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WikiPOETRYdia Project Rubrics/Contract

Team Jobs
Each group member must sign up for and agree to adequately fulfill the duties of AT LEAST 1 of the following Team Jobs:
o TEAM LEADER: Must make sure all group members are on task and work well together, all deadlines are met, overall quality
from all group members is high, and that all borrowed/used school resources are properly treated and returned.
o TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST: Must make sure that each group member uses the Class Wiki and Wikipedia correctly and
that all group and individual pages work properly and meet required design and technology requirements.
o POETRY SPECIALIST: Must make sure each group member is describing, analyzing, and quoting poetry correctly and that
all analysis provided on the group and individual pages are thoughtful and of a high quality.
o RESOURCES SPECIALIST: Must make sure all group members are using sources (of poems, photos, and other
information) that are appropriate, reliable, and available (according to copyright) and that all sources used are properly cited and
listed in the “References” section of each page.
Individual Student Anthology Page (DUE: Friday, March 5)
Your Student Anthology Page must include the following elements and meet the following requirements:
o FIRST NAME: Your page should include your first name, only, designed/presented however you wish.
o READING/WRITING HISTORY LETTER: You page must include an introduction section in the form of a brief letter
describing what you currently think of reading/writing, what sorts of things you like or do not like to read, and what sorts of
things you like or do not like to write. Evaluate your history and abilities as a reader and a writer.
o REFERENCES: This section should list (in correct MLA Style) the sources of your poems, photos, analysis, definitions, etc.
o PHOTO/ILLUSTRATION: You must include AT LEAST 1 photo or illustration relating to yourself or some idea, topic,
theme, place, or person important to you or your reading or writing.
o DESIGN ELEMENTS: Your page may be organized and designed as you wish, although an emphasis should be placed on
the attractiveness and usefulness of your page.
o LINKS: Your site should include links to internal or external sites whenever possible.
o CLEAR LANGUAGE: All information on your page must be in clear, polished, Standard American English.
o APPROPRIATE CONTENT: Points (and, possibly, page elements) will be removed for content inappropriate for classroom
use. This page is for your work in this English class and should related directly to the work you are completing in class.
o OPTIONAL, EXTRA CREDIT CONTENT: As long as such content is appropriate, you may include optional content
such as song (that are being used to illustrate or relate to a poem or other writing on the page), videos (again, that relate or
directly illustrate writing on your page), additional examples of your writing, texts of other poems or writing you wish to share,
quotes that are important to you, and additional photos or links that relate, in some way, to your work in class.
Group Poetry Resources Page (DUE: Tuesday, March 16)
Your Group Poetry Resources Page should collect and analyze 5 poems chosen by each member and will be graded (for each individual
student) on the degree to which it meets the following requirements in each of the following categories:
o CONTENT: Your page must include separate sections on each of the following and contain all required information:
o Introduction/Theme: This section should describe the 3-5 THEMES that your group’s collection of poetry seems
to address the most. It should describe why each THEME is important to your group members and mention at least
one of your collected poems that illustrate each THEME the most and explain why.
o Annotated Poetry Collection: This section should list every poem collected by the group members as a whole (there
will be 5 poems from each group member for a total of 15-20 poems). The poems should be grouped and labeled by
THEME. Each poem listing should include the TITLE and AUTHOR as well as a brief description (3-5 sentences) of
what the poem is about and why it was chosen. The listing should NOT include the complete text of each poem but
should link to an external Website that does include the full text whenever possible.
 The 5 Poems From Each Member: Of the 5 poems chosen by each group member, at least 2 MUST be
from physical books (such as those provided in class), and at least 1 MUST be a self-written poem (which
you must include on your Student Anthology Page and link to correctly). The remainder of the 5 poems may
be self-written, from other books, or from the Internet.
o Form: This section should discuss the use of LINES and STANZAS in your collected poems. You must make a
general statement comparing/contrasting the use of each of these elements in your poems and directly reference two
of your poems for each element to serve as primary examples of how the poems you chose made use of each element.
o Sound: This section should discuss the use of RHYME, RHYME SCHEME, ALLITERATION, RHYTHM, and
ONOMATOPOEIA in your collected poems. You must make a general statement comparing/contrasting the use of
each of these elements in your poems and directly quote/reference two of your poems for each element to serve as
primary examples of how the poems you chose made use of each element.
o Language: This section should discuss the use of IMAGERY, SIMILE, METAPHOR, and PERSONIFICATION
in your collected poems. You must make a general statement comparing/contrasting the use of each of these elements
in your poems and directly quote/reference two of your poems for each element to serve as primary examples of how
the poems you chose made use of each element.
o References: This section should list (in correct MLA Style) the sources used for your poems, photos, definitions, etc.
o FORM: As a whole, your page must include the following elements:
o Design Elements: Your site must be well-designed to be attractive and easy-to-use. This includes the effective use of
different fonts, font sizes, colors, columns, lines, etc.
Photos/Illustrations: Your site must include at least 5 total pictures/illustrations. These photos may be used to
illustrate any section of the page, but they must be appropriate to use and properly credited.
o Links: Your site should include links to internal or external sites whenever possible.
o SUPPORT: All reference information in the “References” Section must be input in correct MLA Style.
o CLARITY: All information on your page must be in clear, polished, Standard American English.
o TEAMWORK: Each group member must work fulfill all requirements of the Team Job for which he or she signed up.
Final Wikipedia Poem Article (DUE: Wed., March 24)
Your Final Wikipedia Poem Article must meet the following guidelines from Wikipedia to be acceptable and receive a full grade:
o CONTENT: Your page must include separate sections on each of the following and contain all required information: (See
examples of poem articles already published on Wikipedia often for guidance and inspiration.)
o Introduction: This section should provide general information about the TITLE of the poem, the AUTHOR, the
PUBLICATION DATE, and the PUBLICATION METHOD/TITLE as well as a brief description of the
CONTENT and IMPACT of the poem.
o Meaning: This section should explain both the poem’s literal MEANING and INTERPRETATION. An emphasis
should be on using previously published REFERENCES to support/explain your interpretation.
o Additional Sections: Your article may also include sections on IMPACT, INTERPRETATION, USE IN
POPULAR CULTURE, or other topics depending on the popularity and meaning of the poem you chose.
o References: This section should list (in correct MLA Style) the sources of your poems, photos, definitions, etc.
o FORM: As a whole, your page must include the following elements:
o Design Elements: Your site must follow Wikipedia standards for design, including font sizes and section breaks.
o Photos/Illustrations: Your site must include at least 1 photo/illustration. This photo should be used at the top of
the page and illustrate some aspect of the poem (such as theme, topic, poet, etc.).
o Links: Your site should include links to other internal, Wikipedia sites whenever possible.
o SUPPORT: All reference information in the “References” Section must be input in correct MLA Style.
o CLARITY: All information on your page must be in clear, polished, Standard American English.
o TEAMWORK: Each group member must fulfill all requirements of the Team Job for which he or she signed up.
First Name: History Letter: References: Photo: Well-Designed: Links: Language: Content: Extra Credit: TOTAL:
10 points 20 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 20 points +10 points?



