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Reading Aloud and Grammar Exercises

Ms Victoria Galvez

A) Learning Pronunciation: Phonics

1. Letter sounds: A Ant B Bag C Cat D Dog E Egg F Fan G Gun H Hat I Ink J Jug K King L Lip
M Mug N Nut O Orange P Pen Q Queen R Rat S Sun T Tap U Umbrella V Van W Wig X Fox
Y Yak Z Zip
2. Words with Short Vowel A
- Cat, Rat, Hat
- Fan, Man, Pan
- Jam, Yam
- Cap, Map, Tap
- Cab, Sad
- Lets practise: a) When the cat chased the rat, the rat jumped into the hat.
b) It was a warm day, and the man sat in front of the
fan after cooking dinner with his pan. c) Please bring the bottle of jam here. Its next to the jar of yam.
d) After washing her
hands under the tap, the tourist pulled out her map and cap.
e) Having narrowly missed hailing the cab, the woman was
very sad.
3. Words with Short Vowel E
- Bed, Red
- Hen, Pen, Ten
- Net, Jet, Pet, Vet - Web, Peg
- Lets practise: a) She nested herself comfortably on the red bed.
b) The ten hens entered the pens.
c) The pet was sent to
the vet. It was put under a net. The doctor could not cure the pet and sent it overseas by jet.
d) She used the clothes peg to
destroy the spider web.
4. Words with Short Vowel I
- Dig, Wig
- Pip, Hip, Zip
- Bin, Fin, Pin, Tin - Hit, Pit, Sit
- Bib, Lid
- Lets practise: a) The man who is wearing a wig has a dog that likes to dig.
b) The boy named Pip was very hip, although
sometimes he forgot to zip his jacket. c) Please throw the metal tin into the bin. The sharks fin was pinned to the boat.
d) When the tragedy hit, he was down in the pits and could not sit through the meeting. e) The baby wore a bid. He put a lid on the
5. Words with Short Vowel O
- Dog, Log, Jog
- Hot, Pot
- Rod, Cod,
- Mop, Top, Hop - Box, Fox
- Lets practise: a) The dog was sleeping like a log when I went for a jog.
b) The hot pot burnt my fingers.
hung on the rod. d) The top of the mop fell on her feet, and she hopped about in pain. e) The fox is in the box.

c) The cod

6. Words with Short Vowel U

- Bud, Mud, Bug - Hug, Jug, Mug, Rug
- Bun, Gun, Run - Cup, Pup
- Cut, Hut, Nut
- Lets practise: a) The pretty flower bud tumbled into the mud after the bug ate it.
b) The jug, mug and rug are in the living
room. Give me a hug.
c) She saw him carrying a gun and decided to run. Her bun fell to the ground. d) Nuts grow on the
trees outside the hut, so you can cut them down.
B) Differentiating the sounds of A, E and I
Bad, Bed, Bid
Pick, Peck, Pack
Bal, Bell, Bill
Big, Beg, Bag
Sat, Set, Sit
Him, Hem, Ham
Fad, Fed, Fid
Bit, Bet, Bat
Pan, Pen, Pin
Kin, Ken, Can
Nack, Neck, Nick Miss, Mess, Mass
Pat, Pet, Pin
Tin, Ten, Tan
C) Short-vowels sentences
1. Ken cut his hand and fell into a well. He has bad luck.
2. Meg will win ten pens. That is a lot of pens.
3. The hot sun is bad, so the cat went into the box.
4. Jon will beg his Mom for a red bag.
5. The cat bit the rat in the neck and the rat will run fast.
6. Meg has a cat. Nick hit the cat, and Meg was mad. Meg and Nick had a spat. Mum and Dad said, Stop!
D) Short-vowels story
1 Mom got a job at the pet shop. The shop had pups, cats, birds, frogs, and fish. A lot of kids like to run to the shop after class and
look at the pets.
2 One day, Jan and Ted went with them. Look! said Ted. Look at that pup! It is so cute! They went home to ask Mom for the pup.
3 Can we get a pup too? asked Ted. The cat will not like the pup, said Mom. But the pup is so cute! said Jan.

E) Grammar 1: Personal Pronouns

- A pronoun is a word which is used in place of a noun. Thus, the noun is not repeated.
E.g. Jane and I are good friends; we have known each other for years. Kevin, are you going to the party? asked Joel. That boy is
very intelligent but he is lazy.

