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Deputy Steve Sargent


Lieutenant Joe Scampini







Vice/ S.W.A.T.

17 Hillside st Overview Report

On 8/19/15 the Worcester Police S.W.A.T. team was requested to secure

an entry of the above address for the CPAC Division of the Mass State Police.
Based upon the severity and the dangerousness of the warrant (firearms)
the S.W.A.T. Team was approved to do the entry. It is common practice
between agencies when CPAC has a dangerous warrant they will request
Worcester Police S.W.A.T. to make entry into the structure within the city
limits. This particular warrant was for 17 Hillside st apt 3. The affiant was
Trooper Nick Nason who has had other warrants that the Worcester S.W.A.T.
team has assisted on. Prior to the activation of S.W.A.T. Officer Jim Carmody
met with Trooper Nason and went over the particulars of the entry. A power
point presentation was then given to the S.W.A.T. team about the structure
and the targets of the investigation. Included in the power point are
assignments to all SWAT members, safety tips, pictures of the targets,
descriptions of firearms, and Q&A for any concerns a team member may
With this particular warrant, a known felon, with a dangerous violent
history and the heighten level of danger upon entry I requested that two
S.W.A.T. Officers keep surveillance on the structure overnight. Officer Tom
Bishop and Officer Sean Riley were assigned to this post. They reported
some lights being turned on and off but no other significant movement
coming in or out of the apartment.
Prior to execution of the warrant I spoke with MSP and advised them of
our approach and our plan. It is common practice to gather a copy of the
search warrant and review it. I did this and found all points credible. A copy
was given to Officer Carmody who would be on the entry team of said
apartment. Once all team members are ready to depart the station and head
toward the assignment E.M.S. is requested to take a secure location nearby

for any medical issues. It is also common practice the S.W.A.T. team takes a
paramedic, Josh Bennett, to render and care for anyone who needs medical
attention. Both those practices were followed on this entry.
At approximately 0515 hrs. the S.W.A.T. team made entry of 17 Hillside
st apt 3. Approximately 5 minutes after initial entry I was informed the
apartment was secure and was waiting for secondary clearance. Soon after I
was notified all was clear and I was summons to do a walk through prior to
letting the search team enter. When I entered I observed two male subjects
handcuffed and sitting down. I asked them both if they were sick or injured
and need medical attention. Both gentlemen answered no, I then answered
a question of one of the guys who asked what was going on. I responded
MSP has search warrant and will explain to you the particulars. I then
moved into another room on the Alpha side of the house and observed a
female and two young children. The older child was playing with one of the
Officers and the female was asked if she was sick or injured. She stated no,
I then asked if the kids needed anything and she again stated no. At this
point the search team was starting to enter and I requested a female Officer
to arrive on scene. Officer Aguilar assisted in the safety of the scene.

Once I determined S.W.A.T. members were no longer needed I

requested them to grab all equipment, document all damage to the
structure, and secure all notes for their use of force reports. We then left the
area and handed the scene over to the State Police who were conducting the
search for the firearms. The S.W.A.T. team then gathered at Vernon medical
lot to debrief and talk about our next entry of 208 Cambridge St. E.M.S. was
then moved to another location.
All use of force reports along with S.W.A.T. after action reports are
available in S.W.A.T folder and Police server.

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