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/W Gerald H. Baley
Saqebrook Apts.
129] Dora Or.

Gardnerville, Hv S9410
Phone m / 2S5'385S



Tim and Maria Kennedy Shriver at United Nations

Mental Retardation). Truly an honor for Tin to be chosen for

this. Froii the coufort and safety of our air travel to the 1st

'Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never coie to nind?*

KO! it isn't tiie to sing "Auld Lang Syne", but you uust think
ve did forget you. Hot so! But since Tin started to paint in
1986 and our linistry has becoie better i(noNn, it has becone
ore and ure difficult to keep a big 'NOTE' BOOK coiing. In

our beginning travels in 1980 ve shared our journeys Hith you

as vividly as Ne could. As the years have brought us luch
busier lives [or could 1 be slower?) ne currently are to the
point of redirecting our efforts to Tis's future. Thus le have
lade iiany changes. One change is, and we regret deeply and are

sad too, the big BALEY'S 'NOTE' BOOK will end with this issue!


I would love to recount in detail all of the exciting events,

places and above all, wonderful reunions, we experienced.

However, seeis best*to wait and put it in ly BOOK! I REALLY ai
planning to continue on with it. In this 'Hote'Book I want to
relate lore on our love to Nevada.

Class Hotel and seals, just 2 blocks froji the UNITED NATIONS, it
was perfect. Their hospitality far exceeded anything we could
wish for, and Maria Kennedy Shriver's introduction of Ubi,
allotted her vinsone personality to be exenplified. She is as

charsing as she appears. He were there June 29 / July 2. Tin's

perfornance was, Friday, June 30. It is truly awesoae what the
Kennedy Foundation has done for the Mentally Retarded. He DO
appreciate it so ituchi This very special experience was even
ore special, since we were allowed guests, and iiy brother Clyde
and wife Handa cane froa Ohio for the event.

Great anticipation and lany hours were spent in preparation

for what was a truly MEMORABLE TOUR! Facts: Left Anahein

Septenber 11, returned October 21: traveled east to OH, north as
far as MM, southeast to LA, westward through TX. there were a
total of 41 days of travel: 24 different perfornances; longest
day of travel was ^ miles: total trip miles 8,8T5, Again,

The last "NOTE' BOOK ended with preparations under way for

much frightening weather (such as hurricane 'ROXANHE' in

a tour through Colorado, Idaho, Utah April 21/ Hay 11/95.

Louisiana) all across the land. Through it all only ONE concert

Colorado and Idaho, as lany of you know were hoie to us for a

nuiber of years. He were so blessed, and lany tiies surprised
aliosttothe point of shock! The reason was reunions! Tin was
about beside hiiiself in Boise, ID. where he graduated froi
Special Education. A host of people who were so ieportant in
his life were at the concerts, including his school principal
and soRe teachers.
People we had not realized were living
where they were, and others who had driven considerable
distances to the concerts. He had tears of joy, hugs, and
grateful appreciation!
IfSATHER seeied to engulf us
AFTER THE STORMS and arrived hone safely traveling 7737

had light sprinkles!

uneventful liles!

In April a call caie froi the Kennedy Foundation for Tii to

play at the Kennedy Foundation Huibtd ikiiiam Avard Cereeonies
for the International Syiposiui on Nental Retardation, (Awards
for people with outstanding achieveHnts working in the area of

Every concert is always special, but at tiies extraordinary

events transpire. Ohio was very special, Jerry and 1 attended
ay 50th high school class reunion. How could it be? Our
schedule only allowed us to attend the banquet, but what joy was
nine to see all ly wonderful class nates. Also, saw both of ny
brothers and their wives. So great. MEMORIES! In Minnesota,
it was our privilege to give a Benefit concert for the HILLIAMS
SYNDROME ASSOCIATION, Char Quade was the superb regional
director. An exciting tine for Tin, he played for 2 full hours
in the NORDSTRUM Departnent store in CMi @IF miMo He were

all lesnerized by it's size and exciting places. Oh for tiie to

enjoy it tore. Everywhere we went we had hosts, and hostesses
with hearts of geld, and love unending. I long to share it with
you. I nust say, one very, very dear friend was able to cone to
the.Hillian Syndrone fund raiser in Minneapolis. 'Kudos' to our
Irna Pol, age 96! Thank you daughter Patricia for bringing her.
He even had a wonderful visit and leal in their hone!


