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Page 694


"Brunelle Michael"

...:.. :.:.:.'.''.~


2110/2015 6:03:29 PM

RE~A6v1soR\f~fHORNbALE 'TOMOR,RbV\l'-'Governorwolf to Hold ii l?r~~s

.!? ii'~Jeff: . 9onf$rerd6 oq!lining. l?ritjrtiie~ ~.s*-e~r\~ r~ f\op~sa.1
i: i . . . ) .: . ;' !


<.:.i . :

Not for anyone beyond you all until tomorrow:

For years, Pennsylvania's schools have suffered from underfunding and a lack of resources. We have seen

larger class sfzes, fewer teachers, and vital program cuts .

If we are going to get our Co1nmonwea!th back on track and be competitive in the 21st century ecqnomy,
we must provide our young people with the educational foundation necessary to be sccessful.

Pennsylvania currently ranks 45th in the nation in the percentage of funding the state provides for public
education. This is intolerable. Pennsylvania must take the lead in investing in early childhood, K-12, and higher

Right now, Pennsylvania is currently the only major gas producing state in the country that does not charge

a tax on oil and natural gas extraction - and we're failing to tax this resource at a time when our schools need
more funding.

In order to ensure that we are appropriately funding education at all ievefs, we need to raise new revenue
for our state's public education system by imposing a reasonable tax-in line with our neighbors- on the
extraction of natural gas within the state.

The tax proposed in the Education Reinvestment Act will be modelled after the severance tax in

ne-ighboring West Virginia.

lmpleme.ntlng a similar structure to our: neighbor's \viii eliminate competition based on taxation, allovving
the industry to develop where wells can be sited most profitably and safely.

Governor Wolfis proposing a 5% plus 4.7 cents per MCFtax. His proposal would not be on top of the
existing impact fee but includes it. His proposal would continue the payments made to communities Impacted by

dril[lng that are currently made by the impact fee.

We can get Pennsylvania back on track, and we can start by passing a commonsen>e severance tax that will
help fund our schools. Over 4 years, it will raise $5 billion for our schools.

At a time when our budget ls facing significant challenges and our schools are struggling. It makes sense to

pass a competitive, commonsense severance tax~

\Ve can get Pennsylvania back on track} and it starts with a severance tax.
From: Brunelle, Mldiael
, Sen~ February 10, 2015 4:56 PM


; To:'; rneal.bisnct

. Subject FW: ADVISORY - IBORNDALE - TOMORROW - Governor Wolf to Hold a Press Cooference OUtlining Priorities For

a Severance Tax Proposal

FYI-more to come.

From: Governors Press Office

Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 4:57 PM
To: Governor's Press Office

Subject: ADVISORY - THORNDALE - TOMORROW - Governor Wolf to Hold a Press Conference Outlining Priorities for a
Severance Tax Proposal


Page 695


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Febrnary 10, 2015

ADVISORY - THORNDALE - TOMORROW - Governor Wolf to Hold a Press

. Conference Outlining Priorities for a Severance Tax Proposal
Tomorrow, Governor Wolf will kickoff a statewide, "Scllools that Teach Tour," at Caln Elementary School in
: Thorndale. Governor Wolf will first tour Caln Elementary School and then make remarks outlining his
priorities for a severance tax proposal in order to reinvest in pul:>lic education.
WHAT: Governor Wolf will tour Caln Elementary School and then make remarks outlining his priorities for a
severance tax proposal in order to reinvest in public education .
. WHEN; February 11, 2015; 10;00 AM-10:30AM
. WHERE: Caln Elementary School, 3609 US Rt 30, Thorndale, 19372
EVENT: Governor's Live Feed
DATE: 2/11/15
TIME: 9:45 to 10:30
: FORMAT: 16x9 SD
CHANNEL: C (9Mhz:)
SYM RATE: 6.380 msps
. FEC: 516
BIT RATE: 9.799346
DOWNLINK POL: Horizontal
AUDIO: 6.21 6.8
LIVE STREAM: ~mlplayers/live aov.asp
MEDIA CONTACT: Jeff Sheridan ###


