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0 Reasons why fast food should be banned

2.1 Fast food will give an impact on human health
First of all, fast food influences the health of human being. According to Burke,
fast food contains high content of fat and sugar, these types of food contents often raise
level of the reward center of brain, the part that is stimulated by addictive drugs.
Besides, Burke also asserts that the high sugar and fat contents in fast food will cause
addictive, when children become habitual in eating these food, they want more which
slowly develop into health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes and high
In addition, the negative impacts of fast food getting more serious behind the
global epidemic of diet-related diseases among the children. Almost one in three
children born in year 2000 will experience Type 2 diabetes in their life because of this
diet. The cons effects of the consumption of fast foods also include cardiovascular
disease, asthma, liver disease and cancer (Countering Fast Foods Health Effects).
It is believed that the fast food is more than just an unbalanced meal. Especially
after consumption for a long time, it can bring you the negatively effects either physically
or emotionally. It is evident that the governments should implement tighter regulations
on fast foods and prohibit the fast food marketing as it is not healthy.
A survey was carried out also found that 78% of respondents agree that fast food
gives negative impact on human health. This is illustrated in figure 1 (Personal Survey

In your opinion, has fast food impacted human health negtively?


Yes. I agree

No, I don't agree


Figure 1
Personal survey 2014
Thus it can be seen that fast food should be banned because of its bad effects
on human health.

2.2 Inappropriate fast food preparations

One of the reasons why fast food should be banned is that the fast food contains
a lot of chemical substances which are harmful. According to Jacques, the eggs in the
famous fast food breakfast are really a strange mixture of various ingredients including
the premium egg blend and the eggs. The ingredients including in this special blend
are dimethylpolysiloxane, silicon that can be found in calcium silicate, a sealant used on
concrete and roofs and also in Silly Putty. A solvent that can be found in soap and
shaving cream, which is glycerin is in the eggs too.
Moreover, the fast food preparation of Doritos Locos taco from Taco Bell is not
properly done. The meat inside this fast food only contains about 36% beef.

Doritos Locos taco

from Taco Bell

How the meats look like in the taco

Not surprisingly, fast food restaurants do not list out the exact ingredients. For
example, in their lettuce, most of them actually add the propylene glycol into their salad
to make the leaves crispy. Propylene glycol can be found in antifreeze and sexual

Another world well-known fast food chain is McDonald. The McRib, the patty
found in the Mac Donald Rib is not properly processed, the beef patty looks like


The Patty of the McRib

In addition, in the McDonalds French fries, contains high amount of citric acid as
preservative, this often proved by the repeated experiment on their hardnedd to
spoilage, the thick layer of salt on the fries also served as preservative. Preservatives
such as calcium propionate and sodium propionate are also found in a regular McDs
sesame-seed bun (The secret to the immortality of McDonalds food).
Fast foods contains a lot of chemical substances, with practically empty of
nutrients, consumption of these chemicals will cause impacts to our body. Hence, fast
foods should

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