Ne knoN God ansMers prayers yes, no, or wait awhile. Ne had

prayed that AT THE END OF 15 YEARS OF ALKOST constant travel we
sight be able to refocus on pernanent future plans. And too,
how loch we had prayed for God to direct us for Til's future

His dreai for

his own ART GALLERY with A SMALL

PERFORNANCE SETTING has been on the prayer hot line a very long
tiis. Ve searched southern CA, and nany other people helped in
nunerous states. Nothing developed! However, what happened to
us is AWESOME. Our local paper In CA, the ORANGE COUNTY
REGISTER, did a feature story on Tin's drean of the gallery.
Fron that the ORANGE COUNTY NEVS CHANNEL asked to do a story

thinking sosething night open up. Early the next day the phone
rang. It was fron a nan whose daughter lived in Huntington
Beach, CA. She saw the progran and faxed her father. Jack
Flening, a letter, and then called hia. He is the project
nanager for Sierra Assisted Living Foundation (SALF) in
Gardnerville, NY. He excitedly explained they were building a
coBplex for seniors, and high functioning physically or nentally
disabled adults. Ellie O'Toole, who started it, had a special
concern for parents whose disabled children would be left
without care when they could not care for then, or passed away.
Her brother is a quadriplegic. Naturally, in this setting, the
disabled continue to live in the residence, and are looked

Jack had been a contractor in southern CA lany years,

and was asked by a friend to cone help with the project in NV.
End result, he and his wife loved the country and project so

Buch they noved.

they wanted to cone see us, but we were

leaving on tour and working their/our schedules out was

inpossible. They asked if we were coning that way. Not
exactly, but we were scheduled in Las Vegas, so we arranged to
go over fron there, Ide arrived in Gardnerville, (13 niles south
of Carson City, and 50 niles south of Reno) Sunday evening, Nov
5. Ne were graciously hosted by El lie's parents. Tin and Peck
Nagel. Nhat a renarkable, loving fanily! Ne went with so nany
questions, reservations, and yes, suspicions, even though it
seened providential the way it was all laying in place. Ne were
there 4 days, seeing the plans, neeting people, and Tin
perforned.^ It looked positiveJuit after seeing a book of the
50th Anniversary (1988) love letters to Tin and Peck, fron
people around the world, and an 80th (1993) handsone birthday
book for Tin Nagel, (hand tooled and poetry written by Ted their
quadriplegic son) of thoughts expressed by Peck and each of
their 8 children, we knew they were truly the fine people we
had thought they were. The
to it all was the tine
Jack's daughter saw the TV progran, we had done. The Orange
County News Channel, (seen nostly in Orange County) does not
bear a wide audience at 45SI QoODc but she was up, saw enough to
know it night be helpful to us and to the foundation. Not
seeing it all, she later called the stati.on and they said it
would runoff and on all day, if she did not get it they would
send her a copy. She took it fron there and things began to

happen! Jerry and I were dunbfounded. After all our prayers and
certainly the host of nany others around the world, could this
be God's will for Tin and for us? Doors opened! There was NO
doubt we should nove, but NHEN! After calling our TAX lady, in
order not to worry about CA taxes in 1996 we needed to nove Jan
1st. NON! The busy schedule of holiday concerts etc. before us
HON COULD NE! Ne also needed a place to live. Not wanting to

jaake another trip back. Peck and Tin found us aduplex near their

daughters. Ne saw the area, and her apt. and told then sonething
of that nature would be fine. One was available by her, but when
Peck called, it was gone. The land lady told her of another one,
only 2 bedroons, but they thought it would be adequate. Ne said
we'll take it. Apartnents were at a preniun in the area.
The days ahead were truly a DAZE! Ne had planned to nove
purselves. Jerry had a fainting spell, cause unknown, but the

|)r. ruled out heart, and said travel was fine. I said, 'Ne are
NOT ioving ourselves?' I found the least expensive noving
conpany with better business bureau o.k. and we set the date to

pove - Jan. 2nd, 1996! Ne had planned to use our 1984 Van (well
over 128,080 ni) until we noved, and then sell it. It suddenly
quit. Now what? Service station Jerry traded at for years
wanted it as is! PTL. No tine to look to buy - also paying CA

