
somewhat like caterpillars entering metamorphosis,
that most of DNA's amino acids are also found in
is currently “being programmed by the galactic
space, have hypothesized that DNA actually came
center to become more advanced while … still here
from space - an increasingly popular theory known
in our bodies.” This is made possible because the
as 'Panspermia.’
“DNA molecule is like a programmable piece of
Fascinatingly, Fritz Albert Popp's research in
hardware … so that if you change the energy wave
biophotons describes the dying process of cells as
that moves through it, the jumping DNA will encode
virtually identical to that of stars. Just before dying,
it into a completely different form. It is therefore
cells transform into 'supernovas' as the light they
possible that as we move into increasingly
emit increases in intensity a thousand times before
“intelligent” zones of energy in the galaxy, the DNA

09 YSR JULY 2008

being suddenly extinguished. On a related note, and Fibonacci sequence that translates to almost exactly
just as extraordinarily, Galactic Center, our point of 1.6180339.
origin, is located in the constellation Ophiuchus,
© Sol Luckman, all rights reserved
“the serpent bearer,” an obvious reference to the
spiraling, serpentine helixes of DNA. Here, in
ancient symbolism, we find a direct link between the
Sol Luckman is author of the internationally
creational torsion waves emitted by Galactic Center
acclaimed 'Conscious Healing: Book One on the
and the DNA molecule to which, by all indications,
Regenetics Method' and the 'Beginner's Luke Series'
they give rise.
of novels, editor of the popular free ezine 'DNA
The Vedics were well aware of such an 'ener- Monthly,' and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for
genetic' connection between Galactic Center and Regenetics. His articles on the Regenetics Method
DNA as well as of the many cycles of time ending have appeared in numerous print and online venues
around 2012, employing the term somvarta to and 'Nexus New Times' called 'Conscious Healing,'
describe the intelligent waves of Core energy which also received a five-star endorsement from
responsible for the spontaneous evolution of the Midwest Book Review and was recently
species. Another ancient concept, the Golden Mean, translated into its third language, a “paradigm-
precisely defines the mathematical relationship reworking book” that introduces a “revolutionary
between 'above' and 'below.' The DNA molecule is healing science that's expanding the boundaries of
minutely structured on phi or the Golden Mean, being.”
measuring 34 x 21 angstroms for each full helical
spiral. Concordantly, the average mean orbit of each
of the planets moving away from the sun is also a

10 YSR JULY 2008

Loving Me…Loving You
By Ellaeenah
As I write this article, I am on another, but we all speak a common language when
my travels abroad. I look around we smile, we let down our hair when we guffaw, and
me at the myriad races and faces we forget that we are different in that moment of
from all over the globe. Some black, oneness.
some brown, some white. Some tall, some short,
It is our very nature to wish to be with another, to
some fat and some slender; slanting eyes, light eyes,
connect and be intimate. It is not natural for any
dark hair and blonde…all pass by me as I stand
human being to want to be isolated and
silently watching the human drama as it unfolds one
disconnected. The human spirit comes alive when
more chapter for me to read. And what is it that I read
there is bonding with another. It is, as though, spirit
this time?
finds in another a certain something that completes
I read that the most smiles I see are on the faces of it. The human psyche is caught in a grip of acute
those who are with others. Yes, there are the few who emotional loneliness when it is without the touch of
gently smile to themselves as they walk by alone, but a human soul for an extended length of time. Touch
the laughter and the energy of heartfelt cheer comes is not only physical; it reaches the deepest places of
from those who are with partners, family or friends. your heart and makes them glow.
Our cultures differ, our habits may seem alien to one

