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Leo Lohmann. Ex-Satanist: Babies ritually aborted for devil: 'Your hands have to get bloody' WND.

Aug. 24, 2015.
WND Exclusive

Ex-Satanist: Babies ritually aborted for devil

'Your hands have to get bloody'
The word abortion was something hed only heard
once before. It was used by his mother in a whispered

By Leo Lohmann, Aug. 24, 2015

I went home and looked it up in the dictionary, and that

didnt really explain it. So I went to the library, and I
found whole books which had so much information I
couldnt grasp it all. So I went back to my coven and
asked an older guy, What is an abortion?
He said we say a spell and there is a baby in its
mothers womb and we kill it.
He remembers asking a very direct question.
Is that legal?
And he said, As long as its inside the woman, its
And with that short conversation, the teen was on his
way to a dark existence as an occult leader.
He would later become a high wizard, he said,
overseeing more than 140 ritual abortions.
Knowing a spell could kill someone inside a woman,
and thats legal, and five minutes later its illegal, I said,
This is awesome. I can do this all day long. You step
through this door and you can kill, and you step through
this other door and you go to prison. That in itself should
tell you how satanic it is, King told WND. The coven
leader called it a baby, not a lump of cells, and he said,
You kill it. They didnt call it a lump of cells.

Former Satanist wizard Zachary King converted to

Christianity in 2008.

He said he performed many of the sacrificial abortion

rituals at the clinics of a large abortion provider, but he
would not identify the provider for fear of lawsuits.

Zachary King remembers the day well. It was in 1982.

He was young, rebellious and dabbling in the occult.
But on that day, he would make the transition from
novice to the deeper things of Satan.

As a high wizard, your job was to get your hands bloody

while saying a spell, regardless of whether thats the
babys blood or the mothers blood, he said. My left
hand guided the way, and the right hand had a scalpel.
The woman never winced or anything. Both hands were
bloody. I participated in 141 abortions. I doubt my
actions actually killed any children, but I was still there.

I had just turned 14, and they told me there was going
to be a sex party in someones house and all the males
in the coven were going to sleep with this woman,
recalls King, now 47 and a pro-life activist living in

King said he was hired to be there, casting his spells, by

the abortionists.

And the purpose of the party was to get her pregnant,

and then nine months later we were going to be doing an
abortion, he said.

You have to be part of the procedure, he said. They

have hired you to perform a satanic spell and, in order
for that to happen, your hands have to get bloody.

of 10 was working in an abortion clinic managed by her

mother, a nurse.

The women knew why I was there

Seidman told Life Site her mothers descent into the

abortion culture was not motivated by the usual talking
points to save women from dangerous back-alley
abortions, or to help women in difficult situations, or
even for the money. It was a religion literally.

He said he would show up and change into his wizards

robe to perform the incantations. King explained that he
wore the same type of wizards garb seen in a music
video by female rocker Pink for her song, Just Like a
Pill. The video shows a wizard, dressed in black, his
face painted pale and wearing a black top hat, reciting a
spell behind the singer, as the scene then flips to
simulated group sex.

Seidman described the abortion clinic where her mother

worked as pervaded with occult imagery and practices.
The employees considered abortion a form of sacrifice,
and would perform the procedure as a sort of ritual. They
worshiped pagan deities embodying death, she told Life
Site News.

He said the women whose abortions he attended would

get pregnant with the intent of killing their unborn baby
as a sacrifice to Satan.

Seidman and her unborn baby fell victim to this

mentality, through an abortion that her mother
encouraged when she was a teenager, despite
Seidmans resistance.

So the women knew why I was there, King said. They

know theres a satanic ritual going on.
In 1987 (at the age of 19), I became a high wizard, and I
did my last abortion in 1997, he said. From the time I
was 14 to age 19, I did probably five of them.

Exposing the darkest corners of the abortion industry is

not the type of thing many people like to talk about, or
even think about, and it sounds so sensational that many
will deny there is a connection between the black arts
and the abortion business. Yet Seidman told the website
she believes its critical that pro-lifers acknowledge the
occultist influence and recognize it as the key to pulling
the abortion industry up by the roots.

Alveda King, a pro-life activist with Priests for Life and

the niece of slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., said she believes Kings story, because shes
heard others like it over the years. But she has no idea
how prevalent such practices may be.
Yes. Actually, Ive been aware for many years, she
said. Ive heard testimonies of post-abortive parents,
especially women. There was a witch in the hospital
when my sixth baby was born.

The occult believers are the core of the pro-abortion

movement, just as the born-again Christians are the
core of the pro-life movement, she told Life Site News.
I see no harm in striking at its heart, and informing prochoice people (particularly the well-meaning but
misguided Christians) of who and what they are truly
associating themselves with.

Zachary King, author of a forthcoming book titled

Abortion is a Satanic Sacrifice in an interview with the
Lepanto Institute, gave the reason for the rituals.
In satanism, killing something or the death of something
is the most effective way of getting your spell
accomplished, he said. As far as trying to get Satans
approval, to give you something that you want, killing
something is the best way to go. Killing something is the
ultimate offering to Satan, and if you can kill an unborn,
that is his ultimate goal.

Shades of Austin, Texas

Many pro-life activists recall the video in 2013 from the
state House in Austin, Texas, when pro-lifers were
surrounded by a group of pro-abortion activists who
could be heard on the video chanting, Hail Satan, Hail
Satan, in monotone voices.

The mixing of sex and occultist religious rituals was

propagated in the early 20th century by Aleister Crowley,
the famous English occultist, ceremonial magician, poet
and painter, Zachary King said.

And as recently as Friday, the Satanic Temple in Detroit

turned out to counter-protest a pro-life rally in front of
Planned Parenthood clinics in Detroit and Ferndale,
Michigan. They performed a ritual waterboarding by
pouring gallons of milk over the heads of two women,
saying this simulated the drowning of women in breast
milk by stripping them of their reproductive rights.

He said he left the coven but continued to practice magic

until he became a Christian and converted to
Catholicism in 2008.

The protest was meant to counter a pro-life rally, one of

more than 300 around the country Saturday calling for
the defunding of Planned Parenthood in the wake of
undercover videos showing executives talking about the
sale of baby body parts.

Not the first to describe satanic rituals

King is not the first person to testify that the abortion
industry is steeped in the occult.
In December 2010, Life Site News, a pro-life website,
published a profile of Abigail Seidman, who from the age

Mark Crutcher, founder of Life Dynamics, a pro-life

advocacy group based in Denton, Texas, said he has

been aware "since day one" that there is a darker

spiritual side to the abortion industry that goes unseen.

ritualistic abortions being conducted at clinics, but she

hasn't been able to find confirmation.

"Yes for years. We've interviewed a few people here. It

was about 1992 or 93, and we had a girl who came from
Missouri and she claimed to be involved in the same sort
of thing (that King talks about)," he said. "Women getting
pregnant with the intent to kill their babies and women
being told they could make themselves holy by offering
up their baby as a sacrifice.

"I have heard rumors, nothing I could ever verify. For

instance, at a large abortion clinic in San Diego, that
particular clinic was also a meeting place for other types
of organizations. The communists and the wiccans
would meet there. We heard rumors that there were
rituals there and in a park across from it, but we could
never verify that," she told WND. "We could verify the
meetings, so we figured if they are allowing the wiccans
to have meetings in their place, it might not be so much
of a stretch that they would have rituals."

"She described situations where they would extract

babies and do spells and satanic rituals."
The woman told Crutcher that one of the things they tell
women in the counseling sessions is, "You make your
baby holy like Jesus, because he shed his blood for you
to make your life better, and your baby can shed his
blood for you, too.

The one common denominator that links most of the

operatives in the abortion industry is a hatred of
Christianity, Sullenger said.
"A lot of these places are just money-making businesses
and that's all they care about. But we have seen a lot of
attacks on pro-lifers not just because they're pro-life but
because they're Christians," she said. "There is one
clinic (in Illinois) where they would mock Jesus, mock
the Christians and mock their faith, and it's not
something that's so unusual. We saw the same type of
thing in Reno, Nevada."

