Administrator User Guide

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VANTAGE Plant Design


Administrator User Guide
Version 5.2

AVEVA Solutions has a policy of continuing product development: therefore, the
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Solutions shall not be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special,
incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or
use of this material.

This manual provides documentation relating to products to which you may not have
access or which may not be licensed to you. For further information on which Products
are licensed to you please refer to your licence conditions.

Copyright 1991 through 2010 AVEVA Solutions Limited

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a

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The software programs described in this document are confidential information and
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Table of Contents

ABOUT THIS GUIDE ..................................................................................................................... 4


The scope of this guide ............................................................................................................ 4


How this guide is organised .................................................................................................... 4

SOME GENERAL PRINCIPLES ................................................................................................... 5


PDMS-VPRM Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 5


The Role of the PDMS System Administrator ........................................................................ 5

SUPPLIED FILES .......................................................................................................................... 6

PDMS PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................... 7


The PDMS entry ........................................................................................................................ 7


VPRM Project recognition........................................................................................................ 8


PDMS User-definable Attributes ............................................................................................. 8


Non-standard Bolt Length Table ............................................................................................. 9


Properties Database ................................................................................................................. 9


THE APPLICATION FUNCTIONALITY ....................................................................................... 10

PDMS Monitor Module............................................................................................................ 10

PDMS Isodraft Module............................................................................................................ 11
The VPRM Options Configuration File .............................................................................. 11
The Check for VPRM Access ............................................................................................ 14
The VPRM Menu Option ................................................................................................... 17
How to Enable VPRM MTO............................................................................................... 30
Isometric Production .......................................................................................................... 31
Output Files ....................................................................................................................... 31
PDMS Paragon Module .......................................................................................................... 32
VPRM CATREF Masks ..................................................................................................... 33
The File Loader Form ........................................................................................................ 34
PDMS Design Module ............................................................................................................. 46
The Bulk Mto Form ............................................................................................................ 46
All Modules .............................................................................................................................. 52
Spool Drawings ................................................................................................................. 52
Catalogue Management .................................................................................................... 52
Material Length Accuracy .................................................................................................. 54
Material List Position Numbers.......................................................................................... 54
Batch Mto File management ............................................................................................. 55
TUBE Weight transfer from VPRM to PDMS .................................................................... 56
Piping Support Lugs .......................................................................................................... 57

Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

About this Guide

1.1 The scope of this guide

This document is intended for PDMS System Administrators responsible for setting up
the PDMS to VPRM interfaces.
It is assumed that you are already familiar with PDMS Administration, Catalogues and
Specifications, and Isometric production.
You must be a member of the team ISOADMIN in order to be able to configure the

1.2 How this guide is organised

The remainder of this guide describes each part of the interface and what is involved in
the set-up and operation, and the functionality available.

Chapter 2 explains some principles which you need to understand before you try
to use the PDMS-VPRM Administrator functions.

Chapter 3 describes the files that are supplied with and constitute this application

Chapter 4 describes what you need to organise before the application will run

Chapter 5 describes the available functionality according to PDMS module and in

particular explains how to control the configuration settings which affect the way
the application appears to other users.

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Vantage Integrated Project Execution


Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

Some General Principles

This chapter explains some general principles which you need to understand before you
try to carry out any administrative functions within the application. It explains:

The significant parts of the interface

The tasks the Administrator is required to carry out

2.1 PDMS-VPRM Interfaces

The PDMS-VPRM interface is made up of several applications.

Catref Alignment
Available from within the Paragon module, this provides a method by which existing
PDMS Catalogue Component Categories (CATE) are output for use by VPRM. These
are known within VPRM as CATREF Masks and will be used to generate the Catalogue
References (CATREF) within the specifications generated by VPRM.

Catalogue and Specification Alignment

As specifications are created within VPRM, all descriptions, properties and bolts, as well
as the specifications themselves will have to be loaded into the PDMS catalogue
databases. This application within PDMS Paragon module simplifies this task for you.

Bulk Material Output

During the early stages of the PDMS Model build, bulk materials are exported to VPRM
using this application from within the PDMS Design module.

Isometric Material Output

Once pipe work is available for detailing, this application will allow you to generate
isometrics that reflect VPRM material definitions and transfer the material to VPRM on a
drawing by drawing basis. This application runs automatically when you produce
isometrics from the PDMS Isodraft module or from VANTAGE Plant Design Deliverable

2.2 The Role of the PDMS System Administrator

The Administrator applications enable you to configure the interface environment to suit
specific company and/or project requirements in the following areas.

Ensure PDMS Project set-up for satisfactory running of the interface

Enable PDMS attribute storage of VPRM data
Organise VPRM access for Bolt and Client Part Numbers
Handle PDMS Isometric options configuration
Load VPRM Catalogue and Specification files

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Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

Supplied Files

The PDMS-VPRM Interface consists of several utilities, PDMSUI and PMLLIB files.
By default these components are located in the following directory where n is the version
In this directory reside the following folders:config

directory containing the interface configuration files


used to modify the PDMS catalogue to

provide a dataset for ELBOW elements


an example PDMS non-standard bolts that

suits the default set-up in VPRM


used to modify the PDMS catalogue to

provide a dataset for use at OLET elements
when they are to be recognised as Support


a template Part List spreadsheet


the interface user-defined attributes


a template interface configuration file


Isodraft Gateway workflow


directory containing Oracle 9i Client compatible applications

directory containing Oracle 10g Client compatible applications
directory containing Oracle 11g Client compatible applications

this tests the status of the VPRM access


this controls the isometric drawing content and material

output for transfer to VPRM


this controls the automatic loading of batch mto files into

VPRM transfer tables


this controls the production of the Part List spreadsheet

and PDF file


directory containing modified PDMS standard application files to

include the interface menu options and program calls


directory containing the interface program files

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Vantage Integrated Project Execution


Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

PDMS prerequisites

Before the interface will function correctly, you will need to carry out several tasks.

Modify the PDMS entry

Ensure that the PDMS project recognises the VPRM Project

Load essential user-definable attributes

Ensure that a non-standard bolt length table exists in the catalogues

The properties database includes a element for loading weights

4.1 The PDMS entry

In order for the application to be available from within PDMS, the batch file used to enter
PDMS will have to be modified to call the PDMS to VPRM Interface environment
This file is usually located in the PDMS installation folder, for example as follows.

You will need to modify this file to include a call to the PDMS to VPRM Interface
environment batch file after the standard evars call as follows.
rem Set evars for PDMS
set pdms_installed_dir=C:\AVEVA\Plant\PDMS12.0.SP6\.
call "%pdms_installed_dir%\evars" "%pdms_installed_dir%"
rem Set PDMS-VPRM Gateway specifics
set pdms-vprm_installed_dir=C:\AVEVA\PDMS-VPRM5.2
call "%pdms-vprm_installed_dir%\PDMS-VPRM_evars.bat" %pdmsvprm_installed_dir%
Sample start-up files PDMS-VPRM_pdms.bat and PDMS-VPRM_evars.bat are
supplied in the PDMS-VPRM Gateway installation folder.