11 YSR JULY 2008

Science has proved that the absence of touch can lead to even more inner stress.
lead to such extremes of desperation and desolation
Joyful relationships always lead to better health,
that it can have severe pathological consequences.
greater efficiency and a surprising increase in the
Unless you have reached a very elevated state of soul
levels of tolerance and acceptance. Haven't you
consciousness, inter-personal and intra-personal
found that you are far more forgiving when you are
relationships are vital for your soul growth. When
content within? And that is the golden key. Inner
you bond with others, you are coming into close
contentment. No, certainly it is not only reliant on
contact with their spirit essence, which acts as a
the presence of a partner or family. In fact,
catalyst for you to get in touch with your own
sometimes it is these very relationships that cause
essence. In the humdrum of daily life we make inner
you sadness and pain. Inner contentment comes
soul connections through our external relationships.
when you feel good about yourself, and so it is the
No wonder our eyes light up and hearts soar when
presence of uplifting relationships that is vital for us
we laugh. The adrenalin rush is like a workout!
all. When we give ourselves permission to express
Isolation from those we love leads to deep love for another, we naturally and effortlessly love
loneliness, even if the isolation is intentional and that part of us that is so silently and yet, so
self-chosen. The loneliness arises from the fact that wondrously reflected in the other. The more such
we alienate ourselves from our own essence. It does relationships we have, the greater is the self-love. Of
not need much explanation to understand that those course, the reverse is true as well. The more you love
whom we bond with the most, are the closest to our yourself, the more people you will find outside of
essence and our spirits emanate very, very similar you to love!
energies. Often we do not see this as we get caught in
Friendships and romantic interludes can never be
the illusion of external appearances. When we
used as means to escape from yourself. That which
experience long periods of not connecting with like
you loathe in yourself, will, one day, turn up at your
soul energies, the contact with our inner essence
doorstep and bring the world crashing around you.
begins to diminish. It is this lack of inner contact that
Be honest about what you do not like in yourself and
leads to depression and physical diseases. Diabetes,
address it right away. These flaws do not make us
hyper-tension and cancer are often the result of this
small or worthless in any way. It is the dark spot that
loss of soul connection. If persons suffering from
makes us aware that the rest is shining and clear. I
these are constantly kept happy with their friends
know of many who are flitting from flower to flower
and loved ones around them to bring them joy and
to find the nectar, not realizing that it lies in the
cheer, this happy external state will translate into a
flower of their own heart. Society, today, is addicted
balanced inner state. We know the common
to partying and social 'do's. Yes, each one is trying
statement 'as within, so without', but we forget that
very hard to run away from oneself. In the glaze of
the reverse is true as well.
the alcohol and behind the screen of the smoke it is
Many believe, erroneously of course, that men so easy to make yourself believe that all is well, till
handle aloneness better than women. Stress spares you reach the hospital doors.
no one, and it is wrong to believe that men do not
Just as any relationship needs commitment, the
need the emotional and physical contact as much as
inner connection needs you to commit yourself to
women do. In fact, statistics show that the number
self. Then as you walk down the street with your
of widowers who die or fall ill very soon after the
loved ones, others smile to hear your laugh because
death of their wives is significantly larger than the
what every human heart resonates with is the
number of widows. Myths such as these make it
essence of spirit. Then the different colour of your
more difficult for men to express their needs and

12 YSR JULY 2008

skin, hair and eyes makes you even more beautiful,
the language you speak sounds sweeter, the clothes
you wear appear attractively exotic, and all because
you love who you are.
And that is the ultimate human relationship - the
one you have with your heart and another's soul.
From my heart to your soul, dear friend, namaste,
adieu, sayonara, ciao…..or to put it simply, I Love

© Ellaeenah, all rights reserved

Ellaeenah is an intuitive spiritual facilitator,

teacher, writer and life counselor whose practical
insights into Ancient Wisdom have empowered
innumerable people. Her work extends into the
realms of the Spirit-Psyche, such that life is directed
by consciousness of thought, word and feeling, to
bring about self-empowerment through complete
recall of one's Godhood.

13 YSR JULY 2008

Defending Ourselves
Against the Unknown
By Ellen Davis
We are innately angry. I am depressed. I am sick. I am well. I am in
worthy, innately divine, love. I am lonely.”
and need do nothing to
We define ourselves in opposition to the world or
substantiate this. We are
in identification with it: “You are this way and I am
One enjoying our
not like you. The world is this way but I am that
infinite diversity. Yet so
often, through the journey of individuation and the
veils of illusion that we can get lost in, to validate our Then, to make it all even more meaningful, we
place in the world and give ourselves a sense of create reasons to feel these ways. And the more
identity, meaning, worthiness and security, we come reasons we have, the more that we think it gives us
to know and then to define ourselves in relationship validity or justifies our existence. And if we do not
to our world: “I am here and not there. I am fat and have reasons, we judge ourselves as shallow or
you are thin. I am fast and you are slow. I am bad and crazy.
you are good. You won and I lost. You are this way
When we avoid the unknown, the way that we
and I am that way. I used to be this way and now I am
think we will know where we are, is in relation to
that way. I believe this and you believe that.”
something else. And our 'something else' is often not
We define ourselves through our conditions: “I seen for what it is but through a streaming narrative
am hot, I am cold. I am tired. I am old. I am young. I about it built on preconceptions and the agenda to
am hungry, I am horny. I am happy. I am sad. I am give ourselves a name, place and meaning in our