"M.e_ad A_rydrea"
'"Br.!1nEflf8 .Michael"

, _ . .,,Nicasfre:_:-Miifkj-

, >,' ',' ,_ :::~:~:~:r~i:t~~:'.:~-,


, ' Date:

"Melena Elizabeth"

315/:201~ 2:~6:si
,R,E: Letters


Tim Grumbacher, Chairman of the Board, Bon-Ton Stores

Denis O'Brien, Senlo-r Executive Vice President, Exelon Corporation
Mario Longhi, President & CEO, U.S. Steel Corporation
Rob Wonderling, President and CEO, Greater Philadelphia of Commerce

David Cohen, Executive Vice President, Comcast corporation

Dennis Yablonsky, CEO, Allegheny Conference on Community Development ,

Morgan O'Brien, Chair, Allegheny Conference


Community Devel6pment and CEO of Peoples Natural Gas

David Por.ges, Ch.airman, President and CEO, EQT Corporation

Don Cunningham, President and CEO, Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation.
Michael Rashid, Former President and CEO, AmeriHealth Carltas
John Fry, President, Drexel University
Tony Iannelli, President and CEO, Greater Lehigh Vafley Chamber of Commerce
David Black, President and CEO, Harrisburg Regional Chamber of Corftrne(ce and CREDC
Steven Bradley, Chair
, African American Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia, New Jersey and Delaware
ShallmarThomas, Executive Director, African America.n Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia, New Jersey and Delaware
George Fern<indez, Chair, Hcirrlsbl.lrg Latino Chamber of Commerce
Drake Naka1shL Executive Director, Chester Economic Development Authority and the Chester Parking Authority
Hasu Shah, Chairman of the Board, Hersha Hospitality Trust

From: Brunelle, Michael

Sent Wednesday, March 04, 2015 6:10 PM
To: Nicastre, Mark; Shafer, Joseph; Mead, Andrea; Bane, Yesenia
Subject:: RE: Letters
Kevin at SEIU Just told me they are/have submitted letters in support of education funding ln the folfowing papers:

Post-Gazette {2 Submissions}
Tribune (1 submission)
PON (3 subm1ssrnns)
Altoona Mirror (2 submissions)
Lancaster New Era (3 submlsslons)
Wiikes-Barre Times Leader {2 subrnissions)
Scranton Times~Trlb {2 submissions)
Morning Call (3 subrnissiorts)
Pocono Daily Record (2 submissions)
Johnstown Tribune {2 submlssions)
In addition to these 22 submissions, they are making z,ooo calls.

They w<inted to let us know.

From: Brunelle, Michael

Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2015 5:59 PM
To: Nicastre, Mark; Shafer, Joseph; Mead, Andrea~ Bane, Yesenia
Subject: letters


Page 1423


3/10/2015 8:07:30 PM

sui:i)e~t: ; RE: ivl9~ning {5a1i: LiE.; Go~. w,;~ l:ilnefi~ia1 .tor ~~nlor 9ii1iens

:: 1

An SEIU special. ...

. ---Original Message---From: Shafer, Joseph
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 08:06 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Sheridan, Jeffrey; Nicastre, Mark; Brunelle, Michael
Subject: FW: Morning Call: LTE: Gov. Wolf beneficial for senior citizens
---Original Message---From: Stone, Sophie
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 07:36 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Stone, Sophie
Subject: Morning Call: LTE: Gov. Wolf beneficial for senior citizens

Morning Call: L TE: Gov. Wolf beneficial for senior citizens

Link: httpUwww 1ncafl com/opioionlletters/me:wolf-budget-seniors:..taxes-kra oyecz-20150310-story h\ml

March 10, 2015

6:09 PM
Ifs time to think of seniors on fixed incomes. Property tax relief sounds great We have no children in school. I hope
Gov. Wotrs budget is passed. Good for Gov. Wolf. He's for the seniors.
Elaine Kranyecz
. lower Nazare1h Township


Page 378


.. iii


2117/2015 2:15:04 PM

Subject: FW: Bettetchoices

FYI -This is what I communicated to SEIU 668 about tomorrow's press conference.
. Still trying to connect wtth them today to make sure we're on the same page.