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Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

4.2 VPRM Project recognition

For successful transfer of data to VPRM and for assisting in the search of files for loading
into the catalogue, the VPRM project name is required. The application looks for this
name in the PDMS Project Number field, which you will have to set in the PDMS
Administration module using the menu option Project>Information

4.3 PDMS User-definable Attributes

For the PDMS to VPRM Interface Application to function satisfactorily, each PDMS
project must contain some user definable attributes specifically designed for the purpose
of storing relevant VPRM data.
The attributes are supplied with the interface in the following file.

You should load these into a suitable LEXICON database which is accessible to all
potential users of the PDMS-VPRM interfaces.

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Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

4.4 Non-standard Bolt Length Table

One part of the catalogue output from VPRM that you will be loading into PDMS is the
standard bolt list. Each standard bolt (SBOL) within this table has a reference (NSTD) to
a diameter table (DTAB) which holds the available lengths for a particular bolt diameter
and is used when a bolt is not of standard length i.e. is non-standard.
These diameter tables are not exported from VPRM and hence have to be created within
PDMS. To assist you with this, a sample table is supplied which is configured to suit the
default set-up within VPRM. The table must be loaded before you attempt to import any
bolt lists from VPRM, and is located as follows.

4.5 Properties Database

One part of the output from VPRM that you will be loading into PDMS is the component
weights, which can be manually loaded into a suitable properties database. However, a
form is supplied as part of the interface that allows you to load these files alongside the
description, bolts tables and specifications from within the PDMS Paragon module.
To permit the access to the Properties database from within Paragon, you must carry out
two actions.

Modify the Paragon Module entry

Create a component world element in the database

The Paragon Module Entry

From within the Administration module set the Paragon Module definition to allow the
properties database to be opened in read-write mode as follows.
Module 81 PARAGON

Properties Component World

From within the Propcon module create a new component world element as follows.


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Vantage Integrated Project Execution


Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

The Application Functionality

Once the PDMS VPRM Interface application has been loaded, the PDMS modules
MONITOR, DESIGN, ISODRAFT and PARAGON will have extended menu options that
provide the relevant application functionality for each.
The details of the functionality available and what happens as you enter each module is
discussed below.

5.1 PDMS Monitor Module

When a user enters PDMS, the PDMS-VPRM Interface carries out a check for the
existence of the Isometric processing executable, which handles the material output for
VPRM. This check is carried out when the following PDMS Standard Application file is
automatically run on entry to PDMS.
This program, named pdsc01.exe, is supplied as part of the PDMS-VPRM Interface and
is located by default in the following directory and is included in the path defined by the
environment variable %PDMSEXE%.

Oracle 9i Client
Oracle10g Client
Oracle11g Client

The program is run whilst the user is in the process of producing an Isometric. For further
details of this see section 5.2 which discusses the PDMS Isodraft module.
Once the existence of this file has been verified, the PDMS-VPRM Interface sets a flag,
in the form of a global variable, to indicate that the application is active for this project
and is available throughout PDMS.
!!VprmExists = true
The successful setting of this flag gives application the ability to provide further menu
options and validity checks upon the entry to other PDMS modules.


Isometric Options Editor for transfer of material to VPRM

The loading of the VPRM Isometric Options Editor form

To indicate that Isometric processing for VPRM is possible

The Bulk MTO output for transfer to VPRM

These options and checks are further discussed in each of the relevant sections that
appear later in this guide.

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Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

5.2 PDMS Isodraft Module

Within this the PDMS Isodraft module, you will be able to modify the options used when
transferring isometric material to VPRM and produce PDMS Standard Isometrics that
contain VPRM part numbers.
On entry to the module, the PDMS-VPRM Interface carries out several tasks in a specific
1. Loads the VPRM Options Configuration File.
2. Checks for VPRM database access
3. Adds the VPRM menu option to the Isodraft menu bar
Once task s 1 and 2 have been completed successfully, the VPRM menu option will be
included in the Isodraft menu bar. Other background changes will be made to provide to
allow you to enable or disable VPRM Material Take Off. See the section below on How to
Enable VPRM MTO.
For the user, the procedure used in the production of isometrics is exactly the same as
before the PDMS VPRM Interface was installed.
Note that some Isodraft options are overridden by the application. Whatever you set
these options to they will be ignored when an isometric is produced, and reset to values
suitable for VPRM output as follows.
MATC /filename
For full details of each option setting refer to the Vantage Integrated Project Execution
User Guide, section PDMS Option File Settings

5.2.1 The VPRM Options Configuration File

This file contains the settings required within PDMS for the successful operation of the
Isometric MTO Output that is then transferred to VPRM. Consequently, when you enter
PDMS Isodraft the application checks that it exists and reads in all settings contained
within it.
A default version is supplied with the interface application and is located in the following

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Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

The default settings contained in this file are as follows.

delimiter = :
bolt_diameter_factor = 0.1
bolt_length_factor = 1
shop_delivery_designation = 1
field_delivery_designation = 3
pulling_allowance = 0
VPRM_access = DB
VPRM_user = scpipe1000/admin
VPRM_database = caent
bolt_part_number_lookup =
client_part_number_lookup =
VPRM_bolt_diameter_eft = %diam%
VPRM_bolt_length_eft = %length%
part_number_client = VPRM
bolt_part_number_client = VPRM
export_cofg = YES
consolidated_mto = NO
debug_level = 0
export_spools = NO
standard_project = YES
save_transfer_file = NO
VPRM_Access_Override = NO
mto_status =
mto_cons_area = Farea
mto_line_ref = Fpline
mto_drwg = Fdrawing
mto_rev = Frevision
mto_pipe_gen = Frdrawing
filt_tag = YES
inst_tag = YES
pcom_tag = YES
trap_tag = YES
valv_tag = YES
vtwa_tag = YES
vfwa_tag = YES
vent_tag = YES
auto_mto_transfer = NO
save_mto_file = YES
deliverable_manager = NO
parts_list = NO
transfer_supports = NO
supports_part_no = ZA00001
supports_desc = STEX
transfer_pulling_ops = NO
transfer_cut_backs = NO
cut_back_min_bore = 0
cut_back_max_bore = 1000
cut_back_min_angle = 0
cut_back_max_angle = 90
vprm_piping_discipline = PI
vprm_mds_discipline = SP
vprm_mds_elec_discipline = SP
vprm_mds_hvac_discipline = SP
line_uda1 = TEMP/Temperature
comp_uda1 = ALL;ROOM/:Bldg+:Room
comp_cons_area = :MtoArea
pl_safety_class = :SClass
pl_quality_class = :QClass

