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Why arent

you doing
lesson description
You will improve your ability to discuss
physical fitness by practicing new verbs
and actions, vocabulary, and key phrases
while discussing the benefits of a healthy
The bonus section on Health and Fitness
will give you simple guidelines to stay in
shape and maximize your energy at work
and in your daily life.

E mploy common idioms and phrases
concerning diet and exercise
Recognize and produce advanced
Deepen your cultural understanding by
learning about New Years resolutions
Lesson ID: #0428

page 1


blood pressure
comfort food

Lesson ID: #0428

heart rate

to be fit
to be on a diet
to bike
to consume
to cool down
to cut back
to eat
to exercise
to gain
to gain muscle
to gain weight
to get ready
to lift weights
to lose weight
to pass
(no thanks)

key phrases
to run
to stretch
to train
to turn down
to warm up
to work out

Do you work out?

I am on a high-protein diet.
I am training for a marathon.
I go to the gym to train.
To be healthy, you need to cut down on
how much fat you eat.

page 2

your turn
Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the word bank.




cut back






1. Shell stay __________ by keeping a balanced diet

6. Once you set up a regular __________ and stick to it, youll start

and exercising.

noticing your progress.

2. Id begun going to the__________, but I had to cancel my

7. Hes gone __________ for his cardiovascular exercise


many times.

3. Wed like to reduce our __________ intake by eating

8. Vegetables are a good source of __________.

more protein.

9. He looks stronger because hes been __________ weights.

4. He lost __________ by changing his sedentary lifestyle.

10. Shes __________ on eating sweets in order to reduce

5. If theyd remembered to __________ before exercising, their

fat from her diet.

muscles wouldnt be sore.

Read the following conversation out loud
five times.
David: Okay, everyone. Its been a rough
few days, but this is our big
morale booster! Welcome to our
first IPC Fitness Day! Everybody,
lets start off with some jumping
jacks to get our heart rates going!
Cmon. Hop, hop!
Melissa: Why do we need to do this?
David: Because, if we get a healthy,
heart-intense workout every day,
well all improve our work performance, Melissa. And you even
said weve been too sedentary
lately. Time for some push-ups!
Lets go. Twenty, right now!
Raven: I think Ive gained some weight. I
used to be in good shape. I work
out a lot, and I try to eat a balanced diet with plenty of grains
and fiber, but to be healthy, you
need to cut down on the amount

Lesson ID: #0428

Bonus Feature: Watch the English Highway video to follow along! (Lesson ID: ##0368)

of fat you eat. Unfortunately,

donuts are my comfort food; and
since I started working here, I
seem to need a lot of comfort.
David: Cmon! Show some muscle...
Melissa: Why arent you doing push-ups?
David: Because Ive got back problems,
Melissa! An old Boy Scout injury.

David: And now, its time to pick up the

intensity! Cmon! Run in place!
Run! Run like youre training for
a marathon... oh, ow, ow. Landed
on my ankle. Ow. Ankle. Help
me guys. Ali Babas forty thieves!
Okay, gently, gently. Oh, that
smarts. Im going to need to be
alone for a while. Oh, call 911.

page 3

advanced contractions
As discussed in previous lessons, contractions are a grammatical
structure in which two words are combined and one part is shortened to form a new word. Contractions are used to help sounds
flow by reducing the number of syllables or combining a group of
words into one.
The most common contractions are those made with the verb to
be in the present tense. Also common are contractions made
with would, will, had, has, and not. These contractions are
used almost as often as the to be contractions, but are used at a
slightly more sophisticated level of English.
We form these contractions just like we form simpler contractions:
we omit certain letters, replacing them with an apostrophe.
For example:
Contractions with would:
Replace the w-o-u-l with an apostrophe.
Example: We would = Wed
If he ate less fat, he would be healthier.
If he ate less fat, hed be healthier.
Contractions with will:
Replace the w-i with an apostrophe.
Example: He will = Hell
He will lose weight if he goes for a bike ride every day.
Hell lose weight if he goes for a bike ride every day.
Contractions with had:
Replace the h-a with an apostrophe.
Example: We had = Wed

your turn
Change the following words into contractions.
For example:

I have = Ive
1. we would


2. she would


3. I will


4. we have


5. I would


6. you would


7. they will


8. she has


9. you have


10. I had


11. he has


12. they had


13. you will


14. would have


15. they have


16. did not


17. could have


18. I have


19. would not


20. will not


We had already eaten dinner.