Category: 4 points 3 Points 2 points 1 point
Content Includes all necessary sections Includes all necessary sections Does not include every section Minimal information provided
and information and most information or much required information
Form All elements included and All elements included, but Some elements missing and/or Minimal elements included
relevant not all relevant or appropriate unrelated to page
Support All references included and All references included, but not Some references missing or Minimal effort at including
Documented correctly all documented correctly most documented incorrectly references
Clarity Virtually free of spelling or Minimal spelling or grammar Many errors that interfere with Spelling and grammar errors
grammar errors errors understanding throughout
Teamwork Successful collaboration and Mostly successful collaboration Several problems with Minimal effort to collaborate
Team Job performance and Team Job performance collaboration and Team Job or perform Team Job
20 pts: 19 pts: 18 pts: 17 pts: 16 pts: 15 pts: 14 pts: 13 pts: 12 pts: 11 pts:
200/200 190/200 180/200 170/200 160/200 150/200 140/200 130/200 120/200 110/200


Category: 4 points 3 Points 2 points 1 point
Content Includes all necessary sections Includes all necessary sections Does not include every section Minimal information provided
and information and most information or much required information
Form All elements included and All elements included, but Some elements missing and/or Minimal elements included
relevant not all relevant or appropriate unrelated to page
Support All references included and All references included, but not Some references missing or Minimal effort at including
Documented correctly all documented correctly most documented incorrectly references
Clarity Virtually free of spelling or Minimal spelling or grammar Many errors that interfere with Spelling and grammar errors
grammar errors errors understanding throughout
Teamwork Successful collaboration and Mostly successful collaboration Several problems with Minimal effort to collaborate
Team Job performance and Team Job performance collaboration and Team Job or perform Team Job
20 pts: 19 pts: 18 pts: 17 pts: 16 pts: 15 pts: 14 pts: 13 pts: 12 pts: 11 pts:
200/300 285/300 270/300 255/300 240/300 225/300 210/300 195/300 180/300 165/300

Student Signature:
I ______________________________ (print name) agree to perform the Team Job of ____________________________ for this
project, to complete all requirements as outlined above to earn the highest grade possible, and to follow all classroom wiki rules.
____________________________________________________ (signature)

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