So Far Everyone Has Written About Thi...

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-- AddThis Button BEGIN --> <a class="addthis_button"

src="" width="125" height="16"
alt="Bookmark and Share" style="border:0"/></a><script type="text/javascript"
src=""></script> <!--
AddThis Button END --> So far everyone has written about this
hyperinformation age as an age of great acheivement. An age of exponential technicological
revolution, driven by the humans' casting their hope not back to humanity, but beyond -- to the
imaginable future. The people living today have all witness the same information evolution age.
ANd the fact that there are so many diverse populations that are aware of each others existence,
whether it be richer, poorer, more evil, less felonic, more judgeable as the printed word, or
spoken word, or thought word, or done word, or seen word, or felt word, or feared word, or feared
to love word. Or any of the above any preferred order.

It is this, man's / and woman's reliance on the order of words, which are truly, as is known today
in this hyper, unintegrateable age of online information and media, always there, always here.
always everywhere.

THis, the chosen domain for influential rhetorical code. Is now among us.

For too long I have not let my halo fall.

But there comes a time for all to face the fear in their words they offer up to the masses for
judgement. And too long has it been that the fear the internet has instilled on the authority and
printable word, remediated as it creates a linear-hyperlinear-liner-round-quadricepted paradigm
shift. the fear of having philosopophy, the foundings of great strides in perception 's tool of media
and media's perception of tools. or should we say humans vs. computers. or have we gotten
already to artificial intelligence, in the truly articially-stressed meaning of the word-pairing. No
one lately has been bold enough to stand up enough against the intellectual property rights lock-
down all established entities online earning money from keeping the secrets. not the industry
secrets, but the new media tool usage - be it for manipulative, wrongful decision making, being
told your idea about improvements worthy of increasing the online engagement value for milions
of unique visits by users a day to the 4th largest internet property's portal, as it's called in reality.

how can that not be cross over into an extreme science fiction for a dorkey anime loving,
goddamn those half japanese girls dirty hippy emo high IQ hard luck toxic, arsenic, forked
tongued, stinging chats, and always dreaded txt messages. for fucks sake. we're voluntarily
resorting our entire social chat language of choice to acronyms?


So again, I bring up the point.

Is code a language, or is language a code.

What can be kept secret?

What is deemed fate?

What decides that it is better to harm individual with birthday 04-22-33 and a SSN of 221-45-
3948 named John Quincey Mornton than Morton Quincey John_04-22-33-221-45-3948 birthday
Alpha, 38, 22nd brigade? What number, what keyword, what search engine optimization business
model vs search engine marketing payday lending model benefits who? All we all sure we're all
okay with how everything's divied out and how domains of proper etiquette communication
context has completely led to the ... well see there, there's the problem.
it has lead to nothing.

everything is nonchalantly reformatted now not to the grand lollipop land lane where we though
we automatically (keep your fingers crossed though, everybody has to play nicely, ... starting
now!!! woohoo!! we won. everyone else form the dole line in nicaragua. or stockholm, or
wherever or whomever with your syndrome lies.

for ladies and gentleman.

I now lay down my halo. I have dignantly held my position off information guardian, information
geisha to be more thorough.

But I also have my naught information architecture moments. Just when the punch is needed to
let people know i'm patiently listening and not jabbering not because i need them to figure things
out. I just need to keep patient about when they'll figure out one of the many justified true belief
things i cite. or quote, or dissect etc etc et cetera. hell, i got paid good money for it. who wouldn't
fight the big boys with all you have and risk everything to work on the quality of some product
you've held dead and priceless as a confirmation of an alternate world. a world where everything
hasn't been claimed by someone. Some land that never has to have property taken up by some
formers' dead. some former's skeletons. no one has to disturbed the dead in virtual reality.

However, angels always kind of been misunderstood and gotten the short end of the stick.

so. to quote a favorite ritualistic song i've adopted in the last half year. i dedicate this stream of
conciousness to the noose, by the perfect circle. and i always identify to my context "halo":

So glad to see you well

Overcome and completely silent now
With heaven's help
You cast your demons out
And not to pull your halo down
Around your neck and tug you off your cloud
But I'm more than just a little curious
How you're planning to go about
Making your amends to the dead
To the dead

Recall the deeds as if

They're all someone else's
Atrocious stories
Now you stand reborn before us all
So glad to see you well

And not to pull your halo down

Around your neck and tug you to the ground
But I'm more than just a little curious
How you're planning to go about
Making your amends to the dead
To the dead

With your halo slipping down

Your halo slipping
Your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping down [repeated]

Your halo slipping down to choke you now

.. .. ..
metaJenny, it's all about the justied true belief vs. opinion absolute relative power domain control
and hereditary benefits trust funds.


The VARPA function calculates the population (true) variance of a set of values, including text
values and Boolean values. Text values and the Boolean value FALSE are included as if they are
the number 0, logical TRUE as a 1.
VARPA(value, [value, . . .])
value: One or more numeric or Boolean values or references to cells containing numeric, textual,
or Boolean values.
The VARPA function divides the sum of the squares of the deviations of the data points by the
number of values to find the population, or true, variance (as opposed to the sample, or unbiased,
variance). This is appropriate if the data points make up the entire data set. If the specified
numbers are only a sample of a larger data set, you should use the VARA function to find the
sample (unbiased) variance.
For a data set containing only numbers, VARPA returns the same result as VARP.
VARPA(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 6) returns 4. Each TRUE counts as 1.
VARPA("a", 3, 6, 3, "b") displays an error.

Was this page helpful? Send feedback.

