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Results from all the partners below were collected via a questionnaire and email to form a

toolkit of mobility strategy focused on English language training and cultural matter in SIMPLE
participating countries.
Tampere Secondary Education /
Tampere Vocational College
P.O. Box 217, FI-33101 Tampere

Karin Jespersen
EUC Syd | Hilmar Finsens Gade 18 |
DK - 6400 Snderborg | 7412 4242 |

Srednja poklicna
in strokovna ola Beigrad-Ljubljana,
Ptujska 6,
1000 Ljubljana
mail: majck01@gmail.com

kiezkchen gmbh
Waldenser Strae 2-4
10551 Berlin

Multimedia and Graphic Technology

Secondary School Ljubljana
Pokopalika 33, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
vladimir.janez@smgs.si , www.smgs.si

NW Academy of English,
6A Northland Road, Derry BT48 7HU




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Preparation in the sending organisation before mobility (virtual and contact)

What is preparation?

The dictionary says that it is the act of making something ready or something done to get
ready for an event or undertaking. Thats great but what does it mean? Preparation is all the
work you do to make your actual work as easy as possible.
One of the most important principles of language and culture preparation is the need for
preparation. Preparation provides a structure and context for the participant and the sending
organisation, as well as a framework for reflection and evaluation.
Although a specific quality management system which regulates paperwork has not been
adopted by all partners, all partners have their own methods which they use for the process
of language and cultural preparation. If you are interested in a controlled paperwork system
ISO 9000
is currently in use by one partner for projects.

A dedicated team or staff member is advisable for mobility
projects, commonly called the international/European officers
or coordinator. Projects are generally always funded by the
European Union and no partners have reported any cofinancing by participants. However it will depend on the size
and scope of your organisation if this applicable.
Recruiting participants for a mobility project;

1. An announcement can be made on the companys web

site, notice board, or Facebook etc.

2. The international officer will then distribute and collect

enrolment forms / expression of interest forms.

3. Candidates should then be invited to take a short test

in the language of the mobility country.


Candidates should then have a meeting with the

international officer where they will be asked a series of
questions about why they would benefit from the
experience and how they would cope with the challenges
of such an experience etc.

5. The candidates who score the highest points are


6. The selected candidates are informed about the decision

and asked to confirm that they agree with the terms
(financial participation, timeframe, their responsibilities).

If participants are under 18 a number of people/Institutions

can be involved in the decision including:

Receiving institutions

All of these parties can be involved as it is often important

for Health and Safety, the confidents of the participants and
parents, to help with good communication and so that all
parties are aware of the programme and what to expect.
Information sessions, meetings, presentations and information
packs are included in this preparation because experience
has shown that the more information which is provided to
the participants and their parent the more content, happy
and confident they become with the project.

A permission / agreement letter signed by the parents/guardians which includes the conditions of the mobility is a useful
document to include in your projects It should contain;
1. The personal details of the participant and a Statement by the participant with signature for example;

2. I (participant name) declare that I want to incorporate into a school project Leonardo da Vinci- mobility in (date),
to a ___ week vocational training abroad. I will respect all project instructions.
Signature of participant:

3. Personal details of 2 guardians such as name, address, home and work and mobile telephone number, and email
4. Medical Details of the participant and a statement from
5. Statement Of Parents/Guardians:

We declare (parent/guardian) that we want that my child incorporate into a school project Leonardo da Vinci- mobility in
2013 to a ___week vocational training abroad. Parents and participants will respect all project instructions.
Signed parents/guardians declare that we allow using information in accordance with the Law on the protection of personal
data for the school, for statistical purposes and for the purposes of project activities.


