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University of Puerto Rico, Mayagez

Department of Geology
Course Title: Geology for Engineers
Class Code: GEOL 4015L (080L/ 081L)
Semester: Fall 2014
Room: F-204 Meeting Hours: 2:30- 4:20 PM
(Professor J. Joyce Ph.d. E-mail: Office: F-409)
Lab Instructor: Margarita M. Solares Coln
Email address:
Office: F- 417C Office Hours: L/W 4:30- 5:30 PM and M 5:30 -6:30 PM

Exercises in Physical Geology, 12th edition,

W. Kenneth Hamblin and James D. Howard

The laboratory consist a 50% of the course.

1. Attend all laboratories on time.
2. Complete assigned lectures and homework on time.
3. Be prepared to participate in class.
4. Check your e-mail regularly for updates and information about the class.
5. Each student is responsible for reading and understanding material in either class or lab, even if it is not
discussed in the lab. At the beginning of the class there will be a brief introduction to the days material.
6. Topics discussed in both class and lab will be used on the lab tests.
Grading (%) Attendance............. 10%
Participation........... 5%
Quizzes .................. 5%
Midterm Test.......... 40% (will be announced)
Final Test................ 40% (will be announced)
Grading System: 100-90 A

89-80 B

79-65 C

64-55 D

54-0 F


1. Class attendance is compulsory. The University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
reserves the right to deal at any time with individual cases of non-attendance. Professors
are expected to record the absences of their students. Frequent absences affect the final
grade, and may even result in total loss of credits. Arranging to make up work missed
because of legitimate class absence is the responsibility of the student (Bulletin of
Information Undergraduate Studies)
2. Absence from examination: Students are requires to attend all examinations. If a
student is absent from an examination for a justifiable reason acceptable to the professor,

he or she will be given a special examination. Otherwise he or she will receive a grade of
zero or F in the examination missed. (Bulletin of Information Undergraduate Studies).
3. Excuses from class or examinations: ONLY WRITTEN EXCUSE WILL BE
ACCEPTED. If a student is absent from an examination he/she will have the opportunity
to take make-up test NO later than 5 days after group take the exam. Make-up exam will
be given by appointment.
4. Policies on electronic devices: tape recorders and other audio or video equipment are
NOT PERMITED in the class room at any time. NO CELL PHONES are allowed to be
ring during classes, neither students talking or sending messages with cell phones or other
electronic devices. The use of laptop computer during class is not allowed.
5. Cheating: All instance of cheating on examinations will be immediately
reported to the Dean of Arts and Sciences for review. There will be no exceptions to this
6. According to Law 51: Students will identify themselves with the Institution and the
instructor of the course for purposes of assessment (exams) accommodations. For mot
information please call the Student with Disabilities Office, which is part of the Dean of
Students Office (Chemistry Building, room 019) at (787) 265-3862 or (787) 832-4040 x
3250 or 3258.
Lab # 1
Lab # 2
Lab # 3
Lab # 4
Lab # 5
Lab # 6

Maps and Aerial Photos

Plate Tectonics
Igneous Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks


Lab # 7
Lab # 8
Lab # 9
Lab # 10
Lab # 11

Geologic Time
Structural Geology
Mass Movement
Stream Erosion and Deposition


*** Any information in this syllabus is subject to change. ***
Revised: August 2014

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