Tues, 12:09 AM, email sent .

<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --> <a class="addthis_button"

src="" width="125" height="16"
alt="Bookmark and Share" style="border:0"/></a><script type="text/javascript"
src=""></script> <!--
AddThis Button END --> So far everyone has written about this
hyperinformation age as an age of great acheivement. An age of exponential technicological
revolution, driven by the humans' casting their hope not back to humanity, but beyond -- to the
imaginable future. The people living today have all witness the same information evolution age.
ANd the fact that there are so many diverse populations that are aware of each others existence,
whether it be richer, poorer, more evil, less felonic, more judgeable as the printed word, or
spoken word, or thought word, or done word, or seen word, or felt word, or feared word, or feared
to love word. Or any of the above any preferred order.

It is this, man's / and woman's reliance on the order of words, which are truly, as is known today
in this hyper, unintegrateable age of online information and media, always there, always here.
always everywhere.

THis, the chosen domain for influential rhetorical code. Is now among us.

For too long I have not let my halo fall.

But there comes a time for all to face the fear in their words they offer up to the masses for
judgement. And too long has it been that the fear the internet has instilled on the authority and
printable word, remediated as it creates a linear-hyperlinear-liner-round-quadricepted paradigm
shift. the fear of having philosopophy, the foundings of great strides in perception 's tool of media
and media's perception of tools. or should we say humans vs. computers. or have we gotten
already to artificial intelligence, in the truly articially-stressed meaning of the word-pairing. No
one lately has been bold enough to stand up enough against the intellectual property rights lock-
down all established entities online earning money from keeping the secrets. not the industry
secrets, but the new media tool usage - be it for manipulative, wrongful decision making, being
told your idea about improvements worthy of increasing the online engagement value for milions
of unique visits by users a day to the 4th largest internet property's portal, as it's called in reality.

how can that not be cross over into an extreme science fiction for a dorkey anime loving,
goddamn those half japanese girls dirty hippy emo high IQ hard luck toxic, arsenic, forked
tongued, stinging chats, and always dreaded txt messages. for fucks sake. we're voluntarily
resorting our entire social chat language of choice to acronyms?


So again, I bring up the point.

Is code a language, or is language a code.

What can be kept secret?

What is deemed fate?

What decides that it is better to harm individual with birthday 04-22-33 and a SSN of 221-45-
3948 named John Quincey Mornton than Morton Quincey John_04-22-33-221-45-3948 birthday
Alpha, 38, 22nd brigade? What number, what keyword, what search engine optimization business
model vs search engine marketing payday lending model benefits who? All we all sure we're all
okay with how everything's divied out and how domains of proper etiquette communication
context has completely led to the ... well see there, there's the problem.

it has lead to nothing.

everything is nonchalantly reformatted now not to the grand lollipop land lane where we though
we automatically (keep your fingers crossed though, everybody has to play nicely, ... starting
now!!! woohoo!! we won. everyone else form the dole line in nicaragua. or stockholm, or
wherever or whomever with your syndrome lies.

for ladies and gentleman.

I now lay down my halo. I have dignantly held my position off information guardian, information
geisha to be more thorough.
But I also have my naught information architecture moments. Just when the punch is needed to
let people know i'm patiently listening and not jabbering not because i need them to figure things
out. I just need to keep patient about when they'll figure out one of the many justified true belief
things i cite. or quote, or dissect etc etc et cetera. hell, i got paid good money for it. who wouldn't
fight the big boys with all you have and risk everything to work on the quality of some product
you've held dead and priceless as a confirmation of an alternate world. a world where everything
hasn't been claimed by someone. Some land that never has to have property taken up by some
formers' dead. some former's skeletons. no one has to disturbed the dead in virtual reality.

However, angels always kind of been misunderstood and gotten the short end of the stick.

so. to quote a favorite ritualistic song i've adopted in the last half year. i dedicate this stream of
conciousness to the noose, by the perfect circle. and i always identify to my context "halo":

So glad to see you well

Overcome and completely silent now
With heaven's help
You cast your demons out
And not to pull your halo down
Around your neck and tug you off your cloud
But I'm more than just a little curious
How you're planning to go about
Making your amends to the dead
To the dead

Recall the deeds as if

They're all someone else's
Atrocious stories
Now you stand reborn before us all
So glad to see you well

And not to pull your halo down

Around your neck and tug you to the ground
But I'm more than just a little curious
How you're planning to go about
Making your amends to the dead
To the dead

With your halo slipping down

Your halo slipping
Your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping down [repeated]

Your halo slipping down to choke you now

.. .. ..
metaJenny, it's all about the justied true belief vs. opinion absolute relative power domain control
and hereditary benefits trust funds.


The VARPA function calculates the population (true) variance of a set of values, including text
values and Boolean values. Text values and the Boolean value FALSE are included as if they are
the number 0, logical TRUE as a 1.
VARPA(value, [value, . . .])
value: One or more numeric or Boolean values or references to cells containing numeric, textual,
or Boolean values.
The VARPA function divides the sum of the squares of the deviations of the data points by the
number of values to find the population, or true, variance (as opposed to the sample, or unbiased,
variance). This is appropriate if the data points make up the entire data set. If the specified
numbers are only a sample of a larger data set, you should use the VARA function to find the
sample (unbiased) variance.
For a data set containing only numbers, VARPA returns the same result as VARP.
VARPA(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 6) returns 4. Each TRUE counts as 1.
VARPA("a", 3, 6, 3, "b") displays an error.

Was this page helpful? Send feedback.

Tues, 12:09 AM, email sent .

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