"It was really screwed up stuff," he said.

Another widespread idea among pagan feminists is that
abortion is a "sacrament," Zachary King said.
"When you take that and combine it with some women
they all breeders, where all they do is have baby after
baby after baby so they can abort them, and sometimes
it's done in private homes and sometimes in private
clinics," he said. "Usually it's legal, wherever they do it.
They usually have a team of attorneys who can say, 'You
can do this,' or, 'You can't do that.'"

Sullenger said many of the volunteer escorts at abortion

clinics hold pagan and neo-pagan beliefs.
"I've met a lot of women who volunteer as clinic escorts
who are pagans. They'll take the pro-life literature and
tear it up as they walk the woman into the clinic," she

'Rumors' hard to prove

Satanists file suit to block Missouri abortion law

The state of Missouri recently passed an "informed
consent" law requiring a 72-hour waiting period before a
woman could get an abortion. The New York-based
Satanic Temple filed a federal lawsuit in July against the
state, claiming that such a law violates their "free
exercise" of their religion, Satanism.
The pregnant woman the satanists are using to bring
their lawsuit went to the St. Louis Planned Parenthood
clinic and submitted a letter stating that her religious
beliefs in satanism require no informed consent and no
waiting period before abortion, Life Site News reported.
She demanded, on religious grounds, "to have an
abortion today now and without further review of the
[informed consent] booklet." Her letter explained her
belief that "both as a religious and a scientific matter ...
an abortion will not terminate the life of a separate,
unique, living human being."
Satanic Temple founder Doug Mesner, who goes by the
satanist name "Lucien Greaves," released a statement,
announcing the lawsuit against Gov. Jay Nixon and
Attorney General Chris Koster, claiming, "The Informed
Consent materials explicitly communicate items of

Cheryl Sullenger is a writer and senior policy

analyst for Operation Rescue
Cheryl Sullenger, senior policy adviser to Operation
Rescue, said she's heard the rumors for years about

religious opinion that directly contradict the deeply-held

beliefs of women within The Satanic Temple."

mother wishes to spare the child a painful destiny' (p.


The satanists argue that Missouri's law violates the

federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act. "The
question of when life begins is absolutely a religious
opinion, and the state has no business proselytizing
religious beliefs," the sect claims.

Crutcher said he wanted to help the young woman from

Missouri who came to his office after one of his staff
members encouraged her to make the drive.
"We were going to try to help her. This girl was so
screwed up. She'd had eight or nine abortions and had
gotten pregnant on purpose so she could have
abortions," he said.

"You see and hear that theme kind of woven

throughout," Sullenger said. "So it's very much a spiritual
battle, but we're acutely aware of that. I remember in the
old rescue days, the sit-in days where we would get
arrested sitting in front of abortion clinics. We would sit
and sing hymns, and it would just drive people crazy,
and we could see the battle between good and evil, light
and dark, just playing out right there in the streets."

The girl said the Missouri coven was 100 percent

female, but the women were overseen by a male high
"She became holy by being impregnated by this guy, and
then having an abortion where he's basically killing his
own child," Crutcher explained.

In his book, "Lime 5: Exploited by the Abortion Industry,"

Crutcher included a chapter called "Vacant Souls."

The woman confided that the coven would also kidnap

women who were pregnant.

"It's about the people who work in abortion clinics. We

do a lot of undercover stuff, so we do have a lot of
contact with these people, and I can tell you a lot of them
are screwed up," he said.

"We were going to help her, but after she left our office
we could never get a hold of her again," he said. "But
over the years, we've had a lot of these kind of stories."

"Were they normal and then got involved in the abortion

industry and got screwed up, or were they already
demented souls and that's why they ended up in the
abortion industry? I don't know," he continued. "But this
idea that you're going to create a sacrament of abortion
is pretty crazy, and you're going to make your baby holy
by making him like Jesus, you're pretty screwed up."

Crutcher said the overwhelming motivation for people

who are pro-life is a belief that God is the author of all
life and unborn babies are living human beings.
"And if you believe that, then the one who is against that
is on the other side," he said. "Ephesians tells us we
wrestle not against flesh and blood but against
principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness. I've
seen some of the most bizarre things happen. We know
we've all been under attack, and you can sense it. You
can tell when something is going on. It will go away after
a while and it will come back, but you can sense it.

'The Sacrament of Abortion'

Crutcher cited a 1992 book by Ginette Paris, a member
of the pagan religion who was very upfront about the
abortion procedure. The book's title said it all: "The
Sacrament of Abortion."

"You can't work in this every day like we do and not see
this. And not see there is a spiritual component."

The author claims that abortion is a sacred act, a

sacrifice to Artemis, known to the Romans as Diana.
This is the same Artemis whose enthusiastic supporters
the Apostle Paul encountered in Acts 19:34.

So stories like that of Abigail Seidman and Zachary King

don't sound so unbelievable after a while.
"It would be easy to dismiss it as maybe she has some
mental issues. But we've seen it time and time again,
and seen there are things that are not of a worldly
nature," Crutcher said. "Just like this guy, Zach King, it
would be very easy to blow him off as some sort of a nut

"Artemis is both a protector of wild animals and a hunter

who kills them with deadly aim. How can these
contradictory roles be found in the same female deity?"
writes Father Frank Pavone, founding director of Priests
for Life, in a 2012 article. "The view proposed in this
book is that a mother properly cares for life only if she
possesses full power over life and death. Death is
sometimes preferable. The one who can provide death,
in order that one may escape an unfriendly life, is really
loving the one who is being killed.

Satanists no longer 'hiding'

Zachary King said satanism, in the same way abortion
and homosexual rights activists have mainstreamed their
ideas, is unveiling its true agenda in increments.

"Abortion, then, is seen as 'an expression of maternal

responsibility and not a failure of maternal love' (p.8).
'Artemis stands for the refusal to give life if the gift is not
pure and untainted. ... As Artemis might kill a wounded
animal rather than allow it to limp along miserably, so a

"It's becoming more popular, because, remember, Satan

has removed himself from the picture in many respects,
trying to prove he doesn't exist," he said. "So many

people think of Satan as this character the church

invented to keep people in line, and then you look at
everything else that's ramped up.

opposing false medicine. It is the true Church in conflict

with a false Church. One former clinic security guard,
after being converted, admitted why he was angry at
pro-life sidewalk counselors: 'You were coming to protest
in front of our church. That clinic was where we
conducted our worship.'"

"I'm old enough to know that the American Psychological

Association said for years homosexuality was a mental
disorder. Then they said it's OK to think those thoughts,
but you can't act on them. Then it was OK for you to act
on them in your own bedroom. Then they got to the point
where they were having public kiss-ins, and that all
moved us toward where we are now with the Supreme
Court ruling it's not only not a psychological issue but it's
no different than heterosexual sex and, therefore, legal
to marry."

Read Between the Lines
This *** is nothing to be messed with. I call for a covering
of us here in the blood of Jesus Christ!
LogosAletheia 6 minutes ago
It is indeed sickening. It is the old pagan rituals being
carried on in 21st century America, with the approval of
the government. Activities such as these defile the land,
and at some point, historically the land "vomits out" the
people. (Leviticus 18) It won't be pretty when that
happens to America.

It's the same with abortion and satanism, King said.

"At Yale last year, we had an attempted black mass.
Then in Oklahoma we had an actual black mass.
"Now they're talking about establishing actual satanic
churches out in the open.

LogosAletheia 2 minutes ago

God's wrath is well deserved for this land.