pl_project_spec = Pspec
AVEVA Solutions

SPCOM name part number delimiter

Bolt diameter conversion factor PDMS to VPRM
Bolt length conversion factor PDMS to VPRM
Shop delivery designation mapping PDMS to VPRM
Field delivery designation mapping PDMS to VPRM
Added Bend Pulling allowance
Type of access to VPRM
VPRM Oracle Login User Name and Password
VPRM Database Name as SQL*Net service name
File with VPRM Bolt Part Number look-up table
File with VPRM Client Part Number look-up table
VPRM Bolt Diameter external feature type
VPRM Bolt Length external feature type
Source of Client Part Numbers
Source of Bolt Part Numbers
Export centres of gravity
Consolidate the MTO by part number
Code for program debugging purposes
Include Field Spool Items in MTO
Specifications generated by VPRM
Save IDF File
Continue if VPRM is inaccessible
PDMS Pipe attribute for the Status
PDMS Pipe attribute for the Construction Area
PDMS Pipe attribute for the Line Reference
PDMS Pipe attribute for the Drawing Number
PDMS Pipe attribute for the Revision Number
PDMS Pipe attribute for the Reference Drawing
Use Filter Name Tag over part number
Use Instrument Name Tag over part number
Use Pipe Component Name Tag over part number
Use Trap Name Tag over part number
Use Valve Name Tag over part number
Use 3-way Valve Name Tag over part number
Use 4-way Valve Name Tag over part number
Use Vent Name Tag over part number
Transfer MTO directly to VPRM
Save the mto file after transfer to VPRM
Create Final Mto from Deliverable Manager
Create Part List Spreadsheet and PDF File
Transfer ATTA components with ATTY unset
If not VPRM name format use this part number
Use this as the source for description
Transfer pulled bends for pulling operation
Transfer elbow and fitting bend angle and radius
Elbow and Fitting Bend report bore range minimum
Elbow and Fitting Bend report bore range maximum
Elbow and Fitting Bend report angle range minimum
Elbow and Fitting Bend report angle range maximum
VPRM discipline code for Piping
VPRM discipline code for Multi-Discipline Supports
VPRM discipline code for ELEC
VPRM discipline code for HVAC
Transfer a Pipe attribute value to a VPRM UDA
Transfer concatenated component attributes to VPRM
PDMS Component attribute for the Construction Area
Part List Safety Class Pipe attribute
Part List Quality Class Pipe attribute
Part List Project Spec Pipe attribute

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Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

pl_iso_parts_list = IPL
pl_pre_inspection = Pre-Inspection
pl_site_inspection = Site-Inspection
pl_order_no = ORDERNO
pl_template = PartListTemplate.xls
pl_pdf_printer = Acrobat Distiller
pl_pdf_converter = acrodist.exe
pl_no_components = 13
pl_position_no_cell = A2
pl_quantity_cell = D2
pl_unit_weight_cell = G2
pl_part_cell = J2
pl_dimensions_cell = AH2
pl_material_cell = BB2
pl_design_code_cell = BN2
pl_design_code_rev_cell = BZ2
pl_total_weight_cell = G15
pl_project_cell = AY16
pl_project_spec_cell = BN16
pl_pre_inspection_cell = A17
pl_revision_cell = BU22
pl_date_cell = G17
pl_prepared_by_cell = M17
pl_order_no_cell = AY17
pl_safety_class_cell = BL17
pl_quality_class_cell = BW17
pl_site_inspection_cell = A21
pl_isometric_part_list_cell = BG21
pl_page_no_cell = CA21
pl_iso_pl_no_cell = BG22
pl_no_pages_cell = CA22
pl_angle_uda = ANGLE
pipe_rule =
hvac_rule =
tray_rule =
area_attribute = Description
check_option = SELECTION
atta_atty =
pdf_options =
vprm_mds_delete/rename = YES
vprm_mds_elec_delete/rename = YES
vprm_mds_hvac_delete/rename = YES
spool_mto_line = Spool Drawing Name
spool_prefix = Spool Drawing Name
pl_angle_text = Angle
pl_radius_text = Radius
pl_paper_size = A3
macro_short_code = F
part_list_lookup =
for_req_uda =
not_for_req_value =
for_con_uda =
not_for_con_value =
weight_uda =
suppress_spec = NO

AVEVA Solutions

Part List Isometric Text

Part List Pre-Inspection Text
Part List Site-Inspection Text
Part List Order No Text
Part List Spreadsheet Template
Part List PDF Printer
Part List PDF Converter
Part List Number of Components per Sheet
Part List Position No Cell
Part List Quantity Cell
Part List Weight Cell
Part List Part Description Cell
Part List Part Dimensions Cell
Part List Material Description Cell
Part List Design Code Cell
Part List Design Code Revision Cell
Part List Total Weight Cell
Part List Project No Cell
Part List Spec Cell
Part List Pre-Inspection Cell
Part List Revision Cell
Part List Date Cell
Part List Prepared By cell
Part List Order No cell
Part List Safety Class Cell
Part List Quality Class
Part List Site Inspection Cell
Part List Isometric Cell
Part List Page No Cell
Part List ISO PL No Cell
Part List Total Pages Cell
Part List Angle UDA
Bulk MTO PIPE collection expression
Bulk MTO HVAC collection expression
Bulk MTO TRAY collection expression
AREADE Area Name attribute
Bulk MTO Check Option
Bulk MTO Support ATTA ATTY value
PDF Conversion Options
MDS Delete/Rename access
MDS ELEC Delete/Rename access
MDS HVAC Delete/Rename access
Spool MTO-Line
Spool Prefix
Part List Angle Text
Part List Radius Text
Part List Paper Size
Bulk MTO Bolt Macro Short Code
Source of Part List descriptions

UDA to control MTO For Requisition Flag

UDA value indicating not to be requisitioned
UDA to control MTO For Construction Flag
UDA value indicating not to be constructed
Weight override UDA for Part List
Suppress Short Code, Size and Reference Spec

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PDMS VPRM Interface

For full descriptions of each setting refer to the Vantage Integrated Project Execution
User Guide, section 6.3.3 PDMS Configuration

For successful operation of the application, you should copy the configuration file on a
project by project basis into the project isometric directory, for example %XXXISO%,
where XXX is the three-letter project code.
If this copy does not exist, then the application will automatically copy it for you the first
time you enter the PDMS Isodraft module, during which you will receive the following
example message.
The VPRM configuration file does not exist. A new default file will be created in
the directory C:\AVEVA\Plant\PDMS12.0.SP6\project\XXXiso
Once the configuration settings have been loaded, the application then tests the settings
that relate to the VPRM database access.

5.2.2 The Check for VPRM Access

In a PDMS project with the PDMS VPRM Interface installed and activated, when a user
creates an isometric in PDMS Isodraft, the application replaces PDMS Bolt and Piping
item numbers part numbers with those specified by the Client and held in VPRM. These
are known as Client Bolt numbers and Client Part numbers.
In order to do this, these numbers must either be directly accessible from the VPRM
database or available from within specific text files. Consequently, the application checks
on entry to the PDMS Isodraft module whether this is so.
There are three configuration settings available for access to the VPRM database.


Part numbers held in the VPRM Oracle Database server.

When an isometric is produced, the part numbers will be extracted from
the VPRM database.


Part numbers by means of text files.

When an isometric is produced, the part numbers will be extracted from
those text files specified from in the configuration file.

C. AUTO The application first attempts a direct DB access to extract the part
numbers, but if this fails then access by FILE will be attempted.

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PDMS VPRM Interface

A. VPRM Access by DB
For direct access the VPRM database, some elements have to be in place.
1. Oracle 9 or Oracle 10 Client must be installed on the user workstation
2. The configuration file pdsc01.cfg must have valid entries for the VPRM
Username & Password and VPRM Database Name
3. The program used to process the isometric and extract the material for VPRM,
must be available. This is supplied with the application.
The purpose of this program is two fold.

To substitute PDMS part numbers for VPRM part numbers within the Bill
of Material on the actual Isometric drawing.

