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Revision Exercise 1

Ms Victoria Galvez

A) Grammar
A1: Singular and Plural Nouns. Fill in the blanks with the plural form of the word in brackets.
1. The policemen (policeman) looked smart in their clean and crisp uniform.
2. The _____________ (child) were warned not to play near the construction site.
3. About a hundred _____________ (sheep) were grazing on the hillside.
4. The _____________ (thief) were caught and handed over to the police.
5. There are _____________ (fungus) growing on the trunk of the fallen tree.
6. _____________ (Library) usually keep a variety of books.
7. She kept the _____________ (glass) in the cabinet.
A2: Countable and Uncountable Nouns. Underline the correct answer.
1. I have ( a few, a little ) money in my wallet.
2. Is there ( any, some ) stew left in the pot?
3. No, there isnt ( some, any ) stew left.
4. I have ( any, some ) books which I would like to lend you.
5. Timothy does not have as ( much, many ) marbles as Brian.
6. There are ( a great deal of, a lot of ) books in this library but not ( many, much) magazines).
7. Joel has a large ( amount, number ) of stickers in his album.
8. Do you need ( some, any ) help?
9. Please give me ( a few, a little ) minutes to finish my homework.
A3: Countable and Uncountable Nouns. Replace the underlined words in each with not many or not
1. There is a lot of jam in the jar.
There is not much jam in the jar.
2. There are several children in that playground.
3. There are plenty of mango trees in Mr Chens orchard.
4. There was plenty of sand by the roadside.
5. There is a large amount of syrup in this bottle.
A4: Gender nouns. Write the following nouns next to the correct gender.
Nouns: mirror, parent, mare, milk, steward, relative, widow, stewardess, stallion
Feminine / female:
Masculine / male:
A5: Gender Nouns. Change the masculine / male nouns to feminine / female nouns.
1. The king ill-treated his step-son.
The queen ill-treated her step-daughter.
2. The hero in that film fought with a he-bear.
3. My father-in-law is the headmaster of that school.

4. My landlord is the owner of this shop.
5. The inheritor to the throne is the queens nephew.
A6: Gender Nouns. Change the feminine / female nouns to masculine / male nouns.
1. Madam, could you come this way please? said the waitress to the lady.
Sir, could you come this way please? said the waiter to the gentleman.
2. In that story, the daughter of a widow fought with a bear.
3. The brides sister is my fiance.
4. The stewardesss daughter is a postwoman.
5. Her step-mother has a fat cat.
A7: Personal Pronouns. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.
1. A slim lady with sunglasses spoke to us and asked us the way to the post office. Unfortunately, we didnt
know. We were also new to the place.
2. Jenny and ___ went to the swimming pool and had a good swim.
3. We are good at football, but they are better than ___.
4. I am fat, but my sister is fatter than ___ am.
5. Alice was holding the vase. Then ___ dropped ___ when ___ tripped over the cat.
A8: Reflexive Pronouns. Fill in the blanks with suitable Personal or Reflexive Pronouns.
1. They kept themselves busy so that they would not think so much about the problems that are facing
2. Help __________ to the cake on the table, Mrs Ye said to John and I, _ could make ___ some hot
drinks too, if ____ wish.
3. When dolphins gather, __________ tend to make a lot of noise. In spite of the fact that __________ have
no vocal chords, __________ emit all sorts of clicks, whistles and squeaks.
4. Peter, Annie and I went to Jennifers birthday party. ___________ enjoyed ___________ so much that
___________ stayed on longer than ___________ expected.
5. The boy managed to free ___________ from the grip of the kidnapper. ___________ ran for his life.
A9: Relative Pronouns. Fill in the blanks with who, which and whose.
1. The boy who was missing for ten days has been found.
2. The puppies _______ were fluffy and cute had been stolen.
3. The girl, _______ mother is notorious, behaves poorly in school.
4. This is the cat _______ meowed loudly at you.
5. The driver, _______ tuk tuk has broken down, is now waiting for the repairman to arrive.
B) Vocabulary: Select the correct answer in the following questions.
1. The traffic is very ____ today. There is a major traffic jam on the road; tuk tuks, motorcycles and cars
flood the roads.
a) light
b) heavy
c) hecticd) congested
2. The weather in Cambodia is usually very warm. It is ____ all year round.
a) spring
b) summer
c) autumn
d) winter
3. Jane has just gotten engaged. Her ____ proposed to her with a diamond ring.
a) fianc
b) fiance
c) husband
d) wife
4. Many Singaporeans live in ____ that have twenty floors.
a) kampongs
b) shophouses c) apartments d) villas

5. The hawker does not sell individual eggs. You have to buy a ____ of eggs from him.
a) slice
b) bunch
c) carton
d) pint
6. In the ____ markets of Bangkok, hawkers and customers buy and sell in their boats as they sail down the
a) train
b) wet
c) street d) floating
7. Pass me that ____ of toothpaste. I need to brush my teeth.
a) tube
b) carton
c) bottle d) loaf
8. In the wet market, bargain with the hawkers for ____ prices when you buy foods. Ensure that the foods
are not too expensive!
a) higher
b) lowerc) cheaper
d) more expensive
9. I am sweating so much today. The hot weather is making me so ____!
a) delighted
b) comfortable c) uncomfortable d) pleasant
10. Although its only the first time Ive met you, I must say that its been a ____ knowing you!
a) nice
b) fine
c) fantastic
d) pleasure
C) Reading Aloud
1 Jan and Ted have a pet cat. The cat is big and it cannot swim. Ted and the cat went to swim, but the cat
soon ran back to Jan. Jan was mad, so she hit Ted. Dont hit me, said Ted. Jan did not let the cat swim.
2 Jan and Ted saw a rat in the yard. Get rid of it! said Jan. The cat will kill the rat, said Ted, and he let
the cat get the big rat.
3 But the cat did not kill the rat. The cat bit the rat, but then it quit. The cat will not kill the rat! Ted said.
The cat just wants to have fun.
Bad, Bed, Bid
Bal, Bell, Bill
Sat, Set, Sit
Fad, Fed, Fid
Pan, Pen, Pin
Nack, Neck,
Pat, Pet, Pin

Pick, Peck, Pack

Big, Beg, Bag
Him, Hem, Ham
Bit, Bet, Bat
Kin, Ken, Can
Miss, Mess,
Tin, Ten, Tan

D) Listening Comprehension: Listen to the passage that is read and answer the following questions.
1. Gina is treated poorly by her classmates in her new school.
a) True
b) False
2. Gina visited the room many times.
a) True
b) False
3. The animals and humans in the world that Gina enters are normal.
a) True
b) False
4. The humans in the world that Gina enters are facing a storm that will kill their planet.
a) True
b) False
5. Gina is certain or sure that she will choose to save the planet that worships her.
a) True
b) False

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