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Odoo is one of the forerunners of open source ERP

installations. Now with Odoo 8, you have access to a
powerful website builder, integrated e-commerce features,
and a fast-growing community to help transform and
modernize your business.
With this practical guide, you will cover the essential
modules to get Odoo up and running for your company.
After installing Odoo, you will use its sales management
application to enter quotes, create sales orders, and invoice
customers. You will then learn how to integrate the CRM
application to manage your leads and convert them into
lucrative opportunities and sales. Next, you will set up your
own purchase management system, assigning products
to suppliers and tracking orders with the new warehouse
management and routing system. Finally, you will learn how
to use analytics to track project expenses and keep your
accounts simple and easy to maintain and build an Odoo
module to extend its functionality and make it work for you.
This book covers all the core functionalities of this popular
tool, helping you to fully implement a working ERP system
through practical and real-world examples.

Who this book is written for

Configure a functioning Customer

Relationship Management system
Set up a purchasing and receiving system
for your company that allows you to track
inventory, costs, and profit
Implement manufacturing operations and
processes using real-world examples that
you can put to use in your own company
Discover the capabilities of Odoo's financial
accounting and reporting features
Integrate powerful human resource
applications that simplify the collection
and management of employee information

Customize Odoo without writing a line

of code

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34.99 UK

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application platform designed to transform and modernize
your business

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E x p e r i e n c e

Working with Odoo

Utilize Odoo's full featured project

management application to organize tasks
and track time and costs associated with
billable projects

Greg Moss

This book is perfect for people who have never used Odoo
and for those who would like to learn about more advanced
concepts of Odoo. In order to get the most out of this
book, you should be comfortable with understanding basic
business concepts such as sales, purchasing, inventory
management, and basic accounting.

What you will learn from this book

Working with Odoo

Working with Odoo


Greg Moss

In this package, you will find:

The author biography

A preview chapter from the book, Chapter 1 'Setting Up Odoo'
A synopsis of the books content
More information on Working with Odoo

About the Author

Greg Moss has been a business and information systems consultant for over

25 years. Starting in 1988, Greg began to work extensively on financial and

accounting-related applications. He wrote his first custom billing system for a
rehabilitation facility at the age of 20. He has worked extensively in the healthcare,
point of sale, manufacturing, telecommunications, and service sectors.
Greg is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) and a Certified Six Sigma
Black Belt and was the chief information officer for Crownline Boats, Inc. In
addition to studying music and computer science at Southern Illinois University,
he completed a BS in business administration and information systems at Walden
University. Greg also has an information assurance certification from Carnegie
Mellon University.
In addition to Odoo, he has experience in a variety of ERP systems and was a Sage Pro
partner for several years. Greg is the CEO of First Class Ventures, LLC and the owner
of (http://firstclasscomputerconsulting.
com/) and ( He is also an Odoo Ready
In 2014, Greg started a game studio called (http:// and designed and developed NeuroMage, a game that
utilizes an inexpensive research-grade EEG headset to allow you to learn spells in the
game using only your mind. NeuroMage was first demonstrated at the Neurogaming
conference in 2014. As a result, Greg has become a recognized leader in Neurogaming
and is humbled to be on an expert panel at the Neurogaming conference in 2015.
Greg is an experienced stock and options trader and has recently started dabbling in
currency trading. In his spare time, he enjoys playing trumpet and saxophone with
local bands and taking cross-country road trips with his African grey parrot, Bibi.