The production of a file for the transfer of the Isometric Material Take-Off
to the VPRM database.

As these items are so important to a successful transfer of material data to VPRM, the
VPRM database access is tested whenever you enter the PDMS Isodraft module (in a
PDMS project that has the PDMS VPRM Interface installed).
To carry out this test, another program is supplied as part of the application.
This program is executed with two arguments, being an output file for the results of the
access test and the VPRM Options Configuration File that contains the access details.
Here is an example.
%PDMSEXE%\dbtest.exe %PDMSUSER%/junkfile.chk %XXXISO%\pdsc01.cfg
The program can return one of three valid values or blank.

The test has been successful

The VPRM DB name is invalid
The VPRM User Name and/or Password is invalid

Blank If the file is empty then the test failed completely. This will probably be due
to one of three things as follows.
The appropriate Oracle Client has not been installed. In this case
you are likely to receive the system error message The dynamic
link library sqllib80.dll could not be found in the specified path
The Oracle access files TNSNAMES.ORA and SQLNET.ORA do
not exist.
The Oracle access files exist but are not in the default directory
C:\oracle\ora81\network\admin. In this case a registry entry
HKLM>ORACLE>HOMEn>TNS_ADMIN must exist and indicate
the location of the files.
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Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

B. VPRM Access by FILE

To operate the material extraction without direct access to the VPRM database, two files
are required which are specified in the VPRM Options Configuration file.

Options Configuration File Field

A. VPRM Client Part Numbers


B. VPRM Bolt Part Numbers


You can create these files from within VPRM SPEC module via the screen
Interfaces>PDMS Data Transfer

For more details on these VPM interfaces to PDMS, see the Vantage Integrated Project
Execution User Guide.

Once the VPRM database access has been verified, the PDMS VPRM Interface
application will extend the Isodraft menu bar to include the VPRM. See the section on
The VPRM Menu Option below for details.

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PDMS VPRM Interface

5.2.3 The VPRM Menu Option

A form is supplied to enable you to easily set the values stored within the VPRM Options
Configuration file. The form VPRM Option Editor can be displayed by selecting the
menu option Options>VPRM as shown below.

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PDMS VPRM Interface

When the form is displayed, the status bar will inform you of the result of the VPRM
Database access test that was carried out when you entered the Isodraft module.
To use this form, change the settings as required. The form title will change to include
the symbol * and the status bar will display Modified to indicate that the settings have
not yet been saved.

To save the changes select the menu option File>Save

To reset any changes to the saved values select option File>Reset
To revert to all default values select the menu option File>Default
To close the form, select the menu option File>Close

If you attempt to close the form when it has already been modified, you will receive the
following message.

Click on YES of you want to close the form and save the changes
Click on NO if you want to close the form and ignore the changes
Click on CANCEL if you want to abort the closure of the form

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PDMS VPRM Interface

To set the location of the Bolt Look-up Table and Client Part Number Table, you can
enter the path and file name directly or you can Click on the
button. The standard
PDMS File Browser form will be displayed.

To change the directory, either type a new path in the Path text entry box or navigate
using the sub-directories pane. To move one level up from the current hierarchy position,
Click on the listed sub-directory that has the suffix .. as shown for example in the
diagram above.
To choose a file, select one from the Files list. Alternatively, you can type the required
file name in the Selection text entry box.
Press the OK button. The chosen filename will be placed into the relevant field of the
VPRM Options Editor form.

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Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

To set the VPRM Discipline Codes, click on the

be displayed.

button and the form Disciplines will

Choose a discipline from the list by clicking on the

list entry and the form will be automatically closed.
The displayed list of discipline codes are extracted
from VPRM by the executable dbtest.exe which is
run when you enter Isodraft.
As a consequence it is not possible to set the
discipline codes to any that do not exist in VPRM

VPRM Database Access settings

If you have changed any of the VPRM access settings, you can run the access test
program independently (see the section above on VPRM Access by DB), by selecting the
menu option Test>DB Access

The result of this test will be output in the status bar at the bottom of the form.
Please note that you must have saved any modifications before the test is made.

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VPRM Attribute Data

A section of the VPRM Options Configuration file contains the PDMS attributes for the
element PIPE that are used to hold corresponding VPRM data. It is hidden from the
VPRM Option Editor form but you can edit these settings if you select the menu option
Options>Attributes as shown above. Note that because the form requires all PDMS
PIPE attributes the current element must be any PIPE or component element, by
selecting one from the Isodraft Members form. The form VPRM Pipe Attributes will be

To use this form, select the attribute name to be used for each attribute in the
corresponding drop-down options list. The title of the main VPRM Options Editor form
will change to include the symbol * to indicate that the settings have not yet been saved.
To exit the form, Click on the


To save any changed settings, select the main form menu option File>Save.

Important Note: If you are setting the attributes to produce isometrics from the spool
drawing, at this release it is important that you select all attribute settings to use the User
Definable Attributes. This is because PDMS does not have the equivalent system
attributes at the SPLDRG element. If you attempt to mix system attributes and UDAs for
a spool drawing the isometric production process will fail.

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Construction Area
The configuration area can be stored at either the PDMS PIPE or at any component. The
advantage of setting area at component is that you are then able to model pipes that
cross physical areas. It can however, be time consuming to set the attribute correctly at
each component. It is recommended that you utilise some suitable application to carry
out this task.
The component record in the batch file contains a field that transfers the area.
There are some rules that relate to this.

If the construction area is unset at component level, the Mto unit will utilise the
construction area set at the Line.

If the component construction area value is different to that set at the Line,
then a new Mto unit will be created when the Batch Mto file is loaded into
VPRM version 9.6.

The head tube of any PDMS Branch will take its area from the relevant PIPE
attribute since it does not have an attribute in its own right. All leave tube will
use the attribute of the owning component.
To utilise area at component level, all components will require a suitable attribute. The
Gateway supplied lexicon file \PdmsVprm4.2\config\PDMS-VPRM-udas.mac includes
the sample attribute named :mtoArea set for all components element

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Tag Number versus Part Number

PDMS allows you to specify a name for a model element. This name becomes significant
for some types of piping component when they are output on the Isometric and when
their material is transferred to VPRM.
When an Isometric is produced in PDMS, the Item Code in the material table is by default
the Specification Reference name i.e. the SPCOM name. Some component types can be
tagged during which the name attribute of the actual model component (which is
referred to as the Tag Name) will be used for the item code instead of the SPCOM name.
The range of components where this is option is available is restricted to certain
component types as follows.


The relevance for VPRM is that the PDMS Item Code holds the Part Number, which
means that you have a choice in which number you would like to be transferred to
VPRM. You can choose either the Tag Number or the Part Number, by utilising the form
VPRM Tagging which is displayed when you select the menu option Options>Tagging
as shown below.

To use this form, select either the Tag Number or the Part Number for each component
type. The title of the main VPRM Options Editor form will change to include the symbol *
to indicate that the settings have not yet been saved.
To exit the form, Click on the


To save any changed settings, select the main form menu option File>Save

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Transfer Options
There are several options that relate to material data being exported to VPRM which can
be set by utilising the form VPRM Transfer Options which is displayed when you select
the menu option Options>Transfer as shown below.