"Everything satanic is coming out in the open, they're not

denying it anymore. They're not hiding it in the basement
and out in the woods anymore," King said. "It's just out in
the open like everything else."

lelandpc 20 minutes ago

Makes me sick just thinking about it.
Ron 22 minutes ago
Praise the Lord that he converted! He is sharing
information that many will think is crazy... There is
nothing crazy about Satan and spiritual warfare - he is
real, and the threat to this man is not from lawyers - it is
from Satan and his demons. In the end "every knee will
bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord"!

Crutcher said it's important for Christians to remember

that "greater is He that is in you than he that is in the
"When you look at the devastation that has been racked
on the people inside the abortion industry, you look in
their eyes and there's nothing there," he said. "They can
sit there and just kind of laugh about seeing these
babies plop out of these women and land on the floor."

LogosAletheia 4 minutes ago

Just shows that God is powerful enough to take
someone like Mr. King out of the kingdom of darkness
and transfer them to the kingdom of heaven through
Jesus Christ. Some people think the gospel has no
power, but it is the power of God unto salvation.

He recently interviewed three abortion clinic employees

in Houston who did just that laughed.
"It is weird to sit across from these people and see just
how vacant their souls are," Crutcher said.

David Prentice 23 minutes ago

Obama knows and understands this. When he said:
'God bless Planned Parenthood', he was talking about
his true god, Lucifer.

"But as despicable as I find these people who work in

these clinics, I have to step back and see that I feel sorry
for them, because these people live in hell right here on
earth," he said. "They see things you and I cannot
imagine, and as despicable as I find them, in one sense
you feel sorry for them."

ET 23 minutes ago
Satan = Barrack Obama
Satanists = Democrat National Committee
Imbeciles = All Democrats

But it's impossible to over-estimate how much someone

will endure for their religion.

notme123 25 minutes ago

and organizations like planned parenthood sacrifice
babies to their

The fact that some defend abortion as a sacred act

should alert us to the depth of the spiritual warfare that is
going on, says Father Pavone of Priests for Life.

A. Jamie Saris an hour ago

Combine a dash of Harry Potter, some pop music, a
whole of of re-readings of the Left Behind series, then
deny you brain oxygen for about 4:30. The article just
might make sense after that.

"Abortion has never been merely or even primarily a

political issue. It is a false religion," he writes. "When
pro-life Christians, for example, pray in front of an
abortion mill, it is not simply a matter of pro-life people

Tandoori-turkey an hour ago

I've only gotten half way through this article and have
already found too many fishy elements. First of all, why
wouldn't the guy disclose the name of the abortion clinic
where the rituals took place... It says he worries about
lawsuits... But there's nothing to worry about if he's
telling the truth. And I seriously doubt you would ever
find a 10year old helping out at an abortion clinic... Or
any clinic! I'm sure there are more holes and
inconsistencies, but needed to vent my frustration about
the first half before I continue.

Most Germans didn't know the holocaust was
happening, and those who did, weren't doing it to serve
God. But I agree that the death penalty should be
abolished to avoid innocent deaths.
Dawg_em an hour ago
There's no excuse. You may as well say most Americans
don't know what is involved in an abotion. They don't
want to know and not knowing is not an excuse.
Bitter Clinger an hour ago
Incredible how deeply evil has taken root in a nation
founded on God's principles.

Leo Hohmann an hour ago

You are totally incorrect that he would have "nothing to
worry about." They would sue him in a heartbeat. And
how would he provide evidence at this point 20 years
later? Look how PP has gone after the Medical Progress
group in the wake of their videos?

Dawg_em an hour ago

This has been a fact for some time. I've seen the evil
and emptiness simultaneously. Sometimes it comes off
as insanity, but it isn't. It's pure evil. For those who think
praying outside abortuaries doesn't work, think again.

Ralphx 43 minutes ago

Perhaps that's because the Medical Progress people are
inventing stories just as this guy is doing?

MyOpinionPost an hour ago

But it's a brave new world, GMO people will be here

Dawg_em an hour ago

Some folks simply feel the need to deny, deny, deny.
Truth is often painful, but it's the truth nonetheless.

AlanWH 2 hours ago

"The Thief or Enemy(satan) comes but to Steal, KILL
and Destroy. I AM(YAHSHUA/JESUS) Come that they
might have LIFE and LIFE Abundantly." John 10:10

Dawg_em an hour ago

You have no idea what goes on in the real world, so you
find this incredible. I'm not surprised. As to lawsuits; he
obviously knows how they go about their sacrifices and it
certainly would be difficult for him to prove. Also, why
would it be surpising to you that feminists and
abortionists would want to raise their children in such an

NeedCrusaders 2 hours ago

There is no difference between what these satanists
have/are doing and what happens everyday around the
USA at Planned Parenthood offices.
Chester McGurdy 3 hours ago
You won't find Satanists in any Muslim nations. When
they finally take over you can wave by by to all atheists,
satanists, pagans, wiiccans, etc etc.

Ralphx 27 minutes ago

...he obviously knows how they go about their sacrifices
Yes, and JK Rowling obviously knew how wizards do
magic. He spins a good story, and knows his audience.
That's all it takes.

RCHhouseofgod an hour ago

AND Christians as well!

Tandoori-turkey 35 minutes ago

Have you actually seen any of these rituals, or is this just

Carrie an hour ago

We need the return of Christian soldiers they won the
last great battle and they're why Christianity is being
attacked today...its fear.

gene4791 an hour ago

If you need any reason to believe how the world is
changing so rapidly? In the past, Satanists hid in the
"shadows". Now they are right out in the open protesting
against the Christians and the Prolifers chanting "Hail
Satan" at demonstrations. In the near future, there will
be a "new christianity" and the Born Again
Fundamentalist Christians will continue to be
marginalized and then labeled as Terrorists, Hate
Mongers, a danger to society. The same will happen to
religious Jews. You will be put in jail and eventually
killed. And the people doing it will actually believe (Just
like the Holocaust) that they are serving God while they
are killing you.

NeedCrusaders 2 hours ago

You must be mistaken. All Muslims nations are run by
Satan and his minions.
Carrie 40 minutes ago
Christian soldiers beat their satanic tails and its coming
to this once again, there's nothing new under the sun.
Fenderman52 3 hours ago
Yeah muslimes always try to maintain a monopoly on
Brosky 3 hours ago
Excellent article thanks Leo!

Tandoori-turkey an hour ago

frawgeyz 3 hours ago

Correction Mr. Homann, the reference to Paul's
encounter with the followers of Diana (Artemus) is Acts
19:34 not Acts 34:19.

Dawg_em an hour ago

Not so sure about that. They have not been baptized.
We can believe His mercy will protect them, but lest we
believe like the Satanists, that sacrificing them is like the
sacrifice of Jesus, we go down a dangerous path.

OkBluzMan79 3 hours ago

If this worthless hack site ever ran anything even
remotely resembling the truth, I know Jesus Christ would
appear in the Eastern sky.

frawgeyz 3 hours ago

Amen it is true!
Deborah Mc Taggart 7 hours ago
This is obviously bogus. Satanists don't have "covens"
and most Satanists are actually atheists who don't
worship anyone OR believe in magic. And, while one can
be a witch and a Satanist, one can definitely be either-or.
I've known several Satanists and loads of witches. None
of them have any interest in abortions or killing babies.
We atheists joke about eating babies all the time, but
that's merely because some nuts out there still believe
that kind of lunacy. And that's just what all this is, lunacy.
There has NEVER been one substantiated claim of
human sacrifice by any "Satanic" group EVER. (That
means proven by empirical evidence folks, not just
subjective stories that could be figments of imaginations
or even mental illness.)

RCHhouseofgod an hour ago

Even if you refuse to believe they'er Satanist; how in the
name of anything holy could anyone rip a baby from the
womb of another human being in the name of good or
bad, and say that is something good happening. As long
as it isn't your life, no problem, as long as it isn't affecting
you, no problem. The rpobem is, it affects all of us in
ways we can't calculate, we better wake up.
Dawg_em an hour ago
So, son of the father of lies, tell us what the truth is if you
Mex Seiko 4 hours ago
While I believe abortion is indeed satanic, this story
needs more evidence than this man's account. If he
alone performed 141, there should be at least five
confirmations by the mothers. Otherwise, this is
nonsense and degrades WND to rag.

