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Journal of Food Engineering 81 (2007) 618623


Eect of muscle type and washing times on

physico-chemical characteristics and qualities of surimi
Sang-Keun Jin a, Il-Suk Kim a, Su-Jung Kim a, Ki-Jong Jeong a,
Yeung-Joon Choi b, Sun-Jin Hur c,*

Department of Animal Resources and Technology, Jinju National University, Kyoungnam, Jinju, Chilam-dong 150, Republic of Korea
Division of Marine Bioscience, Gyeongsang National University, Kyoungnam Tongyeong, Inpyeong-dong 445, Republic of Korea
Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003, USA
Received 21 September 2006; received in revised form 2 January 2007; accepted 3 January 2007
Available online 18 January 2007

Surimi was prepared from alaska pollack, pork leg and chicken breast by washing with water two or four times. Moisture, crude protein and crude fat were signicantly higher in alaska pollack surimi than other surimi samples. Collagen contents and yield was significantly higher in pork leg surimi made by washing two times than those of other surimi samples. All physical characteristics were
signicantly higher in alaska pollack surimi than those of others, whereas pork leg surimi made by washing two times had signicantly
lower water-holding capacity (WHC), deformation and gel strength. Alaska pollack had higher lightness (L*) and whiteness (W), whereas
chicken breast surimi samples showed lower lightness (L*). Myoglobin content was higher in pork leg surimi samples, whereas alaska
pollack and chicken breast surimi samples were lower than those of other samples. In sensory evaluation, color was signicantly higher
in alaska pollack surimi, while chicken breast surimi made by washing four times was signicantly lower in color. However, aroma, avor, juiciness, tenderness and overall acceptability were not signicantly dierent among the surimi samples.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Surimi; Physico-chemical characteristics; Pork leg; Chicken breast; Alaska pollack

1. Introduction
Up until now, the Korean meat industry has suered
from the lack of unpopular meat consumption that has
caused the large stock of the unpopular meat such as pork
loin, leg and chicken breast, because most of Korean meat
consumers prefer pork belly or chicken thigh meat rather
than pork loin or lean meat. Thus, we conducted the development of re-structured pork belly or surimi made from a
chicken breast (Hur et al., 2004; Jin et al., 2006) for
improvement of unpopular meat consumption. In the
mean time, there has been considerable interest in the manufacturing of surimi-like material from the muscle of spe-

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 413 687 9064; fax: +1 413 545 1262.
E-mail address: hursj@hotmail.com (S.-J. Hur).

0260-8774/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

cies other than sh in Korea because many Korean

consumers prefer surimi base products. Surimi is the wet
concentrate of the myobrillar proteins of sh muscle
(Okada, 1992). It is dened as a rened sh protein product
prepared by washing mechanically deboned sh to remove
blood, lipids, enzymes and sarcoplasmic proteins, and as
minced and washed sh esh that has been stabilized by
cryoprotectants (Vilhelmsson, 1997). Up until now, some
studies conducted the development of surimi base products
made from beef, pork and chicken (Kenney, Kastner, &
Kropf, 1992; Park, Brewer, Novakofski, Bechtel, & McKeith, 1996; Srinivasan & Xiong, 1996; Yang & Froning,
1992). However, there is little information on eects of
muscle types and washing times on qualities of surimi.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate
the eect of muscle types and washing times on qualities
of surimi, and to investigate the possibility of surimi made

S.-K. Jin et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 81 (2007) 618623