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To use this form, select set the relevant options as described below, during which time
the title of the main VPRM Options Editor form will change to include the symbol *
indicating that the settings have not yet been saved.
To exit the form, Click on the


To save any changed settings, select the main form menu option File>Save
Using this form you can set the following options.

It is possible to automatically load the Batch and Final Mto files directly into
VPRM and you can specify if the files should be automatically deleted after the
transfer is complete.
The transfer of an Mto File is carried out using the executable pdsc02.exe.

Final Isometric MTO can be produced using the VANTAGE Plant Design
Deliverable Manager product. A configuration option allows you to choose
whether isometrics are produced using PDMS Isodraft or Deliverable Manager.
The diagram below shows the workflow.

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VPD Deliverable Manager

VPD Deliverable Manager

Produce Project Isometric

Issue Isometric



Optional Automatic load

MTO File

If Deliverable Manager is chosen, then Isometric MTO will not be able to be

extracted using PDMS Isodraft.

You can transfer the data for a standard Pipe Support ATTA to VPRM
The configuration file contains three new options.
Allow support ATTA data to be transferred
The VPRM Part Number to be used for the support
The text used for the description can be either the ATTA attribute STEX
or the catalogue description text DTXR.
Any ATTA with the attribute ATTY unset, will be treated as any other tagged
item (unless it is a PDMS MDS support) in that it must be named in the format
that adheres to the naming convention example PS-001:A
The Batch Mto file will include a tag record as shown in the following example
If the ATTA uses a SPREF in the format as required by VPRM, then that part
number will be used. Of not, then the part number as defined in the configuration
file will be used.

You can transfer the component Pulled Bends as an addition to the tube from
which they are fabricated. .
When an Isometric is produced, any pulled bend is reported as the tube within
the Isometric Material Parts List and hence do not appear in the Isodraft transfer
If you wish to utilise VPRM to requisition the bend pulling activity as a distinct
from the requisition of the tube, then the bends must appear in the Batch Mto file
as a component in their own right.
If the configuration file has been set to report them, then pulled bends will
appear as a tagged item in the Bulk Batch Mto file, as shown in the following
$T:PB00001-750:Radius 750 PULLED BEND API5L GR.B*

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The tag includes the radius, the catalogue description and derives the VPRM
Part Number from the SPREF as with any other component.
For Final Mto this operates in exactly the same way as described above for Bulk
Mto except that the Angle will also be reported and included in the tag name, as
shown in the following example.
$T:PB00001-60-750:Angle 60 Radius 750 PULLED BEND API5L GR.B*

You can transfer any Elbow and Fitting Bend attributes Angle and Radius to
VPRM. To allow this the configuration file contains five new options.
Transfer Elbow and Fitting Bend angles
The angle will only be transferred if the bore is greater than this
minimum range.
The angle will only be transferred if the bore is less than this maximum
The angle will only be transferred if the angle is greater than this
minimum range
The angle will only be transferred if the angle is less than this maximum
The Batch Mto file will normally contain the following entry.
If the configuration file specifies the transfer of the cut-back and the elbow bore
and angle are between the two ranges, then the same Batch Mto file entry will
look like this.
$T:PE00052-90-229:Cut-back with Angle=90 and Radius=229*
The angle is reported to an accuracy that will be rounded up to the next full
angle, if value behind comma is greater or equal 0,5 and rounded down to the
next full angle, if value behind comma is smaller than 0,5
Note that during the export of Bulk Mto only the Radius is transferred.

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Piping and Component Data

It is possible to transfer any Pipe and Component attribute data to VPRM to be stored in
a VPRM User Definable Attribute. It is possible to concatenate two attribute values to be
stored in a single VPRM UDA.
This is part of the configuration set-up carried out within the PDMS Isodraft module.
You can choose either the Pipe Attribute Data or the Component Attribute Data, by
utilising the forms which is displayed when you select the menu options Options>Pipe
Data or Options>Component Data as shown below.

To use these forms, select the attributes you wish to transfer from the drop down list. The
attributes have been extracted from the component you selected in the Members List
form and as a consequence it is not possible to choose attributes that do not exist.
Pick two attributes and the values of them will be concatenated into a single value and
stored against the VPRM User Definable Attribute.
In the case of components some attributes only exist for particular generic types. To list
attributes common to all components use the Gtype All, otherwise if you require a
specific attribute for a specific Gtype then select the relevant Gtype from the drop down
To select a VPRM User Definable Attribute into which the selected Pipe or Component
button and the Pipe UDA or
Attribute value will be stored in VPRM, click on the
Component UDA form will be displayed. Select the required UDA from the list and the
form will automatically be closed.
To close the form click on the top-right button
You must select at least one attribute and a VPRM User Definable Attribute for the form
to be acceptable. If this is not the case, you will receive a warning message accordingly.

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Discipline Rules
To control the Bulk MTO collection expressions: -

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5.2.4 How to Enable VPRM MTO

To enable or disable the VPRM Material transfer during traditional Isometric production,
use the following steps to display the form Reports and Symbol File Options.

Select the menu option Options>Modify

The form Modify Options will be displayed.

Select a file from the Options File list and Click on the

The form Options by Functional Area will be displayed.

Click on the Reports and Symbol File button.

The form Reports and Symbol File Options will be displayed. See diagram

To enable or disable the VPRM Material transfer, Click on the toggle gadget
VPRM Material Takeoff.


Note that the directory location for the output files is reset to the default value of

If you want the output material file and the isometric transfer file to be located in a
directory other than the local directory, enter the pathname or a suitable
environment variable in the Directory field.

Click on the

To close the form Options by Functional Area, Click on the


Note: For your information, the communication between Standard PDMS forms and
PDMS to VPRM forms is carried out using APPWARETEXT.
AppWareText 'VPRMMTO' 'ON' indicates whether VPRM output is required
AppWareText 'RENAME' 'ON'

renames the isometric plot file, always ON for

VPRM output

AppWareText 'VPRMMTODIR' '%pdmsuser%' gives the location of the output files

(material and transfer) if not local

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5.2.5 Isometric Production

Isometrics are produced in exactly the same way as previously in that you will utilise the
menu option Isometrics>Standard
If you decide to produce a batch file for detailing the isometrics later, it will look slightly
different to what you may have seen previously. An example is shown as follows.
options default
call !!vprmProcess('=15392/9952','BATCH')
handle any
WRITE 'Error detailing FW-1001-A50-BBU3'
WRITE '$!!error.text'
elsehandle none
handle any
call !!vprmProcess('=15392/9978','BATCH')
handle any
WRITE 'Error detailing AC-5001-B50-A1A'
WRITE '$!!error.text'
elsehandle none
handle any

In order to ensure compatible PDMS and VPRM data, some Option file setting have to be
overwritten when producing a Isometric material for VPRM. The PML function
!!vprmProcess is called to set these and the pre and post processing options. For further
details of the overwritten options see the Vantage Integrated Project Execution User
Guide, section 6.3.3 PDMS Configuration

5.2.6 Output Files

When a user produces isometric drawings, several files are produced, such as these
examples produced when processing a PDMS pipe named /100-B-1.

The PDMS Isodraft plot file, in this case Sheet 1


The PDMS VPRM processing log file


An ASCII version of the modified file binary transfer file

used to produce the isometric drawing.