ax would be so costly. Ne could rent a car cheaper until we

ved, and then the day before we would get a nini van for the
:ove. Problen...New Years week-end! NO VANS, but if there were,
a drop charge (fee for not returning vehicle) was prohibitive.
Also, it had to be picked up at Orange County airport and
returned to RENO! So nuch tine when you are already swanped!
1 was just sick! Ne had too nuch to take in a car. Ne prayed

nd prayed...I called again! Avan MS available, and we'd even

!et a discount. Also, we could pick up in Anahein, and return

kt South Lake Tahoe (only 13 niles fron our hone) and there would

pe NO DROP CHARGE. AMIRACLE! The Lord had taken care of

fafftftof our nove and nany tines before we even thought about it!
1) Ne prayed for strength and health to do our concerts, and get
packed! HE GAVE IT. Flu and colds everywhere. Even though we

|(ere tired and weary we stayed well! 2) Ne prayed for good

yeather, it was CA rainy season. Ne were going fron house to the

constantly also, it was helpful to use the patio to pack
ut there was no patio cover. There was only one day during this

tine that it rained, and we had already PLANNED on working

inside. 3) Ne prayed for boxes. So hard to find, and expensive
to buy. Our dear neighbors supplied the greatest share! Ne were
not only noving our household we loved an art gallery! Ne had
AINTINGS PACKED ANAY we had no idea how nuch until we started

lacking it all for travel! 4) Ne prayed for funds! Ne could not

onceive HON we would nanage financially. There would be huge
ixpenses. Funds cane in ways and fron sources we never dreaied!
5) Ne prayed for good weather on noving day and as we traveled,
there were high passes to cross!! And, no tine for cooking nuch,
Friends and neighbors overwhelned us with food! HE PROVIDED IT

ALL...there is still lore. The big day arrived! Ve :i

ready!!! The van arrived at 8:10, Jan 2,. A very early
breakfast, left a longing for food. Again our dear neighbors
saw our need before ve did! Our good-byes were said (it vas so
hard) and the van was loaded at t:30 p.i. Ve piled into the
ini van and Mere on our vay too! Aperfect tiie to leave as
Me lissed the rush hour traffic through L.A. Vhat peace Ne felt
as Me traveled with the gorgeous Neather! He were anxious to
get to Baiiersfield', CA where ve would leet our dear friends Lois
and John Allen. They surprised us with a wonderful dinner at
a buffet, celebrating our *itEliT0'
Being so weary and knee deep in boxes, on our actual anniversary
Dec. 22, we felt.guilty even going to TACO BELL! Mould you
believe Tii suggested we go there?
. After a lost relaxing and wonderful leal we left Bakersfield
ahd drove to Fresno, CA stayed the night and on our way by 6:00
a.i. Perfect weather, awesoie beauty as we crossed the Sierra
Nevada wuntains - it was no dreai! Our arrival in Gardnerville

was ahead of the tiie the van was to arrive. Ve drove up to our
new hoie...r6ieiber we rented it SI&fT UKSEEIIf

Could this be

where we would live? Vould we be so privileged and blessed to

have this scene? Ve were absolutely stunned! Ve beheld a
panoraiic view of Job's Peak lountain and Sierra Range (about
10,000 ft. laden with snow) froi all our west windows. It
seeied unreal! Now let le interject this, when we arrived we
went to the residence of the landlady for the key. Not hoie!
Alan across the street said her dog had an eiergency, and she
took hii to a vet in Carson City. After lany tries, such as
owner, laintenance ian etc., we called a locksiith. He caie in
10 linutes, and soon we were in. Van was 2 1/2 hours late. The
driver had very heavy fog, and there was a bad fire on the
highway. Ve were ahead of hii so lissed it. However, van was
unloaded and we were at hoie with door closed by 7:30 p.i. Tii
and Peck Nagel had invited us to dinner, but not being able to
get away - they brought it. At 8:00 p.i. we sat down, and
'thanked HIN for ALL He did for us, and ALL who blessed ouf lives
and then enjoyed the delicious leal! Bedtiie caie at 1:00 a.i.
Vhat contentient and peace, we were safely in our new hoie! Ve
have always prayed for and asked for the Lord's guidance in
every facet of our lives. I do believe this has been one where
lore obstacles and situations seeied totally out of our range
than any before and yet they were all resolved with little or
no effort on our part. Oh yes, another plus! Ve love light

He even allowed us that in our hoie.