Dawg_em an hour ago

So you admit you are a bunch of liars. You claim things
you don't actually believe; and you say Satanists (Satan
is an angel, therefore a spirit) don't believe in Satan. So
you all lie, and we're supposed to believe you now as
you admit you lie.

Reg Cheeseman 4 hours ago

If Satanists aren't scared of Divine Judgment, why would
they worry about what is legal and illegal?

Beth H an hour ago

Depends on which form of Satanism one holds to. "Devil
Worship" or theistic Satanism is not the same as
atheistic Satanism (Church of Satan, headed by Magus
Peter Gilmore, and/or The Satanic Temple, Lucien
Greaves' organization, being 2 of the more well known
Theistic Satanist, is based in the Judeo-Christian
theological and metaphysical canon, involves the
Abrahamic sense of God and Satan. There are
variations depending on cultural differences (ie, Djinn
within Islamic ideology) but way beyond my point. Just
as there are various individual beliefs within Christianity
so to with Theistic Satanism.
Atheistic Satanism, on the other hand, utilizes Satan as
a symbol that champions individuality, liberty and
embracing life in the here and now,,,. A Satanist does not
worship or believe in the devil or in any other mythical
beings. Instead, Satan is viewed as a major symbol that
celebrates mans carnal nature to indulge in things that
might otherwise be labeled as sinful. [Alder Strauss]
So which form or Satanism is being referred too?

frawgeyz 3 hours ago

They are scared off man's judgment and not God's.
Leo Hohmann an hour ago
Exactly. They don't like jail.
frawgeyz an hour ago
They would do better to fear the One ho is able to
destroy them with"..... the brightness of His coming."
CMY 7 hours ago
We rebuke satin and all his practices...these are
criminally insane people working and preforming
abortions. Holy father please help us stop these murders
and murderers.
Dawg_em an hour ago
A hearty AMEN to your prayer.
Joe McCarthy was right 7 hours ago
The good news is Jesus is coming back

Deborah Mc Taggart an hour ago

The majority don't believe in Satan. Instead of flinging
insults, why don't you google it? Most Satanists are
atheists. Instead of claiming I'm wrong, why don't you
prove it?

Conservative3446 6 hours ago

It's also 'good news' that the souls of these tiny, lost
infants are returned to the Father when butchers in these
slaughter houses have destroyed the body.

Leo Hohmann an hour ago

I expect there will be no shortage of apologists and selfproclaimed "experts" in Satanism who will rush in to
mock, but I stand by this story. The man is legit and his
story corroborates many other similar stories.

happen. (Hint: personal stories aren't empirical

evidence!) If he told you he also saw aliens come in and
eat aborted fetuses, would you believe that too?
JackerRaabit 4 hours ago
Of course. Because late-term abortion is JUST as
fantastic as aliens. Do I straight-out 'believe' him? No. Is
what he says BELIEVABLE? Yes. For the simple reason
that abortion is a believable. In short, his claim is not

Ralphx an hour ago

No, his story is *similar* to other wild tales of Satanic
rituals. There are no actual facts here to "corroborate"
Beth H an hour ago
Sources with documentation of said stories. Mick
Warnke, Jack Chic and Bob Larson dont count.

Deborah Mc Taggart 4 hours ago

I didn't say late-term abortions are fantastic, I said that
no one does them as a ritual sacrifice. Precision is
important in a genuine dialogue, so please be precise in
replying to my words.
And, it's believable to think that ANYONE in a medical
situation would allow someone to run around in strange
robes chanting incantations in the corner and playing in
bio-hazard material (blood)? Absolutely not. It's right out
of a B horror flick from the 1970's. And those weren't
believable either.

Deborah Mc Taggart an hour ago

The same was said about those spreading stories about
satanic abuse and sacrifice in the '70s and '80s. Those
were all false claims. This is proven fact.
The people who made those claims had ulterior motives
and I suspect this fellow does too.
frankie"da scarf" 2 hours ago
Are you also gay?.....

Dawg_em an hour ago

So Josef Mengele was simply a doctor who didn't do
evil. Hmm, so which is it? Can doctors be evil or not?

Tandoori-turkey 2 minutes ago

What is it about the gays with you people? I fail to see
the connection between gays and satanic abortions... I
am gay, and no- I've never taken part in a satanic
abortion ritual...Is it possible that you think about gay
people more than I?

Deborah Mc Taggart an hour ago

I said that he was a sadistic freak. What do you think
that means? Dr. Shipman (UK) is considered the most
prolific serial killer in known history. Also probably a
sociopath. That doesn't mean there was some dude in a
robe making incantations in an operating theater. The
two are not related.

Deborah Mc Taggart frankie"da scarf" 2 hours ago

JackerRaabit 5 hours ago
"There has NEVER been one substantiated claim of
human sacrifice by any "Satanic" group EVER." Wow.
You Atheists really are so... amazingly oblivious. Did you
somehow MISS the whole abort-a-baby-just-before-birth
as-a-way-to-LEGALLY-commit THE SACRIFICE OF A
BABY?! Did you? Oh, right. That wasn't really 'murder',
because for Atheists, judges have the POWER REDEFINE REALITY ITSELF...Atheist mind-trick: "This is
not the baby you are looking for... so I'm gonna KILL IT
you Atheists are ever so surprised when people treat you
with raw contempt...
"...We atheists joke about eating babies all the time..."
But of course... It is now scientific fact that all things said
by all Atheists are telepathically understandable, and all
who hear, know when they ~=really=~ mean what they
say. In related news, the legal system was changed so
that NO verbal statements (by any Atheist) may be used
for anything ever. Unless those Atheists speaking like,
you know, ~=really=~ mean it. Seriously?!

JackerRaabit 4 hours ago

0. Here is a question to consider: "Would Charles
Manson Do It?"
Unless you are now going to argue that no one else bad
has ever, and will ever, exist? You are, aren't you.
1. "Satanists file suit to block Missouri abortion law" Why
the special interest from them? Mmmm. What would it
take? Actual videos? Oh, right, ONLY non-secret videos
are allowed, aren't they? Right...
2. "I said that no one does them as a ritual sacrifice."
People who were there, and not just this one dude, say
one thing. You were not. And you say another. More to
the point: you made an unequivocal statement. Prove it.
After all: "Precision is important in a genuine dialogue,
so please be precise in replying to my words."
3. "And, it's believable to think that ANYONE in a
medical situation would allow someone to run around in
strange robes chanting incantations in the corner and
playing in bio-hazard material (blood)? Absolutely not."
"Absolutely" not, hey? You have just 'proven' that there is
no such thing as a messy murder. Clearly, there never
have been. Just pull out a latex glove, and Presto!,
nothing bad can happen! Yay! 'Cause "medical" is like
"magical", dude. = You are not 'precise', and you are not
'logical'. What you are, is idiotically naive. Or a shill for
the abortion INDUSTRY (which we now have 'proof'
actually does exist in the fully negative way...)

Deborah Mc Taggart 4 hours ago

LOL wow, holy hyperbole Batman! No one performs lateterm abortions as ritual sacrifices. This guy is either
delusional or just a run-of-the-mill liar. Proof, or it didn't

Like I said. You are neither precise, nor are you logical.
What is rather bothersome, is that you actually seem to
think that to you are... oh well, can't reason with stupid.