If participants are over 18 a number of people/Institutions can be involved in the decision including;

The participant

Receiving organisation

Schools / college / university/ social workers or people from the labour office. (Those who are involved in the
decision to go abroad)

Again the more involvement the participant has they more prepared they are and the more confident they are. Also note
that if a participant is over the age of 18 they may still be classes as a vulnerable adult and so it may be beneficial to
include guardians to guarantors of any projects agreements


Coming up with a system of organization all the paper involved in mobility projects takes thought and planning. And making
use of it requires time and effort. Taking the time and effort to develop a systematic way of organizing your paperwork can
result in a lot less stress and hassle in your project. Try the following as you create your system:

Start simple: Come up with a system thats relatively easy to use. You dont want your filing system to be more
stressful than the stress its supposed to alleviate.

Keep important papers where you know theyre safe: Keep your documents in a safe place, but make sure that you
can easily get hold of them when you need them. For the more important documents, you may want to keep the
originals and give copies to participants.
Make filing a habit: Find a time during the week to file those needed papers away.

Fine-tune later: Trial, amended and continuously approve what documents work best for your organisation and
different types of participants

Suggested Paperwork:

Application Form (internal documents)

Contract / (GfNA-II-C-LDV- mobility-grant agreement-Annex III.1-placement model contract)

Europass CV in language of host company http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/documents/curriculum-vitae

Participant responsibilities contract (internal document)
Training agreement

Grant agreement / finical obligations

Prefilled certificate

Insurance documents

Work programme/ tasks sector requesrs


The scope and the length of the preparations vary from situation to situation and are determined by

The number of participants (more participants = more hours)

Language level (oxford placement test for English)

The number of destinations/hosting organisations


Sector of work requested

Cultural knowledge

It is advisable to start the preparations 3-4 months prior to participants departure. Preparation duration various from days
to weeks. All preparation is compulsory as it provides participants with the information and tolls to succeed (however
there are some exceptions when they preparation overlaps with other aspect of their training). They should confirm their
presence at the meeting with their signature
The program of preparation involves:

Selection of participants

Linguistic, cultural and pedagogical/sociological/psychological preparations

An induction meeting with the everyone involved (parents, coordinators, previous year mobility participants,
accompanying teachers and principal)



The term induction is generally used to describe the whole process whereby participants adjust or adopt to their new
environment. Every organisation should have a well-considered induction programme for participants. Participants who
have a well thought-out induction are more likely to stay with the project and complete it successfully. The induction
programme has to provide all the information that participants need, and are able to assimilate, without overwhelming or
diverting them from the essential process of integration into the projects.

Language and Cultural Preparation template

Scope and duration

Preparations for the participants are taken _____ before participants go on mobility and include ____
meetings. Each meeting consists of ___l hours.
The scope of the preparation course is ___ credit (1 credit equals ___ hours of work) and its part of
participants __(catering/ IT/ career development etc)__ studies. The course consist of ____ days of
contact - __ days before the on-the-job learning period and ___ after it and assignments to be done in
between contact days as well as during and after the exchange.
Preparation is compulsory and it takes place after school, during participants free time.

International office of __(sending organisation)__ is responsible for organizing the course and its held__
(date)__. The course is compulsory for participants planning an exchange period abroad and they must
enroll on one of the courses by___ (completing application/ speaking to international office etc) ___

After the course, a participant should;

Be willing and able to communicate at the workplace with colleagues from different cultural
Be able to understand and respect different cultural characteristics and points of view
Have basic knowledge on history, traditions, habits and etiquette of the host country
Know and be able to use basic vocabulary in the language of the host country (greetings, compliments,
vocational terminology)
Know how to make a presentation about your home county
Know how to use professional terms, which are related with your profession
Know to write CV and presentation about yourself
Know how to live abroad and rules of exchange
Structure and topics

In advance
European CV


Day 1 / Week 1, (Time)

Host Country and Culture
Finding information on the host country (survival booklet)
At home
Presentation of Finland, Tampere and Tampere Vocational College
Language training
Day 2 / Week 2 (Time)
Presentations from participants returning from on-the-job learning period abroad, questions and discussion
Intercultural communication
Problem solving skills
Practical matters
Tasks to be done during and after the on-the-job learning period:
Written travel report
Presentation to be held on day 3 for a new group of participants preparing for their exchange
Day 3/ Week 3 (Time)