14 YSR JULY 2008

world. What I am pointing to is distinct from a expectations for specific outcomes, we set ourselves
celebration and enjoyment of individuality and up for disappointment. Our only true insurance is
diversity. I am pointing to the momentum of the through a surrender to the present and its Silence.
comparative mind and the way we shape our identity The only kind of meaning that is sustainable and not
through our belief in our confabulations. subject to the conditions of the moment is the
awareness that is prior to all conditions - and that is
When we are uncomfortable with the unknown,
not a mental kind of meaning - it is the ineffable
we tend to defend ourselves against it; against
suchness of all of this and none of this, found not
NOW; against what is. We do this by layering on top
through thought and preconceptions, but through
of it meaning and stories and beliefs, which place us
in a context to where there is an appearance of
knowing and an appearance of identity. We also do We perpetuate the myths of our fears when we
this through armoring our bodies with tensions and feel that we need to substantiate or validate
not allowing ourselves to breathe. When we ourselves with our confabulated meaning - as if we
surrender to the now without fixating in identity were not innately valid or worthy. We create stories
through our relationship to something else or our and meaning where we are actually clueless. We
own conditions, we may see, if looking to find who define ourselves and all of life in relationship to our
we are, that there is no one there. If we do not see representations and interpretations of something
ourselves in relationship to something else we fear else. It is habitually part and parcel of this
we may cease to exist, and in fact we (or the illusion) relative/space/time/measuring world. If we had
may cease to exist as a separated self-sense. And if nothing to measure or reference ourselves in relation
there is no one there, there is no sense of a someone to, where would we be? Who would we be? I am not
who can do something. And who are we and what pathologizing this - it has created its own field for
value do we have if we do not do anything? Self-experience and exploration. But I also see that
Paradoxically, when we as awareness, without a doing it can obscure an experience of freedom where
fixated identity, surrender to the Now through a Truth and creativity flow unimpeded and stories
Silence, we are one with the present moment and can Divinely intelligent unfold (supernovas, galaxies)
really see what arises and what to do much more without our adding stories to them that direct life in
intimately. This is awareness. ways that mind and fear cannot with all of its
gumption ever hope to. When we are awake to this
Approaching life with all of our preconceptions
and what is prior to our conditions within the
and self-referencing in relation to the world around
conditions of duality, we can live without division;
us is like looking through glasses which are colored
we can live eternity in time.
with designs and polka dots on them rather than
through clear ones. © Ellen Davis, all rights reserved
When we are insecure with the unknown and the
present moment, we tend to do everything we can to
Ellen Davis has been teaching ballet with a yogic
avoid it. The irony is that in our avoidance, we end
and metaphysical approach for 30 years. She
up creating the very thing we are trying to resist. The
facilitates satsang and writes about the creative
sense of division and separation that insecurity
process, the nature of self and new paradigm
comes from creates more of itself. When we think
teaching and learning approaches.
those things that we experience as external or
separate from ourselves will create sustainable
meaning and security for us or when we have

15 YSR JULY 2008

An Interview with Judy Satori

New Zealander, Judy Satori has pattern. This 'shift of the ages,' an evolutionary
been trained by the Spiritual upgrade for Earth and her people are part of a Divine
Hierarchy to transmit sound and Plan for the galaxy and is expected to occur in
light codes to recreate the body and December 2012.
body's energy anatomy to handle
The very foundation of our physical structure is
fifth dimensional energy and assist people through
the atom and the atom is energy. It is not a solid
the Ascension process. She offered this email
structure. The sounds transmitted through me are
interview to YSR e-magazine.
ENERGY WORDS. They are coding or
YSR: Judy, I've been to your website and reprogramming sequences of sound and light that
listened to energy activation transmissions with the impact on the DNA template and cells of the body,
Archangels Metatron and Zadkiel. What is this sparking a physical rewiring.
strange language that you speak?
The energy also clears karmic miasms, the
Judy Satori: The light language that I speak is an distorted frequencies of sound and light that are the
energy language of instruction and preparation result of past life trauma and belief. The energy
transmitted through me by the Elohim, the Creator remodels the chakras and energy circuits of the body
aspects of God to prepare people physically for and opens and activates past life and soul group
Earth's ascension to a fifth dimensional frequency knowledge and ability so that we can be and do what

16 YSR JULY 2008

we have come to be and do at this important time on beautiful oboe music and sound and light codes that
Earth. help to reconnect us with the sacred beauty and
innate wisdom of our soul. The Song of Lyra is the
YSR: When you say THE WORD, whose words
song of our soul's returning to wholeness and to
are these, where do they come from?
Judy Satori: I believe that these words come
YSR: What advice would you give to people
from God for all the people of the Earth.
who want to prepare themselves for Earth's
Eleven years ago I began to channel many beings ascension?
of light - the Christ Energy, Buddha, deities of all the
Judy Satori: The most important thing is to BE
world religions as well as what is known as the
LOVE. I have many audio gifts from Spirit available
Christed Extraterrestrial races: the Arcturians,
on my website, which are freely available to help
Siriuns and Lyrans. I also began to heal with my
people. There are Three Blessings for Health,
Abundance and Joy, energy activations to prepare
It was not something that I ever dreamed would for ascension, meditations and clearing audios and
happen to me. Then five years ago the light language lots of information about the ascension process. I
began. The energy words come through me also invite your readers to sign up for my free bi-
automatically. There is no thought involved. monthly E-magazine .This magazine brings through
the latest information and energy work from Spirit.
YSR: If this work is of God, why are you
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell
working with extraterrestrials?
people in India about this work.
Judy Satori: I believe that civilizations such as
Many blessings to you all….with love…Judy
the Arcturians and Lyrans are highly evolved, loving
beings who are assisting us all on Earth at this time.
They exist in bodies of greater light in other © Judy Satori, all rights reserved
dimensions of reality. A dimension is like an
envelope of light vibrating at a certain frequency.
Earth vibration is changing soon and this is why we Judy travels extensively internationally and
need to be physically prepared to handle it. We are would love to come to India to share the work. Her
transiting from the third dimension to a faster Executive Producer in the US, Susan Lethbridge can
pulsating fifth dimension. However the changes are be contacted at
on a galactic level.
YSR: Who are the Arcturians or Lyrans?
Judy Satori: They are beings who exist in bodies
similar to ours but composed of more light. Their
DNA is different. However, I believe that our DNA
was originally contributed to by 12 interstellar
founding races…of light and of love. For example,
the Arcturians are fantastic healers - you just call on
an Arcturian healing team if you need help. Lyra is
the 12th dimensional stargate, the origination point
of our 12-strand DNA genetic Code potential. I have
recently created a CD, the SONG OF LYRA,