Working with Odoo provides a comprehensive walk-through for installing,
configuring, and implementing Odoo in real-world business environments. This
book will help you to understand the value of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
systems and the best practices and approaches for getting a system up and running
in your organization. For those who are new to ERP systems, this book will serve as
an introduction so that you will be better prepared to understand more advanced
ERP concepts. If you are already experienced in ERP systems, this book will give you
an overview of the primary applications for Odoo and how those applications can be
used in a real business environment.
Odoo is a very feature-filled business application framework with literally hundreds
of applications and modules available. Silkworm, Inc. is a highly respected custom
apparel, promotional products, and graphic design company in the Midwest, United
States. Silkworm has been serving its customers, team members, and community
for more than 30 years. Silkworm has been kind enough to allow us to include
some basic aspects of their business processes as a set of real-world examples on
implementing Odoo into a manufacturing operation. While the examples in this
book are extremely simplified, using real-life examples will assist in understanding
how to utilize Odoo to solve real-world business problems.
Although Silkworm is actively implementing Odoo, Silkworm, Inc. does not
directly endorse or recommend Odoo for any specific business solution. Every
company must carry out their own research to determine if Odoo is a good fit
for their operation.
We have done our best in this book to cover the most essential features of the Odoo
applications that you are most likely to use in your business. Unfortunately, there are
just not enough pages to cover more advanced topics. In Appendix, Locating Additional
Odoo Resources, we have included additional resources that you can look to for more
advanced subjects.


After the book is released, be sure to check for online updates in which we can cover
more advanced subjects.
Also, Packt Publishing offers other Odoo books that cover more advanced
Odoo topics.

What this book covers

The book is divided into three sections:

The installation of Odoo and the basics of implementing Odoo in your

business (chapters 1 through 5)

An introduction to accounting and finance setup and modules to help your

business run more efficiently (chapters 6 through 8)

Advanced configuration and customization of Odoo (chapters 9 through 13)

Now, let's discuss in some detail what each chapter will cover:
Chapter 1, Setting Up Odoo, gets you started right away by showing you how to
use Odoo online without any setup. Just open your browser and you are ready to
get going. Next, the chapter goes on to cover the different installation types and
prerequisites for both Windows and Ubuntu. Instructions are provided to find the
right download package and set up Odoo on your own server. The chapter then goes
into the basics of configuring Odoo. At the end of the chapter is a useful collection of
tips on how to troubleshoot your Odoo installation.
Chapter 2, Installing Your First Application, begins by introducing you to the real-world
case study that will be used as an example throughout the book. We continue by
showing you how to create the company database and configure the basic company
settings required to quickly get your first Odoo system up and running. The first
module, Sales Management, will be installed, and we will walk through the steps to
enter a customer and a product. The chapter concludes by entering a sales order and
completing the sale and producing an invoice.
Chapter 3, Exploring Customer Relationship Management in Odoo, starts with a basic
overview of CRM systems and their importance in today's modern business
environment. After we cover the installation of the CRM application, a lead is entered
for our sample company. We will demonstrate the CRM workflow by turning the lead
into a customer. Next, a quote is generated for our newly acquired customer, and a
call is scheduled for follow-up by using Odoo's meeting functionality. We also cover
the OpenChatter feature that is used throughout Odoo to provide notes and messages
associated with Odoo documents.


