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Problem Seet #3

MAE91 summer

4 Illustrate the possiblee process in aa Pv diagram

m for any of tthe figures beelow:
3.11 & 3.14

3.47- A 4000-L tank A, seee figure show

wn, contains argon
gas at 250
2 kPa, 30C
C. Cylinder B,, having a fricctionless
piston of suuch mass that a pressure off 150 kPa will float it, is iniitially empty. The valve is opened and argon
into B and eventually
reaaches a uniforrm state of 1550 kPa, 30C throughout.
W is the woork done by the
t argon?

3.48 A pistoon cylinder contains

2 kgg of liquid waater at 20C and
a 300 kPa, as shown in Fig. P3.48. There
is a linear spring
mountted on the pisston such thatt when the water
is heatedd the pressurre reaches 3 MPa
with a voluume of 0.1 m.
a) Find the final temperrature
b) Plot the process
in a P-v
P diagram..
c) Find thee work in thee process.

3.57 - Conssider a piston

n cylinder witth 0.5 kg of R-134a
as satturated vaporr at -10C. Itt is now
compressedd to a pressurre of 500 kPaa in a polytroopic process with
w n = 1.5. Find the finaal volume annd
temperaturee, and determ
mine the workk done duringg the processs.
3.74 - Find
d the missingg propertiess of (P, T, v, u
u, h and x) an
nd indicate tthe states in
n a Pv and T
diagram fo

u = 1000 kJ//kg (Table B.1 referencee)
a. Water att 5000 kPa, u
b. R134a aat 20oC, u = 300 kJ/kg
c. Nitrogen
n at 250 K, 200 kPa

3.97 - A piston cylinder contains 1.5 kg water at 200 kPa, 150C. It is now heated in a process where
pressure is linearly related to volume to a state of 600 kPa, 350C. Find the final volume, the work and
the heat transfer in the process.

3.101- A water-filled reactor with volume of 1 m is at 20 MPa, 360C and placed
inside a containment room as shown in Figure. The room is well insulated and
initially evacuated. Due to a failure, the reactor ruptures and the water fills the
containment room. Find the minimum room volume so the final pressure does not
exceed 200 kPa.
3.151- An insulated cylinder is divided into two parts of 1 m3 each by an initially locked piston, as shown in
Figure. Side A has air at 200 kPa, 300 K, and side B has air at 1.0 MPa, 1000 K. The piston is now unlocked
so it is free to move, and it conducts heat so the air comes to a uniform temperature TA =TB. Find the mass
in both A and B, and the final T and P.

3.212- The cylinder volume below the constant loaded piston has two compartments A
and B filled with water. A has 0.5 kg at 200 kPa, 150C and B has 400 kPa with a
quality of 50% and a volume of 0.1 m. The valve is opened and heat is transferred so
the water comes to a uniform state with a total volume of 1.006 m.
a) Find the total mass of water and the total initial volume.
b) Find the work in the process
c) Find the process heat transfer.

3.220 - Two kilograms of water is contained in a piston/cylinder with a massless piston

loaded with a linear spring and the outside atmosphere. Initially the spring force is zero and
P1=Po= 100 kPa with a volume of 0.2 m. If the piston just hits the upper stops the volume
is 0.8 m3 and T= 600C. Heat is now added until the pressure reaches 1.2 MPa. Find the
final temperature, show the PV diagram and find the work done during the process.

3.240- A piston/cylinder arrangement B is connected to a 1-m3 tank A by a line and valveshown in Fig.
P5.171. Initially both contain water, with A at 100 kPa, saturated vapor and B at 400C, 300 kPa, 1 m. The
valve is now opened and, the water in both A and B comes to a uniform state.
a. Find the initial mass in A and B.
b. If the process results in T= 200C, find the heat transfer and work.

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