In addition,

the original property the project was to be built on did not

laterialize, but escrow has closed on a BETTER piece orQi 2
blocks froi our apartient! Unbelievable...

Til had been scheduled to present the prograi for the Anaheii
Art Association's Christias Dinner. Ve have such love for these

people. Upon hearing of our pending love, it was decided by the

AAA they would sponsor this as our funwii siiassUtfuf
Publicity went out and we will never be able to describe our

feelings of this night Vednesday, Dec 13! It was so well

attended, even at this busy tiie. After the concert there were
kind words of gratitude froi various ones of the Art conunity,
and Faith Toon, our friend and, the AAA president gave her

reiarks. She closed telling of our great financial needs in

loving, then suggested a love offering for any who light care to
contribute. It was well over$500.00 Vhat a blessing and shock!
You cannot iiagine our eiotions. Ve could only say thanks to our
treasured friends of Anaheii and southern CA.

Nany have wondered how Tii has adjusted? It was totally his
decision we love.

He knew he would leave his dear friends and

beloved DISNEYLAND, and disneyland faiily. Even so we expected

a real down tiie. Yes, he has lissed it all, but he aiazed us
at his adjustient and that he has never regretted the love!
He realized when we caie the project would not be ready for

soietiie and that hang ups are a norul part of building. Ve

felt and so did he, it would be best to love and get acquainted
and get groundwork laid toward the gallery. Ve ARE Mving in
this direction. Eventually it lay be in the coiplex, but that
will be soietiie, so we are working with El lie on other
alternatives. An additional blessing is she and others of her
faiily are lusician/artists. Ve had prayed for a soieone in
Til's life who saw his vital need of lusic and art and would

continue on with that when we can't! Also, she has had a

personnel business lany years so has contacts throughout the
area, as well as business experience. Tii realizes you do not

set up such a business overnight and has learned to wait on the

Lord's guidance! I will say, not a day goes by that He tells the
Lord he can hardly wait for it all to happen! There has been
considerable publicity on his story since we loved. This will
be a plus when gallery is open.
Afew tidbits about the area. Veather in Gardnerville appears

luch like El Paso, not as hot however. Ve had soie beautiful

snow, but it is usually gone as soon as the sun cows out. It is
a lild 4 season dilate. Alt.4,750 ft. Oardnerville, has about
4,000 residents, Carson City 40,443. Ve live in what is called
the Carson Valley, which is totally surrounded by lountains. The
beauty is undescribable, and unending! The air is clear, sky so
blue, siog has not been a factor yet and criie is NUCH less, but
wherever you have people it does exist! I suppose one thing we
appreciate the lost, we don't have to fight traffic, and
freeways. Lastly the friendliness of the people! It was strange
to us at first to hear, 'Hi, Nr. Baley, hi, Nrs. Baley.' when
we went to the bank etc. Vhat really put le in shock was writing
a check and not having to present an I.D. 'I don't need that,
they'd say!' when you start getting your I.D. out. It is
wonderful to see this trust. Nay it last a very long tiie!
Finally we have a wonderful church! Our friend John Rowe,
knew the sinister, KenHaskins, at the First Christian Church in
Carson City. He inforied hii we were coiing. Tii has been able
to serve his Lord playing each Sunday, for the 2 lorning services
as well as evening, when we are not busy. It is one of the

wariest and lost loving groups ve have ever been in.

Ken, his

to go, and certainly grateful if you could help to send us.


wife Kathy and all the Haskins have becoie like fanily. This

is going to take at least $7,500.00 Ken said. Til said, 'Boy,

has leant so luch to Tii, and of course us too.