Chapter 4, Purchasing with Odoo, shows us how to install the purchasing application,
set up suppliers, and begin purchasing and receiving products in Odoo. Later in the
chapter, you learn how to tie purchasing into sales orders to automatically generate
draft purchase orders based on your business requirements.
Chapter 5, Making Goods with Manufacturing Resource Planning, begins to explore some
of the primary functionalities of ERP systems for manufacturing operations. You
will learn how to set up your manufacturing orders and define the bill of materials
to specify the raw materials that will go into your final products. Manufacturing
operations can then be extended with routing and work centers to give you more
control over tracking time and resources.
Chapter 6, Configuring Accounting Finance, discusses the Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable basic functions. Next, we will introduce the Chart of Accounts
and discover how to set up fiscal periods. This chapter will also include the basic
accounting reports and how to close a period.
Chapter 7, Administering an Odoo Installation, begins by discussing the overall
considerations for implementing Odoo into a business environment. This includes
advice on server configurations, documenting your processes, and the importance of
considering business continuity. We then go into how to manage users, groups, and
set up security roles to manage access to various applications within Odoo. Finally, we
look at how to implement Internationalization for multiple languages and currencies.
Chapter 8, Implementing the Human Resources Application, begins by installing the basic
HR applications and goes over the employee directory. Other topics in the chapter
will include timesheets, the recruitment process, and leave management. At the end
of the chapter, we will look at how to create online interviews and hire employees
using the tools in Odoo.
Chapter 9, Understanding Project Management, covers the features of the Project
Management application in Odoo. We will create a project, see how to enter tasks
and tie a project to a specific customer. Next, team members are assigned to the
project, and we configure task stages. We then will go over real-world examples of
using the Project Management application to more easily manage complex orders
and customer needs. Finally, we see how Project Management can be used along
with analytic accounting to provide better reporting.
Chapter 10, Creating Advanced Searches and Dashboards, demonstrates how to utilize the
advanced search features and configure custom dashboards in Odoo. By the end
of the chapter, you will be able to create and save custom searches to reuse later,
as well as add search results to dashboards.


Chapter 11, Building a Website with Odoo, is dedicated to exploring Odoo's powerful
new website building platform. At the beginning of the chapter, we will look at what
a CMS (Content Management System) is and some of the other popular website
building platforms. We follow along with Odoo's website building tutorial and then
look at the features that can be used to promote your website right from within Odoo.
Chapter 12, Implementing E-Commerce with Odoo, builds on the previous chapter by
adding a fully functioning online shopping cart to the website. We see how to publish
products to the website and the various options to change their appearance. Midway
through the chapter, we cover product variants that add additional flexibility to how
you manage your products within Odoo. Finally, we conclude by examining how to
set up a payment processor to take payment online through PayPal.
Chapter 13, Customizing Odoo for Your Business, explains how to enter the developer
mode for making a variety of custom changes to Odoo. We will walk through the
steps to add fields to the sales order form and then include the fields in tree views
for sorting and reporting. From here, we will get into advanced configuration topics
to better customize Odoo for your specific business requirements.
Chapter 14, Modifying Documents and Reports, goes over the basic reporting mechanisms
available in Odoo and weighs up the advantages and disadvantages of the various
options. We learn how to use the powerful qWeb template language to modify the
default Odoo sales order form.
Chapter 15, Understanding Workflows, introduces the workflow editor and analyzes the
basic sales order workflow. Using our case study example, the workflow is modified
to improve the flow of information through the business. By the end of the chapter,
you should have a basic understanding of modifying workflows to better handle
unique business processes.
Chapter 16, Discovering Custom Odoo Modules, introduces the process of developing
custom solutions in Odoo. We build on what we learned in Chapter 13, Customizing
Odoo for Your Business and create a module that will persist our custom field and
views within our module. Next, we build on the workflow modifications we made
in the previous chapter and upgrade our module to approve art designs for our
real-world example.
Appendix, Locating Additional Odoo Resources, covers a list of resources that can extend
your knowledge in supporting an Odoo installation.

Setting Up Odoo
Odoo is a powerful set of open source business applications built on the OpenObject
framework. When you first install Odoo, the only functionality you will have is
limited messaging options between users. From there, Odoo allows you to install
the modules you need as you need them. This flexibility makes Odoo much more
accessible than many business software solutions.
In this chapter, we will get started working with Odoo by covering the installation
and the basics of setting up an Odoo database.
The topics we will cover include:

Using the free two-user edition of Odoo

Setting up a trial company

Installing Odoo on Windows and Ubuntu

Troubleshooting and configuring your installation

Getting started with Odoo online

Not long ago, nearly all companies kept their primary information systems in-house.
This approach requires not only a lot of capital expense in purchasing servers and
software licenses, but also creates a lot of responsibility and risk in backing up data
and ensuring business continuity. Today, more and more companies are choosing to
host their business applications in online networks commonly known as the cloud.
Odoo allows you the flexibility of both optionseither hosting on your own hardware,
or utilizing Odoo's online software services.