- There are three types of Personal Pronouns:

a) First Person (speaker): I, me, we, us (e.g. My brother and I fought. We quarrelled.)
b) Second Person (person being spoken to / audience): you (e.g. Was that you screaming? Mrs Lee asked Jane.)
c) Third Person (neither the speaker nor audience): he, she, it, him, her, they, them (e.g. Mark saw a dog. He gave it a bone.)
Exercise 1.1: Rewrite each sentence, replacing the underlined words with suitable Personal Pronouns.
1. Jim is Marys husband. Jim is a doctor. Jim and Mary have three children.
Jim is Marys husband. He is a doctor. They have three children.
2. Where has Alice gone? Eddie is looking for Alice. Eddie wants Alice to type a letter for Eddie.
3. Susan and I bought some apples today. Susan and I ate the apples and found the apples to be very sweet.
4. Ruby and Lucy are my good friends. Ruby and Lucy often come to my house. Sometimes Ruby, Lucy and I go swimming together.
5. Melissa, can Melissa please help Yvonne do my homework? asked Yvonne. Yvonne cannot understand the passage, Yvonne
Exercise 1.2: Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.
1. A slim lady with sunglasses spoke to us and asked us the way to the post office. Unfortunately, we didnt know. We were also new
to the place.
2. I am fat, but my sister is fatter than ___ am.
3. The teacher was very angry with Samuel and ___. He punished us and did not let ___ out for recess.
4. Mary and I were near the scene of the crime. Neither ___ nor ___ saw anything unusual. Neither of ___ heard anything unusual
5. Mrs Tan, Janice and I are going in your direction. Could you let ___ take a lift from ___? asked Connie.

Grammar 2: Reflexive Pronouns

- A Reflexive Pronoun is used when the action done by the doer is directed back to himself.
E.g. The boy has hurt himself.
The cat is cleaning itself.
We repaired the machine ourselves.
- There are three types of Reflexive Pronouns:
a) First Person: myself, ourselves (e.g. I bought myself a new dress.)
b) Second Person: yourself, yourselves (e.g. You should keep yourself clean.)
c) Third Person: himself, herself, itself, themselves (She made herself a cup of coffee.)
Grammar Exercise 2.1: Fill in the blanks with suitable Reflexive Pronouns.
1. The little girl cried ___________ to sleep.
2. I kept ___________ busy the whole day.
3. The boys must keep ___________ away from bad company.
4. We often find ___________ short of money.
5. Please help ___________ to the food. Dont stand on ceremony.
Grammar Exercise 2.2: Fill in the blanks with suitable Personal or Reflexive Pronouns.
1. The teenagers found ___________ lost in the jungle. ___________ tried to retrace their steps but that only seemed to get
___________ deeper into the jungle.
2. The boy managed to free ___________ from the grip of the kidnapper. ___________ ran for his life.
3. Peter, Annie and I went to Jennifers birthday party. ___________ enjoyed ___________ so much that ___________ stayed on
longer than ___________ expected.
4. The girl was on ___________ way home from the market. ___________ was pleased with ___________ for having made some
good bargains. Suddenly, ___________ heard a shout from above. ___________ there, get out of my way! ___________ froze in
horror. A tuk tuk driver was about to hit ___________.
5. Houseflies are carriers of disease. ___________ have legs that are covered with long, sticky hairs. A housefly likes to settle
___________ on rubbish, excreta or food and feed. ___________ also lays eggs on food.

Grammar 3: Relative Pronouns

- A Relative Pronoun is a word that is used to introduce an adjectival clause. A Relative Pronoun refers to the noun immediately
before it.
E.g. The boy who saved the drowning child was awarded for his bravery.
The man whom the police arrested is part of a
notorious gang.
The book which I borrowed is very interesting.
- Who and Whom are used for people. Whom is used when there are two people between a verb sandwich rule.
E.g. of Who: This is the girl who plays the piano very well.
E.g. of Whom: The man (person) whom you helped (verb) is my grandmother (person).
- Whose is used for people to show ownership.
E.g. The little girl, whose doll is broken, is very sad. (The doll belongs to the little girl.)

- Which is used for animals and things.