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 10:49 AM, Jeff Garis wrote:

Hi Kevin, thanks for reaching out to me. Ifs great to hear that SEIU 668 might be abfo to provide an
organizational representative to speak at the Better Choices for PA coalition's press conference announcing its tax
fuimess recommendations.
The press conference is nexi Wednesday morning, Febrna1y l &th, at 11 :00, in the Capitol Rotunda. We will have
about 5 speakers at the event, representing various Better Choices member organizations, demographic gronps, &
geographic regions in the state. We will also be asking each ofthe speakers to talk for 3-4 minntes, highlighting a
key recommendation that we're making; The recommendations fall into the general categories of"ending tax
loopholes" and "making the tax system fairer for worlringfamilies."
.I would really like to have SEIU 668 talk about ending tax loopholes, specifically tl1e fiTh1 n.-commendation on the
list that we're releasing on Wednesday, which caJ!s on 1he Governor and the Gener-al Asscn1bly to permanently
close most corporate tax loopholes hy enacting combined reporting. rve include backgroOlld infurmation below.
ff yon can confmn tl1e speaker and send me his/her name and title ASAP, that would be great. Additional!y, by
Tuesday morning at W:OO we'd hKe to have a 1-2 sentence quote that we can attribute to the speakerin the press
materials tliat we put out on behalf of the Better Choices coali1ion. lf you can send me a phone# and email
address for tl1e speaker, that would be great to have.

'!banks, Kevin - we're reaJly looking forward to have SElU as a visible part ofthis event
- Jeff
Ending tax loopholes:
1. Pe1111anently close most corporate tax loopholes by enacting combined reporting, a thorough approach to
combating tax avoidance. Twenty-three states, half ofthe states wi1h corporate income or franchise taxes, have
adopted this approach. C-01nbined reporting increases equity by broadening a currently narrow tax baso and
eliminating unfair 1a.x advantages affurded certain corporations. It can afao help raise needed revenue to bridge the
state budget gap.
Almost three-quarters of Pennsylvania corporatiom pay nothing in corporate income faxes, and 84% pay less than
a family earning $35,000. It is critically important to ensure that every entity contn"butes something to the common
. good. Combined reporting would close corporate tax loopholes and make it harder for multi-state corporations to
, avoid paying corporate net income tax (CN11) on income earned in Pennsylvania.
Ccmbined reporting recognizes tliat most companies are not fully independent entiths making decisions on their
own. Rather, 1l1ey belong to a web of related companies that make numerous transactions vdth one m1otl1er,


Under combined reporting, the companies pay taxes based on their combined activities. Thi> taxes the corporation
based on its total economic activity, ra1her than its individual parts, eliminating rrumy opportunities for companies to
shelter profits.
Combined reportiug has no impact on smaller corporations with no related companies.
The 2015-16 budget process offers an opportunity to take a hard look at how the state raises and spends money.