Wed already eaten dinner.
Contractions with has:
Replace the h-a with an apostrophe.
Example: She has = Shes
She has been working out a lot lately.
Shes been working out a lot lately.

Lesson ID: #0428

page 4

health and fitness

Lesson ID: #0428


Exercising is an important part of our day-to-day life. It is also

a good idea to watch your diet. Courtesy of leading health
experts, here are some suggestions for working your way towards
a healthier lifestyle:
Exercise four to five times per week. Be consistent with your
exercise routine in order to guarantee visible results.
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. The vitamins and minerals in
our fruits and vegetables are an important part of our diet.
Always stretch before and after your workouts. Stretching
helps condition the muscles and prevent injuries during
If you want to lose weight, consume fewer calories and
increase your exercise. It also helps to set goals for yourself.
Work out with a partner or friend. This will help to motivate
If you want to gain weight, gain more muscle by lifting
weights and eating more calories.
Drink six to eight glasses of water every day. Be sure not to
overdo your water intake because too much water will wash
out some of the necessary minerals in your body.
Eat whole grain foods. As opposed to more processed foods,
whole grains ensure a healthier diet.
Limit the amount of sugars and fats you eat. By cutting the
intake of these foods, you are eliminating a large amount of
unnecessary calories from your diet.

page 5

your turn
Read the following text and choose the best answer
for each question.
January 1st is the big day we all follow that fitness pledge, A new
year, a new you! Thanksgiving through New Years Eve, we forgive
our overeating and overindulgence and promise our bodies well
make amends on the first day of the new year. So, when I came
across Fitness Journals article, Reverse New Years Challenge, I
was intrigued.
A Reverse New Years Challenge is when you make your New
Years resolution to be in shape by January 1st, not on it. Thats a
pretty tough challenge considering all of the holiday parties youll
be attending this month where the hosts and hostesses are most
likely not thinking about your waistline. This is the time of year
for fruitcakes, baklava, cookies, and other fattening treats, not to
mention the high-carb drinks that are likely to be making appearances at festivities everywhere.
A Reverse New Years Challenge is a great idea because you can
really test your willpower and be ahead of everyone else come
New Years Day. Im sure youll raise a few eyebrows when youre
complimented on how great you look as you proudly tell everyone its due to your Reverse New Years Challenge resolution.
Imagine having the figure you want now and not waiting to get
started weeks from now.

Lesson ID: #0428

1. Which fitness pledge is followed every New Years Eve?

a. The more I eat, the better I feel.
b. A new year, a new you.
c. Why start today, when I can start tomorrow?
2. What is the Reverse New Years Challenge?
a. Eat as much as you can until New Years.
b. Be happy.
c. Be in shape by New Years of next year.
3. Why does the writer consider it a tough challenge?
a. You will be attending many parties with unhealthy foods.
b. You will be eating lots of fruits and veggies.
c. You will forget to exercise.
4. What will you most likely be drinking at holiday parties?
a. High-carb drinks
b. Lemonade
c. Water
5. Why is the Reverse New Years Challenge a great idea according
to the writer?
a. You can skip all of the exercise and fast.
b. You can expect to be ahead of everyone by New Years Day.
c. You can wait until the next year.
6. What is the writers plan for New Years?
a. Be ahead of everyone else and be in shape before the
present New Years celebration.
b. Do lots of exercise and eat right the last week in December.
c. Join everyone in the typical New Years resolution.

page 6

answer key

your turn - exercise 1

your turn - exercise 2

1. healthy
2. gym
3. carbohydrate
4. weight
5. stretch
6. workout
7. biking
8. minerals
9. lifting
10. cut back/cutting back

1. wed
2. shed
3. Ill
4. weve
5. Id
6. youd
7. theyll
8. shes
9. youve
10. Id

11. hes
12. theyd
13. youll
14. wouldve
15. theyve
16. didnt
17. couldve
18. Ive
19. wouldnt
20. wont

your turn - exercise 3



Lesson ID: #0428

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