Sim Stock Counts

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Oracle Retail Store Inventory

Stock Counts Overview
Release 13.2.x
April 2013

Note: The following is intended to outline our general product

direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may
not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to
deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be
relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development,
release, and timing of any features or functionality described for
Oracles products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

Stock Count Functional Overview .......................................................................................... 1
Additional References ...................................................................................................................... 2
Types of Stock Counts ............................................................................................................ 2
Stock Count Features Matrix ........................................................................................................... 3
Ad Hoc Stock Counts ....................................................................................................................... 3
Unit Stock Counts (Cycle Counts) .................................................................................................. 4
Problem Line Stock Counts ............................................................................................................. 4
Unit and Amount Stock Counts ...................................................................................................... 5
Stock Count Process Overview .............................................................................................. 6
Configuring a Stock Count .............................................................................................................. 6
Creating a Stock Count .................................................................................................................... 7
Scheduling a Stock Count ................................................................................................................ 7
Generating a Stock Count ................................................................................................................ 7
Starting a Stock Count ...................................................................................................................... 7
Counting ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Recounting ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Processing Third Party Results ....................................................................................................... 7
Viewing and Updating Rejected Items .......................................................................................... 7
Authorizing a Stock Count .............................................................................................................. 8
Updating Stock On Hand ................................................................................................................ 8
Stock Count Configuration ..................................................................................................... 8
System/Store Settings ...................................................................................................................... 8
Creating a Stock Count ......................................................................................................... 12
Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Setting Variance for Ad Hoc Stock Count ................................................................................... 13
Selecting Attributes for the Stock Count Product Group .......................................................... 14
Variance Section ........................................................................................................................... 15
Counting Method Section ........................................................................................................... 17
Item Status Section ....................................................................................................................... 19
Stock on Hand Section ................................................................................................................. 20
Problem Line Section ................................................................................................................... 20
Selecting Components for the Stock Count Product Group ..................................................... 21
Product Group Element Section................................................................................................. 23
Scheduling a Stock Count .................................................................................................... 24
Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Creating a Schedule ........................................................................................................................ 25
Deleting a Schedule ........................................................................................................................ 26
Generating a Stock Count ..................................................................................................... 26

Overview of Stock Count Generation Batch Process ................................................................. 26

Child Count Creation ..................................................................................................................... 27
Item Retention ................................................................................................................................. 29
Extraction Timeline ......................................................................................................................... 29
Third Party Stock Count Extract ................................................................................................... 29
Starting a Stock Count .......................................................................................................... 30
Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 30
Status Changes ................................................................................................................................ 30
Future Stock Count ...................................................................................................................... 30
Taking the Snapshot ....................................................................................................................... 31
When Snapshots are Taken ......................................................................................................... 31
Unique Identification Numbers ................................................................................................. 32
Guided Counts ............................................................................................................................. 33
Sales Processing .............................................................................................................................. 33
Counting ................................................................................................................................. 34
Status Changes ................................................................................................................................ 35
Guided Counts ................................................................................................................................ 35
Unguided Counts............................................................................................................................ 36
Unique Identification Numbers .................................................................................................... 36
Stock Count Report ......................................................................................................................... 37
Recounting ............................................................................................................................. 38
Status Changes ................................................................................................................................ 39
Recount Snapshot ........................................................................................................................... 39
Stock Count Recount Report ......................................................................................................... 40
Processing Third Party Results ............................................................................................ 41
Third Party Stock Count Process .................................................................................................. 42
Batch Results Processing ................................................................................................................ 42
Stock Count Sales Processing ..................................................................................................... 43
Unique Identification Numbers ................................................................................................. 43
Third Party Stock Count Results File Layout Definition ........................................................... 44
Viewing and Updating Rejected Items ................................................................................. 44
Third Party Results ......................................................................................................................... 45
Reasons for Rejection ...................................................................................................................... 46
Rejected Items that Require UINs................................................................................................. 47
Rules for Unique Identification Numbers ................................................................................... 47
Authorizing a Stock Count .................................................................................................... 48
Automatic Authorization ............................................................................................................... 48
Manual Authorization .................................................................................................................... 48
Status Changes ................................................................................................................................ 49
Authorization Rules for Unit, Ad Hoc, and Problem Line Counts .......................................... 50

Authorization Processing for Unit and Amount Count ............................................................ 50

Guided Stock Count ....................................................................................................................... 51
Stock Count Activity Locking During Authorization ................................................................ 51
Third Party Authorization ............................................................................................................. 52
Late Sales Processing ...................................................................................................................... 52
Updating Stock On Hand ....................................................................................................... 54
Integration with Oracle Retail Merchandising System .............................................................. 54
Unit, Ad Hoc, Problem Line Counts ......................................................................................... 54
Unit and Amount Stock Counts ................................................................................................. 55
Appendix A: Inventory Adjustments (Preloaded) ............................................................... 56
Appendix B: Third Party Stock Count Process Sample Flow ........................................... 57
Appendix C: Tables/Batches used for Unit and Amount Stock Counts ........................... 60
Appendix D: Stock Count Process Flows ........................................................................... 65
Stock Count Business Process Flow ............................................................................................. 65
Non-Third Party Stock Count System Process Flow .................................................................. 66
Third-Party Stock Count System Process Flow .......................................................................... 67
Stock Count PC Flow (Unit, Problem Line, Unit and Amount, and Third Party) ................. 68
Ad Hoc Stock Count ....................................................................................................................... 69
Glossary .................................................................................................................................. 70

Stock Count Functional Overview

Create Product

Schedule Stock

Take Snapshot

System Updates
Stock on Hand

Authorize Count


Stock counts are one of the main tools retailers have to ensure their perpetual inventory is
accurate. This is especially important when implementing any type of auto-replenishment
model. If inventory is not accurate for the retailer, it is difficult to manage replenishing the
stock accurately. In some cases, retailers need to reallocate stock between locations to
manage a truckload deal or closeouts. Transferring stock from one location to another can
happen quite frequently in order to keep up with customer demand. Even in a perfect
receiving, shipping, and selling world, inventory gets out of balance. This is often due to
breakage, theft, and inadequate quality control during shipment or detailed receiving that is
All stock counts in Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) follow a similar process
flow. The general process of taking a stock count starts with setting up a product group, with
the exception of Ad Hoc stock counts. When a product group is created, it can be named in
any way that is meaningful to the user. These groups can be a way to logically group the
items, such as by department or a specific section of a store. After the product group is set
up, the user must schedule the stock count. When the schedule date is reached, the stock
count appears on the Stock Count List screen. The user can then perform the stock count.
Following is a summary of the steps in a stock count:

The stock count process generally starts with taking a snapshot. A snapshot is a one
point-in-time view of the stock on hand positions.


The user starts counting and entering count values.


When completed, an optional recount can be taken for any discrepant items.


The final step in the stock count process is the authorization of the stock count. This is
usually done by the manager who looks at the discrepant items. If the item count is
accurate and does not need additional validation, the manager adds an authorized
quantity and completes the stock count. The action of completing the stock count
updates the corporate merchandise system.

SIM offers the ability to view stock counts scheduled for the future, but no action can be
taken on these counts. The user has the option to generate a future count to view the count
item details. The details are only available to view on the screen.

Stock Counts Overview 1

To get a full understanding of the stock count process, the following topics are covered in
this document:

Types of stock counts

Stock count configuration and setup

Stock count end-to-end processing

Third-party processing

SIM includes the following types of counting methods for stock counts:



Third Party

Portions of the stock count functionality, such as the setup of product groups, schedules, and
authorizations, are performed on the PC only. The actual counting of inventory can be
performed on both the PC and handheld (HH) device. A master count is created for a single
product group and then broken down into one or more child counts based on the counting
method or hierarchy breakdown chosen during the product group setup. The user is able to
save a child stock count on the PC or HH and resume at a later time.

Additional References

Types of Stock Counts

SIM provides the ability to schedule, perform, and authorize stock counts. The following
types of stock counts can be performed in SIM:

Ad Hoc

Problem Line

Unit (also known as cycle counting)

Unit and Amount

The counting processes are similar for the Problem Line, Unit, and Unit and Amount stock
count types. However, there are some differences in setup and what items are scheduled for

The Unit and Amount stock count typically includes the entire store and is a
financial-based count.

The Problem Line and Unit stock counts deal more specifically with smaller areas of
the store and are not financial-based.

2 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

The Problem Line stock count is driven from items in a problem state, such as
negative stock on hand (SOH).

The Unit stock count is for specific groups, such as high-theft items.

Stock Count Features Matrix

Ad Hoc

Recount Process

Sends Flat File

Sends Delta Inventory Adjustments

Can Use Merchandise Hierarchy

Schedule Daily

Schedule Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

Third Party Counting Method

Unguided Counting Method

Guided Counting Method

Take Recount Snapshot

Take Snapshot During Count

Take Snapshot as Each Item is Counted

Schedule Stock Count

Must be Initiated on the HH

Use Predefined Item List

The following matrix shows an overview of the features available for each stock count. Each
stock count is described in more detail in the following sections.



Unit and

Ad Hoc Stock Counts

An Ad Hoc stock count is performed by a user scanning any items in the store that the user
decides need to be counted. Ad Hoc stock count processing includes the following features:

SIM creates an inventory snapshot as each item is identified and added to the stock

Ad Hoc stock counts can only be initiated on the HH. Once the count is saved on the
HH, it appears on the Stock Count List screen and can be completed on the PC or
HH. Saving an Ad Hoc count on the HH enables the user to view, save, print, and
complete it on the PC just as with any other stock count.

Unlike the other stock count types, Ad Hoc stock counts are not set up ahead of time
using product groups. The user must set up discrepancy thresholds using the Ad
Hoc Stock Count screen. Discrepancies are based on percent or unit thresholds by

Stock Counts Overview 3

If the authorized item count quantities entered by the user differ from the snapshot,
inventory adjustments are created that are sent to the merchandising system.

The user always determines the order in which the items are scanned.

Unit Stock Counts (Cycle Counts)

Unit stock counts are usually small stock counts set up on a recurring pattern every few
weeks or monthly. They give the retailer the ability to monitor certain items more frequently
and keep the perpetual inventory accurate for replenishment purposes.
Unit stock count processing includes the following specific features:

Setup of the stock count can be done at the item, supplier, promotion, or
merchandise hierarchy level.

Schedule can be set up to run daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

Inventory adjustments are created for items when an authorized quantity differs
from the stock on hand value. The inventory adjustments are also sent to the
merchandising system.

To set up a Unit stock count, the user must first create a product group, which consists of any
of the following:

Individual items

Item hierarchies

Variance percent

Variance unit of measure (UOM)

Indicator that a recount should be performed if the items are discrepant after the
initial count

Unit product groups can then be scheduled for a stock count on a specified day or scheduled
intervals (for example, daily, weekly, monthly, or annually). A stock count item list is
generated at the store level using the ExtractUnitStockCount daily batch program. The
system automatically creates a stock count from the items that fall within the parameters.

Problem Line Stock Counts

The Problem Line product groups determine the criteria to use when problem items need to
be counted. Individual items and item hierarchies are associated into a single problem line
product group for a stock count. For example, the user might decide to count all of the items
with negative stock on hand values.
Problem line stock count product groups can be set up to contain any of the following:


Item hierarchies

Variance percent

Variance UOM

Indicator that a recount should be performed in case the items are discrepant after
the initial count

The Product Group Scheduler defaults to daily when scheduling for a Problem Line product
group and cannot be changed. The ProblemLineStockCount batch program looks at the
Problem Line product groups and finds any items that meet the predefined problem line
criteria shown in the following list:

Actual pick amount less than suggested pick amount

4 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Negative available inventory

Negative stock on hand

Unique Identification Number (UIN) discrepancies

Once stores have created and scheduled the Problem Line product groups, a batch process
runs daily to find any items that meet the criteria and add the items to the scheduled stock
count. They are counted in the same way as a scheduled Unit stock count.
Problem Line stock count processing includes the following features:

Setup of the stock count can be done at the item, supplier, promotion, or
merchandise hierarchy level.

Schedule can be set to run daily; it defaults to one day and cannot be changed.

Inventory adjustments are created for items when an authorized quantity differs
from the stock on hand value. The inventory adjustments are also sent to the
merchandising system.
Note: With the exception of the extraction criteria, the process

(counting, snapshot taking, and authorizing) is the same as a

regular Unit count.

Unit and Amount Stock Counts

Unit and Amount stock counts are usually only done once or twice a year. They are often
required by law to be performed once a year and done for the entire store or specific
merchandise hierarchies. They give the retailer the ability to consolidate the actual counted
values for merchandise and booking numbers at year end.
Unit and Amount stock count processing includes the following features:

Setup of the stock count can only be done at the merchandise hierarchy level or for
all departments.

Unit and Amount product groups are scheduled for a specified day.

SIM sends the stock count schedule for Unit and Amount stock counts to the
merchandising system anytime it is created, updated, or deleted.

Upon completion of authorization, a flat file is sent to the merchandising system.

It is possible to add items for Unit and Amount counts during the scan and during
the Third Party results file upload, if the item was not ranged to the store but found
during the count. The Allow Non-Range Item system option needs to be set to Yes.
This allows the retailer to add items which exist, but were not previously assigned to
the store. For more information, see System/Store Settings.

To set up a Unit and Amount stock count, the user first creates a product group which
consists of any of the following:

Item hierarchies

Variance percent

Variance UOM

Variance value

Indicator that a recount should be performed if the items are discrepant after the
initial count

Stock Counts Overview 5

During product group setup, for Unit and Amount stock count type, the user is restricted
and cannot select the Item radio button on the Product Group Components tab, since RMS
holds its amount valuation at the merchandise hierarchy level. Once a product group is set
up, it can be reused for future stock counts.
The stock count is displayed on the Future Stock Count List screen. SIM deletes the record
from this screen the day of the actual schedule date and extracts a new list to display on the
main Stock Count List screen. The product group information is stored in the master stock
count record in order for changes to be made to the product group without impacting
extracted stock counts.
The product groups can then be scheduled for a specified day and cannot be scheduled for
the current day. A lockout lead-time of one plus days applies when scheduling a count.
When the Unit and Amount schedule is created, it is sent to the merchandising system so
that it can also create a corresponding stock count. The nightly
ExtractUnitAmountStockCount stock count batch program creates a record for each of the
items in the product group scheduled to be counted.
Upon authorization of the Unit and Amount count, a flat file is sent to the merchandising
system with a header that contains the stock count ID, stock count date, and store number
that performed the count. The file contains details for each item and the quantity counted.
This information is then staged in the merchandising system and can be used to overlay the
inventory positions, create the correct booking adjustments, and create reports.