Setting Up Odoo

Taking advantage of Odoo online

The best thing about accessing Odoo online is that you can jump in and start using
the software right away. You don't have to decide what operating system to use.
You don't have to install any software at all. Just enter the URL into your web
browser and you are ready to get started.
Another added benefit of taking this approach is that you will verify that your web
browser is up to date and compatible with the latest version of Odoo. So, even if
you intend to install Odoo on your own hardware, it is still worth taking a minute
to test out the online trial version of Odoo. Expect to put a great deal of time into
determining which Odoo applications are right for your company.
Taking a few hours to use the Odoo online version is time well spent and you can put
off installing Odoo until you are more certain it is the right software for your business.
Use the Odoo free edition to verify browser compatibility with any
older machines.

Odoo browser requirements

Odoo is designed to run on a variety of modern web browsers. Supported
browsers include:

Google Chrome (recommended)


Internet Explorer

Macintosh users will need to make sure they are running
Mac OS X or above. Users running older Macintosh systems
are currently having difficulties running Odoo version 7.
Also, in my experience, Google Chrome tends to offer the
best experience in working with Odoo. Firefox is also often
recommended by others in the Odoo community.


Chapter 1

Odoo mobile phone and tablet support

Beginning with Odoo 8, Odoo has native support for mobile phones and tablets.
Menus are designed to flow and format properly. The new website application even
includes a preview within the portal administration to emulate how the site would
appear on a mobile phone. While you still suffer many of the limitations that come
with a small screen size, the applications are functional and make it even easier for
developers to create mobile Odoo applications.
Odoo's mobile application support covers both the Android and Apple iOS
platforms. Make sure, however, that for any processes you intend to implement for
your business, you test all processes thoroughly for both desktop and any mobile
solutions. Smaller screen sizes might make some data unreadable or very awkward
to work with.

Accessing the Odoo free online trial

Accessing the online trial version of Odoo online could not be simpler. Just open up
your browser and navigate to
You will then be prompted to choose one of more than 20 business applications,
as shown in the following screenshot:


Setting Up Odoo

Don't worry, you can add more applications later:

Clicking on the appropriate button for the application immediately begins installing
your own unique Odoo instance.
For our example, let's go ahead and install the CRM application by clicking on the
Install CRM button:


Chapter 1

Be patient as it can take thirty seconds or longer for the servers to build the database
and bring up the starting page. When the installation is complete, Odoo automatically
signs you in so you can begin trying out the software. The goal of this approach is to
get users to directly start using the software right away and avoid having to fill out
lengthy forms or create logins and passwords to begin using the software. It really is
just one click and you have your own version of Odoo to play with.

In the preceding screenshot, you can see the screen that appears after installing the
CRM application. With it, you can manage your customers, leads, and opportunities.
We will discuss the CRM application in detail in Chapter 3, Exploring Customer
Relationship Management in Odoo.
Take a few minutes to look around in Odoo to get familiar with the interface. You
don't have to worry about breaking anything or doing anything wrong. If you run
into problems or get confused, just close your web browser and try again.
This is a demonstration and will only last for one four-hour
session. If you close your browser, you will lose your setup
and have to start over again.


Setting Up Odoo

Continuing to use the trial version of Odoo

At the very top of the Odoo application, just under the address bar in the browser,
you will see a message that informs you about how much longer your trial version
of Odoo will run before you need to register. Also, remember that it is possible to
lose this instance of Odoo before the time runs out.

Clicking on the message will take you to the typical standard signup form to provide
your name, e-mail, and other information to register your trial version of Odoo:


Chapter 1

After you have filled out the form and clicked on Start using, the Odoo application
will once again reload. Now, you will see in the top-right-hand corner that you are
logged in under the name you provided in the signup form. Also, you will see at the
top, a countdown of how many days are remaining in your trial version.