17 YSR JULY 2008

Gods and Leptons
By Jim Mcinvale
Some decades ago, a debate The raging scientists resolved their differences
raged among particle quickly and peacefully, settling on an answer
physicists. Let me re-state that. agreeable to most everyone. Electrons were both
The giant brains don't rage in particles and waves … and they were neither! As it
the same way as the rest of us. turns out, the way that we see them depends entirely
They wield wave equations and on how we look at them. Or, in the jargon of the
spar with state vectors. At issue physicists, the properties observed are determined
was the proper characterization of electrons - were by the nature of the experiment. In some
they particles or waves? Convincing arguments and experiments, they exhibit localized mass (a particle
experiments supported both sides. Electrons are attribute), while in others they display the properties
members of the Lepton family of subatomic of wavelength and frequency.
particles. They are essentially a marriage between a
We probably reside in a universe that is real and
particle with mass (also called an electron) and the
tangible - and independent of our thought processes.
mass-less neutrino.
It is what it is despite what we may make of it. We

18 YSR JULY 2008

can only gain access to it, however, through our many views is more accurate than any single one,
senses and our intellect. We see things and hang but even that is not the same as the truth.
nametags on them, but the names are not the things,
We can't touch the truth, we can only get hazy
they are just some symbols we concocted. Then we
pictures of it. Seen in this light, words and ideas like
apply our logic to make sense of the things that we
manifest destiny, crusades, God's chosen people,
see, to define and describe their behavior and to try
heretic, and infidel - well, they all look quite frail.
to predict the outcome of future events. But the
Scrawny, naked, and awkward they stand with the
descriptions aren't reality, they are simply our crude
royal costumes removed. So it makes little sense to
condemn the beliefs of others, and it is wrong to steal
Each one of us stands at the center of the sphere land, subjugate the inhabitants, and call it a holy
of our perceptions. Sharp as they may be, they are mission. The utmost folly, of course, is faith-based
finite. We can't see or sense everything, only what violence.
lies inside the sphere of our ability to perceive. There
is a whole lot more outside the sphere. Similarly, our © Jim Mcinvale, all rights reserved
intellect, awesome though it is, has limits. Many Email:
things lie within the realm of our ability to
comprehend, but there is more, much more, that we
can't even fathom. Jim Mcinvale lives and works in Missouri, US.
He is a professional engineer of 28 years and a
So really, electrons and leptons are only the
recreational writer, with articles previously
names we made up. And particles and waves are
published in ‘Nuclear News’ and ‘The Cynic on-
nothing more than our attempts to describe
something we've seen. They represent the projection
of some physical reality onto spheres of our
perception and reason, but the projections are only a
shadow of something real.
What if this applies not only to the physical
universe, but to the spiritual one as well? Humans
use their feelings and intuition to draw conclusions
about spiritual experiences. We create names and
ideas like God, faith, and religions to describe our
most profound feelings and beliefs. Perhaps these
are simply the projections of some greater truth -
shadows cast onto our puny ability to see spiritual
Buddhists, Druids, Christians Muslims, Jews,
Hindus, and Taoists all have different descriptions of
the divine truth. It really is no surprise, since
everyone's ability to see is unique. Cultural,
emotional, even physiological differences make our
spheres of perception unique and dynamic.
Consequently, the image of truth reflected onto each
looks a little different. Probably a composite of

19 YSR JULY 2008

By Oscar Del Santo
Ever since our remotest ancestors from painful experience - usually botches its own
began to cover the walls of the narratives and in the end, despite our best efforts,
caverns they inhabited with their never fails to disappoint. We can confidently state
primitive paintings, beautiful as they that our forebears drew not in order to somehow
were in their simplicity, Life and Art reflect reality as it was once believed but in order to
have had at best an uneasy relationship. Unlike Art influence it. At the dawn of civilization, they were
and its finished perfection, Life - as we all know beginning to discern what we now know for certain