Feedback and discussion on learning experiences

Examples of exercises
Survival booklet
Find information about your host country and town and gather a survival booklet that you can use during
your exchange:
Basic information
History (choose 3-5 key moments / occasions and justify them)
Information on culture, habits and etiquette
Language: basic vocabulary (greetings, compliments, professional vocabulary)
Presentation of home country
Make a portfolio in English including:

Presentation of yourself,
Your plans for future,
Your expectations for the exchange and how its going to benefit you in future
Your cv
Short presentation of your school and study programme
Short presentation of home country

Make notes, go through difficult words

Try to use some words in local language
Prepare yourself for questions
Remember the habits and etiquette of the host country
Stay positive

Ready Study GO AHEAD! www.rsgo.eu

Becult EXTEND www.becult.org

Prepare to present your portfolio during you exchange period

Online material


English service area language training template


Getting to know each other

Targets of the course
Introduction to customer care


Small talk
Face to face with customers
Body language
A tour of the company
Greeting a visitor

Dealing with customers on the

General telephoning

The customer care phone call

Speaking: Small Talk: Why is it

important to learn foreign languages
The most popular clichs (ex. How
to say something in an effective and
original way)
Reading comprehension A customer
care success story
businesses and jobs
Listening comprehension: Surprising
facts about customer care

Speaking: group discussion about t

he main topics of the course
The most impact in face-to-face
encounters in customer care
Reading of a customer care website
Discussion: International aspects of
body language & customers cultural
What topics are too personal in a
business context

How well the participants deal with

customers on phone
Listening comprehension
Good-customer-oriented telephone
Active listening strategies
Writing a phone memo
Practising a phone call
Useful phrases for arranging an
appointment, for agreeing on a
time, for suggesting a new time, for


Call centre success
Taking an order
Hotline (troubleshooting)
Customer-centred call centres

through writing

Effective letters and emails
Formal and informal writing

Dealing with problems and


Explaining company policy

Customer care guidelines

Customer service mistakes
Handling complaints (part II.)

At the airport
Minor passenger problems
Identifying passenger problem
Dealing with problems

Workshop at the airport TXL

Dealing with an on-board
Emergency medical kit
Announcements on board
Reporting a medical incident

Being courteous on the

Making sure you understand
Clarifying and explaining
Checking comprehension


Salutations and closes

Standard phrases for handling
customers connecting with the reader,
taking action)
Enclosures and attachments

Softening bad news and apologizing

Problem solving steps
Working out a list of things that
customers complain about
Discussion about three things annoy
you the most as a customer
customers who are making complaints
Making customer friendly statements
using passive tenses
Customer retention
Grammar repetitions gerund and/or
Small talk about customer care rules
Listening comprehension
Brainstorm ways in which companies
try to keep their customers

Listening comprehension dealing with

two passenger problems
Saying sorry
passengers difficult to please?
Customer service training provided by
low-cost airlines like Ryanair

Preparation of a quiz at the airport

Standard response to medical
problem on board check-call-care
Giving instruction to crew
Listening comprehension and practising work out short announcements
during in-flight emergencies


Language and Cultural Preparation meeting template


Topic: Presentation of the host countries (geographical location, major cities,

characteristics, landmarks and basic terms): participants get an idea about a visiting
country; learn about some characteristics and attractions in countries.
Teacher preparation:
Maps of the host countries
Presentation of cities / towns (gained
from abroad)
Internet-based material
Photocopies of brochures from different
Worksheets with basic foreign terms
CD of Slovenia
example of CV in Slovenian and
English. language




Participants activities:
Find the largest town on the map
Finds his place of exchange
Getting to know the basic historical
and geographical facts about the
Learn about the basic terms in the
language of the host country

make a research on web and gather
some information about Slovenia and
how to present it abroad
Make his own CV in English