Subscribing to Odoo
For 15 days, you can use Odoo for free without subscribing. Once your 15 days run
out, you must subscribe to Odoo in order to keep using their enterprise cloud-hosted
version of the software. The first two users of Odoo are free indefinitely.
This means you can sign up and continue using Odoo with just two users without
having to pay any monthly fees. For additional users, the current pricing is $25 per
month, per user at the time of writing. Each application that you use also will incur
a monthly cost depending upon the specific application.
The following screenshot is the Odoo Online Pricing calculator in July of 2015:

You can locate the Odoo Online Pricing page at


Odoo Online is priced for employees that use the applications.

You are not charged for customers or suppliers that access
Odoo through the web portal.


Setting Up Odoo

Depending on your requirements, an Odoo subscription might be a good decision.

Installing and maintaining an Odoo installation takes a degree of expertise and
has risks for production systems. You must maintain adequate disaster recovery
procedures in case of server crashes or hard drive failures. There are also
complexities in applying bug fixes and migrating to newer versions of Odoo. This
book will help you with many of these tasks. Yet, it can be quite convenient to have
an Odoo subscription so you can focus on the functional, rather than the technical,
aspects of working with Odoo.
To subscribe to Odoo online and continue using Odoo past the 15 day trial period,
click on the Subscribe to keep it running link at the top of the page:

Using Odoo without subscription fees

If you choose not to pay the subscription fee, do not fear! The remainder of this
chapter will assist you with installing Odoo on your own hardware.

Getting to know the Odoo architecture

Setting up and managing an Odoo installation will require a basic understanding of
the components that make up Odoo. Every business system has a set of technologies
and underlying software platforms that are required for the system to function.
Fortunately, unless you plan to customize Odoo, you only need to understand the
very basics of the Odoo architecture to complete a successful installation.
In this book, we provide a basic overview of the Odoo architecture.
If you wish to get more detailed documentation on the Odoo
architecture, visit

Introducing the PostgreSQL database

Like most ERP systems, Odoo has specific database requirements. In this case, it
is PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL is an open source, cross-platform Object Relational
Database Management System (ORDMS). While not popular on the scale of
Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL, PostgreSQL is an enterprise-class database server
with many advanced features. In fact, PostgreSQL stacks up very well against far
more expensive databases such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database.

Chapter 1

PostgreSQL runs on every major operating system. For most Odoo installations,
Ubuntu is the operating system of choice. However, PostgreSQL will also run quite
well under other versions of Linux, Microsoft Windows, and even Mac OS X.
You can learn more about PostgreSQL at

Writing code with Python

The primary programming language of Odoo is Python. Like the other technologies
underlying Odoo, the Python language is open source and runs on all the major
contemporary operating systems. It is an extremely popular programming language
which makes it very easy to find resources to help you get started.
You can learn more about the Python programming language at

Following the Model-View-Controller design

Odoo is built upon a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. One of the
primary goals of this architecture is to separate the visual display of the information
from the business rules and management of the underlying data. For example, if you
need to change the way data is organized in the model, it is desirable not to have
to make dramatic changes to how you view the data. This is true for maintaining
flexibility in viewing data. Today, it is common to have many different client
applications sharing the same underlying data.

Designing models
The model is essentially the data that makes up your Odoo installation, which is
stored in the PostgreSQL database. Odoo is unique, in that, database structures are
typically defined by the Odoo modules at the time they are installed. The Odoo
framework takes the model definitions and automatically creates the necessary table
structures inside the PostgreSQL database. Furthermore, a web interface in Odoo
allows administrators to easily extend the Odoo data model in a variety of ways
without having to modify the Odoo source code.

Rendering views
Each view in Odoo is defined in XML documents. The Odoo framework is responsible
for rendering these view files in a web browser. Alternative views can be built to
render Odoo functionality upon other platforms such as mobile devices.