A file containing the Material for isometric Sheet 1

Used for the manual transfer of material to the VPRM


A list of all components within the line with relevant data.

This file is deleted unless the debug option is used.

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5.3 PDMS Paragon Module

Within the PDMS Paragon module two applications are available, one report template for
the production of CATREF Masks for export to VPRM and the other that will assist you in
loading the catalogue and specification files imported from VPRM. In the latter
application, up to four files are produced that would normally need to be loaded from
within different PDMS modules, but by utilising the application you will be able to load
them all from within the Paragon module.
Description and Material Texts

these are loaded into a Catalogue database

(type CATA) usually via Paragon

Component Weights

these are loaded into a Properties database

(type PROP) usually via Propcon

Standard Bolt Lists

these are loaded into a Catalogue database

(type CATA) usually via Paragon

Wall Thickness

these are loaded into a Catalogue database

(type TABWLD) usually via Paragon


these are loaded into a Catalogue database

via the SPECON module

For further details of the name format of the files described above, refer to the Vantage
Integrated Project Execution User Guide, section 6.3.1 Concepts
To be able to load all file types from the one location, the interface will take several things
into account when loading the files.

The files to be loaded will be found by searching a directory specified by an

environment variable %VPRMFILES% as defined in the start-up evars.bat and
discussed in section 4.1. The directory is by default located in the project macro
directory e.g.

The files are date stamped and therefore if there is more than one file of the same
type they will be loaded in date order, the earliest being loaded first.

The files will be loaded in the order required to suit PDMS referencing

The properties database must be open in RW mode and a component world

element must exist as described in section 4.4 above.

A batch process is used to load the specification files in the Specon module,
which means you will have to specify your password.

Once a file has been loaded successfully, it will be moved to a sub-directory of

the directory specified by %VPRMFILES% and named Old_Files e.g.

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5.3.1 VPRM CATREF Masks

In order for VPRM to generate the PDMS pipe specifications and associated catalogue
elements, the relevant components within the VPRM and PDMS catalogues need to be
The VPRM Part Number should align with the PDMS CATREF (the category CATE
element) a process that is carried out in VPRM, and to assist with this all CATE details
can be transferred from PDMS. You should do this regularly as and when new CATREFs
are created in PDMS.
To produce the CATREF Mask import file for VPRM, you will run a report utilising a
template provided for that purpose via the following steps.
1. To run the report, use the following menu option to display the common File
Browser form
2. Use this form to select the following template.
3. Click on the button

to show the Report Details form.

4. Use this form to enter an output file name in the Filename text entry gadget (if no
path is given the default is %PDMSUSER%).
5. Enter the name of an element in the hierarchy from where you wish to extract
data (For example, the use of the word CE will extract data from the current
hierarchy position).
6. Click on the button

to create the report.

The output file is now available for import into VPRM

For further details on the reporting function within PDMS refer to the Vantage Plant
Design manual entitled Reporting Using VANTAGE PDMS.

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5.3.2 The File Loader Form

The file loader form is available from within the Pipework application accessed by the
menu option Paragon>Pipework and is displayed using the menu option
Utilities>VPRM File Loader

The first thing you will notice is the coloured message at the bottom of the form, notifying
you of your database access status. When you displayed the form, the application
checked your access rights to the available databases against those required for the file
load. The application will respond to this check with one of three status messages, each
of them self-explanatory
'You do not have sufficient db access to load any files'
'You do not have sufficient db access to load some files'
'You have sufficient db access to load all files'
As a consequence to the access check, the application will only ever allow you to load
files than can be loaded.

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This is particularly important when you use the PDMS-VPRM interface for the first time.
In this situation, the application needs to given the locations where you wish each file
type to be loaded.
To select the relevant databases use the menu option Dbs>Select and which will
display the Select Database Location form.

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The example shown displays the situation when you enter a PDMS catalogue MDB that
has never had any VPRM files loaded into it. It presents you with four sections that deal
with the loading of the description text files, the property files, the bolt files and the
specification files. We will discuss each of this in turn below.
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Description Texts

You will notice a indicator which will show whether you have access to any catalogue
database in which to load the description files. If you have access it will appear in colour
green and display Can Load. If you do not have access it will appear in colour red and
will display Cannot Load and give a brief reason as to why not.
'CATA is R only'

you only have READ access to an existing catalogue

'No CATA or db'

the system could not find any existing CATA nor could it
find any catalogue database to which you had WRITE

The paragon files output from VPRM always look for an existing PDMS CATA element
into which to load the description text elements and which is named as follows.


If this element does not exist the Use Existing CATA field will remain empty as shown in
the picture above, and as a consequence the application will attempt to create it, but you
need to specify in which database. To do this select one of the available catalogue
database from the list.

Weight Property

The weight files output from VPRM always look for an existing PDMS CMPW element
into which to load the properties and which is named as follows.


As discussed in section 4.5 above, this element must exist for the application to operate
correctly. This is because a properties database is only accessible by making an existing
element current, in this case the CMPW. If this element does not exist then you will not
be able to load the properties files.

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Bolt Tables

The bolt files output from VPRM always look for an existing PDMS BLTA element into
which to load the bolt tables and which is named as follows.
If this element does not exist the Use Existing BLTA field will remain empty as shown in
the picture above, and as a consequence the application will attempt to create it, but you
need to specify in which database. To do this select one of the available catalogue
database from the list.
When each PDMS standard bolt element (SBOL) is created the application will set a
reference to a non-standard bolt diameter table (DTAB), held within a PDMS length table.
If the referenced DTAB does not exist, the application will load the sample length table,
which is supplied with this application as discussed in section 3. For further information
regarding bolting in PDMS see the PDMS PARAGON Reference Manual.
Wall Thickness Tables

The Wall Thickness files output from VPRM always look for an existing PDMS TABWLD
element into which to load the Wall Thickness tables and which are named as follows.
If these element do not exist the Use Existing TABWLD field will remain empty as
shown in the picture above, and as a consequence the application will attempt to create
them, but you need to specify in which database. To do this select one of the available
catalogue database from the list.

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The specification files from VPRM always look for an existing specification by name. If it
does not exist the application will create it, but you need to specify in which PDMS
specification world (SPWL).
To create a non-existing specification into an existing SPWL, check the Create in SPWL
toggle and select the relevant SPWL from the list.
Alternatively, to create a non-existing specification into a new SPWL, check the Create
in db toggle and select the database into which this SPWL should be created. Finally,
give the name of the new SPWL in the Name text entry box.

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Once all file types have been loaded and on subsequent use of the application, the
Select Database Location form will look similar to that shown in the example below.

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Notice that all required elements appear in the Use Existing text entry boxes, and that
all files can be loaded.
Note: The displayed SPWL is the first one found that already contains any one of the
specifications to be loaded in this session. If none of the specifications to be loaded
exist, then the first SPWL will be selected and you will have to reselect the one you
require if they are not one and the same.

For a user who does not have access to the relevant databases, and this will definitely
occur if these are foreign, then the Select Database Location form will appear similar to
the one shown below.

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Notice that in this example, the application could not find any databases open in write
mode and as a consequence it would not be possible to load any files.

