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Coronado High School

English 10 Honors Pre-Advanced Placement

Course Expectations and Course Agreement 2015-2016
Ms. Kym Martin
Phone: 702-799-6800
Ms. Yeaton

Mr. Miles

Ms. Jorgensen

Course Scope:
This one-year course provides instruction in the English Language Arts strands identified by the
Common Core State Standards as reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. This course
is designated as honors by the accelerated instructional pacing and depth of content. This rigorous
honors course requires expository, analytical, and argumentative writing assignments that are based
on readings representing a wide variety of styles and genres. The course is also structured
chronologically based on the genres and movements of American literature. Students are expected to
think conceptually about the American past, present, and future as well as about the ethnic and
cultural diversity of the American experience. Instructional practices incorporate integration of
diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society.
The appropriate use of technology and digital media are integral parts of this course. This course
fulfills one of the English credits required for high school graduation.
Course Goals:

To use complex rhetoric in writing or speaking that includes controlling tone, establishing
and maintaining voice, and achieving appropriate emphasis through more sophisticated
diction and structure in preparation for future advanced placement courses. [W.9-10.1, 2,
4, 5; SL.9-10.1, 4, 6; L.9-10.1, 3, 5, 6]

To become skilled at using a variety of writing modes for a variety of audiences, tasks, and
purposes whether writing argument, literary analysis, research, creative, or reflective
pieces. [W.9-10.1-10]

To explore a variety of American literary, non-fiction, and expository texts of exceptional

craft and thought whose range provides opportunities to identify and explain in writing or
speaking a writers use of rhetorical strategies and techniques. [RL.9-10.1-7, 9, 10; RI.910.1-10; W.9-10.1, 2, 4, 9; SL.9-10.3]

To understand how various stylistic effects are achieved by authors or speakers linguistic
and rhetorical choices, and to be able to analyze these choices. [RL.9-10.5; RI.9-10.5, 6;
W.9-10.1b, 2d; SL.9-10.3; L.9-10.5]

To analyze, interpret, and criticize a wide variety of primary sources such as documentary
materials, works of art, pictorial and graphic materials, and text that reflect an authors
historical, cultural, or social perspective. [RL.9-10.6, 9; RI.9-10.6, 9; W.9-10.7-10; SL.910.3]

To engage in research and inquiry not only to gain understanding of a subject, answer a
question, and broaden/narrow a topic; but also to draw upon collected evidence in support
of written analysis, reflection, and discussion, whether in writing or speaking. [W.9-10.7-9;

To develop and demonstrate a range of speaking and listening skills built around literature
that fosters critical listening and informed expression of ideas. [SL.9-10.1, 3-6]

To demonstrate control over and consistently use the conventions of standard English
grammar as well as the ability to choose words appropriate to audience, task, purpose,
and discipline to communicate ideas in writing or orally. [W.9-10.4-6; SL.9-10.6]

Students will have to provide copies of various novels throughout the course of the year; these novels
will be announced later. Additional handouts will be supplemented as needed. All students should
have access to a college-level dictionary and thesaurus.
First Quarter: Foundations
Pieces covered this quarter may include:
Native American fables, legends, folktales, and speeches
Prose and poetry of the Puritans
Letters of John and Abigail Adams
Histories of the Statesmen: Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, etc.
Novel : Independent reading selection from optional summer reading list
Second Quarter: Revolution
Pieces covered this quarter may include:
Short stories by Washington Irving
Excerpts by Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson
Various essays
Novel: Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Third Quarter: Conflict and Resolution
Pieces covered this quarter may include:
Civil War footage and letters
Mark Twain aphorisms and various works
Realism, regionalism and naturalism short stories
Novel: The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane
Fourth Quarter: Individualism vs. Society
Pieces covered this quarter may include:
Anthem by Ayn Rand
Various essays, critiques, and articles consistent with thematic unit.
Novel: Independent reading selection from dystopian literature list
Vocabulary, essays, outside reading, as well as individual and group projects/presentations will be
incorporated into class time and will serve, consequently, as a means of evaluation.
The teacher may assign homework daily. Homework may include reading assignments, writing
assignments, vocabulary assignments, grammar assignments, or reinforcement and enhancement
activities. Late homework will be accepted after one day with a 50% deduction of the total possible
points. If we cant read it, we cant grade it, and the student will receive a zero. Homework,
completed in blue/black ink, is due at the beginning of the period.
Assignments turned in with no name or heading will receive zero credit until claimed by the
unidentified author.