We can continue dom1 the failed path of tax and spending cuts d1at result in higher college tuition and local
properly taxes, and fewer opportunities for our children, or we can improve the tax system by making it fuirer.
ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND INFO: h11ps://pennbpc m!!611,t- fucts-comhjnedTllJlorling


Jeff Garis
Outreach and Engagement Director
Pennsylvania Bud et and Policy Center
Harrisburg Office
412 North 3rd Street, Harrisburg, PA l 7101 j 717-255-7Q,:i.Q
Philadelphia Office
I 709Benjamin Franklin Parkway, 61hFloor, Philadelphia, PA 19103 IZJ 5-563-584&
-~Original ~1ess~

From: Kevin H e n s i l - - . i
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 9:2l AM
To: Jefi'Garis
Cc: Cbdstopher Hlmdley
Subject: Better choices

668 may have someone who can speak at your event next week. Can you send me some detaifa on what 1hat
person should say, lengfu of connucnts, as well as the date and time of the event?
Sent frmn my iPhone





.. . ' '. ' . ;. : : cilll!.!!C~lll""'d!'.'~


Subject: .. RE: Com111sQuestions & Logistics for Tomorrow.

Hi Giovanna:

I'll be on site. My cell i s -

From: Giovanna \rJtale

Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 2:01 PM
To: Morgan Lindsey; Brunelle, Michael
. Cc: Amir, Ajeenah; Lynsey Kryzwic:k; Anna Susman
Subject: RE: Comms Questions & Logistics for Tomorrow
Thanks, Mike. That all sounds good. For coordinating on the ground, should I would with you and Ajeenah?








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~---"' -~-~---- -~-,,---'


From: Morgan Lindsey

Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 12:53 PM
To: Brunelle, Michael
Cc: Giovanna Vitale; Amir, Ajeenah; Lynsey Kry:zwic:k; Anna Susman
Subject: Re: Com ms Questions & Logistics for Tomorrow
Great thanks Mike That all makes a lot of sense
Well look for the final messaging document
Morgan Lindsey
Vice President and Organizing Director
, SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania

On Feb 26, 2015, at 12:01 PM, "Brunelle, Michael" l w r o t e :

Hi Giovannatn tern1s of the v.torkers and consu1ners be'ing available for interviews, I think we would want to take a \l\fait
and see approach. We are not sure how broadly this will be covered, at this point, and should coordinate on
the ground in terms of press avails, I think.
Sl10uid not be a problem getting a photo with the Governor.
On the posting of a news story, I think it is okay to do so once it is picked up locally.
Finally, we will be sure to send along a copy of everything once it receives final approval (which,
admittedly, is on me and a couple of others to take a look at-have not had the time to do so yet).


Page 1089
tn terms of the workers and consun1ers being available for interviev1s, I think vve would want to take a
wait and see approach. We are not sure how broadly this will be covered, at this point, and should
coordinate on the ground in terms of press avail>, I think.
Should not be a problem getting a photo with the Governor.
On the posting of a news story, I think it is okay to do so once it is picked up locally.
Finally, we will be sure to send along a copy of everything once it receives Anal approval (which,
admittedly, is on me and a couple of others to take a look at-have not had the time to do so yet).


From: Giovanna Vilnle

sent: Thursday, February 26, 201511:56 AM
To: Amir, Ajeenah
Cc: Brunelle, Michael; Lynsey Kryzwlck; Morgan Lindsey
Subject:: Comms Questions & Logistics for Tomorrow

Anna Susman

Looking forward to tomorrow. I'm including write ups below on the three workers/consumers who
will be at the event and available for interviews. Also, we have a few questions I'm hoping you can
answer when you have a moment.
Workers and consumers will be available for interviews. I will be on hand to help with coordinating
visuals and staffing interviews if helpful. Do do you want to facilitate interviews with workers and
consumers or would you prefer that I handle this?
Can we arrange a photo with the governor, workers and consumers before the event starts? What is the best time and location to do so?