20 YSR JULY 2008

thanks to the man that occupies us here: that it is not the otherwise devoted husband and exemplary
Art that imitates Life but Life that imitates Art. And father let himself become a profligate by committing
it is only in those unique, precious moments in almost every vice known to man (“There was no
which they are in unison when we are allowed to pleasure that I did not experience,” he would later
fully comprehend the wonder and the majesty of write in De Profundis ). The long list includes
both. underage and group intercourse, drug consumption,
engaging the service of male prostitutes, reckless
Nature had to labour patiently to produce, in the
extravagance and all sorts of what in his time were
fullness of time, a man who would reconcile Life
deemed 'debased pleasures'. Such was Oscar's
and Art and bring to fruition the work initiated by our
fascination with Bosie that he let himself be dragged
cave-dwelling forefathers. Through supreme effort
to the least salubrious parts of Victorian London and
and sacrifice, he succeeded in making his entire life
soiled his reputation by acquiescing in the many sins
a work of Art. That true friend of freedom brought us
of his beloved.
ever closer to the Source by proving like no other
that it is only through Art that our individual lives, if Just like the sea god Glaucus, who according to
they are worth anything at all, find their true purpose Plato's story stayed so long under the sea that the
and become worth living. His name was Oscar rocks, the seaweed and the shells that attached to his
Wilde. body made him unrecognizable when he eventually
came out and showed himself, so did Oscar become
Playwright, critic, novelist, conversationalist,
a stranger to his closest friends and admirers, who by
philosopher, aesthete: Wilde's genius was only
1894 were becoming increasingly aware of the
matched by his genuine love of Beauty and the
destructive effect that his liaison with Douglas was
sincerity with which he chose to live in a society
operating in his character. Caught in the whirlwind
tainted by hypocrisy and prejudice. Our modern
of unbridled passions, it was only a matter of time
Socrates, we can rest assure, never aged: as he once
before disaster would strike via the infamous libel
wrote in one of his many witticisms, he was blessed
action and subsequent trials instigated by Oscar
with that inordinate passion for pleasure that makes
himself following Bosie's incessant demands.
one remain young forever. Generosity, courage,
dignity, nobility of spirit, tolerance, charm, an innate We can only speculate as to the catalogue of
elegance and a truly friendly disposition: rarely has horrors that a man of Oscar's supreme sensitivity and
such a collection of virtues been found in a single love of freedom had to endure while he remained in a
human being. Yet, as Marcus Aurelius knew, great XIX century prison. May they serve us as a sobering
vices always lurk in the shadows great virtues cast reminder that natural horrors never quite compare to
and are ready to manifest themselves given the the ones that we humans seem only too ready to
slightest of chances. And in the case of Oscar, that inflict upon one another. The forced labour, the
chance came as a result of his entanglement with the inhumane conditions, the isolation, the mockery.
insufferable Lord Alfred Douglas, affectionately Only such a noble creature as Oscar would still find
known as Bosie; a young man whose external the compassion to think of the children imprisoned
beauty, just as in the parable told by the Christ, acted with him and act swiftly to secure their release.
as a façade for a corrupt and decadent interior.
Before we begin to sorrow for Oscar - something
It is well known that great vices are the he would have found fault with - let us not forget that
prerogative of great men. Just like Benvenuto it is only to the ones amongst us who have suffered
Cellini - the Renaissance silversmith Oscar admired the scorn and derision of our peers; who have been
- and under the influence of his attachment to Bosie, betrayed by those we trusted; who have lost all that

21 YSR JULY 2008

we held dear; who once descended into that deep reached the big screen, that his plays fill the theatres
valley of total rejection and utter despair; to those of of Europe and America and that the city of London
us whose tears were unwiped and whose cries went he so much loved has come to celebrate his life with
unheard that the Universe, as an impenetrable and a fitting monument not far from the Savoy Hotel he
yet kind and compassionate mother, saw fit to grant liked to frequent, Oscar has finally achieved the
that unique depth of feeling and sincerity of restitution and the worldwide recognition he always
intention that - disarming all the self-deceiving deserved. And his posthumous triumph is nothing
stratagems under which we lead our daily existences but the triumph of love. May he rest in peace forever
- bring forth true love. enfolded in the warmth of that heavenly, divine,
endless love.
That love, so pure, untainted by any of the
motives that presently cloud our judgement; that © Oscar Del Santo, all rights reserved
love, so real, sublime, ever comforting, eternally
present, able in our despair to make us soar above the
miseries of our existence while infusing our hearts
with a rush of life-giving force; that love, forever
Oscar Del Santo is a European mystic, teacher,
beyond our comprehension, the most precious gift
public speaker and writer who regards himself as an
given to us while we remain in the realm of the
enlightened human being 'à la Jim Marion' and
living, came to aid Oscar in his darkest hour.
blends several traditions into his spiritual practice
First came the intellectual realization of the and teaching, including Taoism, New Age
supremacy of Love: “It seems to me that love of Christianity and Western Philosophy. He writes for
some kind” he wrote, “is the only possible various magazines and publications in the UK,
explanation for the extraordinary amount of Spain, Canada and the US and offers one-to-one and
suffering that there is in the world.” This group spiritual counselling to a loyal following both
illumination was followed - as it is always the case - sides of the Atlantic.
by that true happiness that, not depending on
external circumstances, flows from the depths of our
being, is born out of the full acceptance of our
destiny and connects us with the origin of all that
exists. Despised, forgotten, abandoned, his children
forever removed from his presence, Oscar came to
achieve the peace that had eluded him in the past:
“Curious as it will no doubt sound to you” he told a
friend, “I have been happier. It was of course my soul
in its ultimate essence that I had reached. In many
ways I had been its enemy, but I found it waiting for
me as a friend.”
Spirit, as Hegel reminded us, unfolds gradually
in the course of human history; and history - this is
our only true hope - eventually undoes all of our
individual and collective errors and ushers in justice
and truth. Now that - with a moving performance by
the multitalented Stephen Fry - Oscar's life has