Stock Count Process Overview

Several processes need to take place for a successful stock count:

Configuring a stock count

Creating a stock count

Scheduling a stock count

Generating a stock count

Starting a stock count



Processing third-party results

Viewing and updating rejected items

Authorizing a stock count

Updating stock on hand

Not all stock counts go through all of these processes. Each of these processes is described in
a following section.

Configuring a Stock Count

The retailer can configure stock counts in different ways based on system and store

6 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Creating a Stock Count

User-defined product groups are used to create different kinds of stock counts. The user
assigns items to the product group and adds criteria to restrict the selected items. However,
Ad Hoc stock counts do not use a predefined list since the stock count is created at the time
of counting the items.

Scheduling a Stock Count

Once the product group is created, the user is able to schedule the stock count using the
previously created product group. This schedule extracts the stock count during specific

Generating a Stock Count

The extraction batch process extracts stock counts at a specific time for a certain subset of
items based on the stock count schedule.

Starting a Stock Count

Taking the snapshot is the start of most stock counts. A snapshot is a view of an items stock
on hand position at a certain point-in-time. The snapshot enables SIM to calculate the
difference between the physical counted value and a static SOH system value (the snapshot).
This allows the retailer to start normal transaction operations again after the physical count
has been taken, but before the entire stock count has been authorized. The only transactions
that update a snapshot are sales and inventory adjustments.
Late sales processing ensures that stock counts are updated accurately when sales are being
processed. For more information, see Late Sales Processing. Other transactions need to be
handled through a business process, since the system cannot anticipate if the transaction was
included in the physical count.

The first action the user typically does after taking the snapshot is to perform the count.

Depending on the setup in the product group, the user may have to do a recount of the stock
count. The system calculates the variances for the items based on variance criteria set up
when creating the product group.

Processing Third Party Results

For Unit and Amount stock counts, a third-party service may perform the count and
subsequently provide the results in a flat file which is imported into SIM. This may include
assigning ID numbers to items rejected as part of the import process if the stock count is not
set up to automatically authorize the stock count.

Viewing and Updating Rejected Items

Some counted items might be rejected when data is scanned or imported into SIM. The user
can view rejected items, if any, and assign valid SIM item IDs to not on file items and nonranged items. The UIN can also be updated if they are required for some items in the count.

Stock Counts Overview 7

Authorizing a Stock Count

After all the items have been counted and potentially recounted, the user needs to give final
approval and authorize the stock count. This step may be bypassed if the stock count has
been set up for auto-authorization.

Updating Stock On Hand

Inventory adjustments are used to update the stock on hand position when completing a
stock count. The inventory adjustments are also sent to the merchandising system. Unit and
Amount stock counts send a flat file to the merchandising system upon confirmation of the
last child count.

Stock Count Configuration

System/Store Settings
The retailer can configure stock counts in different ways based on system and store
parameters. System parameters apply to all store locations whereas store parameters apply
only to the current store where the user is logged in. The only store parameter for stock
counts is the Stock Count Default Timeframe parameter.


Valid Values
(default in bold)


Allow Non-Range

Yes, No

This option allows the user to add non-ranged items to

the stock count, as well as, a Third Party results file
Caution: This setting applies to all SIM functional

Allow Unexpected

Yes, No

If set to No, SIM rejects the UIN in the following

situations by prompting the user with an error message:

Unexpected UIN for a transfer

Inventory adjustment when UIN was not assigned

to the current store

Stock counts when the item was not originally

assigned to the current store

If set to Yes, SIM allows the unexpected UIN for these

situations, sends an email alert, and adds the item to
Problem Line stock count.
Completing the transaction updates the UIN status and
the store to which the UIN is assigned.

8 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management


Valid Values
(default in bold)


Days to Hold
Completed Stock


Purge any records this number of days after the last

stock count event occurred. In other words, when the
schedule date is less than or equal to the current date,
SIM subtracts the number of days to hold completed
stock counts from the date and deletes when this date is
reached. A record is purged if the stock count has a
status of Complete, except in the case of Unit and
Amount stock counts. Unit and Amount stock counts
are deleted only when the status is Authorize

Days to Hold In
Progress Ad Hoc
Stock Counts

Any Ad Hoc count with a creation date/time stamp

older than this number of days is deleted.

Enable GMT for

Stock Counts

Yes, No

Indicates which date/time stamp is used in the stock

count message when it is being published.

Enable GMT for

Third Party Stock

Yes, No

Indicates whether the date/time stamp in the Third

Party stock count file (DSLDAT) is in GMT or not.

Problem Line UI

Not to exceed the

value of the UI

This option determines the maximum number of line

items allowed in a Problem Line stock count.

Stock Count Default

Before Store Open,

After Store Close

This option determines when the stock count for daily

sales processing is performed in relation to store
opening hours. It defines the default value for the Stock
Count screen.

Stock Count Display

Default Timeframe

Yes, No

This option determines whether the Stock Count

Default Time Frame value is a selectable option on the
stock count screens on both the HH and PC.

Stock Count Lockout


This option specifies the lead time required by RMS to

create a unit and value stock count schedule. This
setting must hold the same value in the RMS system
option, STAKE_REVIEW_DAYS. If RMS is not
integrated, the value should remain at 1.

Note: Store

Stock Counts Overview 9


Valid Values
(default in bold)


Stock Count Null


Yes, No

This option determines whether items with a null count

quantity are interpreted as a zero quantity for Unit,
Problem Line, and Ad Hoc stock counts.

Quantity = 0

If set to Yes, SIM sets any null count quantity field to 0.

If set to No, SIM does not set null count quantity fields
to 0. Instead, the item is considered as not counted.
Stock Count Sales

Processing, Daily
Sales Processing

This option determines the kind of sales processing

used for sales that are uploaded during the stock count
process. Timestamp Processing requires sales data to be
uploaded with a specific time for every sales
transaction. Daily Sales Processing requires the sales file
to be uploaded with at least a date, but no time is
required. Processing is less accurate with the latter
option, and it can cause problems if stock counts are
performed during the business day.
If the indicator is set to Timestamp Processing, the user
does not have to select a time period for the stock count.
Sales data has a timestamp as to when the sale or return
occurred. This sales data timestamp is compared
against the timestamps taken during the stock count.
This option is also used when sales data is interfaced
during real-time processing.
If the indicator is set to Daily Sales Processing, a
timestamp is not used and the user needs to select
whether the stock count occurs before or after business
hours so that SIM knows how to handle late sales. This
is an option available on the Stock Count Detail screen.
The date is used to determine if a sale is late.
Note: If Timestamp Processing is selected, SIM prompts
the user with a message:
Timestamp Processing should not be used if your Sales
Audit and Merchandise system does not support sales
transactions with timestamps. Do you want to
If Yes is chosen, timestamp processing is used. If No is
chosen, Daily Sales Processing is used.
For Daily Sales Processing, the retailer can configure
SIM to prompt the user to decide whether the stock
count is performed before the store opens or after it
closes when counting on the HH or PC.

Unguided Stock
Counts - Allow
Multiple Users

Yes, No

10 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

If Unguided stock counts are used, this option allows

more than one user to scan simultaneously against the
same stock count.


Valid Values
(default in bold)


Unguided Stock
Counts Automatic

Yes, No

If this parameter is set to Yes, the physical timestamp is

taken as soon as the item is scanned for the first time,
and is saved to the database along with the count value
once the user scans the next item on the count.
If the parameter is set to No, SIM records the physical
timestamp in memory once a user begins counting. The
timestamp and count value are posted to the database
when the user manually saves the count. With this
option, it is assumed the user manually saves the count
on a frequent basis, particularly when moving from one
area in the store to another.

Unit and Amount

Count UI Limit

Not to exceed the

value of the UI

This option determines the maximum number of line

items allowed on a Unit and Amount stock count. This
check occurs in addition to the product group variances

Unit Count UI Limit

Not to exceed the

value of the UI

This option determines the maximum number of line

items allowed in a Unit stock count.


Stock Counts Overview 11


Valid Values
(default in bold)


Updating Stock On

Discrepant Items
Only, All Items

This option determines whether the stock on hand is

updated for all items, both discrepant and nondiscrepant items, or for discrepant items only when
authorizing a Unit, Problem Line, or Ad Hoc stock
If set to Discrepant Items Only, SIM updates the SOH
for discrepant items only when the count is authorized.
If set to All Items, SIM updates the SOH for all items
that had a count quantity entered. This includes both
discrepant and non-discrepant items. If the system
parameter is set to All Items, selecting the Update Auth
Qty button automatically updates or fills in the
authorized count quantity field for both discrepant and
non-discrepant items based on the last count. This also
applies for stock counts that are set up for autoauthorization. If set to All Items, SIM automatically
authorizes all counted items

Note: For Unit and Amount counts, selecting the

Update Auth Qty button automatically updates the

authorization quantity field for both discrepant and
non-discrepant items, regardless of this parameter
setting, since every item must be counted for a Unit and
Amount count.

Creating a Stock Count

With the proper security, the user can set up groups of items to be used to create stock
counts. These groups can be comprised of entire areas of the merchandise hierarchy (for
example, an entire subclass) or simply a group of individual and unrelated items.
The items associated to a product group are associated to a master stock count when
generated, which in turn can be broken down based on the hierarchy selected by the user
during the product group setup (for example, Department, Class, and Sub-class).
This section describes the options available to define the criteria used when creating and
performing the stock count.
Product groups can be created for the following stock counts:

Unit stock counts

Unit and Amount stock counts

Problem Line stock counts

Note: Ad Hoc stock counts do not use a predefined list of items

since the stock count is created when the first item is scanned.

12 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Setting Variance for Ad Hoc Stock Count

An Ad Hoc stock count is performed by a user walking through the store scanning any items
that need to be counted. These stock counts do not have a product group or schedule
functionality associated with them. The Ad Hoc stock count process follows the same general
principle as the unguided unit count process. The main difference is that Ad Hoc stock
counts do not have a predefined item list and can only be initiated on the HH. Once the
count is saved on the HH, it appears in the Stock Count List screen and can be completed on
the PC or HH.
Unlike the other stock count types, variance criteria are not set up through the product group
setup process. The user must set up discrepancy thresholds using the Ad Hoc Stock Count
screen and discrepancies based on percent or unit thresholds by class.
The user can set up details, such as the following:



Variance percent

Variance standard Unit of Measure (UOM)

This screen is accessed from the Admin Menu by selecting Ad Hoc Stock Counts.

The criteria defined on this screen is used, when performing an Ad Hoc stock count, to
determine which items should be considered discrepant. The criteria are defined per store.
User access to this screen is controlled through security privileges. For a detailed explanation
on how items are selected as discrepant, see Variance Calculation.

Stock Counts Overview 13

The Dept and Class fields are display-only fields. The user can enter the threshold for the
item assigned to this class to be considered discrepant:

All classes in the item hierarchy associated with the current store are displayed. This
table is auto-populated.

Whenever a new class is added to SIM, the class is added to this screen as well.

The Variance % field allows the user to enter the threshold in terms of a percentage of items
counted for an item to be considered discrepant. The SOH inventory level is compared with
the quantity entered in the stock count by the user:

Default value is set to 0.

Must be a non-negative whole number.

Null is a valid value if a variance Standard Unit of Measure (SUOM) exists.

Validation checking is done upon tabbing out of the field or selecting another field to
ensure either the variance units or percent is populated for each class. The user is
prompted with a validation message.

The Variance Standard UOM field allows the user to enter the threshold in the standard
UOM for an item to be considered discrepant, when comparing the system total SOH
inventory level with the quantity entered in the stock count by the user:

Default value is set to 0.

Must be a non-negative whole number.

Null is a valid value if a variance percent exists.

Validation checking is done upon tabbing out of the field or selecting another field to
ensure either the variance units or percent is populated for each class. The user is
prompted with a validation message.

Selecting Attributes for the Stock Count Product Group

This section applies to all stock counts except Ad Hoc. For details on that setup, see Setting
Variance for Ad Hoc Stock Count.
The Product Group Attributes tab allows the user to select the desired criteria or rules for
generating and performing a stock count. The user can set up additional details such as the


Counting method (Guided, Unguided, or Third Party)

Hierarchy breakdown (Location/Dept/Class/Sub-class)

Recount discrepancies

Auto authorize

Item status

Stock on hand

Problem Line parameters

The first step to create a stock count is to select criteria during the product group setup to
determine which items should be considered discrepant for the stock count. The following
figure shows all the editable fields used when creating a standard Unit stock count. All fields
that do not apply to stock count product groups are grayed out.

14 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Variance Section
This section shows the criteria used to determine which items should be considered
discrepant on the stock count. At least one variance field must be set in order to create the
product group. The Variance SUOM, Variance %, and Variance Value fields are checked to
determine if an item is discrepant. If there is a value set for more than one variance, SIM
considers the item discrepant if the count breaks any of the set thresholds.
Putting in a variance of 0 means the item is discrepant in every case unless the
count quantity equals the SOH. If there is no value in any of the criteria fields, it means that
the criterion is not used in determining whether an item is discrepant.

Variance SUOM
The Variance SUOM field allows the user to enter the threshold in the standard UOM for an
item to be considered discrepant, when comparing the system total SOH inventory level with
the quantity entered in the stock count by the user:

An item is discrepant if the variance units are equal to or greater than the variance
SUOM set, plus or minus, unless the variance units are 0. If the variance is 0 and the
count equals the SOH, the item is not discrepant.
For example, if the variance is set to 10 units, an item count variance fewer than 10
(plus or minus) is allowable, but an item count that varies by 10 units or more is

If the variance is null, it is not used to determine discrepancies.

Stock Counts Overview 15

Variance %
The Variance % field allows the user to enter the threshold in terms of a percentage of items
counted for an item to be considered discrepant. The SOH inventory level is compared with
the quantity entered in the stock count by the user:

An item is discrepant if it deviates equal to or greater than, plus or minor, the

variance percent. If the variance is 0 and the count equals the SOH, the item is not

The variance percent can be null if the variance units field is populated. If the
variance percent is null, it is not used to determine discrepancies.
For example, if the variance percent equals 10% and the SOH equals 20:

Stock count = 18, item would be considered discrepant.

Stock count = 19, item would not be considered discrepant.

Variance Value
The Variance Value field allows the user to enter the threshold in terms of a money amount
for an item to be considered discrepant for Unit and Amount stock counts. This is a money
amount compared to the number of discrepant units multiplied by the current unit retail of
the goods. SIM uses the current retail price from the item lookup (the extracted promotion or
clearance price is not used). If the calculated value exceeds the variance value, the item is
considered discrepant during the stock counting process:

An item is discrepant if it deviates equal to or greater than, plus or minus, the

variance value. If the variance is 0 and the count equals the SOH, the item is not

Applies to Unit and Amount counts only.

If the variance is null, it is not used to determine discrepancies.

