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FOUR New V-Care Teams form in New Goloka (Hillsborough, N.C.

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FOUR New V-Care Teams form in New Goloka

(Hillsborough, N.C.)
Posted on: January 27, 2015
After a recent Vaishnavas C.A.R.E. seminar
presented by Sangita Devi Dasi and
encouraged by His Holiness Bir Krishna
Goswami for the New Goloka community
in Hillsborough, North Carolina (U.S.A.), 25
enthusiastic devotees met to form four
Vaishnavas Care Teams (V-Care Teams) in
order to assist with emotional, spiritual and
health care needs within our congregation,
including end-of-life
Since our congregational members span several counties, volunteers
eagerly agreed to travel the extra miles in order to assist in any way
required when the need arises. Some examples would be in cases of a
sickness within the family or if there is an unfortunate accident or if a
family member must be hospitalized for some reason and assistance
from the V-Care Team would be required. Volunteers would gladly provide meals, assist
with child care, render personal care, help with housekeeping, run errands, read aloud to
the recovering patient from Srila Prabhupadas books, chant bhajans with them, answer
emails, or just provide companionship. Even emotional stress in life can sometimes
create a need for a friend or two to visit, bring prasadam from the temple Deities, chant
bhajans together, read together or to simply sit and talk. We all need this from time to
time. In this way, our V-Care volunteers are more than willing to be called upon when
someone needs a visit from a friend in their congregation. In addition, V-Care volunteers
are also trained in basic emotional and spiritual end-of-life care and support for those
patients and families facing a terminal illness. Cooperation and team spirit ran high at
our rst Vaishnavas CARE meeting as hands quickly raised to divide into teams in order
to cover all areas of our New Goloka congregation.
Currently, our four teams are divided into the following cities:
Hillsborough/ Hillsborough Chapel Hill/ Raleigh Cary Morrisville/and
Hillsborough-Durham. Plans include presenting another Vaishnavas CARE seminar soon
to our large congregation in the Charloe, North Carolina area and assisting them to
form the fth V-Care Team in this state. We pray for the blessings of His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-acarya International Society for
Krishna consciousness. and His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami, Governing Body
Commissioner, New Goloka Community, for all success in serving the servants of Their

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FOUR New V-Care Teams form in New Goloka (Hillsborough, N.C.) |

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Lordships Sri Sri Radha Golokananada.

Team members include:
Hillsborough: Sangita dasi, Krsna Kumari dasi,
Prafullamukhi dasi, Adideva dasa, Apurva dasa,
Kamalini dasi, Krsnapriya dasi, Yugalarasa dasi,
Indulekha dasi, Sadhvi dasi, Naval Kishori dasi
Hillsborough Chapel Hill: Lila Shakti dasi, Mahamantra dasa, Gopal das, Bhaktin Cheryl
Hillsborough Durham: Uara dasi, Jayasri dasi, Satyavati dasi, Himanshu dasa, Rudrani
Raleigh Cary Morrisville: Drista dasa, Krishna Das, Hrisikesh dasa, Satvhiradha dasi,
Aditya Narayan dasa, Ratna Radhika dasi
Following in the footsteps of the Toronto V-Care Team, all volunteers from our New
Goloka Teams will soon become CPR certied. In addition, plans include taking a course in
Emergency First Aid in case there is a need, especially at our temple in Hillsborough where
there are so many visitors and nearby devotee residents.
With our own elementary school here in New Goloka now, plus a new Sunday School
with 24 children plus many teenagers who regularly aend our Sunday program and
festivals, we feel we should have many volunteers who are well trained in order to keep
our children safe and well cared for, Prafullamukhi Dasi stated, the Principal of the New
Goloka Community School. This will also protect our adult members and visitors as well.
We are all looking forward to taking these two courses and becoming certied very soon.
In addition, a smaller group of nine
volunteers will be aending a more
extensive training program given
by the Duke (University) Hospice
Bereavement Sta so our V-Care
Team can form a much-needed Grief
Counseling Team to care for our
temple and congregational members. Several of our V-Care volunteers already have at least
a Masters level degree in psychology or counseling, although this is not required in order
to take this training course. We look forward to all working together in order to provide the
comfort and healing our temple and congregational members may require during a time of
loss and grief. We are grateful to the sta at Duke (University) Hospice at the Meadowlands
here in Hillsborough for assisting our V-Care team in this way.
There is no temple or community too big or too small to also start a Vaishnavas Care Team.
If you are interested in starting a V-Care Team for your congregation, please contact us at Please see our article called: How to Start a V-Care Team in Your
Community on the tab on the Home page. We will be happy to personally answer any of
your questions either by email, Skype, or phone. Thank you. Sangita Devi Dasi, RN,

1/30/2015 12:48 PM

FOUR New V-Care Teams form in New Goloka (Hillsborough, N.C.) |

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