22 YSR JULY 2008

NLP is what you ARE
By Christa Barbara Asal
What do you make out of program all you do get as impressions through all
you by creating your Future? your representative systems.
You may ask me: “Why is Where to go next?
that?” So, it is because of your
Challenge your life with NLP and start to realize
brain. 'You,' let me say it in
your visions. There is more and more for you to
one single word, are what
discover when you get through this incredible
started with its program as a
opening of NLP to activate your resources you
cellular system growing up already fed with the
already possessed but did not know how to activate.
DNA system, and you are what NLP calls
'unconsciousness,' what Freud called “the unknown Activating these resources will let you start a new
collective unconsciousness.” form of 'living,' a new form of your 'tomorrow,'
creating what you want to have and creating it by
Imagine a vision where your brain is similar to
your own will and feeling, and realizing you can
the RAM of your computer or your laptop but more
have all you want, you can be all you want to be.
of it definitely much more, with unknown
innumerable Bits and Bytes and its innumerable © Christa Barbara Asal, all rights reserved
indefinite possibilities of new combinations and Email:
activations of what you got, what you programmed
during your whole life. Christa Barbara Asal is an internationally
certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Now imagine your brain again as a map and its
trainer, based in Germany, and offers classes in
continents. Instead of by bridges, planes and ships,
German and English. She is Member of the Soc. of
your brain is connected between your continents
NLP and Member of the Board of the ECNLP.
called neurons letting you feeling your flow of
thoughts and giving you the ability to instantly

23 YSR JULY 2008

By Prabhath P
(This is the English translation Everyone is running helter-skelter seeking havens of
and reprint of the Malayalam short safety. Confused about what to do, only I am still
story titled 'Agni sphulingangal standing there! Anyway, it was only a dream. I
Poothappol' published in the 7 April closed my eyes with relief. What?! What is this?! I
1991 issue of the Malayalam Weekly am still standing in the city?! How could this be
Kunkumam) possible? I've never heard of the same dream
continuing even after one wakes up from a dream
I couldn't exactly recall when the door to the and closes the eyes again!
strange world of a dream opened during a peaceful
sleep. When I opened my eyes, what I saw was the Where is that very thin line that demarcates the
rough fabric of the blue mosquito net. That was conscious and subconscious planes?
when I became aware that I was in a dream! Somebody touched my shoulder. “Why are you
I tried to recall what I saw a moment ago. A large standing here? Try to escape! Already arson, looting
city. I am wading through the heavy rush hour. All of and murder have happened. Who knows what will
a sudden, the rhythm of the crowd was disrupted. happen next?” After saying these words, that man
Riot! Communal riot! Some people are shouting. ran away and vanished somewhere. I observed the
surroundings. The very atmosphere is filled with

24 YSR JULY 2008

discomfort. Cloudy sky. But it isn't raining either. capacity to get up, are jumping out of their beds in
Even the leaves of the trees standing here and there, their bid to escape. Relatives are trying to carry those
aren't moving. Has the wind also gone into hiding? patients who can't walk or run. Cries and
The shops are closing one by one. If they wait to pandemonium are everywhere!
close, the shops could end up getting razed down.
Something fell on the hospital campus and
The metal shutter of a shop came down fast and hit
exploded. I ran further inside the hospital. There are
the bald head of a shopkeeper badly, when he tried to
so many doors and corridors! Where should I go? I
pull it down. A young man, may be his son, is
looked through the iron-netted windows of the
hurrying to help the old man get up. On the road,
corridor. There are some human figures standing
three people are trying to ride one scooter. But they
outside, holding deadly weapons! My only option is
can't start it. From afar, between the buildings, curls
to escape through the backyard of the hospital. I am
of black smoke are rising like a genie that has
not sure how I will reach there. Anyway, I jumped
jumped out of a jar. They abandoned the scooter and
onto the backyard. Slightly in front of me, there is a
ran for their lives.
row of thorny bougainvillea plants. Beyond that,
The fact that I am still standing there watching there is the hospital compound's huge boundary wall
everything, reached my brain like a shockwave. with a sharp barbed wire fence on top of it.
Where to run? The roads are getting deserted. I ran
I stood there for a moment paralysed. Did I run so
along the first turning on the road without thinking
much only to get trapped here? I was a fool to think
or looking back.
that they would spare at least the hospital. Those
I opened my eyes. Again the mosquito net is who try to spread destruction everywhere, because
appearing! What does this mean? Was it a dream? I they have lost their self-awareness after being
decided to pinch my arm to make sure. If I feel pain, brainwashed by their leaders, won't have any
then this mosquito net that covers me and this bed humanity left in them! How can I ever forget the sad
will be the reality. I can't move my body! No, I can't! scenes I saw in this hospital?
However, I can feel the mosquito net rubbing against
There is only one way to escape now. Climbing
my body in the gust of air triggered by the rapidly
this wall and jumping over it! Perhaps, not even a
spinning ceiling fan. The rough texture of the
world cup-winning athlete will be able to do it! But
mosquito net makes me uncomfortable. I tried to
this is a life and death issue for me! In this damned
sleep again.
moment, it is wiser not to exercise common sense!
I am on the run now. I can hear some shrieks from There could be poisonous reptiles in the bush near
several parts of the city. Isn't that a large hospital? I the bougainvillea plants. But I felt that the snakes
can run into the hospital. Perhaps, the rioters won't and the thorns of bougainvillea are far better than the
enter it. I ran into the first ward of the hospital I saw. horribly venomous human snakes that could arrive
It is panic there too. Some stones that came any moment! I climbed on to the wall through the
rocketing from beyond the hospital have smashed plants, reached the top and looked back. They are
the windowpane. The rioters are near! Everyone is already here! I jumped over the barbed wire
trying to escape. Female nurses are fleeing. In a somehow. There is no time to see where the barbed
situation like this, women will be treated as if they wire has injured my body. I landed on a maidan!
are inferior to even insects. Doctors are also running. There isn't any place to hide in this open ground!
Some of them are throwing away their stethoscopes Then I was almost flying with my feet rarely
and overcoats that prove a hindrance while running touching the ground.
fast! Those patients lying on beds, who have the
I jumped over another wall and landed on a

