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TITLE: The Story of Adonis


The tale was first told by Ovid in Metamorphoses. He was a Roman poet who
lived in the reign of Augustus. he was hailed as one of the most brilliant poet during his times.
One of his greatest work is Metamorphoses which is an epic meter telling stories about
transformations of mostly humans and nymphs into animals,plants, etc.

1.3 PLOT
There was a woman named Myrrha who has an incentous love with his father
Cinyras as a punishment from Aphrodite when she neglected to worship to the goddess. She
decided to killed herself because of shame but a nurse busts in stopped her. Myrrha told
everything to the nurse who decided to help her. One night, Myrrha got drunk . The nurse told
Cinyras that someone was looking for him looking for love. Interested Cinyras went with the
nurse and made love to the poor Myrrha for several nights. Cinyras got curious so he brought an
oil lamp with him to see who the girl was. Grossed out to see his daughter he got a knife trying to
kill Myrrha but she was able to escape. Myrrha wandered for sometime. She prayed to be
punished for what happened especially after knowing that she was pregnant, The gods granted
his wish and turned her into a tree, With the help of some goddess name Lucina , Adonis was
born from the trees bark. Aphrodite adopted him but she was neglecting her duties so Zeus
decided to send Adonis to Persephone. He decided that he will spend four months each with
Aphrodite and Persephone to avoid dispute between the two. Adonis grew as the most handsome
and hottest male in the land that even Aphrodite was struck by his looks. Adonis Loved hunting
so he mostly spend time hunting in the forest. One day , during one of his huntings, he
encountered a wild boar and stabbed it with a spear. He wasnt able to stabbed it deeper so the
boar jabbed Adonis with its tusks. Aphrodite upon hearing what happened fell into great
sorrow .She turned Adonis blood into an anemone flower to remember his existence.
Myrrha was the daughter of Cinyras and Metharme . She has incentious love for his father as
Aphrodites punishment.
Cinyras was the father of Myrrha who unknowingly made love to her. He was the father of
Aphrodite was the goddess of love . She fell in love with Adonis.
Persephone was the goddess of Underworld
Zeus was the god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods.
1.3.3 THEME

The theme of the story was love. Love conquers all , as the saying goes. It is
true in the story because Aphrodite even the goddess of love herself fell in love with Adonis.
She was crazy over him doing different things just to make Adonis notice her .

1. Adonis - handsome
2. amorous-feeling related to sexual desire
3. utter- to say or speak
4. deception-act of deceiving
5. clutches-to grasp or hold
6. intervene -come between
7. lust-strong sexual desire
8. castrated -remove the testicles of a man
9. merriment-gaiety and fun
10. perennial -lasting or long
11. mourn -show deep sorrow
12. tusks-elongated,growing teeth
13. audacity-willingness to take bold risks
14. immortal-ability to live forever
15. jealous-resentment against
16. anemones-delicate flowers
17. realm-a community or territory
18. ease-absence of difficulty
19. stray-move away
20. reluctance- unwillingness

III. PREDICTION (Alternative ending)

If Aphrodite did let Persephone took care of Adonis then the other gods will not envy
him. Aphrodite will be able do all his duties. Ares , who disguised himself as a wild boar will
never get jealous of Adonis thus Adonis will not die.
There was a woman named Myrrha who has an incentous love with his father
Cinyras as a punishment from Aphrodite when she neglected to worship to the goddess.
She decided to killed herself because of shame but a nurse busts in stopped her.
Myrrha told everything to the nurse who decided to help her. One night, Myrrha got
drunk .

The nurse told Cinyras that someone was looking for him looking for love.
Interested Cinyras went with the nurse and made love to the poor Myrrha for several
nights. Cinyras got curious so he brought an oil lamp with him to see who the girl was.
Grossed out to see his daughter he got a knife trying to kill Myrrha but she was
able to escape. Myrrha wandered for sometime. She prayed to be punished for what
happened especially after knowing that she was pregnant.
The gods granted his wish and turned her into a tree, With the help of some
goddess name Lucina , Adonis was born from the trees bark. Aphrodite adopted him but
she was neglecting her duties so Zeus decided to send Adonis to Persephone. He decided
that he will spend four months each with Aphrodite and Persephone to avoid dispute
between the two.
Adonis grew as the most handsome and hottest male in the land that even
Aphrodite was struck by his looks. Adonis Loved hunting so he mostly spend time
hunting in the forest. One day , during one of his huntings, he encountered a wild boar
and stabbed it with a spear.
He wasnt able to stabbed it deeper so the boar jabbed Adonis with its tusks.
Aphrodite upon hearing what happened fell into great sorrow .
She turned Adonis blood into an anemone flower to remember his existence.

Ive learned that if we really love a person we can sacrifice anything just to see
them well-off. Loving never requires two persons to be with each other. Thats why we are happy
just to see them happy. We should not push our feelings onto someone else because nothing is
more overwhelming than to know that your feelings our mutual.
Sometimes we should be selfish and decide for other peoples sake.The same goes
for giving up what you think is rightful to do. Sometimes it is more rewarding than being with
that person. Happiness is not acquired by having that person by your side but rather seeing that
person free to what he really wants to.

1. Who was the wild boar? It was known that Ares, disguised himself as a wild boar
because he was jealous of Adonis having all Aphrodite's time.
2. What happened to Myrrha? She was turned into a tree.
3. Who was Myrrhas mother? Her mother was Metharme, the daughter of
Pygmalion and Galatea.
4. Why did Aphrodite punish Cinyras? Because he did not worship Aphrodite.
5. What kind of tree was Adonis born from? He was from a myrrh tree.

6. What flower did Aphrodite create from Adonis blood? A sweet anemone flower.
7. What kind of animal killed Adonis? A boar killed Adonis.
8. Who among the goddess Aphrodite disguised ? She disguised as Demeter .
9. Why did Aphrodite fell in love with Adonis? It was said that Eros accidentally
struck her with her arrows.
10. Who was the goddess of the Underworld who took care of Adonis after he died?
Persephone took care of Adonis.


If I were Adonis, I will choose to be with Persephone in the Underworld because I think
it is more peaceful there . Because of my looks I am into lots of troubles so it is better of no one
is able to see me. Even if I will lead a lonesome life it is better than being held onto someone you
dont even love. With Aphrodite pushing her feeling to me, I dont have the freedom to do what I
want because she was always with me. Also because of hunting skills, Demeter got jealous of it
whom some says sent the wild boar to attack me. I took most of Aphrodites time because she
always wants to be with me thats why I dont want Ares to get mad at me again . I think Adonis
is better of without anyone by his side to avoid all the ruckus and all. some may say that
secluding Adonis in the underworld will be selfish but I think it is the rightful thing to
do.Through this Aphrodite will have plenty of time to the things she wants . She can also spend
her time with her other men. If I were him I will just spend my time hunting to avoid mishap
with other people.

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