Topic: Preparing CVs and presentation of themselves as well as Slovenia and schools
Teacher preparation:
example of CV in English
example of self-assessment scale for
language proficiency
worksheets with basic terms in English
Leaflets about SPSB in Slovenian and
English language
example of
presentations about
example of presentation of Slovenia in
the power-Point
example of presentation the SPSB
Editing CVs

Participants activities:
Presentation of Slovenia
Presentation of themselves
School Presentation
Completion and preparation of
curriculum vitae in electronic format
Write presentation of themselves
Preparation of presentation about
Slovenia and school on Power-Point

Topic: Presentation of the host school and the program of work during the exchange:
participants learn about the school and become familiar with the program of work and
with obligations at the time of exchange
Teacher preparation:
Participants activities:
- Program of work during their staying - knows the work program, programs /
direction of education on host school,
- Presentation of the host schools
school and extracurricular activities,
- editing participants presentations
obligations and duties during their stay in
- Present Slovenia and school
- Awarded the presentation of
- Prepare a set of technical words and
phrases for his professional area in the
Slovenian language

Topic: English for everyday use: participants become familiar with the basic terms that
can be used in daily contact with people in everyday situations (at school, in restaurants,
on the road, with the employer)

Teacher preparation:
worksheet with basic terms in English
worksheet with dialog phrases in
everyday situations (at school, in class,
in the restaurant, canteen, on the
playground, at the bank, post office,
airport, bus station)





Translate a set of technical terms and
phrases in the English language

Topic: English as a language of participant proffesion: participants expand vocabulary,

learn the new terminology on topics from their professional field
Teacher preparation:
Materials for different areas of expertise
A set of words / terms for each particular
area of expertise: mechanic, shaper /
logistics /
mechanical engineer, designer metal,
seamstress, fashion designer etc..
editing CVs

Participants activities:
Get to know professional terminology
on various topics of their professional

A list of things: new words in the
language of the profession, that it
applies to practical lessons in the
workshop / sewing room

Topic: English as a language of participant proffesion II: participants expand vocabulary,

learn the new terminology on their professional areas: car mechanic, car repair /
machine / logistics engineering / dressmakers / fashion designer etc..
Teacher preparation:
Participants activities:
A glossary of terms on the above Learn new technical terms in English
mentioned professions
Expanding vocabulary in relation
Other learning material for verification
to the terms / objects / tools in the
professional vocabulary
workshop / sewing room / studio
Topic: English as a language of participant proffesion III
Teacher preparation:
A glossary of terms on the above
mentioned professions
Worksheets for practice and testing
their professional knowledge as well
as general knowledge of a foreign


Participants activities:
Learn basic conversational phrases
and expressions in English
Practicing playing roles in various
everyday situations

Participants activities:
Practicing specific vocabulary
Practicing general English
Test his or her knowledge
Preparation of issues on the

Topic: Checking the knowledge acquired during the preparation

Teacher preparation:
Participants activities:
Worksheets to repeat the discussed Role play: basic conversations in the
workplace / practical training
Review of the obtained information
Note the missing information
Raises questions about the exchange
Topic: Living abroad, rules of exchange

Teachers preparation:

Information on the stay, accommodation,
pocket money, meals, leisure activities,
A list of things for travel

Participants activities:
On the basis of material obtained
during the teaching of language and
cultural preparation, prepare teaching
folder, which he / she use as a tool for
a better knowledge / understanding
of the language
Takes flight. tickets, insurance Coris
Take gifts, souvenirs



Topic: Preparing for the journey

Teachers preparation:
Participants activities:
All relevant information before traveling On the basis of material obtained
abroad, airline tickets, Europass,
during the teaching of language and
important tel. numbers, email addresses
cultural preparation, prepare teaching
Gifts for foreign teachers, trainers,
folder, which he / she use as a tool for
participants, principals
a better knowledge / understanding
of the language
Takes flight. tickets, insurance Coris
Take gifts, souvenirs

During the preparation process it is important that participants set realistic goals. If goals are unrealistic, then we will not
be achieving them or moving towards them.
This will make us unhappy. So setting realistic goals is central to a successful project. .
The templates above are for a guide only and should be adopted to suit your organisations specific needs.
Remember: preparations should be focused on the individual and preparing them should be on a personal level.