The Main Form and the Loadable Files

Using the main form you will be able to carry out the following tasks.

Choose where to find files to load

Set the log file location and name
Choose the specifications to load

Set the Batch process password

Load the Files
View the Log File

The form displays the files found in the directory that is shown in the Files to Process
and Location text entry box. You can change this directory in three different ways.

Manual entry

Click on the button

to display the standard PDMS File Browser form as
discussed in section 5.2.3 above.

Select the menu option File>Open

to display the standard PDMS File
Browser form

Once selected the application will find all relevant files, categorise them, sort them and
display them on the form in the relevant area.
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Catalogue Files

this indicates the number of files that will be loaded automatically

and as the specification files are dependent on the contents of
these file, they will be loaded before the specification files. They
will also be loaded in date order with the oldest being loaded first.


the files are sorted by specification and those selected will be

loaded in date order with the oldest being loaded first. By default
all specifications are selected for loading.

To set the Log File

During the file load, a log file will record all PDMS activity and any relevant messages.
The location of this is shown in the Log File and File Name text entry box. You can
choose a new log file name and location in three different ways.

Manual entry

Click on the button

Select the menu option Log>Browse

to display the standard PDMS File
Browser form

to display the standard PDMS File Browser form

The Batch Process

All files can be loaded into the relevant databases from the PDMS Paragon module
except for the specification files since they are in a format for loading via the PDMS
Specon module. In order to do this, a batch process is run to access the module and to
load the files. The batch process utilises the same username and password as you will
have used in entering PDMS for your current session. Because no accessible record
exists of your password you will have to give it before the batch process can run
To set the password use the menu option
Batch>Set Password
The Password form will be displayed.

To use this form carry out the following.

1. Change the password to yours used for the current session
Note: You will need to do this every time you use the application since no record
is made for security reasons
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2. Choose how long the application waits once the batch process is initiated by
using the delay setting.
The reason for the delay is that the application has to give the batch process a chance to
enter PDMS before it can start to check whether has terminated. The time this takes will
depend on factors such as your workstation capabilities or your network setup.

To Load the Files

To load the files use the menu option
File>Load Files
During the file load, he status bar at the bottom of
the form will inform you of the actions taking place.

To View the Log Files

To view the main log file use the menu option
The form VPRM to PDMS Log Viewer will be
displayed, and example of which is shown below.

During the batch run, another log file was written that includes all of the PDMS trace
during the specification load in the PDMS Specon module. This log file is located in the
same directory as the main log file and is named vprmSpecLoad.log
Note. If a specification file fails to load correctly, that file load will be aborted. Any
subsequent files that relate to the same specification will also remain unloaded. You will
need to correct the error in the failed file and reload that specification again to load all
matching unloaded files.

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To close the File Loader form

To close the form either click on the top-right
or use the menu option File>Close

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5.4 PDMS Design Module

From within the PDMS Design module you will be able to extract bulk materials for import
to VPRM. The application is only available from within Design Pipework Application
accessed using the menu option Design>Pipework

5.4.1 The Bulk Mto Form

To display the VPRM Bulk MTO Output form use the menu option
Utilities>VPRM Bulk Mto

Using this form you will be able to carry out the following actions.

Choose the output directory

Choose the single output file name
Choose a single output file or multiple files
Choose whether to include centre of gravity co-ordinates in the output
Select which PDMS Pipes to detail
Set a search expression rule for collecting Pipes
Check for other Pipes that match Area and Line Reference criteria
Extract the Mto

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The Output Directory

The application will create the Bulk Mto output files in the directory that is shown in the
File Name text entry box. You can change this directory in three different ways.

Manual entry

Click on the button

to display the standard PDMS File Browser form as
discussed in section 5.2.3 above.

Select the menu option File>Browse to display the

standard PDMS File Browser form

Single Output File Name

The actual file name refers to the output file
when you select the option Consolidated
into single file from the MTO File Options

Multiple Output File Names

Otherwise, if you choose to output One file
per Mto then the application will create
separate files for each combination of Area
and Line Reference.
The names of these files will be in the format


For example PIPE /FW-1001-A50-BBU3

Line Ref:

Output file will be named



Centre of Gravity Co-ordinates

To include centre of gravity co-ordinates in
the output select the option CoG Co-ordinate
On from the Centre of Gravity Options
frame. The default is always off.
When you access the Bulk Mto form from the Piping application, the default discipline to
be extracted will be Piping. If you have Multi-Discipline Supports installed you will have
the option to also extract MDS Mto by clicking the toggle button. To extract MDS
supports, select the Piping Lines as normal. The program will extract any MDS supports
available within the selected lines.

Please note that this functionality is customer specific, requires a special version
of MDS and will require consultation with AVEVA before use.
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Selecting Pipes to Detail

Before you can extract the Bulk Material you need to create a detail list of the PDMS
Pipes from which you want to extract the material. You do this by selecting elements in
the Members list from which to search for Pipes.
and it will
For example, select a Pipe from the Members list and click on the button
be added to the Detail List as long as its Area and Line Reference attributes have been

The Detail List will display the Pipe Name and its Area and Line Reference.
Notice the
* symbol which denotes the fact that the detail list has not been checked for
other Pipes which fulfil the Area Combination criteria. For further details on this subject
refer to the section below entitled Search for Matching Pipes.
If either of the Area or Line Reference attributes is unset, then you will receive a warning
message accordingly.

You can select any element in the Members list, from which to find suitable Pipe
elements. For example, select a ZONE and all PIPE elements in this Zone that have set
Area and Line Reference attributes, will be added to the Detail List.

If you want to remove a Pipe from the Detail List select it and click on the button
If you want to remove all Pipes from the Detail List then click on the button

You can also Select All entries in, Remove Selected and
Remove All entries from the Detail List using a pop-up menu
available by making aright mouse click in the Detail List

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Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

Set a search expression rule

When you choose a SITE or ZONE element for adding Pipe element, the application
searches the hierarchy below that element for any Pipes that have their Area and Line
Reference attributes set. It is possible that you may wish to filter these found Pipes. The
application allows you to do this by taking any PDMS expression syntax as a qualifier
when the search is made.
To set this qualifier, use the menu option
The Search for Pipe form will be displayed.

Enter the required PDMS expression syntax into the With text entry box and press the
keyboard Enter key. Close the form with a click on the top-right button

Search for matching Pipes

To assist you in ensuring that you detail all available Area and Line Reference
combinations available in the MDB, you can choose for the application to search for
Pipes that you may have missed collecting. If you choose to do this, the application will
scan the MDB for any other Pipes whose Area and Line Reference attribute values
match those already selected in the Detail List. If you have set a Search Expression
Rule then this will also be used during the search.
You can choose the following ways of searching for missed Pipes, by using the relevant
option from the Detail List menu option.

Check during Extract

Make a check during the material extraction.
This is the default setting
Check on Selection
Make a check when an element added to the Detail List.
Be aware that this may be slow if the model is large
Make a Check Now
Make a manual check

Note: It is possible to have both the Check during Extract and the Check on Selection
options selected at the same time or neither of them selected.
AVEVA Solutions

Vantage Integrated Project Execution


Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

If you utilise a PDMS expression to restrict the collection of pipe elements, then there is a
danger of excluding material that may be relevant. To assist you in ensuring that material
is not excluded, whenever a check for matching pipes is made, you will receive a warning
if any matching pipes have been excluded by the use of the expression.
These warnings will be in the form of a screen message, but if you utilise the check
functionality during the extract, then the warnings will be included in the bulk material
take-off log file.
When a pipe element has been added to the detail list and a check is made for any other
pipes matching the area and line reference combinations, the system will display the
following message if other pipes that have been found but have been excluded by the
expression used.