Deborah Mc Taggart 4 hours ago

0. Charles Manson has nothing to do with it. Non
1. Most Satanists are atheists and freethinkers, who are
overwhelmingly in favour of choice and the separation of
church and state. Has nothing to do with rituals. If laws
like that were being proposed here, I'd fight them as
2. IF that guy was ever in an abortion facility, he most
certainly has not seen a ritual nor does he know much
about Satanists or the occult. His terminology is all
As for the other "witnesses", in the 1970's and 1980's, all
kinds of people claimed there was satanic ritual abuse
going on in daycares all over the US or in foster homes.
None of those claims were ever proven, even though
some people claimed to have been witnesses. It was
often found that the "witnesses" had ulterior motives for
Just because someone says something, doesn't make it
3. Again, non sequitur. My point was that a medical
facility would not allow someone near a medical
procedure in non-sterile attire. Whether or not an
abortion is "messy" is not the point. Allowing nonmedical personnel into that environment and to come
into contact with biological materials is a malpractice and
legal liability that would not be allowed, especially
somewhere like PP that is often under scrutiny. So, your
arguments don't really hold water I'm afraid. The idea of
some robed Devil-worshiper making incantations in the
corner of an operating theater is still ludicrous.
see more

Deborah Mc Taggart 3 hours ago

I've studied Manson. He isn't, nor wasn't a Satanist. He
loves being provocative, but most of all, he was trying to
incite a race war. He also never killed any of the
"Family's" victims personally, so no, he would not get
involved himself. His M.O. was to manipulate others into
doing what he wanted. I told you, I know Satanists, I'm
familiar with the main active organizations and I've read
their materials. That's how I know most are atheists and
freethinkers. You know, research and stuff. I've also
studied Mengele. While he was a sadistic freak, he was
a scientist and did in fact practice proper medical and
sterile protocols, otherwise his warped experiments
would have had no value. While HE might enjoyed the
pure sadism of them, the Nazis were not so indulgent. If
he didn't justify the use of resources and requiring the
continued care and upkeep for his surviving "patients"
they would have pulled he plug on him. Indeed that WAS
my point. I'm sorry but you don't get to dictate what I was
trying to say. You can critique me and say I wasn't clear,
but to say I wasn't making the point I was making,
especially after I clarified it for you, is just silly. However,
since you have now had to resort to the ad hominem, I
can conclude that you don't have an actual rebuttal.
JackerRaabit 3 hours ago
"I've studied Manson. He isn't, nor wasn't a Satanist."
Good grief. I didn't say he was. NOT THE POINT!
"While he was a sadistic freak, he was a scientist and
did in fact practice proper medical and sterile protocol..."
NOT THE POINT, AGAIN!! "...and sterile protocols,
otherwise his warped experiments would have had no
value." Sigh... Dumb as a post... "...I'm sorry but you
don't get to dictate what I was trying to say..." That is
true. HOWEVER. If you mean (inside your head) one
thing, AND THEN GO AND SAY (outside of your head)
ANOTHER... Do you get it, yet? "However, since you
have now had to resort to the ad hominem, I can
conclude that you don't have an actual rebuttal." Your
lack of both 'precision' and 'logic', IS the real problem,
Smokey The Bear.

JackerRaabit 3 hours ago

Your said: "0. Charles Manson has nothing to do with it.
Non sequitur." After saying: "I said that no one does
them as a ritual sacrifice." You mean Charles Manson
would (hypothetically) not dress up, and abort a baby? If
you are going to use big words, perhaps you should
understand what they mean, first...
"...Most Satanists are atheists and freethinkers..."
They are? Really? And how do you know this? And I do
LOVE the way you ignore the meaning inherent in
CHOOSING to be, in public, a --==Satanist==--. Its not
like choosing to be, say, a florist.
"...My point was that a medical facility would not allow
someone near a medical procedure in non-sterile
Again, if you are going to use them big words, perhaps
you should understand them..
Josef Mengele. Oh, and that was NOT your point.
Perhaps you should try to understand what you own
words say. I know you Atheist have this thing about
being magically linked to the Truth-Field (like the Flash),
but that really IS a delusion...

Deborah Mc Taggart 3 hours ago

Ok then, please enlighten me to what actually WAS your
point. You asked me if Manson would dress up and abort
a baby. I said no and explained why. You're not being
very clear as to what you're trying to say. I'm not dumb, I
am not getting YOU, so that might not entirely be my
issue. I'm going by your actual words and not whatever
subtle meaning you're not saying very clearly. The ad
hominems don't help with the clarity I'm afraid.
JackerRaabit Deborah Mc Taggart 15 minutes ago
This is the heart of the problem, right there.
"You asked me if Manson would dress up and abort a
baby. I said no and explained why."
No, said -=hypothetically=-.
Then, its a matter of context.

As for the rest: go back and read. I am no mood to play

this corrupt game where the atheist pretends to, like,
really not understand, and so its all your fault for not
MAKING them understand, and you -=must=-, like try
over and over to to make it 'clear', 'cause the liddle
atheist don' understan' nuttin.

topic. I have been pregnant 5 times the first lost to

abortion the second born and raised and is now 21 the
third born and given to adoption the forth a miscarriage
at 4 1/2 months. the fifth born while living in a homeless
shelter and is only 4 now and in my care as long as god
see's fit. so please your thinking just because you chase
information you know all about what you think you are
talking about. you don't for ONLY one who believes in
the things they look for will find them.

Mekisha Mohler 5 hours ago

You are making it very clear by your reverent refusal to
claim any truth to this STORY , That this practice is
happening, and by trying to say all the testimony by all
the people in this post is as you said "not just subjective
stories that could be figments of imaginations or even
mental illness." proves you would do anything to rebuke
there statements shows you are the lunatic that not only
believes that kind of lunacy but practices it. I gave up my
first unborn in San Diego and I know without a doubt this
is happening just the way it is explained. I know all about
the spirit world and you my dear are a bold faced lair.
most likely two have been through this sacrament of
abortion. many times. YOUR PICTURE SAYS IT ALL
you look ready for ritual sacrifice.

Deborah Mc Taggart 3 hours ago

I am genuinely sorry for your losses. However, not
having been pregnant does not negate my opinions
about this topic. If a woman wishes to have an abortion, I
support her right to make that decision. If a woman
wants to have a baby, I support her right to make that
decision too. I support CHOICE and I do what I can to
promote that wherever possible. Forcing women to
gestate creates far more problems than it solves.
Dawg_em an hour ago
What about the decision of the unborn woman?

W Macallit 2 hours ago

I agree.

Deborah Mc Taggart an hour ago

Being that a woman is a mature adult female, there can
be no such entity. Would you like to try that again with
less hyperbolic terminology?

Deborah Mc Taggart 2 hours ago

LOL please feel free to read my rebuttal below. :)

Mekisha Mohler 3 hours ago

and by the way I don't care if you believe me or not.
because you don't seam to even believe in yourself if
you only show a avatar. and make fun of the holy lands
people . you seem to be the perfect liar for there is no
truth in you.

Deborah Mc Taggart 4 hours ago

LOL I tried witchcraft (it's fake, there's no such thing as
magic) and I spent nearly four years with scientific
equipment searching for ghosts and "spirits". (those
don't exist either). That's not me in the picture either, it's
an avatar I made. It's also meant to make fun of Islam, it
has nothing to do with witches, which you would know if
you actually had anything to do with the occult. Never
been pregnant either, so there's that delusion out the
window too. Nope, I actually base my conclusions on
real evidence, not hyperbole and conjecture. So, did
they put on fancy robes, burn incense and do some
chanting when you had your abortion? What did they
chant, and what did the robes look like? If you can
describe something that actually exists, I might believe

Deborah Mc Taggart 3 hours ago

I believe in myself very much actually. What you are
seeing is my Facebook profile pic. However, my actual
picture is all over the account. Feel free to look it up if
you want, it's public. And yes, I make fun of Islam and
every other religion out there, because I think they are
harmful and deserve ridicule. Notice I said the *religions*
not the people. There IS a difference. People deserve
respect, religion and ideologies do not. In fact, I am ALL
about truth. That's why I am an atheist, there is no truth
in religion. You can prove reality, you cannot prove

Mekisha Mohler 3 hours ago

Romans 12:1New International Version (NIV) A Living
Sacrifice 12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters,
in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as a living
sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Godthis is your true and
proper worship.