from pork and chicken for improvement of unpopular

meat consumption.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Material
The surimi samples were divided into ve groups (C:
surimi made from alaska pollack by washing two times,
T1 made from pork leg by washing two times, T2 made
from pork leg by washing four times, T3 made from
chicken breast by washing two times, T4 made from
chicken breast by washing four times). Fresh pork leg
and chicken breast were purchased from a commercial
meat market and alaska pollack was purchased from Hansung Co. (Seoul, Korea). The external fat tissue and skin
was removed from the muscles and the lean muscle was
diced into approximately two cubes, and ground through
a 3 mm diameter orice using a mincer. Minced samples
were homogenized by Polytron homogenizer (T25-B,
IKA Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia) with distilled water at
15,000 rpm for 30 s. The slurry was ltered through a
1 mm-mesh metal screen to remove connective tissues.
The ltrate was centrifuged (two times or four times) at
10,000g for 25 min and the supernatant containing fat
and water-soluble proteins was discarded. The resulting
sediment was stued into PVDC casings (18 mm diameter)
and cooked in a cooking chamber at 78 C for 40 min.
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Chemical composition
Moisture, crude protein and crude fat contents were
determined according to the method described by AOAC
(1990). Moisture was determined by the oven drying
method at 110 C for 24 h; for cooked samples total water
content was calculated as [100 (total protein + total
lipid + total ash)]. Total protein content was determined
by the Kjeldhal method. Total lipids were evaluated by
the Soxhlet method.
2.2.2. Myobrillar protein
The procedure used to determine myobrillar proteins
was similar to that of Kuo and Chu (2003). Myobrilla
proteins were isolated from samples by homogenizing 4 g
of minced samples in a Polytron homogenizer (T25-B,
IKA Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia) for 10 s in 10 vol. (v/w) of a
2 C isolating medium containing 100 mM KCl, 20 mM
potassium phosphate (pH 7.0), 1 mM EDTA and 1 mM
sodium azide. The homogenate was sedimented at 1000g
for 15 min and the supernatant decanted. The sediment
was resuspended at 1000g for 15 min and the supernatant
decanted. The sediment was again resuspended in 5 vol.
(v/w) of the original isolating medium and passed through
a polyethylene strainer to remove connective tissue and
debris. Five more volumes, resulting in 10 vol. (v/w) total
of the original isolating medium, were used to further facilitate


passage of myobrilla protein through the strainer. Again,

the supernatant was sedimented at 1000g for 15 min and
the supernatants decanted. The sediments were washed
three more times by suspending in 5 vol. (v/w) of the original isolating medium, and were sedimented at 1000g for
15 min. Finally, the sedimented myobrilla proteins were
resuspended in 5 vol. (v/w) of the original isolating medium. The protein concentration was determined by the biuret procedure described by Clark and Switzer (1977).
2.2.3. Collagen
The collagen content was determined after 24 h hydrolysis of 300 mg samples with 25 ml 6 M HCl at 110 C using
the modied method cited by Palka (1999). Hydrolysates
were claried with active carbon, neutralized with 10 M
and 1 M NaOH, and diluted with distilled water to
250 ml. Hydrolysate (4 ml) and 2 ml of chloramine T solution (1.41 g chloramine T, 10 ml distilled water, 10 ml npropanol and 80 ml citric buer at pH 6) were mixed in a
test tube and left for 20 min at room temperature. Next,
2 ml of 4-dimethyl-aminobenzaldehyde (p-DABA) solution
(10 g p-DABA, 35 ml HClO4-60% and 65 ml isopropanol)
was added. The solutions were shaken and heated at
60 C for 20 min. The samples were cooled for 5 min in
tap water and the absorbance measured at 558 nm. The
amount of hydroxyproline was determined from a standard
curve. The collagen content was calculated from hydroxyproline content using the coecient 7.25.
2.2.4. Yield
Yield was calculated from the dierence between the
weight of whole muscle and ending mass of surimi.
Yield % = (hole muscle weight surimi weight)/(whole
muscle weight)  100.
2.2.5. pH
pH was measured using a digital pH meter (Model 420A,
Orion, MA, USA). About 5 g of sample was cut into small
pieces to which 45 ml of distilled water was added and
slurry was made using a blender and the pH was recorded.
2.2.6. Water holding capacity (WHC)
Five grams of sample was weighed into centrifugation
tubes and thereafter centrifuged at 5 C at low speed
(1000g for 15 min). The WHC was determined as liquid
loss and expressed as percentage of weight of liquid release.
WHC % = (before centrifuge weight after centrifuge
weight)/(before centrifuge weight)  100.
2.2.7. Cooking loss
The samples were placed in polyethylene bags and
cooked in a 100 C water bath until an internal temperature of 75 C was achieved. Cooking loss was calculated
from dierences in the weight of uncooked and cooked
samples, expressed as percentage of initial weight. Cooking
loss % = (before cooking weight after cooking weight)/
(before cooking weight)  100.