Variance Calculation
Upon completion of the count or recount, the variance is calculated and the count moves to
the next stage, either recount or authorize.
Depending on how SIM is configured, a blank value during the initial count can be
considered a counted or uncounted value:

If the Stock Count Null Count Quantity = 0 parameter is set to Yes, the item is
considered counted.

If the Stock Count Null Count Quantity = 0 parameter is set to No, a null value for an
item indicates the item is not counted.

The Stock Count Null Count Quantity = 0 parameter only applies to the count process.
If the Updating SOH parameter is set to All Items (instead of Discrepant Only) and the
recount is blank for non-discrepant items, SIM fills in the non-discrepant items with last
counted quantity.

16 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Processing Blank Count Quantity Grid:


/Ad Hoc

/Ad Hoc

Unit and



Stock Count
Null Count
Quantity = 0
is set to No

Stock Count
Null Count
Quantity = 0
is set to Yes



Confirm from

Confirm from
Child List
Screen (Blind

If null, fill in
with last count
or recount
value (which
could be null).
Otherwise, use

If null, keep
use count

If null, keep
use recount

If null keep
null (not
Otherwise, use

If null, fill in
with last count
or recount
value (which
could be null).
Otherwise, use

If null, fill in
with zero.
use count

If null, fill in
with last
count value.
use recount

If null, keep
null (not
Otherwise, use

If null, fill in
with last count
or recount
Otherwise, use

If null, fill in
with last count
or recount
Otherwise, use

If null, fill in
with zero.
use count

If null, fill in
with last
count value.
use recount

If null, fill in
with last count
or recount
Otherwise, use

If null, fill in
with last count
or recount
Otherwise, use

If null, fill in
with last count
or recount
Otherwise, use

Counting Method Section

This section allows the user to determine whether the count is guided, unguided, or
performed by a third-party system:

The guided count method prompts the user to scan the next item in sequence. This
feature is available for scheduled Unit, Problem Line, and Unit and Amount counts.
Ad Hoc stock counts are never guided, but rather the scanning order is determined
by the user doing the count. This feature is selected through the product group setup
by choosing the Guided count method. SIM generates a master count broken down
by location. A child count is created for every macro location and the user is
prompted to scan the next item based on its location within the store. If an item
exists in multiple macro locations, the user is warned if the item has not been
counted in all macro locations.
Note: If sequencing is not set up for the items, the user is

prompted in item order. For more information on using

sequencing, see the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management User

The unguided count method allows the user to scan any item in any order. This
feature is available for Unit, Problem Line, or Unit and Amount counts. It is
controlled through the product group setup by choosing Unguided for the counting

Stock Counts Overview 17

Multiple employees are able to scan items for the same stock count. The system
option is called Unguided Stock Counts - Allow Multiple Users. It is the default
option for Unit and Amount counts. For more information, see System/Store
Unguided stock counts cut down the time it takes to completely scan a count and
provide more flexibility. This applies to both count and recount processes.
Some retailers find it cumbersome to manually save their stock counts on a regular
basis. If the user forgets to save the stock count periodically and the HH battery fails
or the wireless connection goes down, all the data recorded up to that point is lost.
For unguided counts, the retailer can configure SIM to save the item count
automatically when the user moves on to count a different item. This reduces the
need for the user to manually save the count on a regular basis. It also allows the
user to scan items continuously without being interrupted.
For example: if the user scans item A three times and then scans item B, the count
value for item A is saved when scanning item B. This automatic save reduces the
need for store personnel to remember to save count values manually and allows
longer scan times without interrupting the scanning of items for the count. Users
might forget to save, and if the system experiences a problem, the data recorded up
to that point is saved, if SIM is configured to do so.
The system option is called Unguided Stock Counts - Automatic Save. It allows the
retailer to determine whether the timestamp and count value is saved to the
database each time a different item is scanned on the stock count. For more
information, see System/Store Settings.

The Third Party count method allows a third-party service to perform the actual
counting using a third-party system. This feature is controlled through the product
group setup by choosing Third Party for the counting method. It is possible to create
Third Party stock counts for any merchandise hierarchy level supported in SIM.

Hierarchy Breakdown
Hierarchy Breakdown is used to break down the stock count into separate child stock counts
for each hierarchy added to the group. The child stock counts may be broken down further
based on size. For more information, see Total # Items in Group. This field is disabled for
all guided stock counts. Guided stock counts are always broken down by location based on
macro sequencing. For a definition of macro location, see the Glossary.

If None is selected, SIM generates one master stock count based on all added

If Location is selected, SIM generates a master count with the child counts grouped
by macro location.
Note: For guided counts, the hierarchy field always defaults to

Location and is disabled since all guided counts are

automatically broken down by location.

If Department is selected, SIM generates a single master stock count with items
grouped by department for their child stock count. For example, if the user adds
Dept 1000, Dept 1001, and Dept 1002 for Product Group A, SIM generates a single
master stock count for Product Group A with 3 child stock count records (one for
each department that was added to the group).

18 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Note: The components selected could be at any level, but are

grouped by the department, class, or subclass level.

If Class is selected, SIM generates a master stock count. The child stock counts are
grouped by class.

If Sub-class is selected, SIM generates a master stock count. The child stock counts
are grouped by sub-class.

The Re-count Discrepancies checkbox tells SIM whether a stock recount must be done for a
stock count that contains discrepant items. If checked, a stock recount record is created if any
discrepant items exist. This recount needs to be completed before the stock count is able to
move on to the authorization process. Recounts are not available for Third Party counts
since this count is performed outside of SIM.
Note: Third Party stock counts bypass the recount process since

the assumption is the external system performed the task.

The Auto Authorize checkbox is used to identify stock counts that require SIM to
automatically authorize the count. If checked, SIM automatically authorizes the stock count
once the user has completed the count or recount stage. In this case, no user intervention is
needed to authorize the count:

If the Auto Authorize checkbox is not selected, users with the proper security can
view and modify the authorization quantity for items in the stock count that are
discrepant and non-discrepant when compared to the SOH figure. Predefined
variance limits (units, percent, and value difference) are used to determine which
items fall outside the acceptable level.

If the Auto Authorize checkbox is selected, users with the proper security can view
the authorization quantity for items in the stock count but cannot modify them.
Note: Third Party stock counts can also be auto-authorized. In

this case, the count is performed by the third-party system and

no user intervention is required in SIM after the snapshot has
been taken and the third-party file has been uploaded to SIM.

Item Status Section

This section applies to Unit product group types only. The user is able to choose which items
to extract based on status (Active, Inactive, Discontinued, and Deleted).
Note: Active includes both active and Q status items. If the
item is not ranged to the store, the item should be added for the
current store in with a Q status. Q status is for temporary
ranging, when the merchandising system sends it at a later time,
it becomes active.

When the stock count is extracted, SIM includes only items with one of the flagged
statuses. Multiple statuses can be flagged for a single product group. For example,
the retailer may want to include both Active and Discontinued items in the product
group. Checking the boxes for Active and Discontinued includes all items with a
status of Active or Discontinued, but does not include deleted or inactive items.

Stock Counts Overview 19

If the status is unchecked, SIM does not extract items with that status. For example, if
the Deleted checkbox is not checked, the extracted stock count does not include any
deleted items.

SIM performs a validation, and at least one of the status boxes must be checked,
before the product group can be created.

For Unit and Amount counts, these boxes are disabled and SIM extracts based on the
Unit and Amount grid. For more information, see Stock on Hand Section.

Ad Hoc stock counts do not use product groups. They allow any item status to be
scanned and counted.

Stock on Hand Section

This section is used to identify which items to include in the stock count when SIM extracts
the items for the stock count. For example, the user can select whether items with a zero
stock on hand quantity should be included in the stock count:

For a Unit count, at least one checkbox must be checked before the product group
can be created.

For a Unit and Amount count, SIM extracts items for the stock count based on the
Unit and Amount grid shown in the following table.

The following table indicates when an item can be extracted for a Unit and Amount stock
Unit and Amount Count
Item Status

SOH Larger than 0

SOH Equals 0

SOH Smaller than 0

Active (A)




Inactive (I)


Not Allowed


Temporary (Q)




Discontinued (C)




Deleted (D)


Not Allowed


Note: Because Unit and Amount counts are usually for the
entire store, it is best to avoid counting items that likely are not
in the store. If any are found during the Unit and Amount count,
they can be added.

Problem Line Section

This section is used to identify which items are considered a problem and need to be added
to a stock count. This applies to the Problem Line product group type only and is not
available for selection when other types are selected:

Actual Pick Amount less than Suggested Pick Amount When a store is using the
SIM feature for replenishing stock from a backroom, there may be some corrections
to stock required based on the pick list quantity. If checked, SIM adds the item to the
problem line count if the actual pick amount entered for the item on the pick list was
less than the suggested system pick amount.

20 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Negative Available Inventory If checked, SIM adds the item to the Problem Line
stock count if the item has negative available inventory. This can be the result of the
cashier scanning one variety of an item, even though, several varieties were
purchased, such as different flavors of a product were all scanned using one
package. This could result in a negative inventory for the flavor scanned.

UIN Discrepancies If checked, SIM adds the item to the Problem Line stock count if
the item has UIN discrepancies. Discrepant UINs are items flagged by the store with
a UIN status updated from one store to another as a result of on one of the following

Transfer for unexpected UIN.

Inventory adjustment when UIN was not assigned to the store.

Stock counts, when the item was not originally assigned to the store.

Selecting Components for the Stock Count Product Group

The Product Group Components tab allows the user to select the desired product for the
group. This tab is not available until a product group type has been selected. The user can
only add a single product group element at a time, but can create a combination of items and
hierarchies for a single group.
At least one element must be added in order to create the group.
Note: The item criteria in the Stock Count Detail section is

ignored when adding individual items. Instead, the batch

handles this validation.

Stock Counts Overview 21

On the Product Group Components tab, SIM displays the type (Unit, Unit and Amount, or
Problem Line) and counting method (Guided, Unguided, or Third Party) selected for the
product group.
Total # of Recommended Items This indicates the total number of recommended items for
an individual product group element (that is, Item, Hierarchy, Supplier, Promotion ID, and
so on). This value is not saved to the database and is refreshed with the latest results each
time the user reenters the screen:

The Recommended # of Items field displays the maximum number of items allowed
for the type of product group selected. This field is always displayed and prepopulated based on either the system parameter associated with the product group
or the maximum configuration limit, whichever is lower.

Total # of Items in Group This is the approximate number of items that may be extracted in
the stock count based on a summation of all product group element criteria added to the
group. This value is not saved to the database and is refreshed with the latest results each
time the user reenters the screen. Each time the user selects a new product group element to
add to the group on the Product Group Components tab, SIM increments this field to display
the total number of items in the group up to that point. If the user removes an element from
the list, the Total # of Items in Group field is decremented based on the element removed.
Product groups can contain thousands of line items. SIM can handle product groups that
contain very large numbers of line items; however, these large groupings can be difficult for
a retailer to manage when counting products in the stores. To resolve this, the retailer can
configure SIM to automatically break down large product groups into multiple smaller
records. The system administrator can set system parameters to control the maximum
number of line items included in the product group, thus making the count more
If the number of line items in a product group exceeds the maximum line item limit, SIM
breaks down the product groups into smaller sections. For Unit, Unit and Amount, and
Problem Line product groups, SIM breaks down the stock count first by department, then by
class, then by subclass. If the number of line item records for a department exceeds the
maximum line limit value defined, then SIM breaks down the department into smaller
sections starting with class. If a single class has more line items than the defined limit, SIM
breaks the class down to the subclass level. This process results in the creation of a master
stock count, based on a single product group, along with multiple child counts associated
with the master count:

The system parameter value is limited to the value of the user interface (UI)
performance limitation configuration setting. For example, if the maximum UI
performance configuration setting is 10,000 line items, 10,000 is the maximum value
for the parameters. The parameters allow the retailer to further limit the number of
line items on each transaction for Problem Line, Unit and Unit, and Amount stock

The parameters are used when breaking down transactions into smaller, more
manageable portions. This limitation is in addition to the values entered by the user
on the Product Group Detail screen, which also helps to limit the size of the
Note: For Problem Line stock counts, this is in addition to the

store administration parameters: Negative Available Inventory,

Negative Stock On Hand, and Actual Pick Amount less than
suggested Pick Amount.

22 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Product Group Element Section

This section allows the user to select the product to include in the stock count. There are
multiple ways to select items to add to the product group. The various methods are
described here.

If the user selects Hierarchy, the Department, Class, and Subclass drop-down lists appear.
The Class drop-down does not enable until a department is selected and the Sub-class dropdown does not enable until a class is selected. Once the user selects the desired hierarchy and
clicks Add to Group, the lowest level hierarchy is added to the count group. A line item is
added to show the user all the hierarchies associated with the count group, as described in
the following examples:

The user selects Dept=Home Shop, Class=Kitchen, Sub-Class=Bowls, and then Add
to Group. A line is added to the Counting Group.

The user selects Dept=Clothing, and then Add Group. All classes and sub-classes
under the item hierarchy are added to the Counting Group.

All Departments
If any other element is selected and added to the group, selecting All Departments clears out
the other selections. Selecting All Departments ensures that the product group is set to
include all departments in the stock count. An All Department stock count is assumed to be a
stock count for the entire store. Selecting any other element option automatically turns off
the All Departments selection.

The user can select a supplier and all items associated with the supplier for the stock count.
This is helpful when performing a count for a specific supplier.
Note: This is not available for the Unit and Amount product

group type.

New items added in the merchandising system after this product group is created
are not added to the product group automatically.

Applying a supplier adds individual items to the stock count.

Promotion ID
A promotion ID can be used to add items to the product group. This is helpful when
monitoring items with high turnover or high theft during a promotional event.
Note: This is not available for the Unit and Amount product

group type.

Using the Promotion ID does not automatically add new items to the product group
if additional items are added to a promotion from an external pricing system or the
integrated Oracle Retail Price Management (RPM).

Applying a promotion adds single items to the table.

Stock Counts Overview 23

The user can enter an item to add to the product group. An Item Lookup feature allows the
user to search on an item, if necessary. The description is displayed for the item entered:

Non-sellable items - The user is allowed to add regular non-sellable and sellable
items. A non-sellable item is broken down to sellable components. If a non-sellable
item is added to the product group, the extract adds the sellable components to the
stock count since the inventory is held at this level. For more information on nonsellable items, see the Glossary.

Non-ranged items - Users are allowed to add active, Q status and non-ranged items,
depending on configuration, to the product group through the Items product group
element. For more information, see the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management
Implementation Guide - Volume 1, Configuration.
Note: The UI cannot restrict the user from adding non-ranged

or Q status items because the product group can be used to

schedule another store in which the item is ranged. However,
when generating the stock count, the batch restricts the items in
the count to only ranged items.
The Add to Group button adds the selected component to the group and displays it on the
bottom half of the screen. The Delete button removes the selected records.
Note: If the user presses the Delete button when All

Departments is selected, SIM removes all departments from the

product group and allows the user to select a new product
group element. There is no way for the user to highlight a
specific department row and delete it.

