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The Role of Vitamin D in Your Body and

Your Muscles
Posted on July 8, 2013
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which is responsible for enhancing intestinal absorption of
calcium and phosphate and is therefore plays and extremely important role in calcium regulation
and bone health. Emerging literature indicates vitamin Ds central role in other vital body
processes, such as: signalling gene response, protein synthesis, hormone synthesis, immune
response, as well as cell turnover and regeneration. Recent discovery of the vitamin D receptor
within the muscle has suggested a significant role for vitamin D in muscle tissue function.

Vitamin D and your Muscles

Two studies looked at vitamin Ds role in muscle health[i][ii]. They found that reduced vitamin D
levels had a significant effect on muscle weakness, pain, balance and fractures in aging
individuals. Several observational studies have suggested that vitamin D status influences
muscular strength and function in the elderly.[iii] [iv] It has been suggested that vitamin D
supplementation in individuals with low vitamin D status may improve muscle strength. This is
believed to be due to an increase in the size and amount of type II (fast twitch) muscle fibres
associated with vitamin D supplementation. It should be noted that type II fibres are predominant
in power and anaerobic activities, and are recruited first to prevent falls, associated with muscle
strength in the aging population. These findings in regard to muscle tissue and function suggest

that vitamin D status may have a significant effect on muscle performance and injury prevention.[v]

Sources of Vitamin D
Although the sun is the most plentiful source of vitamin D, there are also some dietary sources.
Some common foods contain significant levels of vitamin D, naturally, including salmon, fatty fish,
egg yolks, plus, fortified products also exist, such as, milk, cereal and orange juice. While these
dietary sources may appear significant, the process of absorbing dietary vitamin D is only about
50% efficient; therefore, much of the nutrient value is lost in digestion. The lack of dietary vitamin
D is yet another factor that increases the risk of vitamin D insufficiency. Most experts agree that a
higher intake of vitamin D, through dietary sources, ultraviolet B (UVB) exposure, and
supplementation, is necessary to obtain optimal serum vitamin D levels.

Deficiency of this vitamin is serious and according to current data[vi], up to 77% of North
Americans are vitamin D deficient. Deficiency of this vitamin is implicated in:
Bone health- Low serum levels of vitamin D are associated with Osteomalacia (softening of the
bones in adults), Rickets (osteomalacia in children), osteopenia and osteoporosis (reduction in
bone density). Osteomalacia results from a defect in the bone-building process, while
osteoporosis develops due to a weakening of previously constructed bone. Both involve vitamin D
and calcium. One other bone-related factoid worth mentioning is that low vitamin D levels have
been associated with falls in the elderly. It is well recognized that maintaining proper levels of
vitamin D helps optimize bone health and prevents stress fractures.
Mortality- Low blood levels of vitamin D are associated with increased mortality. Giving
supplementary vitamin D3 to elderly women in institutional care seems to decrease the risk of
Cancer- Low vitamin D levels are associated with a higher death rate in some cancers but it is
not known whether low vitamin D status increases mortality from cancer or is just a consequence
of poorer general health caused by cancer. Studies into the possible effect of vitamin D
supplementation on the survival of cancer patients produce contradictory and inconclusive results.
The currently available evidence is insufficient to recommend vitamin D supplementation in cancer
Immune system- In general, vitamin D functions to activate our innate and immune
system.Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to increased risk of viral infections. It has been
postulated to play a role in influenza with lack of vitamin D synthesis during the winter as one
explanation for high rates of influenza infection during the winter. Low levels of vitamin D appear to
be a risk factor for tuberculosis, and historically it was used as a treatment. Vitamin D may also
play a role in HIV.
Multiple sclerosis- Low levels of vitamin D are associated with multiple sclerosis.

Supplementation with vitamin D may have a protective effect, but there are uncertainties and
unanswered questions.
Pregnancy- Low levels of vitamin D in pregnancy are associated with gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and small infants. The benefit of supplements, however, is unclear. Pregnant women
who take an adequate amount of vitamin D during gestation may experience positive immune

Optimal vitamin blood serum levels, dosage, deficiency, and insufficiency are always up for
debate. It is hard to get clear consensus on most minerals or vitamins. I will give you three
sources for vitamin D. In November of 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released new
recommendations for dietary intake of vitamin D, 400600 IU/day for children & adults (070
years), 800 IU/day for older adults (>70 years). The Endocrine Society of America recommends
4001000 IU/day for infants, 6001000 IU/day in children (118 years) and 15002000 IU/day in
adults, in addition to sensible sun exposure.
National Institute of Medicine


Recommended Intake

Upper Limit (IU/day)

Children (018 years)


2500 (13 years)3000 (48

years)4000 (1318 years)

Adults (1970 years)



Older Adults (>70 years)






Children (018 years)



Adults (1970 years)



Older Adults (>70 years)




6001000 (1418


The Endocrine Society

years)15002000 (1950

Overdosing- Toxicity

The tolerable upper limit for vitamin D has been set by the IOM at 4000 IU for adults, compared to
10,000 IU/day by the Endocrine Society. Leading experts have claimed that a daily intake of
10,000 IU would take months, or even years to manifest symptoms of toxicity. A 2010 publication
found no cases of toxicity with daily intakes of 30,000 IU per day for an extended period of
time[vii]. Regardless of the current dietary intake value, the amount of vitamin D produced from 15
min of unprotected sun exposure is 10,000 to 20,000 IU, in a light-skinned individual, making
most experts believe toxicity to be a rare and unlikely event.
For more information on Vitamin D and cancer prevention go to Vitamin D It turns out that we all
need more.
To access natural source vitamin D online I suggest Truly Organic Foods

[i] Campbell, P.M.F.; Allain, T.J. Muscle strength and vitamin D in older people. Gerontology 2006,
52, 335338.
[ii] Ceglia, L. Vitamin D and skeletal muscle tissue and function. Mole Aspects Med. 2008, 29,
[iii] Ceglia, L.; Harris, S.S. Vitamin D and its role in skeletal muscle. Calcif. Tissue Int. 2013, 92,
[iv]Bischoff-Ferrari, H.A.; Dietrich, T.; Orav, E.J.; Hu, F.B.; Zhang, Y.; Karison, E.W.; DawsonHughes, B. Higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associated with better lower-extremity
function in both active and inactive persons aged > or =60 y. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2004, 80, 752
[v] Ogan, D. : Pritchett, K. Vitamin D and the Athlete: Risks, Recommendations, and Benefits.
Nutrients 2013, 5, 1856-1868
[vi] Ogan, D. : Pritchett, K. Vitamin D and the Athlete: Risks, Recommendations, and Benefits.
Nutrients 2013, 5, 1856-1868
[vii]Heaney, R.P. Vitamin D in health and disease. Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2008, 3, 15351541.
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