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Reading, Grammar and Vocabulary Exercise (22 July 2015, Wednesday)

Ms Victoria Galvez

A) Learning Pronunciation: Phonics

1. Words ending with ce
Ace, Lace, Face, Pace, Race
Fence, Prince
Ice, Dice, Lice, Mice, Nice
Price, Rice, Spice, Twice
Lets practise: 1. Michael quickened his pace and eventually aced the race. 2. Janes face was laced with worry.
3. There are several mice on the ice. 4. There are many lice in her hair, so it is not nice.
5. What is the price of that spice and rice?
Can you say it twice?
2. Words with ee
Bee, See, Free, Tree
Need, Feed, Weed
Speed, Speech
Peek, Seek, Week
Feel, Peel, Steel
Green, Seem
Been, Seen, Screen
Jeep, Peep
Geese, Breeze, Freeze
Lets practise: 1. See the bee free itself from the tree!
2. There are three trees in the park. 3. You dont need to feed the weed.
4. There is much speed in his speech; he needs to slow down.
5. Jane seeks to take a peek into Toms week. 6. You have to feel your
way on this steel. Thus, you dont need to keep your eyes peeled. 6. There seems to be much green in this garden.
7. The teens have been to this amusement park. They were seen through the screen. 8. Let me take a peep at your jeep!
9. The geese freeze in the cool breeze.
3. Words with ea
Sea, Tea, Flea
Peach, Teach
Leak, Weak, Speak
Deal, Seal, Heal
Dream, Scream, Cream
Steam, Stream
Leap, Cheap, Reap
Eat, Neat, Treat
Beat, Meat, Seat
Beast, Feast, Least
Lets practise: 1. Mary was next to the sea and enjoying a cup of tea when she found a flea in it.
2. Jane is an enthusiastic learner,
so shes a real peach to teach!
3. Do not speak of the weak leak in his house. 4. Only when Lim sealed the deal did his heart
become to heal. 5. In her dream, Jennifer was not the cream of the crop, and that caused her to scream.
6. There is much steam
rising up from this stream of water. 7. The teacher is giving us a treat for being neat, so lets eat!
8. At least, the beast had a feast
before being captured by the hunter.
4. Once upon a barren moor, there dwelt a bear and also a boar. The bear could not bear the boar. The boar thought the bear was a bore. At
least the beat could bear no more, of that boar that bored him on the moor. One morning he bored the boar, so that boar would bore the
bear no more.
5. Dr Johnson and Mr Johnson, after great consideration, came to the conclusion that the Indian nation, beyond the Indian Ocean, is back
in education, because the chief occupation is cultivation.
B) Reading Aloud
1 Teen Care
2 A fair number of people suffer from insomnia. Insomnia is a sign of a sleeping disorder that can leave a negative and disastrous effect on
peoples work or activities during the daytime. In fact, many industrial accidents arise because of workers are feeling drowsy as they go
about their tasks.
3 If you are an insomniac, here is some advice for you. First, stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine should be avoided. You may use the
old-fashioned remedy and have a glass of warm milk before heading to bed. A heavy meal before bedtime is not recommended. Also,
getting some physical exercise during the day can go miles in helping you sleep. Last but not least, you should attempt to relax and not
fret about being unable to sleep.
4 Some people use over-the-counter sleeping tablets to combat insomnia. This is not recommended because people may gradually develop
reliance on the tablets and overdose on them. Insomniacs should consult a specialist before downing any sleeping tablets. Hopefully, the
above advice will ensure that you sleep soundly through the night!
C) Grammar 1: The Infinitive
- The Infinitive is a base verb that is in its purest form; it does NOT end with ing, d, ed, s, ion, tion, n, ed etc. It is always
used in the Simple Present form.
E.g.s I want to eat fried rice.
Jane is going to visit the dentist.
I saw him bully the small boy.
To + Infinitive
- The Infinitive can be used with to (To + infinitive). This is used after nouns or pronouns to express purpose.
E.g.s We told Jenny to wash the dishes.
He asked Tom to open the door.
I went to the market to buy some fish.
- To + Infinitive can be used after verbs to express purpose.
E.g.s Margaret tried to contact you but you were not free.
- To + Infinitive can be used after adjectives.
E.g.s I am happy to lend you my car for the day.

We plan to buy a new car. He decided to take the narrow road.

The water is too cold to swim in.

She is frightened to go alone.

Infinitive WITHOUT to
- The Infinitive WITHOUT to is used after verbs such as see, hear, make, feel, touch, taste etc.
E.g.s Did you see him climb through the window?
She let me use her washing machine. They make them work hard.

- The Infinitive WITHOUT to is used after special finites such as can, may, must etc.
E.g.s Cheetahs can run very fast.
You must obey the rules. You may leave the room now.
Exercise 1.1: Underline the infinitive in the following sentences.
1. I saw him steal the watch just now.
2. She wanted me to accompany you to the Immigration Department.
3. The chicken is too salty to eat.
4. You may go out now.
5. We heard the children sing during the party.
6. I let him stay the night here.
7. A camel can survive without water for a long time.
8. She struggled to make ends meet after her husband died.
9. He ran to catch the bus.
10. We asked him to lead the team.
Exercise 1.2: Fill in the blanks with suitable To + Infinitives.
1. We have some good news to tell you.
2. I have a class _______________________________.
3. He wants you _______________________________ him.
4. I helped her _______________________________ the rubbish.
5. Do you have any time _______________________________?
6. I learnt _______________________________ to piano when I was five years old.
7. The mother began _______________________________ when she saw the mess that her son made.
8. Jeremy phoned _______________________________ that he could not come tonight.
9. The teacher demanded us _______________________________ what had happened in her absence.
10. Daniel pans _______________________________ a bicycle when he was saved up enough.
Exercise 1.2: Fill in the blanks with suitable Infinitives WITHOUT to.
1. You must tidy your room now or Mother will be infuriated.
2. Let me _______________ this dress.
3. I heard the baby _______________ in the middle of the night.
4. We watched them _______________ rugby.
5. I saw him _______________ under the table.
6. You may _______________ the room if you wish.
7. I shall _______________ him tomorrow at the hospital.
8. We should _______________ them about the tasks they need to do.
9. She might _______________ today.
10. Let me _______________ you my pen since yours is missing.
Vocabulary: Write down the meaning of the following words, and form sentences with them.
1. disastrous: having a severe negative effect
7. specialist:
Sentence: The airplane crashed into the building, causing the building
to explode. It was a disastrous scene and many people lost their lives.


2. remedy:

8. arise:



3. fret:

9. reliance:



4. combat:

10. ensure:



5. drowsy:
6. advice:

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