Scheduling a Stock Count

Once the products groups are created, the user can schedule how often each group is
counted. Since Ad Hoc stocks counts are impromptu counts, a predefined list is not created
and therefore are cannot be scheduled.
Product group schedules can be used for the following counts:

Unit stock counts

Unit and Amount stock counts

Problem Line stock counts

24 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Creating a Schedule
Using a calendar wizard, the user selects the count group and whether it is to be counted
daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. One or more stores can be assigned to the schedule,
depending on the stores to which the user has access. Once the scheduled is created, the
stock count can be viewed using the Stock Counts button which is accessible from the
Inventory Management menu. If the stock count is scheduled for a date in the future, the
count can be viewed from the Future Stock Count List screen. If the count is scheduled for
the current date, it appears on the main Stock Count List screen.

For Unit and Amount stock counts, the user must schedule the count for at least 1 plus days
out from the creation date of the schedule. The default setting for the Stock Count Lockout
Days system option is 1 and identifies when the items to include in the stock count are
populated into SIM from the merchandising system. The reason for the lockout days is that a
store needs a certain amount of time to prepare for a count and therefore changes should not
be allowed x number of days prior to the count.
The Stock Count Lockout Days can be changed on the System Admin screen, but SIM does
not allow the user to schedule the count to run for the current day.
Note: If SIM is integrated with RMS, this value needs to be

synched up with the RMS system option,

STAKE_REVIEW_DAYS. If not integrated with RMS, the value
should remain at 1.

Stock Counts Overview 25

Deleting a Schedule
Occasionally, stock counts may need cancellation due to weather or other circumstances. If a
stock count has not been completed, it can be cancelled by the user and a new one created.
When the stock count is deleted, a message is sent through Oracle Retail Integration Bus
(RIB) messaging in order for the merchandising system to be notified.

Generating a Stock Count

Overview of Stock Count Generation Batch Process
The following are features of the batch process:

On a daily basis, a batch process is triggered that creates stock counts for the current
day based on scheduled product groups.

Each master record is identified with the name of the scheduled product group and
at least one child record associated with it.

The system creates the stock count item records for every item contained in the
product group assigned to the scheduled stock count and ranged to the store.

The process creates the stock counts for each individual store. For example, if a
scheduled count includes a list of 5 stores, then 5 separate stock counts are created,
each with different stock count IDs.

Stock Count Status

All Stock Counts extracted through the batch process on the schedule date begin as Stock
Count New and the type is set to Stock Count.

26 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Child Count Creation

If a Hierarchy Breakdown is selected during the product group setup, SIM extracts a
separate child stock count for the specified hierarchy. A master count is created for a single
product group and then broken down into one or more child counts based on the counting
method or hierarchy breakdown chosen during the product group setup.
Product groups that contain hierarchies are expanded out to the item level when added to
stock count schedules for Unit and Amount stock count types in the batch.
For any product group that exceeds the limit, SIM creates multiple child records and
appends (x/y) to the description. This indicates that more than one child record is associated
with the original master product group:

x is the sequence number of the child record

y is the total number of child records into which the product group is divided

For example, for a Batteries stock count broken down into six separate child stock count
records, the description of the first stock count record of the group would be shown as

On the PC: Batteries (1/6)

On the handheld: (1/6) Batteries

On the PC, multiple records associated with the same master product group are sorted based
on ascending Department/Class/Subclass order, with (x/y) appended after the count
description. For example, a large stock count might be broken down as follows, with the
following child count records as listed:
Stock Count Record Breakdown
Batteries (1/6)

Contains Dept A items

Batteries (2/6)

Contains Dept B Class 1

Batteries (3/6)

Contains Dept B Class 2

Batteries (4/6)

Contains Dept B Class 3, 4

Batteries (5/6)

Contains Dept B Class 5 Subclass 1

Batteries (6/6)

Contains Dept C

On the HH, multiple records associated with the same master product group are sorted
based on ascending Department/Class/Subclass order, with (x/y) appearing before the
count description (because of display space limits on the handheld). For example, the same
records would be displayed on the HH as follows:
1-(1/6) Batteries
2-(2/6) Batteries
3-(3/6) Batteries
4-(4/6) Batteries
5-(5/6) Batteries
6-(6/6) Batteries
Note: Child stock counts on the HH may not always be grouped

together on the Stock Count List screen because the numbers

appear before the description and affect how the records are

Stock Counts Overview 27

The following figure shows an example of how SIM automatically breaks down a large stock
count. This figure is based on the following:

The maximum number of line items is 10,000

The total number of items in the product group is 40,000

In this example, the product group exceeds the maximum limit of 10,000 line items and must
be broken down into smaller sections:

SIM first breaks down the count by department. If a department has 10,000 or fewer
line items (like Department B in the example), the department does not need to be
broken down. It is extracted into its own child count record.

If a single department exceeds the 10,000 line items limit, SIM breaks down the count
further to the class level. If none of the classes exceed the maximum line items limit
(like Class C1 and Class C2 in the example), SIM extracts each class as a single child
count record.

If a class exceeds the maximum line limit, such as Class A1 in the example, SIM
breaks down that class to the subclass level.

Unguided Stock Counts

When the count method of Unguided is selected during product group setup and sequencing
is being used, if an item exists in multiple locations, SIM rolls up all the locations to one line
item. The primary sequence location description displays in the Location field.

Guided Stock Counts

If an item exists in multiple locations and sequencing is being used, SIM displays a separate
line item for each location and the corresponding location description in the Location field.

28 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Item Retention
SIM needs to validate items and data based on criteria selected during the product group

Extract as a guided count if the Guided checkbox is checked.

Extract items based on what is selected under the Item Status section. For example, if
the Active and Inactive checkboxes are checked and the rest are null, SIM extracts all
items with a status equal to Active or Inactive, but excludes Discontinued and
Deleted items:

Active (includes Active and Q status items)




Extract items based on selected SOH criteria. If all are checked, SIM extracts
regardless of SOH value:

SOH = 0

SOH > 0

SOH < 0

Extraction Timeline
The batch allows the live extraction of stock counts up to one day in the future of the current
time. This allows the retailer to start a large stock count up to 24 hours before the actual
schedule date. This means entering tomorrow as a date is valid; it extracts tomorrows stock
count as a live stock count and LAST_EXTRACTED_DATE.

Third Party Stock Count Extract

The third-party counter needs to receive an extract of the items, quantities, and UINs to
count from SIM. This report can be viewed on the screen and subsequently saved by a user.
The report only needs to be accessible in the stock count dialogue.
The Third Party Stock Count Extraction Report allows a retailer to extract the snapshot value
and in-store UINs in an XML format that should be counted for a specific stock count. This
report may need to be modified by individual retailers for different third-parties when
performing a stock count. It is only meant as a starting point. If this report is generated
before a snapshot is taken, the UIN and snapshot quantity field are empty so that the extract
is created after the snapshot is taken.
This XML report contains the following information:

Header: stock count ID, stock count type, and store ID

Detail: item number (SIM SKU number), item description, total snapshot quantity
for the item, and UINs for the item

Stock Counts Overview 29

Starting a Stock Count

After the user has located the stock count to perform, one of the first steps is to take a
snapshot. When a snapshot is taken, SIM records the stock on hand position for each item in
the count at that point in time. These values are compared against the counted values to
determine whether there are discrepant items. After the snapshot is taken, the user can
continue business without having to update the counted quantities with any transactions.
This preserves the original counted quantities for an audit, if needed.
From the Stock Count List screen, the user double-clicks a master stock count and is guided
to the Child Stock Count List screen where the user can execute the child stock counts
associated with the master count. If a product group generates a master with multiple child
counts, multiple stock counts appear on the Child List screen. If a product group generates a
master count with one child record, only one stock count appears on the Child List screen.
SIM allows the user to save the child stock count and resume at a later time. This
functionality exists on both the HH and PC. Saving the count indicates that the count is still
in progress. The count does not move on to the next stock count phase (Count, Recount,
Authorize) until the user selects the Complete button. This applies for all stock count types
(Ad hoc, Unit, Problem Line, Unit and Amount).

Status Changes
From start to completion, each stock count proceeds through the following stages of a stock

Future Stock Count

Stock Count



Each stock count state for the master count, displayed as the type, has statuses and rules.
The status of the master stock count depends on the status of each child count. If the stock
count type (stage) is Stock Count for the child count, then the master record also is Stock
Count. The master does not change until all children have shifted to Recount or Authorize.
The status, however, changes from New to In Progress when a single child stock count
moves to In Progress or when the snapshot is taken.
Note: For guided counts, a status of Pending for the child

record indicates the child stock count is ready to be authorized,

but that a snapshot has not been taken or the child count has an
item that has not been counted in all locations.

Future Stock Count

These stock counts have no status. The status column has an N/A to indicate status does not
apply. The user cannot take the snapshot or take any action on a future stock count. These
counts are view-only and accessed from the Future Stock Counts List screen until the
schedule date is reached.

30 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Selecting Search on the Future Stock Count Filter dialog brings the user to the Future Stock
Count List screen with the results displayed based on the search criteria. Records are sorted
by date, with the nearest date at the top of the list.
Double-clicking a single record prompts the user to generate the stock count. If the user
chooses to generate the count at that point, SIM brings the user to a view only Child Stock
Count List screen. It is identical to the regular Child Stock Count List screen except the only
button available is Done. Closing out of the Child Stock Count List screen saves the record
for the current day only and deletes the record at the end of each calendar day. A new record
is generated each day if the user double-clicks the master record and chooses Yes to generate
The Child List screen displays the most current data based on the time the future count was
generated. Any updates or changes to the product group detail or schedule information are
updated the next time the future count is generated.
Once the schedule date is reached, SIM deletes the count from the Future Stock Count List
screen and re-extracts the count on the schedule date for the most up-to-date data. The stock
count then moves to the Stock Count List screen and status is changed to Stock Count New.

Taking the Snapshot

Taking a snapshot is a function that captures the current stock on hand quantity for all items
in a stock count at a given point in time. A date timestamp is associated with the snapshot
and is used to determine if other transactions performed should increase or decrease the
stock on hand quantity after the stock count has been authorized.
The snapshot is a view of an items stock on hand position at a certain point in time. This
value is compared against the counted value. The snapshot enables the user to continue
business after the count is taken and not have to update the counted quantity with any
transactions, preserving the original stock on hand and counted quantity for a possible audit






Item A




Item B




Item C





Item D



When Snapshots are Taken

The point at which a snapshot is taken depends on the type of stock count. Taking the
snapshot affects the status of each stock count.
Note: For a stock count using the Third Party counting method,

a snapshot must be taken before the stock count data is

uploaded to SIM.

Ad Hoc Stock Counts

For an Ad Hoc stock count, SIM takes a snapshot when the first item is scanned on the HH.

Stock Counts Overview 31

Unit and Problem Line Counts

For Unit and Problem Line stock count types, SIM takes a snapshot when the first item is
scanned on the HH. The user can also take a snapshot for child counts by using the Take
Snapshot button on the Stock Count List or Stock Count Detail screens. There is a separate
snapshot taken during the Re-count stage.

On the Child Stock Count List screen, the Take Snapshot button triggers the
snapshot for all selected child stock counts.

On the Child Stock Count Detail screen, the Take Snapshot button triggers the
snapshot for the individual child count.

Unit and Amount Counts

For a Unit and Amount stock count, the snapshot must be taken from the PC. Unlike a Unit
count, starting the Unit and Amount count process on the HH does not trigger the snapshot.
When a snapshot is taken for a Unit and Amount stock count type, it is taken for all child
counts at the same time. Only one snapshot is taken for a Unit and Amount count type.
There is not a separate snapshot for the Recount stage.
On the Child Stock Count List screen, the Take Snapshot button triggers the snapshot for all
child counts regardless of what is selected on the Child List screen.
If the user selects the Complete button for one or more child counts before the snapshot has
been taken, the highlighted child records for the Unit and Amount count go into Pending
status until the snapshot is taken.
It is possible to add non-ranged items to a Unit and Amount count if the item falls within the
hierarchy specified during the product group setup. In this case, the snapshot for that item is
taken upon scanning the item with the HH if the user chooses Yes to add the non-ranged
The child counts within the master count cannot be moved to a type of Recount or Authorize
until the Take Snapshot button is clicked.
The snapshot can be taken at anytime during the counting process for Unit and Amount
counts and the user is able to enter count quantities on the Stock Count Detail screen and
complete the count. Before going to recount or authorization, the snapshot has to be taken.
Note: If the store uses UINs, the snapshot must be taken before

the count can begin.

When the Take Snapshot button is selected, the user is warned that they are taking a
snapshot for the entire store.

SIM takes the snapshot, as well as, processes the stock count records in case any
records need to move to a new type (stage) and status.

Unique Identification Numbers

Retailers, who sell items such as electronics, cell phones, firearms, medications, and fresh
items, often have to track unique numbers or attributes for a single item or group of items.
These identifiers might be serial numbers, UINs, FCC IDs, International Mobile Equipment
Identity (IMEI) numbers, or other kinds of identifiers. UINs aid the retailer in tracking
expensive or controlled items, or items that may be subject to manufacturer recalls or
investigations by legal authorities.
SIM provides the capability to track items by UIN.

32 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Note: If SIM is not configured to use UINs, this does not apply.

If UINs are not used, fields and functions related to UINs are not
available in the SIM UI.
If UINs are required for an item, the UINs must be scanned, entered, or automatically
generated when stock is received. When the user is generating UINs for tracking items,
labels can be printed with the generated UINs.

Status on Snapshots
If the store uses UINs, the snapshot captures the status of those items in the store as part of
the stores stock on hand, as well as those UINs in missing status:

In Stock

Customer Order Reserved

Reserved for Shipping



Removed from Inventory

The UINs in these statuses are displayed on the Stock Count Authorization screen, to
identify which UINs are not counted.

Guided Counts
For guided counts, when the Take Snapshot button is pressed, SIM looks for any Pending
location counts to determine which of the location counts have all of their items counted in
all locations and can move to the next type (stage) of Recount New or Authorize New.

Sales Processing
If Daily Sales Processing is set for the Stock Count Sales Processing system option, the user
may have the option to select whether the count is being performed before or after store
hours on either the HH or PC, depending on configuration. In some cases a retailer does not
want to have the associate make that determination and SIM can be configured to hide this
prompt from the user. For more information, see System/Store Settings.
Note: This selection cannot be changed after the count has

moved to In Progress by starting the count process or taking the

If Timestamp Processing is set for Stock Count Sales Processing system option, the user does
not have to select a time period for the stock count. Sales data has a timestamp that indicates
when the sale or return occurred. This sales data timestamp is compared against the
timestamps taken during the stock count. This option is also used when sales data is
interfaced during real-time processing.