25 YSR JULY 2008

college campus. I can't see any human being there. It ran towards her with glee at the sight of a potential
is best to hide in such a huge building, I thought. If I victim. I saw flames of fire shooting towards them
hide here in this deserted place, no one could find me from the pointed finger of the girl! Those who came
easily. I am lucky! The entrance to the staircase to near the girl were reduced to a handful of ashes! The
the upper floors isn't closed. I ran up the stairs at rest of them got scared and ran away!
lightning speed and looked down.
Is the atmosphere itself on fire?! What an intense
Oh God! My calculations have gone awry again! heat! She is still standing there with her fiery face! I
The rioters chasing me are trying to enter the college rushed downstairs to say at least a word of thanks to
campus! I prayed desperately for God's help from her! But when I reached the ground I couldn't see
the depths of my heart. However, God is helpless! anyone there! Where is she? Where is that girl who
Isn't all this violence going on in the name of God? I manifested the miracle?! There isn't anyone there!
am sure that there is no use trying to call on such a But the horrific heat is still there! I bathed in sweat.
God. I have to find a way to save myself! I've heard On the ground, there is a straight line of burnt soil!
that necessity is the mother of invention. I must find And scattered ashes! So what I saw was real. My
a secure place to hide. But, there is no way ahead. eyes weren't cheating me! I ran to escape from the
There is a wall looming large in front of me like a heat. But there is searing heat everywhere! Some
white ghost! What a pig-headed fool I am! people came running! One of them is shouting
aloud, “The riot has been foiled!”
Before running into this college building, I forgot
to check whether there were any class rooms open “What happened?” I asked anxiously. It is odd. I
here! If I try to go downstairs now, it will mean learned that it was not the police who brought the riot
throwing myself before those wolves! I sat there under control. The rioters dispersed in fear after
tired with despair. They are rushing towards the facing something strange! Those rioters, who were
college building. trying to escape, inadvertently fell into the hands of
the police. The faces of the arrested rioters where
Suddenly, I saw a girl standing in front of the
frozen without even a drop of blood as if they had
college building! I don't know from where she has
seen something frightening! Many of them had
appeared! She is wearing a flaming red-coloured
considerable burns on their bodies!
dress! My eyes settled on her face. I've never seen so
much beauty anywhere! It seems laser beams are I didn't have the courage to tell anyone about
emanating from her eyes! What is this girl doing what I had seen! Waves of joy and relief started to
here? She isn't trying to escape either! Will I have the wash over the city. At that moment, I opened my
misfortune to face those barbarians doing to her eyes! The mosquito net made faces at me! What is
what shouldn't be done?! I prepared to shout loudly this? Was that a dream? I closed the eyes once again.
and warn her. But my voice is hiding in the throat But now the dream is not continuing like before. I
afraid to come out! I closed my eyes tight. tried to get up from bed. But the body is still on the
bed, motionless like a log though I can close and
Unbearable heat is enveloping me! What is
open the eyes! I realised with disbelief that I was still
causing so much heat here? I looked downwards at
experiencing intense heat that could vapourise even
the ground. In front of that girl, a fire is burning on
the blood!
the ground in a straight line! Fire flowers are
blossoming in the atmosphere! She is standing there I have never ever seen such a weird dream
firmly. Her face is flaming with superhuman power! before! Could the intervals between the waking state
and unconsciousness, give birth to a semblance of
The inhuman hyenas have arrived. Some of them
reality? The heat that is still present stands like a