101 that is BIG BUCKS!' I said, 'It is very big bucks to us Tii,
but NOTHING is too big for God if it is His will.' He are asking


Healthvise we are in good shape. Til's allergies have been

iuch iiprovedl Vhat a blessing. Possibly the clear air is a
big factor. Jerry had a cold which went into pneuionia, but
cleared after 3 changes of antibiotics ( NO hospitalization),
and he bounced back to A-1. Ve just had a big tiie celebration
as God blessed hin with his 80th birthday! No one believes he
is that age - including his wife. As for le I still struggle
with ly shoulder and back, but God generously grants us all
health and strength! Ke are so blessed and thankful.
Tin's treiendous SURPRISE the KEVBOARD - gift fron MANY OF
you, and spearheaded by the STITCH AND CHAT GROUP / First

Christian Church in Castro Valley, CA., left hin literally

speechless, except for - VOV! It still seeis unbelievable he
says, but we know it is real and he has had endless hours of joy

with it! It has never ending changes, and we were shocked when
he played 'Spanish Eyes' with Kawiian Sound. It was beautiful!
It was presented to hin as a belated birthday gift on Friday,
July 26, [birthday is June 23) at the lovely hone of Bruce and
Ann Tilton (we clain thei as our children). A host of friends
enjoyed this fun surprise. How grateful we are to God and all
who participated in this wonderful gift!
Before I close with the next paragraph, I want to express our
deep appreciation for your kind renarks and encouragenent these
nany years concerning our 'BALEY'S 'MOTE' BOOK. Though it has
been a trenendous job writing it - I did love doing it. Any
change in ninistry, and nission location brings a loss of
giving, and we have experienced that. NOTHING has changed about
our work and efforts, ONLY our address. In fact our opportunity
seeis even greater here. Me do need your continued financial
support, and always your prayers. Be assured we ALWAYS answer
3(1 letters, and gifts to our ninistry.
There is a letter enclosed- possibly you have already read
it. It explains our willingness to go to Russia if the Lord so
desires. It never seened the right tiie to return to Austria,
Poland and Geriany after we had been there, even though we
really wanted to and we were asked to return. Russia a country
so in need of the Gospel is still wide open! Bibles are craved
by the people and. opportunities are endless! A country that
loves lusic and art so nuch would surely respond to our progran,

and Til's lusic. After luch prayer, and talking it over with
Til we said we would go if the funds are there, There is NO
possible way to go if the Lord does not supply it through His
people, but I know too with the other tours (Poland and New
Zealand) that if His people realize the need they respond! I
ai never hesitant ask for funds to serve Hin!

Ve feel this is

a privilege and treiendous opportunity to show the AHESOHE power

of God and what He has done in Til's life.

Ne would be honored

each and everyone to help that can, and please lake this a

priority of prayer. Also, I ai praying and asking that EACH AND

EVERY CHURCH where we have been to please consider an offering
or lission donation! Jerry and I feel deep in our hearts if
Til's art and susic has effected your life, you will want to be
a part of this lission! IT VILL NOT BE A VACATION I ASSURE YOU!
After we return, each contributor will receive a newsletter
concerning all the details. In ly book, I used an old hynn (the
first stanza) to describe our/Tin's witness.

Talte Ny Life and Let It Be'

Take ty life and Jet it be Consecrated Lord, to thee;
Take gy hands.



Nusic is a universal language, and as we witnessed in Poland when

Tin plays it is not necessary to speak! Help us to go if you can
and p/ease pray His ifill be done.
As I close I want to quote Psalns )21:1. 'I will lift up ly
eyes to the lountains; Fron whence shall ly help coie?' Ve'd
love for you to coie see us, and OUR SPECTACULAR MOUNTAINS AND
I have written this. How fitting!!
I Trust Kii Always He Has ALL the Answers! Me love you!
God Bless you Always.

Jerry, Rosemary and Tim




Ken Haskins - Preaching

Gary Bowers - Evangelism
Bill Ballinger - Youth

Dick Birmingham
Eugene Bumside
Ken Haskins Sr.