Instructions for dealing with all aspects of the project including emergencies should be covered in the preparation meeting.
It is also a good idea to give participants a handbook with all of the information they need, a go to guide.

The handbook should cover a variety of different scenarios, illness, accidents, cultural shock etc. Always give participants
a person to contact in the sending organisation and host organisation
It is also important to advise participants that if they have any problems they should firstly contact the hosting organisation
as they can resolve any issues immediately. It is also important to communicate your expectations with your hosting
A dedicated telephone number which is available for participants to call or text 24/7 has been implemented by one partner
and it proves very successful.
Contents for participant handbooks can include;



Common modes of virtual communication and data delivery include the Internet, e-mail, online conference calls, and online
work spaces. Increasingly virtual support means utilizing lots of new technology such as Skype as well as Google Voice.


Conference calls

Becult; www.becult.org

Ready study go ahead; http://www.rsgo.eu/

Skype Meetings

Facebook groups

Google Voice
Benefits of virtual contact

Cost-effective as most online programs are free to use

Makes it easy to manage communication based on their time zones, and work time preferences
Allows you to keep a log of information sent
No Geographical Limitations

EVECT - Currently not implemented by any partners plan to implement in the future

The preparation is an absolute must as some of the participants have never been travelling by plane before. In Leonardo mobilitys,
preparation is a prerequisite for funding from the national LLP agency.
The preparation of participants prior to arrival is extremely important, we feel that it is vital for participant to be prepared as it
means fewer problems when they arrive in their new city, they feel more confident and they have realistic expectations of their project.
The preparations are not only very valuable but necessary taking into account that some of those participants have never been
travelling by plane before as a starting point.
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from mistakes

Language preparation courses offered to participants should aim to provide participants with the skills to succeed in
their project. Good preparation will deepens their understanding of language and wider communication within the work
placement setting and enhances their skills base as they apply their skills within a professional organisation.
Language preparation should be conducted by a qualified individual either employed or sub contracted (i.e. teacher) and
is usually held in the organisations premises.
Methods to prepare and evaluate language;

Internal test
Oxford English Placement test (for English only)
Assessment of specialist (i.e. teachers)
Application approval of specialists (i.e. teachers)


Self-study online / hard copies

Interactive learning materials

The participants language level will determine the participants ability to perform tasks while abroad however motivation,
attitude and confidence should also be determining factors when preparing participants with language skills.
The most important aspect of the language is spoken communication.
English language is considered as the main language of communication abroad. Participants who also speak any other
foreign language (Italian, Spanish) should be sent to countries where English is not so well spoken, so they have the
opportunity to improve their second foreign language.


Vocational education (education based on occupation or employment) (also known as vocational education and training
or VET) is education that prepares people for specific trades, crafts and careers at various levels from a trade, a craft,
technician, or a professional position. The content for the specific VET language and skills preparation should include
vocabulary, specific for their field and programme i.e. car mechanics learn about mechanic tools, clothing designers learn
about clothes and name the materials in the host company language.
Ways to help develop skills include

Specialised training days
Company visits
Specialised visits

Examples of exercises:


Culture is a strong part of peoples lives. It influences their views, their values, their humour, their hopes, their loyalties,
and their worries and fears. But as we explore culture, its also important to remember how much we have in common.
Participants need specific preparation to meet their cultural needs of whilst abroad. Preparation should assist participants
tp reflect on their experiences, understand their reactions to cultural differences, and work through the many adjustments
they will make before, during and after their experience.
Culture preparation should be based on geographical characteristics, culture and customs (about behaviour, food, greetings
etc.) of a hosting country. Cultural preparation can be an excellent tool, not only in getting to know your host country, but
also in mitigating any risk of the much-dreaded social faux-pas.
How to prepare participants with VET specific culture;

Tell the participants about previous experiences

Research on the internet
Use photos and pictures
Use power point presentations



Support is fundamental in any project. Take an interest in the participants and try not to criticise, listen intently to the full
picture before you give an answer, let them know you care in a professional manner and body language is important
Support is the backbone for the experience of both you and the participant, support should always be given in a caring
and nurturing way and may include pedagogical, sociological and psychological support.


