Westbourne Baptist Church NW Calgary

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Prepared to Serve

1st Corinthians 15:58

Pastor Bill Finch
Aug. 30, 2015

Welcome to our Service!

Thank you for worshiping with us
today. We trust you will be blessed
and encouraged by the Word of
Please use the Connecting Card
attached to this Bulletin to share
any concerns or prayer requests
you may have.
Our Ministry Staff Contact Info:

Nursery: 0 - 3 years old
Childrens Church: 4 - 12 years old,

during the sermon.

Library: Open for an hour both
before & after the service.
Upstairs, across from the
kitchen. Contact is Deb Finch

1st Corinthians 15:58

Senior Pastor Bill Finch


Worship Director Alfredo Faundez

alfredo@ westbourneministries.ca

Childrens Ministries Maria-Jose


Admin Assistant Bonnie Baldwin


Student Ministries Noah Costain

Offices located at: # 221Westbourne Place


Therefore, my beloved
brothers, be steadfast,
immovable, always abounding
in the work of the Lord,
knowing that in the Lord your
labor is not in vain.

Missionary News
Aug. 30th, 2015

Missionaries of the Week

Amber Stark working with
Life Impact in Slovakia

Government regulations have made it so that we have had to discontinue

supporting Amberbut we can still pray!
Recently someone sent me this quote:
"You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will
always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and
knowing people in more than one place.
Like most missionaries, we struggle with the question of where is home? This quote
sums up our problem so well. Pieces of our hearts have been left in so many places
that everywhere we go, someone important is missing. Yet coming to the Oasis
feels as much like coming home as it can. The type of home where there is
always something yummy going into or coming out of the oven. The type of home
where there is a warm fire, a steaming cup of coffee or tea, a cozy blanket and a dog
waiting to occupy your lap while you are still and just rest. A fire pit with hot dogs
and smores. Good books to get lost in, games and puzzles to bring a family together
and great movies to relax and enjoy. It is the type of home where there is always a
friendly smile, a listening ear, wisdom and encouragement flowing and someone
genuinely grateful that you are there. It is a good place to come home to.
We love this place and cannot commend Amber, Paws and now Alison to you enough.
Your investment in this ministry impacts the nations as world changers come here to
recharge and rest.
What a blessing the Good Book Oasis is.
Thank you so much for all that you do to allow Amber to do all that she does.
With gratitude,
Angie, Kevin, Kasey and Ethan(missionaries to Romania)

Happening at Westbourne
The Church Office has a new email address
Our website is under construction! You can look forward to
the new Westbourne Church site this Sept.

Spruce Meadows Masters Sept. 12, 2015

Carpooling from WB Church at 10:30 AM
Sign up at the Welcome Center or if you have questions please
contact Sharon W at 403-615-5103

Coming soonplease mark your calendar Sunday

*Sept. 27 from 1:00pm 3:00pm.
Please sign up at the Welcome Center or if you have
questions please see Pastor Bill.

The 3rd Annual Stampeders Faith & Family Night is being held
on Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015 when the Calgary Stampeders take
on the Edmonton Eskimos at 5 p.m. The past two events have
been a great success thanks to Shine FM and all of our amazing
fans and we are looking forward to continuing that tradition.
All churches and congregations in attendance are given a
discounted price on tickets and are invited down to the field
post-game for a group photo. In addition, your church is eligible
to win great prizes and giveaways, including signed jerseys,
footballs, and pre-game sideline passes.
Please see Dick Derksen/Sign up at Welcome Center

Canadas National Mens Conference

October 23 & 24, 2015
Bow Valley Christian Church, Calgary
Please see Poster in Foyer/ Speak with Dave Ferguson for more

Westbourne Baptist Church

The quiet hour of prayer is one of the most favorable opportunities He
has in which to speak to us seriously. In quietude and solitude before
the face of God, our souls can hear better than at any other time. Ole
Kristian O. Hallesby

Needed T.V. Telephone Ministry Volunteers in the area of telephone,

research and stats, call flow, and prayer room.
Next training session is Sept.19, 5:30 pm at B.G.E.A.
If interested and/or questions please contact Sharon Whitlock at

Prayer Sermon Pt.1 Pray God strengthens WBC with His power and
that our prayers will be specific.
Prayer Sermon Pt. 2 Pray that we at WBC will be active in
sharing our faith.
Prayer Sermon Pt. 3 Pray that by our love for each other that
world will know we are Christians.
Prayer Sermon Pt. 4 Pray that we know whats best by seeking
Godly council and in knowing God more intimately.
Pray for our Leadership Boards Elders and Ministry Team
As they meet Sept.10/ Elders, Sept.12/ Joint Elders/Min.Team,
AGM Sept.20/ all WBC members and non-members welcome.
Pray that Westbourne can reach our goal of 1000 O.C.C. boxes in 2015.
Praise God that Maria-Jose is experiencing Gods healing power
Pray for the Arabic Church that meets at WBC

Ongoing Announcements

Did you know you can listen to the sermon on the website?

Donations accepted via PayPal at www.westbourneministries.ca

New Announcements to the Office no later than 10:00am Thurs prior

Check it out at www.westbourneministries.ca

823- 64th Avenue NW

Calgary, AB

T2K 0M6

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