Setting Up Odoo

Authoring controllers
The controller component of the architecture is where the business logic and
workflow rules of the Odoo application are applied. The controller components
in Odoo are written in Python code and stored as objects in Odoo modules.

Choosing your installation operating

In this section, we will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of
choosing Ubuntu or Windows for your first Odoo installation.

Choosing a Microsoft Windows Odoo

For the most part, Ubuntu has been the platform of choice for most Odoo
installations. However, there are some reasons why you might choose to run Odoo
under a Windows installation.
Some of you who bought this book might have already jumped ahead and installed
Odoo on their Microsoft Windows computer. So, for you go-getters, that working
installation of Odoo might function just fine for researching and testing its features.
Often, the Windows all-in-one installer provides a simple method to get Odoo up
and running instantly on your hardware. Basically, you do not have to install a new
operating system.

Learning Ubuntu is not required

If you are familiar with Windows and have no Ubuntu experience, you might
get going a little faster by sticking with a Windows install for your first setup.
Downloading and installing modules and making changes to configuration files
will be much easier if you are familiar with the operating system.

[ 10 ]

Chapter 1

Introducing Ubuntu
While Microsoft Windows does not really need an introduction, it is probably worth
giving a brief introduction to Ubuntu. In short, Ubuntu (pronounced oo-BOON-too)
is a very popular open source operating system based on the Linux kernel. It has
enjoyed increasing popularity because it is easy to install and very stable. Ubuntu can
be installed either as a server operating system without a graphical interface or as a
desktop operating system with a graphical interface that closely resembles Windows.
You can learn more about the Ubuntu operating system and why it is so popular at

Choosing an Ubuntu Odoo installation

It is generally accepted that Ubuntu is the recommended operating system for
running a production installation of Odoo. There are several reasons why this is true:

Ubuntu is the primary target platform: While Odoo is released for Windows
and still well-supported, the Ubuntu installation continues to be favored.
The development team of Odoo works primarily with Ubuntu for bug
fixes and platform releases. It can be expected that, for the most part, Odoo
development will be optimized around Ubuntu, not Windows or Mac.

Ubuntu is open source: Installing Odoo on any Windows operating system

is going to require a license from Microsoft. While using Odoo on your
Windows PC or Mac is a viable and perhaps desirable solution for testing
and development, it is unlikely you will want to run Odoo on a Windows
desktop system for any production environment. Why? Well, this requires
Windows Server, which has much higher license costs than desktop editions.
With an Ubuntu installation, you get an entirely open source and virtually
cost-free solution.

Ubuntu has additional scalability options: It is possible to configure a more

scalable solution under Ubuntu than what you can currently configure under
Microsoft Windows Server.

Ubuntu has strong community support for Odoo: The fact is that a
vast majority of the production installations of Odoo are running under
Ubuntu. When you run into trouble or management issues with your Odoo
installation, you may find it easier to get assistance if you are running an
Ubuntu installation.

[ 11 ]

Setting Up Odoo

Choosing another OS option for Odoo

Although this book will focus on Windows and Ubuntu installations, you do have
several other options. In the past, Odoo has been deployed under a variety of Linux
distributions and even on the Macintosh OS. There are also many community members
actively developing client frontends for mobile platforms such as Google's Android OS.

Understanding Odoo releases

When deploying an Odoo system, it is important to understand the various Odoo
versions, as well as the release and upgrade policies. There is currently one major
release for versions 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0, as well as a master branch that is the latest
development version which will soon become Odoo Version 9.0. The stable versions
are the standard support version of Odoo and, typically, the one you should choose
to install for most situations. The master version is the development version and
will often contain bugs and unfinished features. This is primarily downloaded by
developers or those who wish to get a look at the latest features.