Stock Counts Overview 33

Caution: Timestamp processing is not possible when using

Oracle Retail Sales Audit (ReSA) since the audit process

removes the timestamps from the entire process. Even after
modifications, or using a third-party auditing system,
timestamp processing can only be used for Ad Hoc, Problem
Line, and Unit Count stock counts. Timestamp processing for
Unit and Amount stock counts cannot be used with RMS. RMS
is not a real-time system, and as such, sales processing can only
be done on a daily basis.

If the retailer is dealing with fast selling items in a 24/7 environment, it is recommended to
count items on the shop floor first and then move to counting the back room. This can help to
reduce the chance an item is picked up by a customer after the snapshot is taken, but before
the timestamp is taken. If the customer picks up an item on the shop floor, after the initial
scan has occurred, SIM only updates the SOH when the sale occurs. The snapshot does not
get updated in this particular case. If the sale occurs after the snapshot, but before the initial
scan, both the SOH and snapshot are updated.
For a Unit and Amount count, the recommendation is to count the backroom first, then take
the snapshot before sales for the next day occur. After the snapshot is taken, count the shop
floor. This results in a more accurate reflection of inventory while allowing the retailer to
spread out the stock count process over multiple days or longer period of time. This way,
sales can occur on the shop floor without updating the snapshot. When a sale occurs, the
SOH is updated, but the snapshot remains the same until the snapshot is taken.
Note: If the retailer wants to take the snapshot right away, the

shop floor should be counted first and then the back room, since
the retailer has more control over stock movement in the back

When a user performs a stock count, all stock in the store is counted. Unavailable inventory
must be counted as well. For example, if some items are ready to be returned to a supplier
but the return has not yet been dispatched, the items are counted, even though they will not
be placed on the shop floor for sale. They are still owned by the store until they are no longer
in the store.
The user performs an initial count of the items listed in the stock count which can be
completed immediately or saved and completed at a later time.

34 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Status Changes
The status of a stock count moves to In Progress after the user starts the counting process or
takes the snapshot, with the exception of Unit and Amount counts.
The Unit and Amount count can move to In Progress when the user takes the snapshot
manually, or when an item is scanned, even if the snapshot is not taken.

Guided Counts
Some retailers divide the store into logical zones for counting stock. An item can exist in
multiple zones within the store. Some items may not be assigned to a specific zone.
During the counting process, the user is guided through the micro-sequence order of the
items within a child. If a particular child does not have a micro-sequence, the user is guided
by item number.
If an item belongs to multiple children, the child waits for the other children the item belongs
to before completing the child count and moving to the next phase (recount or
Scanning items out of order goes into an amend mode where the user can enter the new total
Note: The sequencing functionality in SIM allows the retailer to

assign items to specific areas in the store. Some retailers may not
want to spend the time and effort of defining where the
merchandise is located in the store and instead want to be able
to scan the entire store in segments, or zones, without
predefining what items exist in each zone. SIM does not
currently support this type of counting method.

Stock Counts Overview 35

Unguided Counts
Unguided stock counts allow a user to scan any items in any order. It also allows for multiple
users to scan against the same child count. Completing the child stock count brings the child
to the next phase depending on the breakdown type selected. If a location is specified, the
system checks to ensure all items are only in a single location before moving on to the next
On the other hand, if the item belongs to a single child only, the count is moved to the next

Stock Count Activity Locking

SIM contains activity-locking functionality. This allows one user to update a transaction at a
time. Depending on the functional area, if another user is processing a transaction the user
wants to initiate, a prompt is received to take over the transaction. If the user takes over the
transaction, the original user receives a message when they try to save the transaction they
no longer have the lock. This is to ensure only the user who currently owns the lock on the
transaction can update the transaction.
Stock counts can be configured to allow multiple users to scan for the same transaction on
the HH. The PC and HH are mutually exclusive, so the PC can lock out multiple users in this
dialogue. The Unguided Stock Counts Allow Multiple Users system option needs to be
enabled if the retailer wants to allow multiple users to scan the same item during an
unguided stock count. For more information, see System/Store Settings.
Record locking is done at the child level when the count type equals Count or Recount.
On the PC, only one user is able to access a single child record at a time and make changes to
the count. If a record has been locked by a user and cannot be released because the HH lost
its connection, a batch process can remove the lock. The batch program is called
PurgeLockings. For more information, see the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management
Operations Guide.
The HH locks out the PC, but from the PC, the user can choose to break the lock.
It is possible to take the snapshot or print the stock count reports from the Child List screen
even if a user has locked access to a child record.
If an item exists in multiple macro/micro locations, the quantity is stored at the location in
which it is counted. If two users are counting the same item in the same location, the
quantities are added together.

Unique Identification Numbers

While performing SIM tasks such as transfers, receiving, adjustments, and stock counts, the
user can add and update information about UINs. Numerous SIM functions require an
accurate accounting of all UINs involved. The SIM interface has some standard fields and
forms that work in a similar manner, regardless of the specific task.
For items that require UINs, the user must capture the UIN when performing a stock count
on the PC or HH. The count quantity is always equal to the number of UINs captured for the
The Count and Recount stages only allow the user to count items that already exist in the
store. If an UIN is found that does not exist in the store, the user needs to set it aside until
authorization. When the count is confirmed, the UIN is created for the current store and the
status moves to In Stock.

36 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Stock Count Report

SIM provides the functionality to schedule, perform, and authorize stock counts. The Stock
Count Report provides the store users with the ability to print out scheduled stock counts
and use the printed list of results of the counting on the printed list before entering them into
the system.
The report consists of two sections with the following information:

Description Master stock count description.
Date Scheduled date for the master stock count.
Total Items Total number of items in the master stock count.
Stock Count User User who last saved/completed the stock count.
Recount User User who last saved/completed the recount.

Child Count Description Description of the child count appears as a header to the detail
section (separate header for each child count). For guided counts, this is the macro location
name along with shopfloor/backroom if sequencing is being used.
Item Item number for each line item in the stock count.
Description Description of the item.
UOM Unit of measure for the item.
Count Physical count results entered for the stock count.

Stock Counts Overview 37

After a count is completed, SIM performs variance calculations for all items. If the count for
an item exceeds variance limits, the item count is discrepant. If the product group setup
requires a recount of discrepant items, the user follows the same steps to take a snapshot.
The recount snapshot records the current stock on hand levels for all the items on the
recount. The user can take a recount snapshot from either the Stock Count Child List or Stock
Re-Count Detail window.

The Stock Re-Count Detail window is similar to the Stock Count Detail window, but it also
allows entry of recounted item quantities.
If the Re-count Discrepancies box was checked during the product group setup and at least
one item is discrepant after the count, a recount is required. If the Re-count Discrepancies
box was not checked, all items are moved to the Authorization screen and the items
exceeding the variance limits appear as discrepant items.
Note: On the Authorization screen, the user is able to filter

based on discrepant versus non-discrepant items and enter an

authorization quantity for both types if desired.

38 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Status Changes
The stock count moves to Re-Count New after the initial count has been completed and
discrepant items exist.
The user performs a recount after the initial count, that can be completed immediately or
saved and completed at a later time. Stock Re-Count moves to Stock Re-Count In Progress
after the user starts the recounting process or retakes the snapshot.

Recount Snapshot
The first action of the recount is to take a snapshot for Unit and Problem Line counts.
After the user completes the stock count, the quantities entered by the user is compared to
the snapshot quantities. If any of the entered quantities exceed the variance limits on the
associated product group record, the item is considered discrepant.
If the product group is set up to recount discrepancies, the items exceeding the variance
limits are moved to a stock count recount, and this record is created. Non-discrepant items
are also included as a filter and the user is able to enter a recount quantity if desired.
Once the user takes the snapshot during the recount process, SIM takes a snapshot of the
current SOH inventory levels for all the items in the stock recount. When the user completes
the recount, those discrepant items with blank quantities are set to the counted quantity:

If the item was not discrepant and not recounted, the recount quantity remains
blank. This item is considered not counted.

To help determine what a blank value means based for the Stock Count Null Count
Quantity = 0 parameter, see Processing Blank Count Quantity Grid.

After the user completes the stock recount, the quantities entered by the user are compared
to the snapshot quantities. If any of the entered quantities exceed the variance limits in the
associated product group record, the item is considered discrepant.
Both discrepant and non-discrepant items appear on the Stock Count Authorization screen,
where the user can manually approve each of the discrepant items or choose the Update
Auth Qty button that auto-fills each item with the last counted quantity.

Ad Hoc Stock Count

The recount process does not exist for Ad Hoc stock counts. The recount snapshot does not
apply for these counts.

Unit and Problem Line Stock Count

The recount process is optional and depends on product group setup.

Unit and Amount Stock Count

Unit and Amount counts do not have a snapshot on the recount. SIM uses the snapshot from
the initial count.
If the Unit and Amount stock count uses a third-party method, the recounting process does
not apply. It is assumed the third-party service performed the recount process.

Stock Counts Overview 39

Stock Count Recount Report

In case a recount is triggered, the Stock Count Re Count Report provides store users the
ability to print out the stock counts that need to be recounted and record the results of the
The report consists of two sections with the following information:

Description Master stock count description.
Date Scheduled date for the master stock count.
Total Items Total number of items in the master stock count.
Stock count user User who last saved/completed the stock count.
Recount user User who last saved/completed the recount.

Child Count Description description of the child count appears as a header to the detail
section (separate header for each child count). For guided counts, this is the macro location
name along with shopfloor/backroom if sequencing is being used.
Item Item number for each line item in the stock count.
Description Description of the item.
UOM Unit of measure for the item.
Count Physical count results entered for the initial stock count.
Recount Count results for the recount of the stock count.

40 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Processing Third Party Results

For audit purposes, or specific store processes, some retailers decide to use their old legacy
system or a third-party system/vendor. Many times, the third-party service uses their own
equipment and software to capture the quantities counted to help with reducing the need to
hire temporary labor.
SIM supports the importing of a stock count file from a third-party counting system, and
updates the existing stock count records in SIM with the item and quantity data being
returned. The following figure shows the process for uploading the count results for
processing in SIM.

Stock Counts Overview 41

Third Party Stock Count Process

Create Third
Party Product
Group and
Schedule Stock

nightly batch creates
Stock Count

Take Snapshot

Third Party
Performs Count

created in SIM

Authorize Stock

Rejected Items
loaded for

Third Party Results
imported into SIM

Flat File created

to update

Any items not recognized by SIM during the import of the third-party stock count file are
stored in a Rejected Items table. The rejected items are added to the database and purged
when the stock count is removed from the system. If the Auto Authorize checkbox was not
selected during product group setup, the user is allowed to assign a valid SIM item ID on the
Rejected Items screen to the count information for any item not on file or items not
previously part of the stock count. Once a valid item ID is assigned to the not on file items,
SIM updates the appropriate stock count record with the count quantity. If the Auto
Authorize checkbox is selected, the information on the Rejected Items screen is view-only.
For additional information, see Rejected Item Process.

Batch Results Processing

The stock count results prepared by the third-party are imported into SIM as a flat file. Any
adjustments are made through the Approval and Rejected Item processes. It is not possible
to upload adjustments, but multiple files, one per child, can be uploaded independently.
The retailer can configure the batch to trigger the snapshot. For more information, see the
ThirdPartyStockCountParser batch in Batch Processes.. The snapshot is required prior to
authorizing the stock count. If configured to do so, the snapshot is taken automatically after
all items are uploaded, in case of item failure. This prevents the user from needing to
manually take the snapshot ahead of time and potentially cause a delay in processing the
results file. Caution needs to be taken when scheduling the upload to be sure the timing does
not cause the counts to be off if the store begins receiving ahead of the batch.
It is assumed there is only one store ID per the Third Party Results file. SIM loads one file for
each store and only data for that store is updated.
The Third Party Results file sends back the total quantity counted for each item, regardless if
the item was counted in several areas of the store (rolled up total by item).
A single stock count results file contains all items of the lowest level of a single child.

42 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

The ThirdPartyStockCountParser upload batch program takes in a file created by a thirdparty system and updates the counted quantity in SIM. For more information on where to
place the file and processing information, see the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management
Operations Guide.
The program validates that all the counted items exist in SIM and the stock count. If an item
is not on file or not in the count, the item is placed in the Rejected Items table for resolution.
The items coming from the Third Party Results file are identified based on an item number
such as unique system identifier, UPC, or other number set up in the merchandising system.
All quantities in the Third Party Results file must be in the items SUOM (units, KG, and so
For items that exist in the SIM child stock count, but no counted quantity was sent back from
the third-party system, SIM applies the standard rules previously explained around null
value counts.
For items with SOH quantity in SIM, but a Third Party count of 0, the discrepancy check uses
the variance units (not variance percent) value to determine if the item is discrepant.
If an item is valid for the Unit and Amount count, but was not extracted, SIM adds the item
to the count.
The file is required to be delimited (user should not use | since this is used as a delimiter). A
delimited-field file often uses less space than a fixed-length record file to store the same data.
The main limitation with delimited fields is the need to add special handling to ensure that
neither the field delimiter nor the record delimiter characters get added into a field value.

Stock Count Sales Processing

The Stock Count Sales Processing System option determines the kind of sales processing
used for sales uploaded during the stock count process. When determining the physical
count timestamp, the third party batch uses the date field in the flat file that indicates the
date/time the item was counted. Thetime stamp is at the item level to ensure accurate late
sales processing.
Timestamp processing requires sales data to be uploaded with a specific time for every sales
transaction. Daily Sales Processing requires the sales file to be uploaded with at least a date,
but no time is required. Processing is less accurate with the latter option and can cause
problems if stock counts are performed during the business day. For more information, see
Late Sales Processing.

Unique Identification Numbers

Items that require UINs can be assigned UINs through the Rejected Items dialog. If UINs are
required for an item, they must be recorded when stock counts are performed.
When processing the Third Party Results file, if an item in the file has a capture time of Store
Receiving, the associated UIN must be provided and the count quantity is always 1.
If the count quantity for the UIN is greater than 1, SIM batch automatically defaults the UIN
count quantity to 1.
If the UIN is not present for an item that requires a UIN, the record is written to the Rejected
Items table for later resolution. The Rejected Items screen allows the user to assign a serial
number to those items.

Stock Counts Overview 43

Third Party Stock Count Results File Layout Definition


Field Name

Field Type







File head marker

Store Number

Char (10)


Store number for which the file

was uploaded. It is assumed only
one store is passed in per file.

Stock Count ID

Number (12)


Unique system-created identifier

for a stock count. Assumption is
SIM always takes the first stock
count ID listed.