Mekisha Mohler 3 hours ago

I was put under for the abortion but I did feel in my
heart it was a sacrifice and yes i felt i was saving my
child from this god forsaken world. i love my God the
creator of both life and death and of all things since 5
years old and i have know spirits and seen real
paranormal activity. so you can try and disprove it all you
want with your non-belief . But i know spells don't have
to be spoken they can be a mental thought, and how you
dress don't matter as well.

Deborah Mc Taggart 3 hours ago

Ok what does that have to do with the discussion?
Mekisha Mohler 3 hours ago
And if you have never been pregnant you have no right
or idea what it feels like as a mother or soon to be
mother, to sacrifice by abortion or give birth to NOT LIFE
to(only GOD can give life) and raise a child and the
sacrifice that comes with that. you are ignorant to the

Deborah McTaggart 3 hours ago

I was a devout Christian for years and thought I could
feel the Holy Spirit many times. Turns out I was wrong. I


can make myself feel that way whenever I want to. And
when I thought it was God, I REALLY wanted to feel it. I
also thought I have seen paranormal activity. I've been
to some of the most "haunted" places in North America. I
WANTED to believe it very badly, but it simply does not
hold up under scientific scrutiny. There is no compelling
evidence of any spirits or "spirit world" or anything
paranormal. "We can't explain it" is not evidence of

I certainly don't think so. PP isn't about abortions, they

just happen to provide them as well. Where I live,
hospitals provide abortions, they are funded by the
government and we have no restrictions on them. Guess
what? No one has ever reported a bunch of Satanists
trying to have a ritual. You'd think we'd be the perfect
place for that, wouldn't you?
see more
Socrates15 7 hours ago
Practiced magick at age 10, went to a sex party at age
14, performed abortions between age 14-19, and
became a high priest at 19? Has it ever occurred to any
of you it may be his flight of imagination? What makes
him different from Mike Warnke, who was exposed as a
fraud and a con man?

W Macallit 2 hours ago

You were never a devout Christian; you were Luke
Deborah McTaggart 2 hours ago
That is what we call the "No True Scotsman" logical
fallacy. It is not a valid argument. Not ever knowing me,
how could you possibly comment on the veracity of my
faith at the time?

Dawg_em an hour ago

You base this opinion on...what exactly?

Carol Benson 6 hours ago

And you know all this--how? I used to be pro-abortion
although I never had or needed one. But over the years
as abortion horror stories proved true, I changed my
mind. I am now anti-abortion, period (no pun intended).
The PP expose is true & documented, yet until these
ghastly videos aired, no one would believe it. The worse
the stories the easier to dismiss them. That's why people
refuse to consider them.! what if only ONE of all these
stories is true? Would you be okay with that?

Socrates15 7 hours ago

And did you know that he's a confirmed Catholic, calls
the Protestant version "made-up", claims to have raised
people from the dead, and advises carrying around a
bottle of Holy Water to sprinkle on yourself against
demonic spirits that might be sneaking around you?
Dawg_em an hour ago
You have no idea what the Catholic Church is about. He
exposes this Satanic evil and you have to disresepct his
religious beliefs. Typical heretic.

Deborah Mc Taggart 4 hours ago

I tried witchcraft for a while, I've studied it. I've studied
Satanism. I know witches and Satanists. What is
reported in that story is utterly ridiculous. Not even the
few Satanists that actually believe in Satan are into
human sacrifice. That has never been proven to exist,
even with the FBI trying to uncover such things for
decades. I've attended lectures given by police officers
and detectives who corroborate this as well.
The PP videos are also bogus and investigations have
cleared hem of any wrongdoing. I have spent a great
deal of time studying the anti-abortion stuff put out over
the years and I have yet to see any that is credible. They
use pictures of fetuses that were not actually aborted
and claim they were, the use pictures of embryos and
fetuses that are not at the gestational ages they claim
them to be, they give out inaccurate medical information,
and they use whatever emotional manipulation they can
to further their agenda. If someone is against abortion
that's fine, but don't lie about it and present false
information to people to manipulate them.
If one of those things actually happened, is that a good
enough reason to remove medical care from thousands
of women who need it by trying to shut PP down? I'm
talking gynecological exams, pap smears, STD testing
and treatment, providing affordable contraception,
treatment for things like endometriosis and PCOS?
Should all those women be denied medical care
because of the possibility that there MIGHT be
something going on you don't like?

Judy007 5 hours ago

Oh my LORD! I'm really out of the loop. Very Benny
Fenderman52 3 hours ago
Benny Hinn is demon possessed.
Carol Benson 5 hours ago
And so he has to be a con man. Would you dismiss him
if only ONE story is true?
MANNY 7 hours ago
Apparently no trolls willing to infect this discussion or any
of the other irrefutable major stories. Hmmm, I wonder
The Fox 8 hours ago
Sad to say all abortion is of satan and one of the things
God says He will judge a nation for Lev 18, along with
accepting homosexuality as being normal and destroying
the family so that the children can be indoctrinated into
being good little sheeple robots for the government, this
nation soon going down and sad to say no militia on
earth will change the outcome because of the things the
people have done so they could kick God out of their
lives, bad mistake to turn a persons back on God, He
doesn't take it lightly.
jeffrey melton 8 hours ago


Liberal, atheists or Democrats , what difference does it

really make what you call them. The taking of human life
is sinful. Democrats rationalize abortion by calling the
babies, bundles of cells not yet human. They are all the
same to me.

Carol Benson jeffrey melton 5 hours ago

All life is precious, animals, humans, etc.



Carol Benson airstart 5 hours ago

Apparently that is okay with all these enlightened people.



Nicholas Landholdt 8 hours ago

When We the Sheeple become We the People again
and take back the country via our state militias, then we
can punish those who murdered babies as well as those
who help make it possible -- the Money Lenders, the
traitors in Congress and preachers who were silent in
helping keep the Sheeple ignorant.



Fred762 airstart 7 hours ago

Thou shalt not cause the children to pass thru the fires of
'Vengeance is mine', saith The Lord.."I will repay.."



airstart 8 hours ago

I've posted comments repeatedly equating abortion with
ancient forms of pagan worship. Many ancient religious
practices like Baal, and Moloech worship practiced child
sacrifice. In the days of Israel's king Ahab, and queen
Jezebel, they would heat a large bronze statue of
Moloech cherry red while the child was inside. Now days
they just dissect a live, aborted baby.



Cadasilva 8 hours ago

This article is very telling. We can now see that Hillary
Clinton who has already admitted to talking to the spirit
of a dead person but also admitted her support for this
Luciferian organization AFTER they have been so
openly exposed is in fact under the tutorial of the Enemy
of God himself. We also know Nancy Pelosi and a team


of other politicians are also truly wicked to the core. The

difference with Clinton is, she wants to be the ruler of
this Nation!!!



Carol Benson RJLigier 5 hours ago

Interesting--gays, et al, account for a very small percent
of the US yet the more outrageous & obnoxious they
are, the more they run everyone's lives. How did that
happen? Next winner: NAMBLA, pedophiles, sex
(marriage) with animals...then cannibalism & necrophilia.
What comes after that?


The Fox Cadasilva 8 hours ago
Over Hitlers dead body as he will never give up his
power to anyone in the U.S. he has become a dictator by
bypassing with the Congress when they disagree with
him, soon to declare marshal law in the U.S. with his
civilian army armed to the teeth.


The Fox RJLigier 8 hours ago
Most mass murderers are left wing demon-rats who
have no respect of any human life.



RJLigier Cadasilva 8 hours ago

All the crazy 2-3%ers want to rule the world........pick any
one of the mass murdering 2-3%er sociopaths of the
20th century........



Carol Benson The Fox 5 hours ago

Black lives matter--unless they are unborn babies.




abortion and aliens i have provided some research

starting points...please investigate for yourself. And
remember, there are going to be more and more stories
of murder (abortion) and aliens in the media. It is in
preparation for the great deception your Bible tells you,
VIA Jesus, is going to be imminent.