Don Merritt

Marc Friedman - Music

Elder Emeritus:
Sterling Day

Dr. Ken Haskins, Minister

First Christian Church
326 East John Street

Carson City, Nevada 89706

May 4, 1996
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ken Haskins and I have the privilege
of ministering to the First Christian Church of Carson City, Nevada. First

Christian Church has a heart for missions, especially missions to the people of

Russia. Our congregation has engaged in five missionary trips to Russia. We've
distributed some 35,000 Russian Bibles. We've held preaching services on two
military bases. We've helped to plant and sustiain four churches in four different
Russian cities. We've distributed Bibles in public schools, hospitals, orphanages,
military bases and in our crusades. We've witnessed thousands come to the Lordl
I am currently planning an August crusade. A vital part of any crusade is the

good ol' Gospel music. It is my hope and prayer that the Baleys will be able to
travel to Russia with me in August in order to minister in song. Anyone who knows
concert pianist, Tim Baley and his parents, Jerry and Rosemary, knows just how

valuable they can be to our Lord's crusade this August. We are trusting in the
Lord to provide a way. The Baleys do not have the funds to make such a trip and

we at First Christian Church do not have the monetary resources to send them.

The cost involved to send the Baleys will be approximately $7,500.00. Please
pray for this great need and this great opportunity. Please give all that you

possibly can to make this trip a reality. I know that the Lord will bless you
richly if you do!

In Christ's love and service,

/LjazeE. John Street Carson City, Nevada 89706 (702) 883-4836 Dr. Ken Haskins

Tim and Keyboard - WOW is it really mine?

Sign on Keyboard


. i 1


Farewell party at home of Dee, Sally and

Dennis Butcher-Dennis

is Tim's friend!


I/. .











Lithographed Cards have Tim's story on

the back.




Write your Christmas message, thankyou or just a note to a friend.

You* 11 be protid to send themf


Total Price


General Note Cards



'Music In Time'


Christmas Stylings

'Music in Perspective'

Golden Bells

Farther Along





Total Merchandise***********
p / H *******
Total Enclosed****




Award Winning

Christmas Notes
General Note Cards (8 different cards

in package)

8 to_pkj:i. ..$6.fX)

L i thog rapli Pr i n l.s:



$10^00 ._each



Price per Lithograph Print $20.00

fActua/ Pictures 14 X 17 - Mat it to 16 x 20)


Postage and Handling 1.50 each



or 2 for $18,00

16 X 20

'Music Tn Time' 16 X 20
list AWAIW
Winner in TWO art shows).
('asset.te Tapes:
each suc^ceeding tape _||8 .,(X)

Pr.EASE ADO .$1.-50 P/H per item ordered.

Ship To:


Ship To:
Ci ty






M/M Gerald R. Baley

Sagebrook Apts.
1297 Dora Drive

Gardnerville, NV 89410
Phone: 702 / 265-3856


Our home -

West -

1297 Oora Drive, Gardnerville, NV

Looking west from our windows - Job's Peak

Job'8 Peak and Sierra Nevada Range

Our kitchen and bedroom windows

offer view of beautiful

Gerald R. Baley
Sagebrook Apts.


Non-Pro(lt OrganizaOon

1297 Dora Dr.

Gardnerville, NV 89410


Turner, Oregon 97392

Phone: 702 / 265-3856

Permit No. 2






M. 1 0

mn m jMM



M/M Gerald
Sagebrook Apts.
1297 Dora Drive
Gardnerville, NV 89410
PH (702)
265 - 3856)
Beautiful springtime has sprung forth!
Flowers and trees laden
with buds. However, the sure sign is "Allergies". Oh, my they are
annoying, and yes, uncomfortable.
I am a candle lover, so fell for
a newspaper add/coupon, got this delicious smelling candle, and l i t
i t at dinner.
Almost immediately Jerry had terrific signs of
disagreement with the smell.
Toping i t all off things had just
begun to show spring was springing forth.
End result, ordinary
medicines for his allergy and respiratory problems was very
insufficient, and an infection resulted.
We ended up at urgent
care and a medicine change helped but only a bit.
Another trip,
stronger medicine, chest x-ray, and blood tests.
Result, i t had
all progressed into a mild case of pneumonia.
He had a pneumonia
shot, but i t had been awhile.
Fortunately, the new antibiotics
helped somewhat, but not enough.
Another change proved to be
positive, and he is now about to whip it.
I thought I would by
pass i t but a few days ago it hit hard, and now I have a nose that
won't quit running, sneezing, laryngitis etc. Generally feel icky.
Neither of us had taken much medicine since we moved, so those
little pollen bugs had wide open territory. Tim has had no
problems, as he has had shots, and medicine for years.
thankful we were for that. We were hesitant in choosing a doctor,
but there was no choice when Jerry had to go to urgent care...but
again, the Lord truly blessed us with a very fine young Dr., and we
feel he is a real answer to our prayers.
He also said he agreed
with the maintenance program he was on...11 OX!
Oh yes, some real
good news.
Also, getting out of Southern CA traffic etc.
to have helped considerably.
His blood pressure was NORMAL after
he quit the hard coughing.
We have had a much quieter month than ordinary with the
sickness, but did have another newspaper interview for the RenoGazette.
It will be forth coming this week.
The reporter was a
6'4" really BIG man.
Tim was in awe and said, "WOW, your TALL!"
It was wonderful speaking with him, as he said, "I had a son who is
now 15 but had leukemia, which is now in remission and I cannot
fathom how you made i t through all these years of struggle.
did you do it?"
Then we gladly told him Tim's story and how the
Lord sustained us and has led every step of the way.
This is such
a thrill.
The story is to run this week sometime and we hope and
pray the LORD is glorified.