S.-K. Jin et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 81 (2007) 618623

2.2.8. Shear force

The samples were sheared once through the center using
an Instron 3343 (US/MX50, A&D Co., MA, USA).
Equipped with a Warner Bratzler shearing device (100
mm/min crosshead speed).
2.2.9. Texture (breaking force, deformation and gel
The texture was determined according to the method
described by Phatcharat, Benjakul, and Visessanguan
(2006). Gels were equilibrated and evaluated at room temperature. Five cylindrical pieces 3.5 cm wide and 3 cm thick
were tempered at 20 C prior to measuring. Breaking force,
deformation and gel strength were measured using a texture analyzer (EZ-test, Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan) equipped
with a cylindrical plunger (diameter 5 mm, depression
speed 66 mm min).
2.2.10. Color
Color [CIE L*(lightness), a* (redness), b* (yellowness)]
was measured by using a Minolta colorimeter (CR-400,
Tokyo, Japan), with measurements standardized with
respect to the white calibration plate. Five readings were
made from the surface of samples. Whiteness was determined using the following formula: 100 [(100 L*)2
+ a*2b*2]1/2 (Park et al., 1996).
2.2.11. Myoglobin
The myoglobin content was determined by direct spectrophotometric measurement as described by Chaijan, Benjakul, Visessanguan, and Faustman (2004). Two grams of
chopped sample was weighed into a 50 ml polypropylene
centrifuge tube and 20 ml of 40 mM phosphate buer,
pH 6.8 were added. The mixture was homogenized at
13,500 rpm for 10 s, followed by centrifuging at 3000g for
30 min at 4 C. The supernatant was ltered with Whatman No. 1 lter paper. The supernatant was added with
0.2 ml of 1% (w/v) sodium dithionite to reduce the myoglobin. The myoglobin content was determined by direct spectrophotometric measurement at 555 nm. Myoglobin
content was calculated from the millimolar extinction coefcient of 7.6 and a molecular weight of 16,111 (GomezBasauri & Regenstein, 1992). The myoglobin content was
expressed as mg/g sample.

2.2.12. Sensory evaluation

Sensory evaluation was performed by a panel of 15 semi
trained tasters. The panel evaluated each treatment within
each replication in triplicate, and the evaluation was performed with the samples at room temperature. Triplicate
responses were taken to monitor the inherent texture variability associated with this sample. One slice, 1 cm thick
and 1.8 cm in diameter, was cut into six pie-shaped wedges
and presented to each panelist. The panelists chose three of
the most characteristic wedges in order to avoid a sample
containing large pieces of connective tissue. The aroma, avor, meat color, juiciness, tenderness, and overall acceptability were evaluated using ve-point scale.
2.2.13. Statistical analysis
The data was analyzed using SAS software (SAS Inst.
Inc., Cary, NC) by the Duncans multiple range test to
compare the dierences among means. Signicance was
dened at P < 0.05.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Chemical composition, myobrillar protein, collagen and
Chemical composition, myobrillar protein, collagen
and yield are presented in Table 1. Crude protein and
crude fat were signicantly higher in alaska pollack surimi
than other surimi samples, whereas moisture content was
signicantly higher in pork leg and chicken breast surimi
samples. However, there was no signicant dierence in
crude protein, and crude fat showed among the pork leg
surimi and chicken breast surimi regardless of washing
times. Myobrillar protein was not signicantly dierent
among the surimi samples. However, collagen contents
and yield was signicantly higher in pork leg surimi made
by two times washing than those of other surimi samples,
especially alaska pollack surimi were signicantly lower in
collagen and yield. The chemical compositions are an
important role in surimi quality. Luo, Kuwahara, Kaneniwa, Murata, and Yokoyama (2004) reported that the
protein concentration greatly aected the gel properties
of alaska pollack and common carp surimi. The lipids in
surimi products may bring about an adverse eect on the

Table 1
Changes of proximate compositions, myobrillar protein, collagen and yield in surimi made from dierent muscle types and washing times

Moisture (%)

74.83 0.64
77.88 0.20a
77.01 0.40a
77.95 0.23a
76.72 1.92a

Crude protein (%)


17.36 0.60
14.82 0.27b
14.95 0.23b
14.71 0.13b
14.55 0.44b

Crude fat (%)


2.40 0.27
1.15 0.02b
1.13 0.01b
1.14 0.01b
1.14 0.01b

Myobrillar protein (mg/g)

5.00 0.03
5.03 0.03
5.01 0.03
5.02 0.03
5.01 0.03

Collagen (mg/g)

1.32 0.13
1.68 0.13a
1.47 0.09ab
1.49 0.13ab
1.38 0.09b

Yield (%)
30.33 1.53d
54.05 2.83a
45.06 2.26c
51.11 2.20b
43.88 3.56cd

Dierent letters within a column are signicantly dierent (P < 0.05).

