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Reading and Grammar Exercise (21 July 2015, Tuesday)

Ms Victoria Galvez

A) Learning Pronunciation: Phonics

1. Words with silent e and long a
Blade, Spade, Fade, Made, Grade
Cake, Rake, Bake, Fake, Lake, Take
Frame, Cane, Mane, Crane, Plane
Cape, Grapes, Brake, Snake
Plate, Skate
Shave, Wave, Maze, Brave
Lets practise: 1. The splade is made with a top-grade blade. It will not fade over time.
2. Lets bake a fake cake! 3. Tom takes
the rake and throws it into the lake. 4. A mane framed the lions face. 5. The mother whipped out a cane when her son confused
crane with plane.
6. John hit the bicycle brake when he saw a snake with a cape eating grapes.
7. Dont skate in the
room or youll end up breaking Mothers precious plates.
8. The shaved man braved the maze and wave.
2. Words with silent e and long i
Hide, Bride, Slide
Die, Tie
Side, Tide
Dike, Spike
File, Mile, Smile
Lime, Time
Dine, Pine, Fine, Line, Mine, Nine, Spine Wipe, Ripe
Kite, Bite, Quite, White
Lets practise: 1. The slide is immense enough to hide the runaway bride.
2. He began to die as the tie choked him
3. At the beach, Jane was laying on her side when the tide came in.
4. There is a fine line to pine for what is
mine and to let go.
5. These nine dining chairs hurt my spine. 6. Wipe the ripe durians off the table now! 7. The dog
bites the white kite quite maliciously.
3. Words with silent e and long o
Hoe, Toe
Poke, Code
Hole, Mole, Pole, Sole
Doe, Foe
Joke, Woke, Broke, Smoke
Role, Stole
Stole, Dome
Bone, Cone, Tone, Zone
Rope, Slope, Hope,
Hose, Nose, Chose, Stove
Lets practise: 1. The farmer dropped the hoe on his toe and yelped in sheer pain.2. Dont poke your nose around the house in hope
of finding the secret code! 3. There is a mole on the sole of his foot.
4. Jack used the pole to make a hole in the ground. 5.
Who stole from the picturesque dome?
6. Henry thought that the fire was a joke until he woke and saw smoke from the
neighbours house. Then, Henry broke.
7. The teacher told her student to put the cone in the right zone with an amicable tone.
8. There is no hope pulling this rope against the steep slope. 9. My sharp nose chose this stove.
4. Words with silent e and long u
Cube, Tube
Dune, Tune
Cue, Due, Hue
Tune, June
Use, Fuse
Prune, Plume
Lets practise: 1. The cube in the bathroom has a long tube of toothpaste.
2. Jessica hummed a merry little tune as she
ambled towards the sand dune.
3. When the hue of red appears on the stage, that is the clue that your cue is due. 4. Lets play a
happy tune in June.
5. I use a table lamp because my overhead light has fused.
6. The plume is definitely lighter than the
5. A skunk sat on a stump. The stump thought the skunk stunk. The skunk thought the stump stunk. What stunk the skunk or the
6. I need not your noodles; theyre needless to me. For kneading of noodles, that was needless, you see. But did my neat knickers
but need to kneed, I then have need of your needles indeed.
B) Reading Aloud
1 Teen Magazine
2 Pimples exasperate many teenagers and even some adults. Paying attention to your daily hygiene routine may help to prevent
pimples. You should rinse your face with mild soap or cleanser and warm water once or twice every day. You need to abstain from
hot water and strong cleansers that can further irritate your skin. Scrubbing away pimples is definitely not recommended as this
might worsen the problem and create scars.
3 Also, you ought to refrain from picking the pimples on your face as this will lead to permanent scars. If you simply cannot
control your fingers, apply some antiseptic to the affected areas afterwards to stop infection from occurring.
4 Furthermore, stress can cause pimples. You should avoid stressful situations and ensure that you eat well and obtain adequate
sleep. Regular exercise, drinking lots of water and maintaining a balanced diet will help to curb the problem.
5 If the problem persists or affects your everyday life in a major manner, you must consult a dermatologist as soon as possible.
C) Grammar 1: The Simple Future Tense
- The Simple Future Tense is used to express an action that will take place in the future. A verb in the Simple Future Tense is
formed with shall or will and the infinitive (verb in its base or simplest form, with NO d, ed, -ing, -s, -n, -en etc).
- Shall is used with the pronouns I and we. ***When compared to will, shall expresses an action that is less likely to take

- We is used with other pronouns and nouns. *** It is used to express an action that will definitely take place.
- E.g.s I shall meet her tonight.