Detail record marker

Stock Count Date

Date (14)


Indicates date/time item was

physically counted by the thirdparty. (YYYYMMDDHH24MISS)
such as, 20091019134600.
Note: If using Daily Processing,
use 00 for time.

Area Number

Char (10)


10-digit code indicating where in

the store the item is located.

UPC or Item

Char (25)


25-digit universal product code.

Count Quantity



Quantity counted for the item. This

field must allow for decimals when
counting in UOM other than




Unique identification serial

number for item; required if
current item requires UIN.

Viewing and Updating Rejected Items

Rejected items can be created two ways:

Third Party stock counts that do not match the child for which they are uploaded

Invalid scans performed on the HH by a user

44 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

The user can view rejected items, if any, and assign valid SIM item IDs to items not on file
and non-ranged items. UINs can also be updated if they are required for some items in the
Note: If there are no rejected items for the count, a message is

displayed. In that case, the Rejected Items screen does not open.

Third Party Results

The count result data from a third-party system must be imported into SIM for comparison
against SIM inventory levels. In SIM, all discrepant item counts in the Third Party count can
be viewed based on the variance limits (units, percent, and value differences) set up for the
Third Party counts can include inconsistencies to be resolved within SIM. Items might be
counted that are not currently recorded in SIM inventory. Some counted items might not be
currently ranged to the store and are not expected to appear in the count. The user can assign
item IDs to items not on file and include non-ranged items in the stock count. Some items
counted in a Third Party stock count might be items not included in the stock count product
group and should not have been counted. Counts for these items are flagged as rejected not
on count items; they cannot be assigned SIM item IDs. No action can be taken with these
items. Any items SIM does not recognize can be added through the Rejected Items dialog

Stock Counts Overview 45

Note: For Unit and Amount counts, SIM exports the stock count

information to the merchandising system. The merchandising

system updates its SOH positions to reflect the data held in SIM
and makes applicable financial adjustments relevant to the Unit
and Amount stock count.
Any items not recognized by SIM during the import of the Third Party stock count file are
stored in a Rejected Items table. The Rejected Items screen allows the user to assign a valid
SIM item ID to the count information for items not on file and not on the count. Once a valid
item ID is assigned to the not on file items, SIM updates the appropriate stock count records
with the count quantity. This user is also able to add UINs at this time. The user is able to
manage the rejected items only if the auto-authorize option has been disabled.
If any items sent from a third-party system are not already ranged to the store, the system
configuration Allow Non-Range Item is set to Yes, and the count is a Unit and Amount
count, SIM adds the item to the appropriate stock count record (based on merchandise
hierarchy). The snapshot also sets the SOH amount to 0. Otherwise, the item is added to the
Rejected Items table for resolution.
If the user has created the Third Party stock count within SIM and the batch has run, the
department stock count records appear on the Child Stock Count List screen, however the
user is not able to drill into the Stock Count Detail screen until the Third Party data has been
The Rejected Items button on the Child Stock Count List screen takes the user to the Rejected
Items Screen.
Note: The user is not required to assign a valid SIM ID to the

not on file items before completing the count. Any items without
a valid SIM ID are not part of the finalized stock count. Once the
count is in Authorize Complete status, the Rejected Items screen
is view-only.

Reasons for Rejection

An Item that does not require UINs can be rejected for the following reasons:

Item Not on File

These items are not found in the SIM enterprise-wide inventory. These items might
not be set up in the merchandising system. Not on file items can be added to the

Item Not at Store

These items are in the SIM enterprise-wide inventory, but are not ranged to the store.
These items can also be added to the count.

Item Not on Count

These items are not included in the stock count product group defined during
product group setup. These items cannot be added to the stock count and they
should not have been counted. The user cannot take any action with these items.

46 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Rejected Items that Require UINs

UIN Duplicate
The same UIN was counted twice for the same valid SIM item during the Third Party count.
SIM accepts the first item/UIN combination, but rejects any duplicates

UIN Required
A valid SIM item was counted, but the UIN was not provided in the Third Party data file.
The user can assign a valid SIM item ID and UIN.

UIN Not on Count

A UIN was scanned, but the item/UIN combination does not exist in the product group
element selected for the count. The user cannot take any action with these items. The user
can view the UINs counted.

UIN Not at Store

The item/UIN combination exists at a different store. Depending on the SIM configuration,
the user may be able to reassign this item/UIN combination to the store. If the SIM
configuration does not allow reassignment, the user cannot take any action with these items.

UIN Not on File

The item is not on file in SIM. The user can assign the item a valid SIM item ID, but must also
enter a UIN for the item.

AGSN Required
If Auto Generated Serial Number (AGSN) types are required for the item but the counted
items do not have AGSNs assigned in the third-party data file, the items are rejected. The
user must generate the AGSNs.

Rules for Unique Identification Numbers

The following rules apply to UINs:

If an item with a required UIN is not counted during the stock count but is currently
In Stock, Reserved for Shipping, or Unavailable, the UIN status is updated to

If an item with a UIN in the stock count does not exist in the store, the UIN needs to
be added during the Authorize stage. At that point, the UIN is created for the store
where the stock count is occurring and the status is updated to In Stock after

If a UIN on the stock count was received in a different store and Allow Unexpected
UINs is set to Enabled, the store attribute for the UIN is updated to the store of the
stock count and the status updated to In Stock.

If the UIN on the stock count has the correct store attribute and is in Shipped to
Warehouse, Shipped to Vendor, Removed from Inventory, Customer Order
Fulfilled, Sold, or Missing status, the UIN status is updated to In Stock after

For UINs with a status of In Stock after the initial count but moved to another status
before the count is authorized, SIM does not update the UIN and remains with a
status of In Stock upon confirmation.

Stock Counts Overview 47

Authorizing a Stock Count

At this point, some stock count quantities might match SIM inventory levels or be within the
variance count or percentage set for the product group. There might also be discrepant item
counts, if the recount also resulted in discrepancies. The user can accept counted quantities
or enter different authorized quantities for all items. If the user wants SIM to fill in
authorized quantities, the quantities used are based on system settings and defaults as
described in the following sections.

Automatic Authorization
The Auto Authorize option is selected during the product group setup to enable automatic
If the product group was set up for automatic authorization of the count, the child stock
counts are automatically authorized when completed and authorized quantities are updated
SIM automatically authorizes the Unit and Amount stock counts, and exports the stock count
data to the merchandising system. If the Auto Authorize option is selected during the
product group setup and the Third Party option is selected for the counting method, this
process occurs as part of the import of the Third Party Results file. Some companies require
the auto-authorization for SOX compliance reasons.
In this case, any items considered Rejected are not assigned an existing item ID. This
business process assumes the retailer has resolved all discrepancies and data conflicts prior
to the third-party service provider exporting the count data from the third-party system. The
rejected items are view-only. This import process updates SIM with the stock count data
from the Third Party Results file, and SIM exports the same results to the merchandising
system. No user intervention occurs in SIM for this process to occur. The Auto authorize
option is located on the Product Group Detail screen when creating the product group used
for the stock count.

Manual Authorization
To enable manual authorization, the Auto Authorize option is not selected during the
product group setup.
When a stock count is ready for approval, the last state of the count requires entering the
authorized (approved) quantities for items in the count.
At this point, some stock count quantities might match SIM inventory levels or be within the
variance count or percentage set for the product group. There might also be discrepant item
counts, if the recount also resulted in discrepancies. The user can accept counted quantities
or enter different quantities. The quantities used are based on system settings and defaults.
The user can update authorized quantities by updating the quantities manually or by
selecting various buttons to fill in any blank authorized quantities. The user can enter
authorized quantities for any items in a stock count. For a count with many different items,
the user may want to enter authorized quantities only for certain items.

48 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

On the Authorization screen, the SOH field always displays the last snapshot value, either
the snapshot of the count or the recount. The user can enter authorization quantities for both
discrepant and non-discrepant items. The screen defaults to discrepant items and the user
has the option to filter to all items. Discrepant items are determined by the variance process
as previously described. For more information, see the Oracle Retail Store Inventory
Management User Guide.

Status Changes
Authorize New
The stock count moves to Authorize New after the count or recount have taken place.
The stock count is typically performed by a manager who authorizes the count and recount
quantities. The user is able to select the Update Auth button to auto-fill all authorization
quantities with the last count quantity.

Authorize In Progress
The stock count moves to Authorize In Progress after a single child count authorize quantity
has been saved or confirmed.
Note: Moving to this state can be triggered by selecting the

Update Auth button.

Authorize Completed
The stock count moves to Authorize Completed after all child counts have been confirmed.
Once in Authorize Completed, the stock count becomes view-only and no quantities can be
changed. The only available button on any of the screens is the Done button, which returns
the user to the previous screen without making any changes.

Stock Counts Overview 49

Authorization Rules for Unit, Ad Hoc, and Problem Line Counts

The following rules apply for the Unit, Ad Hoc, and Problem Line Counts

When the user reenters a stock count in authorize that has or has not been
completed, the SOH and the last snapshot remains constant.

The Filter drop-down list on the Authorization screen allows the user to view the All
Items part of the stock count. The user is allowed to enter data into the Authorized
Quantity field for both discrepant and non-discrepant items.

The Authorized Qty field can be auto-filled by selecting the Update Auth Qty

A warning is displayed to the user if some items do not have an authorized quantity
entered when the Confirm Authorization button is clicked.

If the user selects OK and the Stock Count Null Count Quantity = 0 parameter is set
to No, all items without an Authorization Quantity have their SOH left as is, with no
adjustments made. The item is considered not counted in this case.

If the user selects OK and the Stock Count Null Count Quantity = 0 parameter is set
to Yes, all items without an authorization quantity have their SOH set to the last
counted quantity. This is 0 if the user never physically entered a count quantity.

If Cancel is selected, the user is returned to the Authorization screen without

confirming the count. Any quantities that were entered by the user remain on the

Once the user selects Confirm, the system adjusts the SOH to the authorization
quantity entered for the item.

If the Updating Stock on Hand parameter is set to Discrepant Items Only, SIM only
updates the SOH for discrepant items that were counted.

If the Updating Stock on Hand parameter is set to All Items, SIM adjusts the SOH for
both discrepant and non-discrepant items that were counted.

When the Confirm button is selected for the last child count needing authorization,
the status for the stock count changes to Completed and, at this point, the stock
count is read-only.

An inventory adjustment record is automatically created to adjust the inventory to

the quantity entered for the item. For a list of the SIM preloaded inventory
adjustments, see Appendix A.

Authorization Processing for Unit and Amount Count

Upon authorization, a warning is displayed to the user when items with blank quantities are
set to 0 or to the last counted quantity.
When Confirm is selected for the last child count needing authorization, the status for the
stock count changes to Completed.
Once the last child count is confirmed from the Child List or Authorization screen, SIM
completes the master stock count process and sends all authorized quantities for the entire
stock count record (discrepant and non-discrepant items) back to the merchandising system.
The stock count status is set to Completed and no further changes are allowed in SIM.
Results are automatically exported to the merchandising system upon confirmation of the
last child count.

50 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

The Stock Count Authorization screen still updates the inventory adjustments within SIM for
discrepant and non-discrepant items. It does not update the inventory adjustments for the
stock counts to the merchandising system. Instead, a flat file is created with the new
inventory position that is sent to the merchandising system. For more information, see
Updating Stock On Hand.
The quantity displayed in the SOH field comes from the snapshot taken on the Stock Count
Detail screen or the Child Stock Count List screen.
Items in deleted or inactive status that still have SOH are included in the Unit and Amount
stock counts.
There is not a filter for Discrepancy or All Items for Third Party stock counts.

Guided Stock Count

Multiple Location Validation
Sequencing must be implemented to use guided stock counts and multiple location
validation. It is possible for a single item on a stock count to be located in multiple locations
in the store. For Unit and Problem Line stock counts, SIM performs a check for guided stock
counts when authorizing the stock count to indicate to the user if some locations for the
items have not been counted.
The warning message only appears if the items have been counted in at least one location but
have not been counted in all locations. There is not a separate message for each item affected.
The message only appears once and the user is given the option to continue counting. This
option allows the user to finish counting the items in all locations and enter a more accurate
authorized quantity count.
Note: This event can happen when counting items that exist in

multiple macro locations and the user skips the count for one of
the items locations by entering a null count or selecting Enter
instead of entering a quantity on the HH.

Stock Count Activity Locking During Authorization

On the PC, authorization is locked at the child level when count Type equals Authorize.
Multiple users are able to select the Authorize button at the same time and go to the
Authorization screen to authorize those quantities of child records that have moved to the
authorize stage. Locking occurs at the child level. If a user selects the Search button when the
filtered child record is locked by another user, they are prompted with a locking message.
Note: This is not applicable to the HH since authorization can

only take place on the PC.

If the user selects Complete on the Child List screen, locks may exist on one or more of the
child counts the user has highlighted to complete. For both guided and unguided counts, the
user is prompted to confirm they want to complete the count with a warning that there may
be active users in the count.

Stock Counts Overview 51

Third Party Authorization

If the Auto Authorize option is not selected during the product group setup process, SIM
populates the Count Quantity on the stock count records, and sets the Authorize Quantity
equal to the Count Quantity. Once the file has been imported from the third-party system,
the stock count records Type are set to Authorize and the status set to In Progress.
As with any other type of stock count, the user needs to authorize the count on the Stock
Count Authorization screen. Once Confirm is selected, the inventory adjustment is written in
SIM for Unit and Problem Line counts. For Unit and Amount counts, the inventory
adjustment is done upon confirming the last child count from the Child Stock Count List or
Stock Count Authorization screen and the results are also exported to the merchandising

Late Sales Processing

Batch/flat file


-Sales Data

-Sales Data




-Inventory Adjustments (InvAdjDesc)

Late sales processing

The following sections provide an overview of late sales processing. The sections describe
what it is and how some of the choices during system setup or starting a stock count impact
the processing of late posted sales records.
Late Sales functionality allows for sales that happen before the stock count, but are uploaded
after (or during) the count was finalized, to not impact the current inventory levels in SIM
since the stock count already took these sales into account. This is done by reversing the
stock count inventory adjustment and recording the sale.

Timestamp Sales Processing

The retailer is able to define in SIM whether they use timestamp processing or daily sales
Caution: If RMS is used as the merchandising system, this

option cannot be selected as RMS does not allow for timestamp


52 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Daily Sales Processing

If the sales data received in SIM does not have a timestamp, the user needs to define in SIM
whether the stock count is performed before the store opens or after the store closes in order
to determine how to process the daily transactions.
It is recommended stock counts be done while the store is closed, however SIM does allow
the user to perform a stock count at any time. Often times, a stock count is performed during
the regular business day, but this can cause issues with inventory due to late sales
A late sale is a sales transaction that took place before a stock count is authorized but
processed after authorization. Since such a transaction was counted into the physical count, it
is imperative no double counting takes place and the corporate inventory system is updated:

Late sales are only performed after the stock count is closed and for those sales that
happened before or during the closed stock count by comparing against the
authorization timestamp.