26 YSR JULY 2008

gigantic question mark before my sense of time, someone will have to help me get up from this bed in
space and rationality. I turned my eyes as much as the morning! I stayed there on the bed in the mandala
possible and looked at the window. There is still of fire inside the mosquito net, with open eyes,
hardened darkness on the glass panes of the window. waiting for the rays of the rising sun to enter through
Morning hasn't arrived yet. The tick tick sound of the the glass of the window. I don't think any human
timepiece irritated my ears. Shall I call and wake up being would have ever yearned for the dawn so
others? But the tongue is not rising! I've never faced sincerely like me!
such a condition in my life so far! The heat is too
© Prabhath P, all rights reserved
much! How long will I remain trapped on this bed
inside the mosquito net like this?
It seems I had seen the girl in the dream Prabhath P is a writer, editor, integral intuitive
somewhere and had forgotten! But I couldn't consultant, artist and holistic healer based in India.
identify her though I tried very hard. Anyway, I don't He is now developing Integral Gaia Yoga for
feel I can ever forget that face again. What is the Integral, individual and collective Enlightenment.
meaning of that dream? It isn't yielding to my
intelligence! If I have to escape from this intense
heat that is covering me like a flaming enigma,


Prabhath P is currently evolving Integral Gaia Yoga, which aims for integral,
individual and collective Enlightenment. Prabhath offers integral intuitive advice to
help individuals manifest their infinite potential and create their own personal,
professional and spiritual destiny.

Integral intuitive advice helps you to expand your consciousness and evolve your
life in tune with your inner intuition and your life's purpose on Earth in co-creation
with fellow beings.

Please indicate any questions you have and the areas of life you want the intuitive advice
to focus on.

Prabhath also offers Integral Dreamwork services and Reiki.


27 YSR JULY 2008

Harmony Rising THE DOVE
Dream-filled eyes meet A dove a symbol of peace
Memories surface from the deep wisdom of the awaiting;
And everything begins to be a messenger
As time stands still for you and me of purity, and new beginnings.
The deer swift and
Passionate touch brings spring graceful;
As all of nature sing aspirations
And our thoughts unite mankind of the life of the soul.
In body, soul and mind The crow, a symbol of foretold destinies
O, Pain and Woeful things darkness before creation,
Fly far away on willing wings known,
O, sacred masculine and feminine wisdom awaiting changes.
The reconnection is beginning The phoenix
a celestial ruler;
Great Happiness and Peace combined regeneration
Hear the call from deep within your mind from within.
Shine your light on the mentally blind
And flood the Hearts of all Mankind © Michaela Sefler, all rights reserved
Let parallel universes fuse together
This poem is from Michaela Sefler's
Let our love merge all forever
sixth book 'Healing Tree’
You and I, we were meant to be
To keep our worlds in harmony
© Amy I. Ramdass, all rights reserved

28 YSR JULY 2008

Life Transformation using Common Sense Practical Spiritual Science

Be Ready for Miracles!

Truth - Teaching - Tools - Technology - Transformation

“If you can start exploring possibilities,

you will start surpassing all known boundaries!” - Amitt

What you will explore... Objectives of YSR course

w Know Your Self w Your Spiritual Revolution

w Your Desires & Dreams w Significant improvement in your physical health
w God is Everywhere w Significant improvement in your emotional health
w Truth leads to Peace & Happiness w Significant improvement in financial condition
w Art and Science of Balance w Significant improvement in your intelligence
w Brain is in the Mind w Significant improvement in your relationships
w Love and Fear - Duality in Design w Aligning your thoughts & activities with life goal
w Awareness Transforms w Love, peace, happiness and abundance in your life
w Consciousness + Energy = Reality w Development of divine ego
w Law of Attraction - Act to Attract w Development of dormant psychic abilities
w Freedom of Choice - Evolution vs Entropy w Lucid dreaming & astral travel
w Law of Karma w Aura viewing, time travel
w Time & Space - An illusion w Healing self and others
w Psychic / paranormal abilities exist w Communication with your higher self
w As above so below: Microcosm vs Macrocosm w Truth - seeking & understanding
w Change is the only constant - Evolution w Living the Truth
w Enlightenment - Immortality

w Law of Abundance

YSR course emphasizes on fundamental cosmic laws and

YSR Course Module 1 is Free! uses thought-provoking questions to restructure your
Click here to download belief system, thereby bringing positive changes in all
aspects of your life!

YSR Course will be conducted by Amitt Parikh - Executive Editor of Your Spiritual Revolution eMag,
founder of Spiritual Science & Research Foundation. He is an author, poet, mystic, IT consultant, translator,
and a professional trainer. For questions and free guidance related to YSR Module 1, please email with subject line ‘YSR Module 1 Guidance’.

Health, wealth, peace, happiness, satisfaction, truth... Aren’t these the very ‘things’ you are trying to achieve out there?
YSR Course will help you re-member them all in abundance, by guiding you to your true Master - your true Self!

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