We shall help Mrs Tan clean her backyard this weekend.

You will win if you practise hard.

He will play football at 5pm.

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the Simple Future Tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. We ________________________ (go) fishing this Friday.
2. Pamela ________________________ (water) the plants when we are overseas.
3. I ________________________ (mend) his shirt afterwards.
4. Peter and I ________________________ (wait) for you at the train station tomorrow.
5. I ________________________ (speak) to my daughters teacher this afternoon.
6. __________ you __________ (join) us for the picnic this Sunday?
7. The baby ________________________ (be) one year old next Monday.
8. I hope she ________________________ (remember) to fetch me tomorrow morning.
9. When __________ you __________ (visit) us again?
10. They ________________________ (repair) the road next week.
Grammar 2: The Future Continuous Tense
- The Future Continuous Tense is used to express an action that will be going on at some point of time in the future. A verb in the
Future Continuous Tense is formed with shall or will, the infinitive be and the Present Participle.
- E.g.s: We shall be travelling to Lake District tomorrow.

The pupils will be preparing for the examination today.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the Future Continuous Tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. I ________________________ (have) dinner with her at this time tomorrow.
2. He ________________________ (take) part in the competition this July.
3. We ________________________ (say) farewell to you at this time tomorrow morning.
4. __________ he ____________________ (sleep) at 11pm tonight?
5. The guests ________________________ (arrive) at noon tomorrow.
6. We ________________________ (sit) for our last test at this time tomorrow. Following that, we ________________________
(go) to the cinema to catch a movie.
7. She ________________________ (scream) with delight when she opens her present.
8. This shop ________________________ (open) sometime in September.
9. They ________________________ (meet) us when we arrive at the train station.
10. Dinner ________________________ (wait) for you when you get home.
Grammar 3: The Future Perfect Tense
- The Future Perfect Tense is used to express an action that will be completed at some point of time in the future. A verb in the
Future Perfect Tense is formed with shall or will, have and the Past Participle.
- E.g.s: The ice-cream will have melted by the time we arrive home.

We shall have eaten by 8pm tonight.

Exercise 3.1: Fill in the blanks with the Future Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. The ship ________________________ (sail) by that time.
2. They ________________________ (escape) before the police arrived.
3. The students ________________________ (sing) the national anthem by 8am every day.
4. I ________________________ (write) this letter by 9pm.
5. The supermarket ________________________ (close) by the time we arrive there.
6. They ________________________ (block) the road in half an hours time.
7. By next month, she ________________________ (stop) working in Starbucks.
8. He ________________________ (repair) the car by 3pm.
9. You ________________________ (grow) taller when I meet you in two years time.
10. She ________________________ (forget) who I am when I return in five years time.
Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with the Future Continuous or Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. By the time she finishes the washing and the ironing, the meat ________________________ (defrost).
2. I ________________________ (discuss) the matter with her from 9am to 10am tomorrow.
3. I ________________________ (pay up) all the installments for my house by the end of this year.
4. You ________________________ (change) your mind by the time you grow up.
5. The supermarket ________________________ (close) by the time we arrive there.
6. She ________________________ (make) cakes the whole of this afternoon.
7. At this time tomorrow, we ________________________ (travel) to Cambodia.
8. Mum, I ________________________ (pack) up all my toys by the time you finish cooking, said little John.
9. He always takes so long at his bath. I ________________________ (iron) all the clothes before he finishes, complained
Stevens mother.
10. Its very late already. The hawkers stall ________________________ (close) by the time you get there.

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