Upgrading Odoo
The goal of the Odoo development team is to release two stable version upgrades
each year. Odoo further labels some stable versions as Long Term Support (LTS)
versions. These releases are supported by Odoo for those that have an Odoo
Enterprise support contract. For any production environment, it is smart to choose
an LTS version. Most importantly, installing an LTS release of Odoo will make bug
fixes and patches much easier to implement.
At the time of writing this, the most recent stable
LTS version is version 8.0.

[ 12 ]

Chapter 1

Installing Odoo on Windows OS

We begin our installation by locating the packages that are currently available to
install. You can find the current list at

The preceding screenshot is the Odoo Nightly builds page that is the jumping off
point for downloading the source files for installation.

[ 13 ]

Setting Up Odoo

The examples and case studies in this book use Odoo 8.0. This means you should
select the 8.0 LTS (stable) version of Odoo to download. You can navigate directly to
the 8.0 Odoo downloads here

It is entirely possible that Odoo will change the URL as new versions
are released. To best follow the examples in this book, download an
8.x installation of Odoo.

Windows installations use the EXE packages. Click on the exe directory to get the list
of downloads that are available.
Naturally, the specific download packages are going to change on a nightly basis.

[ 14 ]

Chapter 1

The latest version of the stable LTS release will contain the most current Odoo
built with bug fixes included and will appear at the bottom of the list. By the
way, the upload dates you'll see are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and,
therefore, might be many hours ahead of your time zone, especially if you live
in the Western Hemisphere.

Performing an all-in-one Odoo installation

on Windows
Installing Odoo using the all-in-one package is very simple. After the package has
finished downloading, double-click on the .exe file to begin the installation wizard.
The first screen will prompt you to select the language for your installation.
After you have selected the language and clicked on OK, the wizard will
continue with the installation. From here, everything will continue like a normal
Windows installation.
I highly recommend that you choose the Custom install, so you
can select the directory for installation. The default directory name
contains the lengthy build number making it rather difficult to
work with in the command prompt.

Configuring Postgres on Windows

During the installation, you will be asked to provide information for the PostgreSQL
It is recommended that you change the username and password for security
purposes. These values will be written into the Odoo configuration file. The
username and password provided will be the administration credentials for the
PostgreSQL database, so be sure to remember them.
After the wizard is complete, if you leave Start Odoo checked and then click on
Finish, Odoo should open up in your default browser.
If Odoo fails to launch, you can look at the Troubleshooting Odoo Installations section
later in this chapter for solutions to some of the problems commonly encountered
during installation.

[ 15 ]

Setting Up Odoo

Installing Odoo on Ubuntu

This book will walk you through the installation procedure for Odoo on Ubuntu
using the latest all-in-one nightly package. Depending on your Ubuntu installation
and how you want to work with Odoo, there are alternative installation methods.
At the time of this writing, Odoo is most commonly installed on Ubuntu Version 14.04.

Modifying the sources.list file

Installing Odoo on Ubuntu is easy when you use the Debian repository. You can use
any standard text editor, such as Nano, to modify the /etc/apt/sources.list file
and add the following line:
deb ./

This installs the package.

After saving sources.list, you can start the installation process by entering these
commands into a terminal window:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openerp

The Odoo packages will be first downloaded and then installed. This is an all-in-one
installation and should set up all the necessary packages, PostgreSQL, and library
dependencies required to run Odoo.
Take note that the installation itself still uses openerp, instead of
the new odoo brand name.

Testing your Odoo installation

Point your browser to http://localhost:8069 and you should see the Odoo login
page appear.

Troubleshooting and Odoo management

As far as ERP installations go, Odoo is typically very easy to install. Unfortunately,
it is possible for an installation to fail for a variety of reasons. In this next section,
we will discuss some of the most common installation issues and provide some
troubleshooting tips for diagnosis problems with an Odoo installation.
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Chapter 1

Checking your browser destination

If you have followed the default installation, then your Odoo installation should be
accessing Odoo at http://localhost:8069.
Make sure the URL is exactly as you can see it above. If you did change the port
number during installation, make sure you change the port in the URL.