We were able to go ahead with one scheduled concert. When we got

there Jerry became worse.
He insisted on staying, we did manage.
We hadn't thought about i t but i t was at a lovely little town in
the mountains, many pine trees, and pollen everywhere.
LIVE and
We have had a time of very serious praying!
It is a
long story.
In a nutshell: One county commissioner has fought the
Project every step of the way for FOUR years! Wants NO NON-PROFITS
in community. Each hurdle has eventually passed. Jerry and I went
to the meeting March 7.
Could hardly believe our ears.
resolved! SOON we will assist with fund raising, for monies needed
beside grants. Pray for NO MORE PROBLEMS! ! ! Many thanks always. . .

JOH. 1 0 19*




APRIL 1996
M/M Gerald R. Baley
PH 702/265-3856
Sagebrook Apts
1297 Dora Dr
Gardnerville, NV 89410

Aren't God's wondrous signs of Springtime thrilling? We can't begin to thank

Him enough for this beautiful valley. Snow-capped Mnt peaks, trees and flowers
abundant with blooms! We saw a tiny Wild Canary perched in the tree outside our
kitchen window and a Gull.
It has beautiful white (with grayish black wings,
black tail with white tip and a bit of brilliant red accents it's yellow beak.
It is called the California Gull, but State bird of Utah.
Think this little
wonderer must have scooted down from Lake Tahoe. Hope he comes back. If you are
a truck lover, you sure would love it here.
Seems trucks and 4 Wheel Drive
vehicles are 2 to 1 over cars. Many work in Tahoe as well as ski and fish so,
"Ya, gotta have a truck!"
We've had an exciting terrific month. Can't begin to tell you all of it, will
highlight a couple events. The United Blood Services, of Reno, was having the
GRAND OPENING of their lovely new facility as well as their 40th Anniversary,
April 19.
They are much like the Red Cross, no Red Cross here, but smaller.
They saw the story in the newspaper on Tim and asked 1f he could perform. She
was quick to say they had no funds, but would love to have him. We told her we
would be happy to come and someday, of course hoping we don't, but as in the past
we could need their services. We went up before hand to see the facility, have
the Grand Tour, see where Tim would play and met all the staff. What kindnesses
were shown to us by their staff!
No wonder they have been so successful.
music store GENEROUSLY donated a CONCERT grand.
Enough said. T1m was on fire,
and so anxious for the event. WOW! The husband of the Director, a professional
musician, also played (we did not stiow slides). He and Tim hit it off and he
brought his accordion along just in case Tim would Jam with him. What fun they
had, and of course the people were jubilant. We made many wonderful contacts,
but Tim's rendition of Amazing Grace and a bombastic How Great Thou Art left few
people tearless. Oh yes, there had been tremendous winds, that had turned over
a semi, before us and after us. Now who do you suppose led the way? Our God is