If the sales timestamp is later than the authorization timestamp, late sales processing
does not take place.

If there are multiple stock counts for the same item, SIM checks the authorization
timestamp to ensure at least one stock count was completed since the late sale

When posting late sales for an item, SIM checks the sales date and time (if available)
against the authorization timestamp for the item.

Due to the real-time nature of the store retail business, it is not possible to be 100% accurate
when performing a stock count during store hours. For example, a customer could have an
item in the cart while the count is being performed on the sales floor. The system cannot
anticipate if that item was already in the cart when the physical count was made or if the
item was still on the display shelf. In this particular case, SIM is not able to determine
whether this item was accounted for in the SOH.

Stock Counts Overview 53

Updating Stock On Hand

Integration with Oracle Retail Merchandising System
Unit, Ad Hoc, Problem Line Counts

-Inventory Adjustments (InvAdjDesc)



Once a stock count is completed and confirmed in SIM, any discrepant items have their SOH
decremented or incremented in SIM and the appropriate inventory adjustment is sent to
RMS to keep RMS and SIM in sync. These types of counts only send the difference between
the counted value and the snapshot to RMS. This means that if RMS started out with a
different inventory position than SIM, that discrepancy stays the same.
Depending on how the system option Updating Stock On Hand is configured, an inventory
adjustment is created for discrepant items only or both discrepant and non-discrepant items.
This option determines whether the stock on hand is updated for all items, both discrepant
and non-discrepant items, or for discrepant items only when authorizing a Unit, Problem
Line, or Ad Hoc stock count:

If set to Discrepant Items Only, SIM updates the SOH for discrepant items only
when the count is authorized.

If set to All Items, SIM updates the SOH for all items where a quantity was entered
and when the count is authorized. This includes both discrepant and non-discrepant
items. The Update Auth Qty button automatically updates or fills in the authorized
count quantity field for both discrepant and non-discrepant items based on the last
count. SIM automatically authorizes all counted items when a product group was
created to auto authorize.

54 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Unit and Amount Stock Counts

-Stock Count Schedule (StkCountSchDesc)

Batch/flat file
-Stock Count Batch


Batch/flat file
-Third Party File Layout

Third Party
Results File

Once a stock count is authorized and completed, the stock count results upload file is
generated when the user authorizes a stock count from PC or an auto-authorized
ThirdPartyStockCountParser batch process. Unlike the other count types, SIM sends the full
count value to the merchandising system.
Flat files are used due to the large amount of data being communicated.
The RMS stock upload module can upload this file to update their inventory with the actual
physical stock count data.
If RMS is implemented, here are some additional considerations:

When a Unit and Amount stock count is scheduled in SIM, the schedule information
is sent to RMS (Store, Dept, Class, Subclass, and Start Date) using RIB messaging. A
message is sent to RMS each time a schedule is created, updated, or deleted.
Whenever an update is made, RMS performs a complete deletion of the stock count
and reinserts with the modified information.

The stock count items are populated for a Unit and Amount count through a batch
process rather than online due to the lockout days having to be greater than or equal
to 1.

For a third-party Unit and Amount stock counts, a third-party service, comes into
the store to count the items and then sends a results flat file which is in turn
imported into SIM with the stock count results.

Once a Unit and Amount stock count is completed and confirmed in SIM, items have
their SOH decremented or incremented in SIM through an inventory adjustment and
a flat file is sent to RMS (schedule ID, store, item, quantity) to keep the systems in

For Unit and Amount counts, selecting the Update Auth Qty button always
automatically updates the Auth Qty field for both discrepant and non-discrepant
items, regardless of the Updating Stock On Hand system setting, since every item
must be counted for a Unit and Amount stock count.

Stock Counts Overview 55

Appendix A: Inventory Adjustments

Internal Code

External Code

Reason Code Description



Stock In

Out to Available



Stock Out

Available to Out



Unit Late Sales Decrease SOH

Available to Out



Unit and Amount Late Sales

Decrease SOH

Available to Out



Unit and Amount Late Sales

Increase SOH

Out to Available



Unit Late Sales Increase SOH

Out to Available



Stock Count UIN Unavailable to


Unavailable to Available

56 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Appendix B: Third Party Stock Count Process

Sample Flow
Third Party Unit and Amount Stock Count Data Flow with RMS

Third Party

Item File extracted

RMS System

Stock Count ID to
include in Results

SIM System

(RMS Cycle_Count = SIM Prod
Gr Sched ID)

Take Snapshot Batch

(updates snapshot qty)



Create Stock Count Batch

SIM User

Extract Item by
Location Batch

Extract Item Hierarchy - Batch


Results File to

Stock Count



Create Product
(Unit and Amount)

(update snapshot qty)


Stock Count ID to
3rd Party Service

Take Snapshot in SIM

Third Party Unit and Amount Stock Count Data Flow with RMS (continued)

SIM User




Rejected Items

Stock Count

SIM System



Stock Count

RMS System


(for SIM only)

Create flat file

Location specified in


Import - Batch
Stock Count Results


Calculate Stock
Value Batch

RMS User


Post to Stock
Ledger Batch
Count Lag Days

Review Value
Variance Report
and Make

Review Stock Qty

OR Auto-process

The following steps describe the steps in the figures:


SIM Create Unit and Amount product group for the stock count:

Include all items in the count in the product group or they are not processed

Make sure Third Party is selected

Stock Counts Overview 57










RK_PRODUCT_GROUP_MH (merchandise hierarchy)

SIM Create Unit and Amount product group schedule:



RMS Stock count schedule from SIM through RIB:

STAKE_HEAD (RMS Cycle_Count equals SIM product group Sched ID)



Can view Stock Count

SIM Batch program: create stock count: or


Communicate Stock Count ID to third-party service from STOCK_COUNT file



RMS Batch program: create stock count with items extracted:


STAKE_PROD_LOC (merchandise hierarchy)

RMS Batch program: item extract by stock count location:



RMS Batch program: take snapshot:


Must run on the day of the count

STAKE_SKU_LOC (update Shapshot Qty)

SIM - Snapshot stock count in SIM:

Manually take in SIM or send parameter with or

STOCK_COUNT_LINE_ITEM (updates snapshot for each item)

Third party performs stock count:

10. Third party uploads the results file in Third Party file format:


11. SIM - Results file is imported into SIM using ThirdPartyStockCountFileParser batch:






58 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

12. SIM - Complete stock count:

If Auto-Approve = YES, stock count is completed automatically

If Auto-Approve = NO, review rejected items, update authorized quantity and

finalize stock count in SIM

13. SIM completes inventory adjustments inside SIM for items in the Third Party stock

14. SIM creates results flat file to be exported:

The location of the generated output file is specified by


select * from dba_directories where directory_name =


15. RMS Batch program: import SIM stock count results to RMS:



16. RMS Review Stock quantity and make no adjustments or this can be auto-processed.
17. RMS Batch program: calculate stock value:




18. RMS - Review value variance report and make adjustments.

19. RMS Batch program: post to stock ledger:


Count lag days

Stock Counts Overview 59

Appendix C: Tables/Batches used for Unit and

Amount Stock Counts

Table or Batch Process





This table has one row

for each stock count in
the system. It defines
the stock count
instances of a stock
count schedule. These
records are generated
by the SIM batch
processes using the
defined stock count




Package to subscribe to
stock count schedule
message, parse the
details, and pass them
into a new stock
schedule package.

Cannot delete a cycle count if it has been
Cannot update a cycle count that has
started or has been set to be deleted.
Cannot process anything if stock count is
currently locked
Unit and Amount stock counts at a
warehouse must be at the department level
Validate department, class, and subclass.

60 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management


Table or Batch Process


Only stockholding (virtual) warehouses can
be on a stock count.
Validate and create a STAKE_PRODUCT
record. No validation is done if the record is
passed in for initial processing.
Validate and create a STAKE_LOCATION
record. No validation is done if the record is
passed in for initial processing.
Create a record for STAKE_HEAD.
Create a STAKE_PRODUCT record.
Delete from STAKE_PRODUCT and



The Extract Stock

Count Batch program
generates Unit stock
counts or Unit and
Amount stock counts.
On a daily basis, the
batch process creates
the stock counts that
are scheduled for the
current day or future
date which matches the
next scheduled date.
The system looks at all
the scheduled stock
count records and
determines whether
any are scheduled for
today or the user
specified future date.
The process creates the
stock counts for each
individual store. If a
scheduled count
includes a list of 5
stores, 5 separate stock
count records are

Stock Counts Overview 61


Table or Batch Process





This table holds all

product groups that are
created within the
system. Product groups
are used to schedule
events within the
system that need to
occur at certain times.
Product groups are
used for item requests,
stock counts (including
Unit, Unit and
Amount, and Problem
Lines), Pick Lists, and



This table holds one

row for each level of
the hierarchy that is
assigned to the product



This table holds one

row for each item that
has been added to the
product group. This
table holds items that
are added to the
product group using
the Item, Supplier or
Promotion options. For
Supplier and
Promotion (which is
only used for item
request type product
groups), only those
items that have a
replenishment type of
SO are added. For the
Item option, any item
specified is added to
the product group.



This table defines, for

any product group, the
schedule of how often
the batch program
should process the
items that belong to the
product group.









62 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management


Table or Batch Process




RK_STOCK_COUNT_L This table defines the

results of a stock count
for each item in a stock



RK_STOCK_COUNT_L This table contains a

row for each location
that is being counted
for the stock count.




For each product group PRODUCT_GROUP_SCHEDULE_ID

schedule that is
defined, this table has
one record for each
store that belongs to the

Stock Counts Overview 63


Table or Batch Process





This table defines the

current inventory
numbers for items on a
location bases. The
types of inventory
buckets that are held
include available for
sale, unavailable for
sale, in transit, and
reserved for a pending
stock inventory event.



Thirdpartystockcountpa This batch process

imports the stock count
file from a third-party
counting system and
updates the stock on
hand quantities for the
existing Unit and
Amount stock count
records in SIM.

If the auto authorize admin flag is set to no,

the following is true:
The import file contains item and quantity
counted information. SIM populates the
count quantity on the stock count records
and sets the authorize quantity equal to the
count quantity. Once the file has been
imported from the external system, the
stock count records type is set to Authorize
and the status is set to In Progress.
If the auto authorize admin flag is set to yes,
the following is true:
The import file contains item and quantity
counted information. SIM populates the
count quantity on the stock count records
and sets the authorize quantity equal to the
count quantity. Once the file has been
imported from the external system, the
stock count records type is set to Authorize
and the status is set to Completed.

64 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Appendix D: Stock Count Process Flows

Stock Count Business Process Flow
Desire to
Reconcile SOH in
the store and at

Create List of
Items to Count
based on specific

Schedule a time to
perform the stock

Perform stock
count via HH or

Re-count Items
with discrepancies

Review count
information and
authorizes count

stock count results
to external system
and update SOH

Stock Counts Overview 65

Non-Third Party Stock Count System Process Flow



Stock Count


Count in SIM

66 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

User counts
items using
HH or PC

Inventory Adj
Created in

SIM identifies

SIM sends
Inventory Adj
or flat file to

User recounts
items, if

Third-Party Stock Count System Process Flow

Inventory Adj
created in
SIM and sent
to RMS



Stock Count

Count in SIM


User counts
items using
third party

User imports
Third Party
flat file into


Unit and


Inventory Adj
created in
SIM only
based on

Flat File
exported to

Stock Counts Overview 67

Stock Count PC Flow (Unit, Problem Line, Unit and Amount, and Third Party)
Exit Child List
Child Stock Count


Select Future
Stock Count

Future Stock
Count List

Select Date or
Date Range

Note: Third Party count/recount process is not

performed in SIM, it is performed through the third
party system.

Stock Count List

Future Stock
Counts button

Select Master
Stock Count

Rejected Items

Child Stock Count


Stock Count Detail

(not for third party)

Stock Re-Count
(not for third party)






Select Child Stock


68 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management


Stock Count




Ad Hoc Stock Count

Note: Ad Hoc count process is initiated on the HH.
Authorization occurs on the PC only. There is no recount for Ad
Hoc and an Ad Hoc will only have one child count.

Stock Count List

Select Master
Stock Count

Stock Count Detail


Child Stock Count




Stock Count

Select Child Stock


Stock Counts Overview 69

ad hoc stock count
Verifying and correcting stock on hand quantities when something seems wrong. Counts are
initiated from a handheld device where the product is located. They are not scheduled.
Unique numbers generated by SIM to identify each instance of the item. Item labels with this
number can be printed in order to place the number on the item. This may be used in
addition to, or in place of, a manufacturer serial number on a product when it is difficult to
get access for scanning or viewing.
Process in which a user can approve the quantities counted in a stock count. This allows the
system to update the available stock quantities and generate necessary transactions to
account for any differences.
authorize completed
Stock count records type is set to Authorize and status is set to Completed when an outside
(external) stock count results file is imported and the stock count is configured to auto
authorized. No further changes can be made to the stock count.
authorize processing
Successfully authorized stock counts move to the Authorized Completed state.
authorize processing state
Stock count is put into this unique state when an error occurs during the final processing of a
stock count. The StockCountAuthorizeRecovery batch process looks for stock counts stuck in
an Authorize Processing state. The batch attempts to fully authorize the stock count. Errors
that occur during the batch process are logged to the server error logs and indicate the
reason for any further processing failures.
authorize stage
Phase in which quantities are approved for the stock count. This is the last stage of the
process and results in updated inventory positions.
authorized quantity
Quantity approved for each item in the stock count. If this field is left blank for any items, a
message appears stating that all items with blank authorized quantities are filled in with the
last counted quantity.
auto authorize
Process in which a user does not need to manually approve a stock count. This is a setting
configured when a third-party service is used to perform the Unit and Amount stock count
and no further verification is needed. When turned on, once the Third Party results file is
imported, the stock count is automatically authorized without further intervention.
See also import file; third-party service; unit and amount stock count.
Auto-Generated Serial Numbers (AGSN)

70 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

Service used for bulk integrations which process large amounts of data and in which near
real-time processing is not required. This is typically scheduled to run at a set time or kicked
off by an administrator on an ad hoc basis. Batch processes are used for extracting stock
counts, processing POS data, and importing the Third Party stock count results file.
child count
Stock count size limits automatically break down very large stock counts into multiple
smaller stock counts. This breaks down the stock count first by department, then by class,
and subclass.
See also master stock count; product group.
child level
Lowest record that holds the quantity of the item being counted.
child record
See child level.
count stage
Phase of a stock count. A stock count goes through the following stages: future stock count,
stock count, recount, and authorize. The recount stage is optional. Each stock count stage,
displayed as Type, for the master stock count has statuses and rules.
See master stock count.
count type
See count stage.
counting method
Process used for performing the stock count. There are three types: Guided, Unguided, and
Third Party.
See guided stock count; unguided stock count; third party stock count.
Item defined as falling outside of an acceptable range of tolerance. The system utilizes
discrepancy thresholds (established in administration, set up by the retailer) based on a
percentage or standard unit of measure by the item's class in the merchandise hierarchy.
Discrepant items are outside the tolerance and, therefore, are included in the recount phase
of a stock count.
See non-discrepant.
export process
Process of extracting data from a system for use in another system. For stock counts, an item
file is exported from the merchandising system to provide to a third-party service. SIM also
exports the stock on hand positions and sends them to system merchandising to reflect the
data held in SIM and makes the applicable financial adjustments relevant to the Unit and
Amount stock count.