C: surimi made from alaska pollack by two times washing; T1: surimi made from pork leg by two times washing; T2: surimi made from pork leg by
four times washing; T3: surimi made from chicken breast by two times washing; T4: surimi made from chicken breast by four times washing.

S.-K. Jin et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 81 (2007) 618623

surimi quality, because the oxidized lipids interact with

proteins, causing denaturation, polymerization and
changes in functional properties (Smith, 1987). The water
content is also a critical factor in surimi products (Uddin
et al., 2006), and Uddin et al. (2006) suggested that the
standard water content of surimi is 78%. In general, high
protein, high myobrillar, high collagen, low crude fat
and adequate water are required to make a high quality
surimi. In this study, alaska pollack surimi had higher protein and lipid contents, whereas water content of pork leg
and chicken breast samples were more closely reached
standard water levels as 77.88. Mizuta, Nakashima, and
Yoshinaka (2007) reported that collagen or connective tissue may play some important roles also in the textural
development of processed foods such as surimi-based
products. In this study, collagen contents and yield were
higher in pork leg surimi made by two times washing,
whereas alaska pollack surimi had lower in collagen contents and yield. Thus, in this study, the quality of surimi
may be not much dierent among the surimi samples
because chemical composition and yield were shown to
no consistent trends.
3.2. Physical characteristics
The physical characteristics results are presented in
Table 2. All of physical characteristics were signicantly
higher in alaska pollack surimi than those of other surimi
samples, whereas pork leg surimi made by two times washing had signicantly lower WHC, deformation and gel
strength. Honikel (1987) reported that pH has a profound


eect on the physical properties such as WHC, tenderness

and color in meat. Usually, high pH, high protein content
and low water content are closely related to the high WHC
and shear force in meats. In this study, alaska pollack surimi showed high pH, protein contents and low water content than other surimi samples. Thus, the physical
structure of alaska pollack surimi should be little more stable than pork leg surimi and chicken breast surimi samples.
However, physical characteristics of pork leg and chicken
surimi samples did not showed a uniform trend. Physical
characteristics also were not much inuenced by washing
times in the pork leg and chicken surimi samples.
3.3. Meat color
The meat color results are presented in Table 3. Alaska
pollack surimi had higher lightness (L*) than other surimi
samples, whereas chicken breast surimi samples were lower
signicantly in lightness (L*). Redness (a*) and yellowness
(b*) were signicantly lower in alaska pollack surimi,
whereas chicken breast surimi samples were signicantly
higher in redness (a*) and yellowness (b*). Myoglobin content was higher in pork leg surimi samples, whereas alaska
pollack and chicken breast surimi samples were lower than
those of others. For surimi processing, myoglobin plays an
essential role in the whiteness (Chen, 2002), whiteness is one
of most important factor in quality of surimi. Ochiai,
Ochiai, Hashimoto, and Watabe (2001) suggested that
high-quality surimi with higher whiteness can be obtained
when dark muscle is removed as much as possible. Thus,
low myoglobin content had better than high myoglobin

Table 2
Changes of physical characteristics in surimi made from dierent muscle types and washing times


WHC (%)

Cooking loss

Shear force

Breaking force


Gel strength


7.54 0.07a
7.35 0.04b
7.30 0.02b
7.29 0.03b
7.28 0.02b

83.77 0.38a
75.49 0.70c
76.69 0.31b
77.31 0.40b
77.17 0.52b

39.25 0.50a
37.81 0.38a
38.22 0.34a
34.96 2.19b
33.94 0.56b

3.52 0.23a
2.16 0.03b
2.16 0.07b
1.90 0.02c
1.84 0.05c

289.00 1.00A
213.00 3.16b
212.33 1.53b
213.00 2.65b
213.00 3.46b

7.96 0.02a
5.52 0.11c
5.78 0.17b
5.83 0.21b
5.83 0.13b

2300 14.73a
1175 7.08c
1227 36.08bc
1241 30.97b
1241 46.79b


Dierent letters within a column are signicantly dierent (P < 0.05).

C: surimi made from alaska pollack by two times washing; T1: surimi made from pork leg by two times washing; T2: surimi made from pork leg by
four times washing; T3: surimi made from chicken breast by two times washing; T4: surimi made from chicken breast by four times washing.