If you click on the YES button, then a form will be displayed that lists those pipe elements
that have the same area and line reference combination as a pipe that has been added
to the detail list, but has been excluded by the expression.

AVEVA Solutions

Vantage Integrated Project Execution


Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

Extract the Bulk Mto

Once all settings have been adjusted to your satisfaction and
the detail list is complete, you can extract the Bulk Material
by using the menu option File>Extract Mto
The application will make any required searches for missed
Pipes and display any relevant run-time messages.
During the extract process a log file will be produced into the
same directory as the output file.

To View the Log File

To view the log file use the menu option Log>Open
The form VPRM to PDMS Log Viewer will be displayed,
and example of which is shown below.

To close the Bulk Mto form

To close the form either click on the top-right button
the menu option File>Close

or use

Output Files
The Bulk Mto output file will be named in the following format.
piping_bulkMto_<date stamp>.dat
mds_bulkMto_<date stamp>.dat
Where the date stamp uses seconds, minutes, hours, day, month and year.
AVEVA Solutions

Vantage Integrated Project Execution


Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

5.5 All Modules

Some available functionality crosses the applications and some may not be visible via
the user interface. This section describes the functionality that may be of importance to
you when utilising both PDMS and VPRM.

5.5.1 Spool Drawings

If Spool Drawing MTO is to replace Design MTO in VPRM then the MTO-Line must be
sourced from the Pipe Name by setting the option spool_mto_line = Pipe Name.
The component record will include the Spool Number if the Isodraft option
SpoolNumbers FROMDB is used. The Spool Number may be prefixed with the Pipe or
Spool Drawing Name by utilising the spool_prefix option.
$C:250:::P::PP00026::0.501:1: SPL2::N:N:N:::::Y:Y:::*
Fabrication Spool records may be exported by settingoption export_spools = YES.

5.5.2 Catalogue Management

VPRM is the tool utilised to produce piping specifications for both material take-off
purposes and PDMS 3D modelling.
Effective materials management demands that each item of material to be tracked has a
unique identifier and for satisfactory project operation, it is essential that material
identification within VPRM and PDMS is totally consistent. To this end, AVEVA provides
an interface between the two systems that uniquely identifies items by utilising VPRM
part numbers, short codes and sizes. This identifier is used in naming specification
components within PDMS.
Engineering projects commissioned may contain both catalogues that are generated both
by clients and by their contractors. Normally, client catalogues are considered solely as
reference catalogues and cannot be modified, but there are occasions where some
catalogue items have to be changed. Since the project will contain catalogues from both
companies it is essential that the source can be identified for each catalogue, any
revisions are clearly marked and that any specification overlaps are prevented.
Within a VPRM project, piping specifications are detailed by inputting a Specification
Entry (at VPRM Commodity Code and PDMS Catref Mask level). This entry generates
size specific Specification References (at VPRM Part Number and PDMS Catref level),
which are utilised to generate the PDMS Specification, and in particular the PDMS
Specification Component (SPCO).
To differentiate between piping specifications separately developed by each company
and to identify any modification to catalogue items, the unique identifier for catalogue
items used between VPRM and PDMS will optionally include up to two new fields.
These new fields will originate within the VPRM SPEC module and will be used to
determine which company produced or modified a specification item and the revision
status of that item. Any control over how and when the data is entered into VPRM is a
purely manual task.

AVEVA Solutions

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Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

The VPRM screen that handles PDMS Specification References now contains two new
columns in the PDMS References section as shown below.

This will affect PDMS in three areas.

The new fields will be used when generating the names of PDMS
specification references.

The Bulk Mto transfer from PDMS to VPRM will be amended in order to
handle the new format of specification component (SPCO) name.

The Isometric Mto transfer from PDMS to VPRM will be amended in order
to handle the new format of SPCO name.

PDMS specification reference names will therefore be generated in the following format.
NULL values will be allowed in the specification parameters

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Vantage Integrated Project Execution


Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

5.5.3 Material Length Accuracy

Both Bulk and Isometric Material take-off now outputs material lengths to 3
decimal places. An example showing the field containing the tube lengths with the
greater accuracy is shown below.
$B:IPE001:PDMS:11.47:24-May-2004 11.42.30*

5.5.4 Material List Position Numbers

When an isometric is produced from PDMS from either a Pipe or Spool Drawing,
it is possible to use component Part Numbers as the Position Number in the
Material List.
This is achieved by using the PDMS Isodraft module option MATERIALLIST
PARTNUMBERS. For further details of this functionality, see Section 2-94 of the
PDMS Isodraft reference Manual.
If you have include the option to use component part numbers as the material list
position numbers, these will be output in the Isometric Mto output and
consequently will be made available to your VPRM project for inclusion in any
relevant report.
An example PDMS Isometric Mto export file that shows the position number field
is shown below.
$B:IPE001:PDMS:11.47:24-May-2004 11.42.30*

AVEVA Solutions

Vantage Integrated Project Execution


Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

5.5.5 Batch Mto File management

VPRM provides the ability to manage the Batch Mto files that have been transferred from
PDMS. The Process batch MTO Screen (MTO0015 see below) is available that will allow
you to carry out the following tasks.
Display the batch file source, the user identifier and other file data
Allow selected batch files to be combined into a single file
Allow selected batch files to be deleted
Review, Validate and Load Batch Mto

AVEVA Solutions

Vantage Integrated Project Execution


Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

5.5.6 TUBE Weight transfer from VPRM to PDMS

VPRM units and PDMS units do not necessarily match one another. By default a VPRM
project is set to hold weights per unit length of pipe as kg/m whereas the default in PDMS
is kg/mm.
This means that when weights are transferred between VPRM and PDMS, the weights
for tube will be one thousand (1000) times too large.
VPRM provides the ability to determine the output units for weights.
In the SPEC module, the screen Reference Data>Project Parameters includes a new
toggle gadget that allows weights to be output in the chosen units. See the diagrams

AVEVA Solutions

Vantage Integrated Project Execution


Administrator User Guide

PDMS VPRM Interface

5.5.7 Piping Support Lugs

It is possible to transfer a PDMS Pipe component Olet as a support LUG.
To facilitate this it is necessary to indicate when an olet is a lug. To do this the PDMS
catalogue must include PDMS Dataset elements that describe the olet type and its
DESC 'Lug Tee-type Olet'
PPRO ( 'LUG' )
DESC 'Lug Dimensions
PPRO ( STR (PARA[3 ]) + 'mm x ' + STR (PARA[4 ]) + 'mm x ' + STR (PARA[5 ]) + 'mm' )

Once this data is available, the lugs will be included in the Bulk and Final Mto file in the
same way as any other component, where the shortcode and part number are derived
from the component SPRE, as is shown in the following example.


AVEVA Solutions

Vantage Integrated Project Execution


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