The union is considering posting a news story about the announcement on its Facebook and Twitter
accounts in the way it would any news around home care issues. Let us know if you have concerns.
Can you send us a copy of the advisory and release (if ifs ready) so we can sync our language with
What is your cell phone number so J can reach and coordinate with you on the ground? My number is

Giovanna Frank-Vitale
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

Lisa -Attendant
I'm a full-time home care attendant and I care for my son who lives with me. He wants to be home with his family
and not in an institution. But in order to do that, he needs full-time assistance. I love taking care of him and wouldn't
have It any other way, but tt Is hard to make ends meet and provide for our family on what I am paid. I would love to
get my family a home that is handicapped accessible but can't afford It. Sometimes I get scared that I need to find
another job to provide for my family, which would leave Brandon without the care he needs or someone would end
up in the same position. But I can't do that to Brandon. He wants to be at home with me. That's why I'm happy the
governor is making improving and strengthening services for seniors and people with disabilities a priority and giving
us all a voice in directing care statewide. Our whole family needs it.
Deidre - Attendant
I'm a full-time home care attendant and I care for my son who lives with me. I'm relieved that the governor is
investing in improving and strengthening home care services because the need for these services is growing, and I
know from searching for an attendant for William how crucial it is to find the right person. I interviewed a number of


Page 1081


From: Giovanna Vitale

Sent: Tirnrsday, February 26, 2015 11:56 AM
To: Amir, l\leenah
Cc: Brunelle, Michael; Lynsey l<ryzwlcl<; Morgan Lindsey
Subject: Comms Questions & Logistics for Tomorrow

Anna Susman

Looking forward to tomorrow. I'm including write ups below on the three workersfconsumers who will
be at the event and available for interviews. Also, we have a few questions I'm hoping you can answer
when you have a moment.

Workers and consumers will be available for interviews. I will be on hand to help with coordinating
visuals and staffing interviews if helpful. Do do you want to facilitate interviews with workers and
consumers or would you prefer that I handle this?
Can we arrange a photo with the governor, workers and consumers before the event starts? What is
the best time and location to do so?
The union is considering posting a news story about the announcement on its Facebook and Twitter
accounts in the way it would any news around home care issues. Let us know if you have concerns.
Can you send us a copy of the advisory and release (if it's ready) so we can sync our language with
i i i i i l h o n e num_ber so I can reach and coordinate with you on the ground? My number is



Giovanna Frank-Vitale
BerlinRosen Public Affairs


Lisa -Attendant
I'm a full-time home care attendant and I care for my son who lives with me. He wants to be home with his family
and not In an institution, But in order to do that, he needs full-time assistance. I love taking care of him and wouldn't
have it any other way, but rt is hard to make ends meet and provide for our family on what I am paid. I would love to '
get my family a home that fs handicapped accessible but can't afford il Sometimes I get scared that I need to find
another job to provide for my family, which would leave Brandon without the care he needs or someone would end
up in the same position. But I can't do that to Brandon. He wants to be at home with me. That's why I'm happy the
governor is making improving and strengthening services for seniors and people with disabilities a priority and giving
us all a voice i1'l directing statewide. Our whole family needs it.
I'm a full~time home care attendant and I care for my son who lives with me. I'm relieved that the governor is
Investing in improving and strengthening home care services because the need for these services is growing, and I
know from searching for an attendant for William how crucial it is to find the right person, I interviewed a number of
people, but it was hard to find a skilled attendant There aren't enough skilled, high-quality attendants in the state to
meet the growing demand for consumer-directed care. Thars why I am an attendant William spent time in a
nursing home, but it wasn't the right care for him. He needs and wants to be at home where he can direct his own
care. It is good for our family that the governor is committed to strengthening home and community based services
so William can stay at home where he wants to be.

Sandra - Consumer
I had polio as a child and because om need help day to day to live independently. I didn't wantto go Into a home,
and I didn't need that level of care. Instead, I have two attendants who provide services for me. With their help, tam
able to go shopping, go to church and be a part of my community. I am lucky to have their support and don't know
where I'd be wtthout them. BLJt the need for home care is growing, and I am worried other people might not be able
to find the attendants they need. I am relieved that the governor is committed to improving and strengthening
services for seniors and people with disabilities so we can all support ourselves and our families. Finally somebody


Page 1082
is hearing us!


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