1. A project or major assignment is defined as any assignment whose total point value
approaches 10% of a single quarter grade.
2. Hard due dates for major assignments will always be given in advance. Students will
have the opportunity to turn the assignment in early to accommodate any prearranged
absence or activity.
3. Any major assignment that is not turned in at the beginning of the class period it is due will
be considered late. If the assignment reaches the teachers classroom or mailbox before
the end of that school day a 10% reduction in point value will be applied.
**If the assignment is turned in one day late 25% of the total possible points will be
**If the assignment is turned in two days late 50% of the total possible points will be
**If the assignment is turned in three days late 75% of the total possible points will be
**Assignments will not be accepted after the fourth late day. The student will
receive a zero for that assignment.
**Students should utilize all means available to turn in projects on time, including
delivery by friends or relatives. Assignments can always be turned in to the office
receptionist to be placed in my mailbox.
4. This graduated grading policy applies to both excused and unexcused absences and does
not apply to daily homework assignments or to assignments that are completed in the
5. Partial Day Absences and Due Dates Students are often absent for part of the school
day due to medical/dental appointments, field trips, or other school-approved activities. In
all such cases, students are required to hand in previously assigned work that is due on
that date. It may be dropped off in the classroom or handed in to the office receptionist to
be placed in the teachers mailbox.
GRADING: Grading will be based on the following system:
Criteria for arriving at quarter grades:
= 20%
= 20%
Speaking/Listening = 20%
= 20%
= 20%
Quarter Grade
Criteria for arriving at semester grades:
Quarter 1
= 40%
Quarter 2
= 40%
Semester Exam
= 20%

Semester Grade


Explanation of a students grade:

No grade

Citizenship Grade:

Needs Improvement
A students citizenship grade will be based on daily performance in the classroom. Inappropriate
classroom behavior will result in a reduction of this grade.
1. Make up work is available to students upon their return. If further explanation is needed,
students must either see teacher before or after school. Do not discuss make up work once
class has begun and the days activity is under way. When a student is absent from class,
he or she has three days from the day of his or her return to submit any make up
assignments. After this time period has passed the student will receive a zero for the
missed assignment. If there are extenuating circumstances students should see the
teacher for any additional arrangements.
2. Major Quiz/Test Make Up Policy - Students who are absent (excused or unexcused) on
the day of a previously announced major quiz or test must be prepared to take the missed
test or quiz immediately upon return from the absence. Absent students should not expect
any grace period due to the absence. In order to ensure fairness to all students, no
additional study time should be expected for students who are absent on major test days.
To arrange to make up a major test or quiz a student must see teacher IMMEDIATELY upon
his or her return to school to make the appropriate arrangements. A student will be given a
maximum of three days to make up major tests and quizzes. If a student chooses not to
make up the test or quiz in an appropriate and timely manner, he or she will receive a zero
on the test or quiz. Previously scheduled presentations cannot be made up barring
debilitating illness or family tragedy as deemed legitimate by the instructor.
A. If you exceed 10 absences per semester you may not receive credit for this course.
B. Students who are not prepared for class when the bell rings will be considered tardy. This
means students must be seated, quiet, attentive and/or working when the bell rings.
Coronados Tardy Policy will be strictly followed.
C. If you enter the room late and you have a pass, please hand it to the teacher immediately
or show your cougar planner.
D. Regular and consistent attendance is important for success in this course. Our study of
literature will be broad and historical. Much of the lecture and discussion completed in the
classroom will enhance the students understanding of the literary works and time periods.
Classroom Participation is an integral part of the learning process and student achievement. All
students will be expected to attend class, be on time, be prepared, and participate in classroom
lessons, all of which will be reflected in student evaluations and grades. Participation points will be
based on participation in class discussions.
Students can earn 10 participation points per week for actively engaging in class discussions at least
twice a week. Students will lose participation points for the following reasons: classroom infractions,
including but not limited to missing materials, being tardy, being off task. Students have the
opportunity to re-earn or earn extra participation points by going above and beyond in the classroom.
These extra points will counteract any missing participation points or will serve as automatic extracredit.
A. Class Expectations:

-The 3 Rs:
READINESS - for class (notebook, pen or pencil, novel, Cougar planner, etc.)
RESPECT - other students right to learn, the instructors right to teach, & property
belonging to others.
RESPONSIBILITY - for your own actions and decisions (mistakes are ok; lack of effort
constitutes failure)
B. Disciplinary action will be taken for inappropriate/disruptive behavior.
1. Verbal warning/student-teacher conference
2. Parent contact
3. Counselor referral
4. Dean referral
C. PLAGIARISM Plagiarism, the use of anothers ideas or words without properly
crediting you source is unethical, academically dishonest, and illegal. At many
colleges, plagiarism can result in a student being expelled from school. Be certain
you know what constitutes plagiarism. It will not be tolerated in this class and will
result in an automatic (0) zero on the applicable assignment and a U in
Citizenship for the quarter. While the advent of the Internet has made plagiarism
easier for students to perpetrate, it has also made it easier for teachers to catch.
All outside writing assignments at Coronado High School will be submitted via, a software program which checks for plagiarism.
In addition to a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism, we would like to make it
clear that the following policies will prevail in our class:
*Students are expected to do their own work. Any evidence of copied work or
cheating in any way will result in a (0) zero on that assignment, test, or quiz for
all parties involved and an Unsatisfactory Citizenship grade for that quarter.
*It is impossible for a teacher to know the subject of a conversation which occurs
during a quiz or test; therefore, any talking which occurs during a quiz or a test,
whether related to the subject matter or not, will result in a grade of (0) zero for
all parties involved.
Students will be expected to obtain and read four novels outside of class. You may choose to
utilize a library or to purchase the novels.
Cliff Notes Cliff Notes (and its clones) do have a place in our world; however, these tools can be
used to assist you in forming your own ideas about a piece of literature or to help clarify confusing
sections of the text. Never depend on Cliff Notes to do more than help you make sense of
confusing plot or character details. Literary criticism and analysis should always come from you.
Reading Cliff Notes will not substitute for reading the actual literary work. You are only cheating
Students and parents are encouraged to preview all required reading for this course.
All texts and supplementary materials are on the Nevada State and Clark County School
District approved lists. The English Department at Coronado High School maintains a
focus on teaching classics as a preparation for higher education and for life. If any text
is deemed objectionable, please notify the instructor immediately and an alternate
selection will be assigned. The evaluation of the alternate text will be comparable, but
may not be identical.

3 ring binder
A black/white composition notebook account
Flash drive

Blue/Black ink pens

Colored pens for grading/revising
College-ruled loose leaf paper

You are required to keep a notebook for English. Your notebook may be checked periodically, and a
notebook grade will be earned. There are numerous handouts in this class, so we do not
recommend sharing a larger binder with more than one additional subject. We have found that the
students with organized notebooks earn higher grades than those with a pile of papers tossed into
a backpack. Start the year organized and keep organized. Organization is definitely a steppingstone to success in English.

It is expected that a student will remain in an advanced course for the entire
year. If a student struggles, various academic supports and interventions will be
employed and conferences will be held during the first semester so that a
teacher, parent/guardian and the student may review student progress and reach
consensus as to the appropriate support and/or course placement for the second

Making this class a successful and educational experience is our highest

priority. If at any time a student has questions or needs extra help, he
or she is encouraged to contact us, and we will do our best to
accommodate his or her needs. If at any time parents or guardians
have questions or concerns, they are encouraged to send an e-mail, as
it is the quickest and most effective way to reach us. We will respond
within 24 hours of receiving the message. Working as a team, we know
that we can make this class a valuable educational experience.

Success requires commitment from students, parents/guardians and

teachers involved in advanced programs.

The teacher agrees to conduct the course using innovative strategies and
content at a pace appropriate to the grade level. The teacher communicates
student progress through regularly scheduled progress and grade reports. The
teacher will provide immediate intervention when needed and will conference
with students and parents/guardians regularly regarding progress.