Table 3
Changes of meat color and myoglobin content in surimi made from dierent muscle types and washing times



84.22 0.61
81.68 0.60b
80.55 1.06b
75.34 0.37c
75.23 0.41c


2.16 0.13
2.02 0.15b
1.96 0.08b
2.45 0.26a
2.56 0.10a


8.92 0.15
9.20 0.13ab
8.99 0.05b
9.03 0.23b
9.38 0.18a

Mb (mg/g)

57.46 0.85
54.08 0.94b
53.57 0.92b
48.24 0.45c
47.08 0.94c

2.23 0.18d
5.38 0.35a
4.86 0.23b
3.20 0.17c
2.53 0.29d

Dierent letters within a column are signicantly dierent (P < 0.05).

C: surimi made from alaska pollack by two times washing; T1: surimi made from pork leg by two times washing; T2: surimi made from pork leg by
four times washing; T3: surimi made from chicken breast by two times washing; T4: surimi made from chicken breast by four times washing.


S.-K. Jin et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 81 (2007) 618623

Table 4
Changes of sensory evaluation value in surimi made from dierent muscle types and washing times


4.89 0.33
5.22 0.67
4.89 0.60
5.22 0.67
5.11 0.78

6.11 0.60
5.78 0.44
5.89 0.60
5.67 0.87
5.56 0.88


6.11 0.60
5.56 0.53ab
5.78 0.67ab
5.56 0.73ab
5.33 0.71b



Overall acceptability

5.56 0.88
5.00 0.50
5.33 0.71
5.22 0.83
5.67 0.71

5.91 0.60
5.33 0.87
5.78 0.67
5.44 0.88
5.33 0.87

6.02 0.44
5.89 0.33
6.00 0.50
6.00 0.71
5.78 0.67


Dierent letters within a column are signicantly dierent (P < 0.05).

C: surimi made from alaska pollack by two times washing; T1:surimi made from pork leg by two times washing; T2: surimi made from pork leg by four
times washing; T3: surimi made from chicken breast by two times washing; T4: surimi made from chicken breast by four times washing.
Aroma (5 = very intense and 1 = very weak), avor (5 = very good and 1 = very bad), color (5 = very good and 1 = very bad), juiciness (5 = very
juiciness and 1 = very dry), tenderness (5 = very tender and 1 = very though), overall acceptability (5 = very good and 1 = very bad).

content for surimi quality. In this study, alaska pollack surimi showed higher whiteness (W) and lightness (L*). It may
be due to the myoglobin content of alaska pollack being
lower than other surimi samples. Thus, we assumed that
mechanical color of alaska pollack surimi was better than
other muscle surimi samples, and pork leg surimi sample
color was better than chicken breast surimi samples when
compared between pork leg and chicken breast surimi.
The washing process is necessary for color improvement
and gel strengthening of surimi produced from whole muscle (Chaijan et al., 2004). Kim et al. (1996) reported that the
color of surimi can be improved by increasing the washing
cycle, washing time. However, this result has shown that the
color of surimi sample was not much aected by washing
times although muscle pigment as a myoglobin was lower
in surimi made by four time washing. Thus, we assume that
two times washing had better than four times washing. It
would be useful from the point of view of surimi manufacture procedure or reduction of the waste water.
3.4. Sensory evaluation
The sensory evaluation results are presented in Table 4.
Color was signicantly higher in alaska pollack surimi,
whereas chicken breast surimi made by four times washing
had signicantly lower in color. These results are agreed
with mechanical color results, thus, surimi color may be
good in alaska pollack surimi sample. However, aroma,
avor, juiciness, tenderness and overall acceptability were
no signicantly dierent among the surimi samples even
though chemical composition and physical characteristics
were dierent among the surimi samples. These results indicate pork leg or chicken breast surimi taste by panels were
not much dierent compared with original surimi such as
alask pollack.
4. Conclusion
As a result of this study, we found that alaska pollack
surimi was higher protein, WHC, lightness, whiteness and
WHC compared with pork leg and chicken breast surimi
samples, and also higher breaking force, deformation and
gel strength showed in alaska pollack surimi sample.
However, sensory panels could not distinguish a dierence

in taste between muscle types and washing times. In conclusion, we suggested that surimi can be made from pork
leg or chicken breast regardless of washing times although
surimi qualities are little lower than alaska pollack surimi.
Thus, future studies are needed for the improvement of
pork or chicken surimi qualities.
This study was supported by technology development
program(105128-3, 2005) for agriculture and forestry, ministry of agriculture and forestry, Republic of Korea.
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