Stock Counts Overview 71

extract (stock count)

Process to generate scheduled stock counts. On a daily basis, the batch process creates the
stock counts scheduled for the current day or future date which matches the next scheduled
date. The process creates the stock counts for each individual store. This command runs the
ExtractUnitAmountStockCount batch:
flat file (stock count)
Set of records containing the details for each item and quantity counted. This file also
includes the stock count ID, stock count date, and store location that processed the count.
This information is sent to the merchandising system and can be used in reports.
guided stock count
Stock count method in which the system organizes the count by shelf location, using the
sequence already defined. Unit only, Unit and Amount, and Problem Line counts using a
guided stock count method are divided up in order for each user of an HH to perform a
stock count according to a macro location (for example, vegetables, cereals, and so on).
Guided stock counts prompt the user to scan the next item in sequence. If sequencing is not
set up for some items, the user is prompted in item number order. A guided stock count
requires sequencing in the store location of at least one item in a shelf location. Ad Hoc
counts cannot be set up as a guided count.
Method of grouping and ranking. Merchandise hierarchies are used to group items into
departments, classes, and sub-classes.
import process (stock counts)
Process of bringing data into the system from an outside (external) stock counting system.
The import file contains item and quantity counted information. SIM populates the quantity
in the stock count records and sets the authorized quantity equal to the count quantity, if the
process has been configured for auto-authorization. Otherwise, the data is loaded into a
staging table for approval by the user.
inventory adjustments
Transaction initiated by a user or created by the system to increase or reduce the quantity of
an item available for sales. There are several different reason codes available. Some reason
codes are not available for the user to select. The reason codes may vary from client to client.
For proper configuration, the same reason codes must exist in RMS.
item status
State of an item. The status can include active, Q status, inactive, discontinued, or deleted.
When configuring a product group to use for stock counts, the user can decide which
statuses to include in the stock count. If the item is not ranged to the selling store, the item
should be added for the current selling store in with a Q status. Q status is for temporary
ranging, when the RMS sends it at a later time, it becomes active.
late sale items
Sales transaction occurring after the count has started but before it is completed and the sale
data file is processed.
See late sales processing; late sale inventory adjustment.

72 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

late sale inventory adjustment

Inventory adjustment that results from a late sale item in the sale data file being processed.
When SIM encounters a late sale item, it must correct the inventory for stock counts
processed after the time of the sale. The stock count creates inventory adjustments for
discrepancies during the count that are out of sync. The batch process records the late sales
records in the ePOS Transaction History table as a Non-Inventory Impact transaction.
The LateSalesInventoryAdjustmentPublishJob process publishes the late sale inventory
adjustment records to the merchandise system through the RIB. This batch can be run
See late sales processing; late sale items; retail integration bus.
late sales processing
Sales that occur prior to a stock count but are not processed until after the stock count is
finalized. The processing of these sales should not impact the current inventory level because
the stock count already took these sales into account. SIM system parameter
STOCK_COUNT_SALES_PROCESSING with a value of Timestamp Processing or Daily
Sales Processing indicates if the POSU sales transaction data contains the transaction date
timestamp. RMS is only capable of processing at a Daily Sales Processing level and therefore,
when RMS and SIM are integrated, this setting must be set to Daily.
See late sale inventory adjustment; late sale items.
macro location
Sequence for a shelf location assigned to an item to identify where an item resides in a store.
When sequencing is implemented, a user can be prompted during a stock count for the next
item in the list.
master stock count
Main stock count created for a single product group. This can then be broken down further
into one or more child counts based on the counting method or hierarchy breakdown chosen
during product group setup.
See product group; child count.
merchandising system
Main system that SIM integrates with in order to obtain foundational data, supplier
information, and other merchandising data. This can be a third-party system or the
integrated Oracle Retail Merchandising System.
See Oracle Retail Merchandising System.
Item falling within an acceptable range of difference. This term is typically used when
referring to items counted during a stock count. During the recount phase of a stock count,
items are included in the recount if they are outside of a specified tolerance. Non-discrepant
items are within the tolerance and, therefore, are not included in the recount phase of a stock
See discrepant.

Stock Counts Overview 73

non-inventory item
Item has no inventory but can be sold in the store, such as, warranty plans or gift cards. SIM
flags these items as non-inventory and the stock on hand does not change when these items
are sold. These items never show in a stock count.
non-ranged item
Item not assigned to a store location, but exists as a valid item in the system. Various
system/store configurations are based on whether to allow or disallow non-ranged items
from certain transactions. The process of ranging an item is owned by the merchandising
See non-ranged item.
non-sellable item
Item in which inventory is tracked at the component level. The pack number does not track
inventory and, therefore, the user is not allowed to scan the pack during a stock count.
For more information on this type of item, see the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management
Item Configuration White Paper.
not on count item
Item counted in a Third Party stock count not included in the stock count product group.
These items are flagged as rejected not on count items and cannot be assigned SIM item IDs.
No action can be taken with these items.
not on file item
Item scanned, but not in SIM. Some items counted in a Third Party stock count might not
currently exist in SIM. These items can be assigned item IDs from the Rejected Items dialog
box after the stock count results file has been imported.
open stock count item
Item in which a stock count is currently in progress while the ResaFileParser is running. The
batch refreshes the item inventory buckets as well as the snapshot.
Oracle Retail Integration Bus
Integration service used between systems where near real-time integration is needed to
ensure timely execution of transactions. This method is used for the majority of integration
with SIM.
See also RIB messaging.
Oracle Retail Merchandising System
Application that provides the foundation data, supplier, and location updates to SIM.
Oracle Retail Sales Audit
Application that provides inventory sales updates to SIM, to assure accurate and timely
inventory positions.
perpetual inventory
System which automatically updates stock inventory from various system transactions such
as receiving items, transferring items, and selling items.

74 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

problem line stock count

Used to identify problem items based on predefined criteria. For example, the user might
decide to count all of the items with a negative stock on hand value. Product groups define
the criteria with the product group type as problem line stock count. After the criteria are
established, a batch process finds all items that meet the criteria.
The problem line batch ProblemLineStockCount process goes through the list of items in the
group, determining which fall within the parameters.
product group
Collection of departments, classes, subclasses or items to be used for a common purpose
such as scheduling stock counts, ordering products, replenishing store shelves, and
decrementing for wastage.
product group type
Defines for what the product group is used. The selection includes item request, pick list,
problem line, unit stock count, unit and amount stock count, and wastage.
q status
If the item is not ranged to the selling store, the item should be added for the current selling
store in with a Q status. Q status is for temporary ranging, when the merchandising system
sends it at a later time, it becomes active.
ranged item
Item assigned to a store location. Various system/store configurations are based on whether
to allow or disallow non-ranged items from certain transactions. The process of ranging an
item is owned by the merchandising system.
See non-ranged item.
recount discrepancies
Items are included in the recount if they are outside of a specified tolerance. Discrepant items
are outside the tolerance and, therefore, are included in the recount.
See discrepant; non-discrepant.
recount phase
During a stock count, items can be counted or entered into the system incorrectly. Controls
are put into place to recount items with a large difference in the system value compared to
the counted value. The recount phase of a stock count identifies these items for recounting.
The system uses discrepancy thresholds, established during product group setup, based on a
percentage or standard unit of measure by the item class in the merchandise hierarchy.
Recounts are performed only when the stock count product group is set up to require
recounts of discrepant items. Recounts do not apply to Third Party or Ad Hoc stock counts.
See count stage.
rejected item
Reasons an item is rejected may include item not at the store, item not on file, or item not in
the count.
reserved stock
Units approved for outgoing transfers and allocations remaining at the store.

Stock Counts Overview 75

RIB messaging
Messaging service used for the RIB integration in which other applications subscribe to the
messaging and publish messages for other applications to consume. This provides a method
for which multiple applications can subscribe to the same message published from an
application. When a message fails incoming or outgoing, it is sent to the RIB Hospital for
resolution after a set number of retries.
See Oracle Retail Integration Bus.
sellable only item
Item that does not hold any inventory in the system. Sellable only items are not linked to any
supplier and therefore no cost information is associated with this item type.
serial number
Unique identifier for individual instances of an item. This is typically attached to items by
the manufacturer. This is one of two types of UIN attributes.
See UIN.
SIM item ID
System-created unique number assigned to an item in the item master application, often the
merchandising system. This number can be assigned to items in the Rejected Items dialog
box after a Third Party stock count results file has been processed.
Function that captures the current stock on hand quantity for all items in a stock count at a
given point in time. A date timestamp is associated with the snapshot that is used to
determine if other transactions performed should increase or decrease the stock on hand
quantity after the stock count has been authorized.
See late sales processing.
Total number of units on hand at a location, including inventory in RTV, unavailable
inventory, stock in transit inventory, and reserved inventory.
Standard Unit of Measure (SUOM)
stock count ID
System-created number assigned to a stock count. It must be included when a Third Party
stock count results file is imported into SIM.
stock count lockout days
Lead time required by the retailer to plan a Unit and Amount stock count schedule. If RMS is
not integrated, the value 1 is used. If RMS is integrated, this value must agree with the RMS
stock on hand (SOH)
See SOH.

76 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

stock schedule count data

Data used by the merchandising system to help maintain the synchronization of the
inventory levels in SIM and the merchandising system. When the merchandising system has
the stock count schedule data, SIM and the merchandising system perform a snapshot count
on the same day. The store does a physical count and uploads the results, and the
merchandising system compares the discrepancies.
Unit of measure by which stock is tracked at the corporate level. The merchandising system
tracks various units of measure (UOM) for each item, such as, the unit of purchase or the
selling unit of measure. When SIM interacts or interfaces with external systems, there is a
need to convert from one UOM to another.
For more information on conversion between units of measure, see the Oracle Retail Store
Inventory Management Item Configuration White Paper.
third-party batch
Service used for bulk integrations which processes large amounts of data and in which near
real-time processing is not required. This is typically scheduled to run at a set time or kicked
off by an administrator on an ad hoc basis. The third-party batch processes the stock count
results file sent from the third-party service that performed the stock count.
third-party service
Includes third-party system and Third Party Results file.
third party stock count
Type of counting method in which an item file is supplied to an outside service and the
count results are imported from another system.
third party upload
Process in which stock count data is imported from another system.
Unique number assigned to an item to aid the retailer in tracking expensive or controlled
items such as electronics, cell phones, firearms, medications or fresh items. UINs can be serial
numbers, FCC IDs, IMEI numbers or other kinds of identifiers. If UINs are required for an
item, they must be recorded when stock counts are performed. The status a UIN can be in
include Unconfirmed, Missing, In Stock, In Receiving, Reserved for Shipping, Customer
Order Reserved, Shipped to Warehouse, Shipped to Store, Shipped to Vendor, Removed
from Inventory, Customer Order Fulfilled, Sold, or Unavailable. There are two types of UINs
each with unique functionality: Serial Number and Auto-Generated Serial Numbers
See serial number; AGSN.
UIN status: in stock
Item is in stock and can be sold.
See UIN.

Stock Counts Overview 77

UIN status: missing

UIN is updated to Missing status when performing a stock count.
See UIN.
unavailable inventory
Item that is not available for purchase. The inventory bucket displayed on the Lookup screen
and is calculated using the following formula:
RTV Reserved + Transfer Reserved + Customer Order + Adjustment Unavailable Qty
unguided stock count
Stock count method in which the items can be counted and the count results entered in any
order without being prompted for the next item to scan. If sequencing (shelf assignment to
an item) is implemented, either the guided or unguided stock count can be used. There is
also an option to use an unguided count by macro location. The user might also choose to
break down an unguided master count by hierarchy (dept/class/sub-class).
See sequencing; guided stock count; macro location.
unit and amount stock count
Process of systematically counting priority items by scheduling, typically, on an annual or
semi-annual basis. This type of count can be performed by a third-party service or in-house.
This stock count is used to reset the inventory quantity and obtain the current financial value
of the inventory.
See unit stock.
Unit of Measure (UOM)
See UOM.
unit stock count
Process of systematically counting priority items by scheduling a Unit count product group
stock count. The extraction batch process, ExtractUnitStockCount, goes through the list of
items in the product group, determining which fall within the parameters. SIM automatically
creates a stock count from the items within the parameters defined during product group
creation. The results systematically create adjustments to increase or decrease the inventory.
The adjustments are also sent the merchandising system. This type of stock count is typically
performed in cycles, such as quarterly or monthly, to help keep the inventory quantities in
check for replenishing stock. This stock count is not used to obtain the financial value.
See unit and amount stock count.
Unique Identification Number (UIN)
See UIN.
Unit in which the item is measured, such as, eaches or cases. The merchandising system
tracks various units of measure for each item, such as, unit of purchase or the selling unit of
For more information on conversion between units of measure, see the Oracle Retail Store
Inventory Management Item Configuration White Paper.

78 Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management

UPC type 2
Type of UPC in which the barcode contains a prefix, UPC, price, and check digit. This is
typically used for items sold by the pound and where the weight can vary. These items are
set up in RMS as catchweight items. The system calculates the quantity by dividing the total
retail price by the current per pound retail price in the system.
variance calculation
See variance percent; variance units; variance value.
variance percent
Maximum allowed percentage of units counted. The count can vary from the system stock on
hand level before it is considered a discrepancy. If the variance percent is equal to or greater
than the variance percent set, the item counted is discrepant.
variance units
Maximum allowed number of units, expressed in the standard unit of measure (SUOM). The
count can vary from the system stock-on-hand level before it is considered a discrepancy. If
the variance unit is equal to or greater than the variance SUOM set, the item counted is
variance value
Monetary amount compared to the number of discrepant units multiplied by the current unit
retail of the goods. SIM uses the current retail from item lookup, not an extracted promotion
or clearance price. If the variance monetary amount is equal to or greater than the variance
value set, the item is discrepant.

Stock Counts Overview 79

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