Evaluation typically is the last consideration in planning and implementing an intervention. However it is critical that
evaluation be planned from the start so necessary data or information is identified and collected. Evaluation must be
conducted before, during and after the project. All three are necessary to be able to make judgments about the projects

Mobility Tool
Monitoring / Evaluation questionnaires - Hard copies and electronically via survey monkey
Oral Feedback




Sonny K


XZ (Kitchen)
Alternative restaurant


Criteria for the choice of the internship: Affinity to

cook, looking for alternatives to start an education
Looking for a job
Course: Despite initial enthusiasm monotonous
kitchen work. Is well integrated in team. After a week
extremely large number of absences, was on sick
leave. Dont want to go to work. Trouble with boss
for alleged harassment. Internship company will not
receive any more of our student in this project.

Antonia L

XY Caf and Boutique

Restaurant service

Conclusion: He will not continue to work in that

kitchen. Will get another work placement to see if it
gets better. Contact person is informed and provides a
new placement.

Criteria for the choice of the internship: She has

experience in the service sector, looking for similar
working environment.

Course: Intensive 8-hour day. She felt initially exploited,

much cleaning, too less or few breaks - Atmosphere
very strict, She is able to work independently - She
proves perseverance after talk with boss: better
atmosphere as well as more breaks - She feels
integrated She has gained self-confidence and is
proud to work independently in the caf using French
Conclusion: Personal enrichment through international
work experience.


Preparation and language skills test in the host county after arrival.

When you are hosting participants the process is different to that of sending participants
abroad. Although there are many similarities the main factor to be considered is how well
the participants have been prepared before they have arrived. As preparation various
from organisation to organisation it is important that you have a guide for preparing all
participants that you receive on projects.

The guide to sending students can be adapted if you also receive students as the following topics should be covered;

Language preparation
VET specific language preparation
Skills preparation and recognition
Cultural preparation
Evaluation of preparation

When receiving students on projects the arrival and welcome are essential as this forms the participants first impression.
Students should receive accurate and correct information including contact details and information on meetings to discuss
their what to expect from there experience as an individual.


Reporting / collecting information / preparing new mobilitys in regards to the language

and cultural preparation
So Ive have set up my project. But how can i know if its going well?

This guide tells you all you need to know about monitoring and evaluating what youre doing from why its important to what tools you can use.


Monitoring means regularly collecting information on your project and analysing it to see how things are going. To do
this, you can look at quantitative information; hard facts such as how much money and time youve spent on the project.
You can also consider qualitative information - the less measurable things, like whether the project is running smoothly
and if people involved are satisfied. Good monitoring will make it easy to evaluate your project when it ends. It will also
give you a basis to make decisions on how the project should go forward and to make changes along the way if you find
something isnt going well.
Evaluation is a review of the whole project, looking at its overall value and effect. It usually takes place when the project
is complete. You can use the information youve collected during monitoring. Doing an evaluation will help you see how
and where your project has been successful. It will let you see how well funds have been used, and what the benefits of
your project have been to those involved. You can use this information to improve your future projects and for your final
report to the National Agency.



There are several reasons why monitoring and evaluating your project is particularly important for European based projects:

When you win funding from the National Agency, they will make it compulsory for you to report back on what youre doing
and what youre spending the money. You might have agreed targets with them, such as the number of people your
project will send abroad or the skills participants should acquire. Youll need to monitor your project regularly to collect
this information.