RJLigier 8 hours ago

HIstory repeats itself.........the same pagan 2-3%er
national socialists/communists in federal government
and media aiding and abetting the same sadistic 2-3%er
Mengele type behavior...........crazy 2-3%ers in Planned



frawgeyz in cognito 3 hours ago

" The phrase "nothing new under the sun" reverts back
to the mystery religions of Sun worship".
I find this quite interesting! Thanks and great post. All tat
The great deception is approaching quickly. May I quote
you to one who believes in one of the lies (aliens) you



in cognito 8 hours ago

Read my posts people! Do your research. Abortion IS IN
(by law of man) TO MOCK GOD. To all of you Satanists
who may read this, or know Satanists, or have heard
Satanists say, or read small "testaments" that say
Satanists don't believe in a Satan, but rather the thought
of a Satan and what it stands for as just about being a
human (secular humanism) and that man is his own god
(remember the temptation in the garden..."ye shall be as
gods" Genesis 3:4&5. Satan offers veiled (lie)
everlasting life by saying "ye shall not surely die......and
ye shall be as gods.") are being fooled if you believe
that. Satan revels in the thought of you being misguided
as you say he doesn't exist except as an imaginative
being meant to interpret mankind. If you are careful and
ask God to guide you in your research, things will be
revealed to you. Maybe even things you've seen or read
a thousand times. Satan has a pattern. That pattern
repeats and repeats and repeats (you know the saying
"history repeats itself) because Satan is unoriginal and
uses the same pitfalls for all mankind. The phrase
"nothing new under the sun" reverts back to the mystery
religions of Sun also shows the lack of
originality..........Satan is not original, which is why he
wants to be "like" the Most High. On every story about

Carol Benson in cognito 5 hours ago

Satan is the Father of Lies.




rickc 9 hours ago

Jesus is pro life and Satan is pro choice. All of those
working in the abortion clinics are Satainic worshipers,
any woman that murders her own child is demon
possessed. Satan is a liar and a murderer, the
Demoncratic party are his strongest supporters , they
Remember the Democrats kicked and booed GOD out of
their convention .



DustyFae 8 hours ago

And Jesus is right.. wide the road to eternal death ...
Pro=Choice is right about NO ONE should tell you what
to do to your body, like may be vaccines and harm that
come to your body, But l do not agree with abortions
because that is another body inside of you, who gave
you the right to take the rights away from that unborn
body inside of you ? Where is that Baby's rights?
Pro=Choice people wanting their rights but can not see
the rights of another's body, This has nothing to do with
Christianity as much as it does with the rights of all
bodies ,even and especially a unborn baby's rights.
Christians are their voices and that is why we speak up
against abortions, what about the rights of that baby ?
They have the right to be born . You may think aborting
that baby will hide your sins BUT GOD KNOWS ABOUT



Nicholas Landholdt rickc 8 hours ago

You've fallen into the error of calling murder a "choice".
There is no such thing as pro-choice to murder an
innocent baby who is only guilty of Original Sin.



Carol Benson DustyFae 5 hours ago

Too bad an unborn child can't vote....



lieberalschism 9 hours ago

There is a certain place in hell for people who would kill
babies and children, there is a definite and infinite place
in heaven for the souls of the babies and children that
these twisted minds kill.




keepyourpower Ngorgh 8 hours ago
What, or who, gave Obama the right to use a drone, to
kill a 16 year old US Citizen, while he ate his lunch, in an
outdoor cafe'? He got away with it....and I wonder how
many more he has killed? And the Clintons...there is said
to be 54 deaths, under their belts, and some rapes.
Those Dem politicians will do anything to keep their
power...whether it be to run a country into the ground...or
to commit murder, and rape. But try to tell a family
member (Dem) these things, and they put their hands,
over their ears, and tell you to leave. Yeah...they do!



Phineas 9 hours ago

Duh! A real no brainer! Attention: PAGAN reprobates and
ALL dumbed-down so-called sleeping Christians Psssst! Satan is REAL and is a murderer. The father of
LIES. He promotes MURDER, encourages it, pushes it
24-7. This world is his playground. He influences politics
and twists and deludes the minds of many. Doubt this?
Just examine demoncrat social policy.



Edsword 9 hours ago

Satan is real, this article was so dark, I just couldn't read
it all. I have always known Satanism and abortions were
linked though. Disgusting.



Ngorgh 9 hours ago

What give any person the right to murder another
individual? Now what gives them the right to murder one
that is completely innocent and has committed NO
2 wrongs do not and never will make a right... they just
Just because you don't want the person inside of you
In today's society you can put it up for adoption or get
But because you put the Lusts of your Flesh above
everything else does not give you the right to destroy
what GOD created.



B K 9 hours ago
"The occult believers are the core of
the pro-abortion movement, just as the born-again


core of the pro-life movement, she told Life Site News.

harm in striking at its heart, and informing pro-choice
(particularly the well-meaning but misguided Christians)
they are truly associating themselves with.
This makes perfect sense, because if you ever go to the
site of a pro-abortion newspaper, the readers will call
you all kinds of names and refuse to believe even the
most established facts about abortion. After that the
newspaper will delete your posts. It surprised me how
dirty they play when you try to engage them in any kind
of dialogue. But if they are controlled by the occult,then it
makes perfect sense.
You would think anyone would be appalled at the
thought of hacking an innocent baby to pieces, but these
people really do defend this atrocity as though it were a
religious right. It all makes perfect sense.



Nam1 9 hours ago

"They have to deal with things that you and I can't
imagine, and as dispicable as I find them, in one sense I
feel sorry for them". I don't, they could walk away from it
but they don't and as much as he tries to right his
wrongs, Mr King will always have the blood of innocents
on his hands.



daronlady620 9 hours ago




ShemSilber 9 hours ago

It is a comfort to know that, in spite of the satanic
wickedness and idiocy of these proceedings, those
murdered babies are in the care and custody of the
Master Yahushua. Their troubles are over, but the
troubles of their murderers will not be over until they
come to repentance and turn from their evil ways in
order to choose life for themselves, or until they have
insisted on choosing death and become ashes in the
Lake of Fire. The first is what our Master Yahushua
prefers, for He has no pleasure, per Ezekiel chapters 18
and 33, in the death of the wicked person, but that we
turn from our Torah violations and live, which we can
only do in the Name of the Master Yahushua, even if you
still call Him "Jesus." Omein.




Kamelhaj 9 hours ago

A Christian believes that Christ's death on the cross
Pro-choicers believe that the death of the child in the
One cannot be a pro-choice Christian and serve two






Dmac74 9 hours ago

Feel sorry for them????? Is he nuts???? No way do I
feel sorry for any of them. That is up to God not me. Lets
pray this whole mess wakes women up to deside to do
something different. Stop using abortion as birth control.
There are so many better forms of birth control with out
even getting pregnant. Wake up girls and women it is
NOT just your body. You got pregnant so you are
"SHARING" your body with another of the Human
species. You made a choice to open your legs for
another human so this what happens.



phoenix23002 9 hours ago

This whole nation needs an exorcism, starting with the



Needfreshair 10 hours ago

PTL Zachary King has repented and turned to the Lord!
However, he did not say if he took his punishment for
participating in the ritual abortions. He needs to do the
right thing and turn over all evidence so that those
involved can be brought to justice.



John Walsh 9 hours ago

Here's how this ends. Sure, you can 'believe' in abortion
just as you can 'believe in global warming'. Sure you can
con gullible, ignorant voters into supporting your causes.
But just when you think you've gotten away with it wham! How so? Well, to date the US has killed 55
MILLION babies. But since we began killing them in
1973, by now, those babies would have had babies of
their own! And many of those babies would have had
babies of their own too. The cumulative estimate is that
the original 55 million dead babies resulted in a hit to the
US population base of 112 million!!! But wait a moment!
That's 112 million YOUNG people, culled from the aging
herd! So now the US, along with all other abortion
countries, is suffering from a lack of young people. To
make up for this loss, governments are bringing in
millions of third world immigrants with cultural baggage
such as the belief in female genital mutilation. And that's
just for starters. Eventually, the US will be dissolved. It's
citizenry is already seriously diluted.
As for these satanists and abortion, just exactly did you
who 'believe' in abortion think?