Verifying that the Odoo service is running

If you are unable to pull up Odoo in the browser, it can be good to verify that the
Odoo services are running.

Checking for Odoo services running in Windows

Pull up the Task Manager and go to the Services tab, then look for Odoo-server8.0.
The status should be running, as shown in the following screenshot:

[ 17 ]

Setting Up Odoo

Here is an example of the Odoo-server-8.0 service successfully running on Windows.

Additional Odoo troubleshooting steps for Windows can be found at https://doc.

Checking for Odoo services running in Ubuntu

In Ubuntu, you can locate the Odoo services by running the following command
in a terminal window:
ps aux | grep Odoo

You will then see the Odoo service listed if it is running.

Starting and stopping Odoo services

in Ubuntu
When managing an Odoo server, one of the most common tasks you will find
yourself performing is starting and stopping the Odoo services. Odoo allows
you to start and stop the services with a command switch.
To start the services, use:
sudo /etc/init.d/Odoo-server start

To stop the services, use:

sudo /etc/init.d/Odoo-server stop

Finding the primary Odoo log file

Odoo writes many messages, warnings, and error messages to a log. Often, when
troubleshooting problems, this log file is valuable in determining what action you
should take. In a default installation, the log file is located at {install directory}/
The log is especially valuable to locate problems you may have when installing
new modules.

Modifying the Odoo configuration file

The Odoo framework allows you to specify a configuration file for your installation.
By default, this file is located at /etc/Odoo/Odoo-server.conf.
Using this file, you can change many of the attributes of Odoo.
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Chapter 1

Changing port numbers

By default, Odoo runs on port 8069. For many installations, the default port will work
fine. There are situations, however, where it can be useful to change this default port.
One common scenario would be the need to run more than one version of Odoo.
Multiple installations cannot run on port 8069, so you will need to modify the port.
Sometimes there are security reasons behind changing ports, as many hackers are
aware of the default ports that people use.
Fortunately, changing the default port number is easy.
Simply specify:

For example, Port=8059 will change the default port for the web client to port 8059.

Accessing the database management tools

Odoo offers database management tools that can be accessed easily through your
web browser. This makes it easy to create, backup, and even delete database, all
through a web interface. While there are sometimes links available on the login page
that will take you to these tools, it is possible that when installing some applications,
such as the website builder, you will not find a link easily.
To access the database management tools, use the following path:

Changing the admin password

As mentioned earlier, by default, Odoo sets the password for these operations
to admin. To secure your server, it is necessary to change this password in your
configuration file:
Admin_password=[your password]

Also, be careful while starting up your Odoo server from the command line without
specifying an alternative password or the path to the configuration file. If you do,
you leave the instance open with the default password.

Finding additional resources for installing Odoo

Installing and configuring Odoo can quickly become a very complex task that is
outside the scope of this book. In Appendix, Locating Additional Odoo Resources, you
will find links to additional resources that can assist you with installing Odoo.

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Setting Up Odoo

In this chapter, we saw how easy it was to get started using Odoo online. We
discussed how to set up a trial company and the basics of creating a database
and installing your first module. If you choose not to use the online services,
you likely found the topics on installing Odoo on Windows or Ubuntu helpful.
Finally, we discussed various methods of troubleshooting and configuring Odoo.
In the next chapter, we will begin to jump into our first real business applications
in Odoo. You will get introduced to our real world case study and set up the basic
configuration of the company. We will walk you through setting up your first
product and, finally, creating and printing your first sales order.

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Get more information Working with Odoo

Where to buy this book

You can buy Working with Odoo from the Packt Publishing website.
Alternatively, you can buy the book from Amazon,, Computer Manuals and most internet
book retailers.
Click here for ordering and shipping details.

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