Her face told me her heart was heavy as she and her son stood listening to Tim

play. They showed little expression...then he went into a request of Amazing

.Grace, and she turned her back to Tim and faced the court yard crying. I sat
there as long as I could, then walked to her side. She looked up, I handed her
a brochure and said, "This tells you about Tim and how God has blessed him, would
you like 1?" She took it and tried to talk but tears flooded out the words. I
stood there a moment, told her I would pray for her, and then went back to my
seat. Tim went from one hymn to another as the requests were made...soon she and
son walked quietly down the hall. I am sure the hymns helped her heavy heart and
I have continued to pray for her.
As Amazing Grace was again asked for a
precious black lady began to sing. Such a lovely trained voice! She had been
a professional musician until she had 2 strokes and has early Alzheimer's. We
greeted all the residents of the Cottonwood Center, when Tim finished, and they
thanked "THEIR BOY" once again for coming. We are happy to go there often, since
it is just a block from our Apt,
Most of April great, but I had a VlDLgi^ff reaction to medication, a long story
But Never much sicker in my life.
Not getting over it real fast yet. ...And
after reading about "The Silent Killer" in Parade Magazine came to- realize also,
I had to have had Carbon Monoxide Poising. Another long story. SLOW comeback.
MY WONDERFUL ONE is celebrating the BIG 80 May 4! God has blessed us so!!!1

JUN. 10IflW ^
BALEY'Smi Notebook

May 1996
Sagebrook Apts

M/M Gerald R. Baley

PH 702/265-3856
1297 Dora Drive
GardDerville, ffV 89410

Memorial Day is past! Summer is coming... they say. As I look at the calendar
we've been Nevada residents 5 months, and it has not taken much getting used to,
I guess the real adjustment has come in realizing the magnificent beauty of the
valley and mountains. How God has blessed us! I sometimes think it is a dream
but knowing it isn't we thank Him and I know we will never, ever take it for

It has been busy as usual, and for that we thank Him, also.

Each and every

detail would be a joy to share, but since that isn't possible I'll start with
Memorial Day week-end and see how much room is left.
We were asked to do
"Reflections Americana" at Carson City First Christian on Sunday, p.m. May 26.
If you recall this is where we attend.
They did much advertising and what a
terrific crowd for a holiday. With the mountains so accessible it was amazing.
Of course, Tim loved the audience, and they responded.
What capped it all off
was, as most of you know Tim loves to be dressed nicely when he performs. He has
longed for a sequined vest for a very long time.
One was spotted by him in a

gift shop.

He begged for it, I said "too expensive, Tim".

Jerry succeeded in

getting him out of the shop and I told the clerk to please hold it I would get
back, that I wanted it for his birthday.
Realizing we would have a problem

getting it (since he is usually with us) I asked our minister, Ken Haskins, if
he could get it since the church was just a few blocks from the shop. He said
he would be glad to. I started to write him a check he said, "No, no, the church
would love to give it to Tim since he plays every Sunday. " Thus, after the
concert. Ken presented it to Tim, I need not tell you he all but went through
the roof, WOW? Of Course! What a surprise ajid thrill, and he wore it to the

Numerous parents from the parent group working on the Sierra Assisted Living
Project came to the concert. How much we have enjoyed these new friends, and we
look toward the goal of all of us, seeing the project to fruition.
other contacts came from publicity in the paper.
As things develop will tell
you. Fund raising is prime now. Monies for the endowment fund, furnishings, emd
so much else is needed.
A golf tournament is to be held June 22, and a fund
raiser at the Governor's Mansion in Oct.
Other things are pending.
Tim will
play at the Governor's mansion, and we will donate a picture for the auction.
The enclosed letter will explain our goal to go to Russia! I have written our
"BIG" HALEY'S NOTEBOOK. We pray that the necessary funds can be raised. If it
is His will, I know it will be, just as in the past when we went to Austria,
Poland and Germany, and the tour to New Zealand. Jerry and I said this would be
fine since we would not be scheduling, or driving!
You will read more of our
feelings when the newsletter gets out, but I have enclosed Ken's letter.
you please pray the Lord's people see this need?
We know how the people
responded to Tim on our other tours, and Russia is open and craving for the
Gospel and Bibles.
We would be honored to serve Him in this way.
I did have an MRI done just to see the status on my shoulder.

The doctors
always said a torn Rotator Cuff.
That was confirmed and also that it is
irreparable. Guess my shoulder has gotten too old, not me though. It is a lot
to endure at times, an injection into it has relieved it to an extent. Pray for
me, and of course Jerry and Tim.

Gallery possibilities are before us! Pray for our wisdom and HIS will. We
always look forward to hearing from you - don't disappoint us! Our Love Always,


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