Kevin G. 10 hours ago

Beyond sick and disgusting! The world is going to hell in
a handbasket!



Nina fred 9 hours ago
Yes Dred you are correct. However no deed goes
unpunished. They can call themselves whatever they
want to. They can believe in the good Lord or not but
you know what at the time of THEIR DEATH they WILL
FIND OUT what THEIR ETERNITY will be like!! No
joke!!! People can deny all they want but vermon like
that WILL get their just desserts!!



frawgeyz Kevin G. 3 hours ago

There is not a handbaslet big enough to hold this
multitude Kevin!



Jim 10 hours ago

Why is this "former" *** not in jail? Is anyone checking
this out? It was "murder" then! There is no "statute of
limitations" on murder charge! He just admitted it! He is
an accessory to murder!



fred 10 hours ago

Just when i thought it couldn't get any more sick and
twisted, these are not humans, they are not deserving
any "rights' at all in my opinion, and should be
exterminated like any rodent that kills humans and not
be allowed to breed any more sick disgusting subhumans. Stop the funding for PP immediately, they are a
cult, not a public servant at all!



lordsong Jim 9 hours ago

Did you not read the article before posting that?
Doesn't seem so.
It was not murder then and its not murder now either.
So what do you charge him with? Abortion? And you
No, it would not. It's legal.




English comprehension and you're all so bloody

No wonder your country is doomed.
You treat your friends as your enemies and your
enemies as your friends.
God bless America? Ha! No way.
God make America blessable !!!



Jim lordsong 8 hours ago

Not a crime to you! Get him near me! !'ll make it stick!
You can count on that! Row vs Wade means nothing to
me. Killing babies is wrong. Any time, anyplace. It's just
too bad that you were not a recipient of the benefit of this
"law"! Think about that! Would you prefer a chance at
life? Or certain death? You are a poor excuse for a
human being!

Leo Hohmann Jim 9 hours ago

This happened post-Roe V. Wade (1973). He was in the
room casting spells and getting his hands bloody. The
doctor actually performed the abortion and as you know
this is not a crime (even though it should be) as long as
it's not a partial birth abortion.





lordsong Jim 5 hours ago

What is wrong with so many of you dumb Americans???
Not a crime to me? Did I say that? NO !!!!! I said its not a
criminal offense under current American law. Abortions
THAT and ONLY that was my point!
Get off your high horse and start learning how to read
simple English.
So suddenly - because YOU so stupidly misconstrued
EVERY word I wrote, I'm a poor excuse for a human
being!? ?!
You are a poor excuse for a thinking person that much is
No wonder the rest of the world calls you people dumb
You can't read worth crap, you utterly FAIL at simple

Kristi17 10 hours ago

This Guy is now a Devout Christian Conservative
People who worship satan ( the devil ) are all LOST
their KING / LORD / MESSIAH / SAVIOR NOW in their
Please PRAY for our Judeo-Christian Nation United
States of America and Israel-Yisrael Everyday Everyone
NOW, too our True GOD who art in HEAVEN JESUS



Our True GOD'S LOVE is STRONGER than satan's hate
and lies!!
Am Yisrael Chai Forevermore!! Happy Shavua Tov
Love Always and Shalom,



disqus_eEbPU3IGDU 10 hours ago

Since the late 1960's, liberalism has been a cleverly
concealed form of Satanism. Not just abortion, but note
also the hostility to all authority and the glorification of
rebellion, and the tendency to destroy everything in its
path. These acts of destruction are frequently sold to the
people as "reforms."



FWiedner Kristi17 9 hours ago

This guy is just showing how gullible Christians and lawabiding people really are.
He guy is a fiend. A murderer. He may say "Jesus" now,
but he has blood on his hands.



LastGasp disqus_eEbPU3IGDU 7 hours ago

Or progress. As in the (P)rogressives, Democrats,
Lieberals, Socialists, Communists, Collectivists.



ShemSilber Kristi17 9 hours ago

HalleluYAH, for He is leading us out of these Dark Ages
and into His marvelous LIGHT, omein, in the Name of
the Messiah Yahushua, omein.




ShemSilber sactosintolerant 9 hours ago

Any Torah violation is forgivable, because our Master
Yahushua (Jesus) is able to save even the worst of us.
He puts His faith in us and gives us the strength to turn
from all evil, to life, and go forward in His Way, omein.



Truth Seeker 10 hours ago

Satanists or Planned Parenthood, they serve the same
master. The only difference is one admits it while the
other conceals it.



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lordsong Guest 9 hours ago

Denial denial denial. That's all atheists are good for,
How convenient for escaping reality that you don't like



sactosintolerant 10 hours ago

I oborted two babbies after listening to One Direction




pfwag 10 hours ago

Tall tell but wouldn't surprise me one bit.


MyOpinionPost ConMeGuy an hour ago
Judgement is always coming.



palladin smith 10 hours ago

the good lord is not going to give his children that easy,
there is the age of accountability but this is nothing but
murder and i would hate to be in there shoes.


fleabug ConMeGuy 9 hours ago
Three weeks ago we were reading 2Kings 21-22 during
our midweek service. I got this feeling when the pastor
was reading about King Josiah, how he tore his
garments and then inquired of the LORD. And God said
that judgment must come because of what Manasseh
did and I got this sick feeling like judgment is coming and
nothing is going to stop it. Then my pastor specifically
finished with 2Kings 21:12 ....The next morning I was
listing to John MacArthur, who I normally hadn't listen to
but a friend said give it a go.....He quoted the same
chapter and verse, 2Kings 21:12 and then that same
feeling came back.....While I do believe God's judgment
is coming and no one can stop it but Him, I do believe
He could withhold judgment for a time if the people turn
from their wicked ways, but 60+ Million babies...........



ConMeGuy 10 hours ago

I've always known, since becoming a Christian, that
abortion is sacrifice to the devil. Look up Manasseh in 2
Kings. He filled Jerusalem and Judah with innocent
blood by causing the people to pass their children
through the fires of Molech...idolatry is worshiping the
devil, therefore they were sacrificing their children to the
This is exactly the same thing.
The Bible also says that God would not pardon the
innocent blood shed, and punished Judah harshly. They
were His people.
Judgment is coming.




ConMeGuy fleabug an hour ago

He could, as you said "IF" people turn...but it would
mean true repentance, and needs to start in the
professing church.



Truth Seeker paulie 10 hours ago

Until He does, we, His church, must not allow evil to
flourish and go unchallenged. We must fight the good
fight. 1TM 6:11-13



lordsong ConMeGuy 9 hours ago

All these horrid modern practices are intricately related
to the worship of some demonic entity of old. The names
and methods change but the evil is the same.



RJLigier 10 hours ago

Sadistic 2-3%er Mengele types, males and females, and
pagans..........human behavior never changes.



paulie 10 hours ago

The "deep things of satan" as our blessed Jesus
described them to the apostle John (Rev. 2:24). In the
end, all will be made right. Come quickly, Lord Jesus...




This comment was deleted.

lordsong Guest 9 hours ago

You're the foolish denier of reality here.
You are living proof that in the West, Satan's major
strategy is hiding himself, making fools believe he
However, in the far east and Africa, his strategy is very
different. Very open and well known. That's why there's
so much wide spread witchcraft in these other nations
where you can see demonic manifestations right before
your eyes, right out on the streets.
Of course you're far too ignorant and living in willful
blindness to know that.



USMCInfidel 11 hours ago

Cowards kill kids.


2015 WND


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