To secure future funding

Funding bodies will want to see concrete evidence of the effect your group has to help them decide whether to give you
money. On-going monitoring and evaluating of your projects will provide this. It can provide evidence of what a project
has achieved and what might be achieved as this project continues in the future

To check the projects progress against your original plans

It can be easy to lose sight of the original aims you had for your project. Monitoring on a weekly, monthly or quarterly
basis and checking whether youre still on course to achieve your goals will prevent this. It will also help you keep an eye
on whether youre keeping to your timescales and budgets.

To learn from your experience

Proper monitoring and evaluation of your project means you can see what has worked well and what hasnt. You can
then use this information to improve future projects or funding applications.


To motivate staff
Showing staff concrete evidence of the impact their hard work has had will make them feel great. It can also encourage
them to continue working with the group, or to take on new projects. It may also spur them on to keep changing their
own behaviour.



Before you begin monitoring, its important to think about exactly what you want your project to achieve. Then you can
look at how youre going to monitor each of those areas. Doing this thinking upfront should mean that you wont miss
opportunities to gather information along the way, and youll be able to do a complete evaluation at the end.
A lot of your monitoring will focus on the hard facts: how much is being spent, and how many people is your project is
reaching. However, the qualitative side is important too. Are the expectations of the people involved in your project being
met? What would they like to see done better?



Questionnaire or survey

These are simple to put together and distribute. You can reach a lot of people quickly and easily. You can have questionnaires
with multiple choice boxes people can tick, and you can ask them to give you more detailed replies. The questionnaire
can be anonymous if you think youll get better responses. However, you need to make the questions as clear as possible
so that you get exactly the information you want. Youll need to analyse the information once youve collected all the
questionnaires to get an overall picture of what people think. Questionnaires can be especially useful for monitoring
attitudes or behaviour change.

Feedback forms
When the project commences and the experience is fresh in the participants minds you should get accurate responses
when using a feedback form. However, some people might rush the form, so offer them the option of emailing it back to
you. You can use their feedback to improve your future projects.

Although they can be time consuming, interviews carried out face-to-face or on the phone are a great way to get detailed
information on what people think of your project.

Focus groups
Getting a group of people together to discuss your project is an easy way to gather information. Bringing a group together,
rather than just interviewing individuals, means people can spark new ideas in each other, and you often get better
responses. However, you need to think carefully about the information you want to collect from your focus group, and
continually steer the conversation in that direction.

Other way to gather information

Short online presentation (video)




PPT presentation


Asking yourself the following questions before beginning your evaluation will help you do it well:
1. What is the purpose of your evaluation? What do you want your evaluation to demonstrate?
2. Who are you evaluating for?


3. What are you going to evaluate? Which elements of the project do you intend to look at?
4. How are you going to evaluate? What methods are you going to use to carry out your evaluation?
5. How will you collect the data you need?
6. What will you do with the data you collect? Data by itself is just data; youll need to analyse it to come to a conclusion
about what it shows.
7. How will you act on your analysis


Positive feedback
Dont ever underestimate the power of positive feedback; it can be a powerful tool and you should exploit it. Positive
feedback identifies what is right about the project and you should promote these elements and share them as best practice
and as case studies for future projects.

Negative feedback
The purpose of negative feedback should be to help pinpoint what needs correcting. Receiving negative feedback is an
incredible opportunity to show your capability for learning and growing your project in the future. In order to correct any
problems you must figure out the root of the complaint and ask yourself why it happened. It is also important to have
a procedure or guideline for your organisation regarding the procedures in which you will deal with negative feedback
from any parties involved in the exchange

One way to do this is via an action fom;


1. Before starting your project, consider what youll want to evaluate at the end and what youll need to monitor to do this.
2. Include all parties involved in the feedback (sending / receiving partner/ participant / Host Company/ tutors &
coordinators/ etc.)
3. Dont just focus on statistics in your monitoring and analysis. Its just as important to get qualitative information.
4. Be realistic about how long its going to take to see effects from your project
5. Monitoring and evaluation should be seen as something positive by everyone involved in the project, not something
to worry about.

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