Former US Sen. Al D'Amato Makes A Choice in The 2016 Elex.

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August 26, 2015


Today, Alfonse DAmato, former U.S. Senator from New York and a leading Republican
force in New York politics, endorsed Ohio Governor John Kasich for President.
DAmato said, "We Republicans need to capture the White House and in order to
do that, we must win Ohio.
John Kasich is the only candidate who can assure us of that victory.
John Kasich will make America strong and respected. He is a leader, plain and
simple. Hes the only candidate in the race with a proven record of leadership on
state and federal levels. Hes straight talking. He does what he believes and he
does it well. Look at Ohio; its come back strong and people are rising.
DAmato continued, Look at his success leading the work to balance the federal
budgetit hasnt been done since he left the Budget Committee.
He knows the Pentagon, understands the military, and understands the need for
strength as well as a better managed Defense Department. Our troops need the
resources to do their jobs safely and deserve to come home to a Department of
Veterans Affairs that takes proper care of them.
John Kasich is a proven political winner in a very tough state for Republicans. He
is the candidate who can get America back on track. Im all in.
After a successful career in local Long Island politics, DAmato served three terms in the
U.S. Senate from New York. No Republican from New York has served in the Senate
since him. He was famous for his attention to constituent service as well as his
leadership on financial services as chair of the Senate Banking Committee.
Im just thrilled that the great Alfonse DAmato is joining my team. Id be content to just
go out to his favorite pasta joint with him and listen to his stories, but that hes going to
help me and my campaign is incredible. Hes a great public servant, cares passionately
about New York and our nation, is a political mastermind and someone with the fire and
genius to win. Im very appreciative of his willingness to join our effort to bring America

together and restore our strength, said Kasich.

--Gov. Kasich is running for President to help Americans restore our nation, live in safety
and pass on prosperity to those who come after usand hes got the experience to help
us do it. He was reelected last year by a 30-point margin after working with his fellow
Ohioans to turn an $8 billion shortfall into a $2 billion surplus, cut taxes $5 billion and
create more than 300,000 private sector jobs. As chair of the Budget Committee in
Congress he led the effort to balance the federal budget for the first time in a generation
and served 18 years on the House Armed Services Committee where he helped enact
President Reagan's national security agenda. He has also had a successful career as
an investment banker, New York Times best-selling author and at FOX News. He and
his wife Karen have twin teenage daughters and live in their home outside Columbus.
You can learn more about him at

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