The parents/guardians consider the course expectations carefully and reach

an understanding and agreement with the student concerning the rigor and
demands of the course. Parents/guardians agree to support the students
organization and time management to complete course work. Parents/guardians
will notify the teacher of any concerns relating to the course requirements or the
students progress. By signing the last page, parents/guardians understand
course expectations and are granting permission for their child to participate in
this rigorous course.

The student(s) agrees to organize his/her efforts and time to successfully

complete the course. By signing the last page, the student understands this
agreement and commits to participate in the course for the entire year.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I want to take a moment to introduce myself and welcome you and your child to this
Pre-AP course at Coronado High School. I will be your students English teacher for
the year. This will be my eighth year teaching high schooland my sixth at Coronado.

Regarding my teaching style, I believe that learning should be both fun and
challenging, and I strive to create a learning environment where students feel safe to
explore and take risks. Throughout the year we will practice collaborative and public
speaking skills, hone our writing techniques, and learn how to delve deeply into the
layers of a text to find greater meaning.

During this first week of school, I will go over the expectations for the course with
your child and would like to offer you the same opportunity. Here are a few things to
keep in mind:

1) The course expectations for your students Pre-AP class are available on my web page. [Access it
by visiting, clicking on the Resources button and then the Course
Expectations icon.] We have reviewed the syllabus in class, but please read it and discuss it
with your student, as well. I will post important information on the site throughout the year, so
make sure to visit periodically.
2) Im eager to get to know you, so please fill out the information at the bottom of this form
and return it to me through your student (or email me at with
your contact info, questions about the course, and any additional information that you want me to
3) Lastly, no classroom is an island. Our community of students benefits greatly from the meaningful
support of parents and guardians. If possible, please consider contributing to classroom learning in
one or more of the following ways:
a. Volunteer your time and expertise:
i. Stop by during Open House to meet in person and learn more about the course
(September 30th)
ii. Share your expertise as a guest lecturer
iii. Participate as a guest panelist during student presentations
iv. Help out as a language translator, evaluator, or tutor
b. Donate materials and supplies:
i. Crafts (ie. Markers, paper, scissors, cloth, stickers)
ii. Reading materials (ie. Books, magazines, journals)
iii. Technology (ie. Laptops, iPads, old cell phones)
iv. Furnishings (ie. Tables, chairs, framed pictures)

I believe open communication between parent, student, and teacher is crucial for a
students success. I will keep you informed with what were doing in the classroom by
sending emails, making phone calls, and updating the website. Please dont hesitate
to call or email me should you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for all your support. I look forward to our partnership this year.


Kym Martin


I have read and understand the expectations required of me in English

10H PreAdvanced Placement as per this Course Expectations Syllabus.
I am aware that to successfully complete this course of study, I need to
attend class on a regular basis, actively participate in class or small
group discussions, complete and turn in assignments, and conduct
myself in a respectable and mature fashion while in class. I
understand that help is available to me when requested within a
reasonable time frame.

(Student Signature)

(Printed Student Name)

I have reviewed this syllabus with my young adult, and we are aware of
its contents.

(Parent / Guardian Signature)


Throughout the year, students enrolled in English 10H PreAdvanced

Placement will be shown various films or film excerpts in class to

reinforce or further identify concepts being studied. All of the films

shown in class adhere to the CCSD limitations of the 6150 regulation,
which you can review at

Those students who do not return this permission slip by the prescribed
due date will not be allowed to view the in-class films. These students
will be given an alternative assignment with no penalty to their class
grades. Students absent during a film showing will also be given a
comparable make-up assignment. Please sign below.
_______________________________________________ has my permission to
participate in film viewing for English 10H Pre-Advanced Placement.
(Please print the students name.)

(Parent / Guardian Signature)


Home number


Work number

Cell phone

Email address


Please mark your preferred method of communication above.

Does your student have Internet access at home?


Is there any other information you wish to share with me?

What additional information would you like from me at this time?

Are you able/interested in volunteering time or materials to the

classroom? If so, in which ways?
(I will contact you soon.)

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