E.g. The dog which belongs to Mr Tan, is an Alsatian.
- That is used for people, animals and things.
E.g. This is the boy that has been giving the teachers many problems. This is the purse that I bought.
Grammar Exercise 3.1: Fill in the blanks with who, which and whose.
1. The boy ____ was missing for ten days has been found.
2. Is this the boy ____ refuses to cooperate with you?
3. The dress ____ I am wearing was purchased at a very reasonable price.
4. The man, ____ car has broken down, is now waiting for a taxi.
5. This is the dog ____ bit the old lady.
6. Is this the shop ____ sells goods at half price after 9pm.
7. I have received the parcel ____ you sent the other day.
8. The teacher ____ is very dedicated is loved and respected by many students.
9. The girl, ____ father is very famous, is very badly behaved.
10. Where is the man ____ car has been stolen?
Grammar Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with who, whom, whose and which.
1. The car ____ he is driving cost him a fortune.
2. She was betrayed by the man (person) ____ she (person) was engaged to be married to.
3. The lady ____ handbag was snatched is a friend of mine.
4. The buns ____ you bought from the confectionery were very delicious.
5. Do you know the person ____ you were speaking to is actually a renowned movie star?
6. Mr Tan, ____ is a well-known author, is here to address the pupils.
7. Why did you steal the pen ____ belongs to me?
8. Jonathan, ____ father is a lawyer, is aspiring to become one as well.
9. The wallet ____ my son found has been returned to the owner.
10. You must return the pen to the person to ____ it belongs.
Grammar Exercise 3.3: Rewrite each sentence by changing the adjectival phrase into an adjectival clause.
1. The shoes near the door are mine.
The shoes which are near the door are mine.
2. The little girl next to the ice-cream stall is my niece.
The little girl who is next to the ice-cream stall is my niece.
3. David plays football at the field opposite his house.
4. The movie on television now is very exciting.
5. The lady in this photograph is my aunt.
6. Give the ball under the chair to the toddler.
7. The lady standing next to the car is my wife.
8. The clock on the wall is not accurate.
9. The house beside the sea is supposed to be haunted.
10. The man selling ice cream lives next door.

Grammar 4: Possessive Pronouns

- A pronoun that shows ownership is a Possessive Pronoun.
- We can use possessive pronouns to replace possessive nouns.
E.g. This is the boys jacket ---- This jacket is his.
That is Mabels hat ---- That hat is hers.
- We can also use possessive pronouns to replace possessive adjectives.
E.g. This is their house ---- This house is theirs.
These are our children ---- These children are ours.
- There are three types of possessive pronouns:
a) First person: mine, ours (e.g. That toothbrush is mine. Please dont use it.)
b) Second person: yours (e.g. Here is my son, but where has yours gone?)
c) Third person: his, hers, theirs (e.g. This is my umbrella. Hers is broken.)
Grammar Exercise 4.1: Rewrite the sentences, replacing the possessive noun with a suitable possessive pronoun.
1. That is Tommys pet dog.

That pet dog is his.

2. This is the childrens room.
This room is theirs.
3. That apartment is Mr and Mr Chens.
4. The belt is Carols.
5. This is Jacks secret.
6. This is the firemans uniform.
7. This is the old folks home.
Grammar Exercise 4.2: Rewrite the sentences, replacing the possessive adjective with a suitable possessive pronoun.
1. That is your car.
That car is yours.
2. That is our camera.
That camera is ours.
3. These are my socks.
4. These are their footprints.
5. This is his guitar.
6. This is your responsibility.
7. This is my answer.
8. This is her pair of spectacles.
9. This is his masterpiece.
10. This is their final decision.

F) Listening Comprehension: Listen to the passage that is read and answer the following questions.
1. Bangkok, the capital or main town of Thailand, is a city that is unlike others.
a) True
b) False
2. The buildings in Bangkok are short and are not worth looking at.
a) True
b) False
3. The King of Thailand built the canals in 1966.
a) True
b) False
4. The Damonen Saduak Floating Market opens every day from 8.30am.
a) True
b) False
5. You can only buy food at the Damonen Saduak Floating Market.
a) True
b) False
6. After the Damonen Saduak Floating Market, you can see houses, gardens and floating flowers how the locals live.
a) True
b) False

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