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The School that Trains for Service

AUP College of Medicine :

A Fulfilled Vision

August 16-22, 2015

August 16-22, 2015 * Special Edition




Published Quarterly by the alumni of

Adventist University of the Philippines
residing in Canada, United States and Philippines.

Copyright 2015
All rights reserved

Charles Fegardido -
Romi Talento
Willie Tortal
Edna Domingo
Romy Barrios
Elmie Lynn Lagajino-
Edwin Araba-

Contributing Writers:
Ray Puen-


us to center our lives on Him. It is His will for us to make Jesus the center in
our lives: If I be lifted up, I will draw men unto Me. The draw cannot be our ,
school, our ministries, our worship, our programs or our alumni organization.
Jesus is the draw! He is the main attraction. Jesus, the Son is the center of the
universe. - Page 3


a spirit of GENEROUS GIVING to Your poor and needy children. Help us
day by day in molding our life more and more after the life of Christ, and to
be like Him in sharing a good measure, pressed down, and running over of
our blessings with those in need (Matt. 25:31-46)
- Page 4

HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY! Thank God!" she exclaimed. "I was

running out of things to do with my hair!" (My own experience!) Friends,
ATTITUDE is everything! Let's be grateful for the things God has given us
and have a wonderful day!
- Page 11

Layout and Design

Edwin Araba


THE ELUSIVE DORM ROOM. Maam, I'm begging. Please send help
so I can get my exam permit," Raymond Largado wrote. Right there and then I
realized God gave me such a vivid and upsetting dream to remind me of the
crying students. I checked our funds and wired money for them that morning.
Three days later, the students wrote, Praise God! And thank you, Maam, we
were able to take our exams! - Page 12

THE HUMAN BRAIN. Humans and other primates have some

differences in gene sequence, and genes are differentially expressed in many
brain regions. The functional differences between the human brain and the
brains of other animals also arise from many geneenvironment interactions.
- Page 13


The Adventist University of the Philippines is indeed wonderfully blessed!
Cover Photo: Paul Rothwel De Jesus being
jacketed by Dr. Peter Landless, GC Health
Ministries Director.

CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015

Having the College of Medicine to gear to the advancement of Christs

healing ministry, the world-wide church of the Seventh-day Adventists are
encouraged to continually support in prayers and encouragements.

- Page 21

By Edwin Araba,

As the Sun is the center of our Solar System, so

is Jesus Christ, the center of Gods universe and
He wants us that He should be the center of ours
as well.


t was believed centuries ago that the Earth was the

center of the universe. This geocentric model held that
the earth was stationary while the rest of the celestial
bodies revolved around it.

For centuries the common belief that the Earth was the center of
the universe was held by Greek philosopher, Aristotle. He
argued based on his theory - one, that you could not feel the
Earth move. Second, that there was no wind due to a moving
Earth, hence it was stationary. Third, that birds and clouds
would be left behind if the Earth were moving. And lastly, if the
earth were moving the stars would display parallax effect. He
also believed that the universe was perfect.
The Catholic church later interpreted the philosophy of a perfect
sky that reflects a perfect God. Any philosophy going against
it was considered heretical. Many people were reluctant to
present new ideas because of fear from persecution in the
A brave move came in 1543, Nicolas Copernicus published a
heliocentric model, Concerning the Revolution of Celestial
Spheres. He claimed that the Sun, not the earth, was the center
of the universe. It was undoubtedly controversial then, to the
church rather than to the scientific world. The heliocentric
model was commonly known as the Copernican System. It was
banned by the church. His work was initially rejected but another astronomer, Johannes Kepler mathematically solved the
problem by 1619 describing the orbits of the planets around the
Sun, now known as Keplers Three Laws of Planetary motion.
Galileo Galilie came into prominence in the early 1600, believing in the Copernican System but lacked the necessary tools to
prove it. By 1610, Galileo had access to the telescope. In 1611,
he became the first person to describe and observe the heavens
through a telescope. His amazing discoveries include the phases
of Venus, the Moon, the Jupiter and its moons. He also
discovered that the Milky Way was made of thousands of small
stars. This marked the beginning of modern astronomy.
His beliefs, however, rocked the Catholic church, where he was
forced to recant his beliefs before the church tribunal. For a
time, the Sun was believed as the center of the universe. Later
in the 19th century, globular clusters, which are large spherical
groups of stars, were discovered orbiting the Milky Way. It was
established later that the Sun was not the center of the universe
and neither we nor our galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy formed
the center of the universe.

No life could exist without the Sun. Our planet and all other
planets in the Solar System revolve around the Sun. The Sun in
our Solar System is a representation of Jesus Christ, The Son of
God. In Malachi 4:2 says, To you who fear my name, the Sun
of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings Without Jesus, no life could exist. As the Sun is the center of our
Solar System, so is Jesus Christ, the center of Gods universe and
He wants us that He should be the center of ours as well.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian who fought Hitler
during World War II, wrote in his book, Christ , the Center,
Jesus is the center of human existence, of history, and the center
between God and nature. Jesus, the Son of God, is the center of
Gods universe. His light shines to the far reaches of mankind.
Robert Jastrow in his book, Until the Sun Dies, wrote, the six
billion years that remains before the Sun fades into darkness. He
simply said that the Sun has expiration date. One day the Sun
will cease to shine. But there will be no need for it, because
Jesus Christ will be all the light we need! Revelation 21:23 says,
And the city had no need of the Sun, neither the moon, to shine
in it, for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light
thereof. Jesus, the Son, is the center of the universe. All of nature is centered on Him. Colossians 1:15-17. In Genesis 1, Jesus
is represented in each day of the Creation week. Jesus is the
light, living water, life, as the Sun, the Daystar, the Lion of
Judah, the express image of God, the firstborn of all creation and
the Sabbath of our souls. Everything in the universe is centered
around Jesus. He is and always be the only true God. Everything
must be centered around Jesus.
What about you? Are you driven by everyday ladder to success,
to achieve goals that will garner accolades and admiration of people? None of these things are wrong if placed in the right priority, if they are not the focus and the center of all we are. God
desires for us to center our lives on Him. It is His will for us to
make Jesus the center in our lives: If I be lifted up, I will draw
men unto Me. The draw cannot be our , school, our ministries,
our worship, our programs or our alumni organization. Jesus is
the draw! He is the main attraction. Jesus, the Son is the center
of the universe.

Astronomy 101, Early History of Astronomy,
By Nick Greene ; Until the Sun Dies, By Robert
Jastrow ; Christ , The Center, By Dietrich
Bonhoeffer ; Jesus: The Center of the
Universe ,By Mark Hedge ; The Bible, KJV


August 16-22, 2015

Prayer For AUP and AUP Alumni


By Charles Fegarido

Lamentations 3:22-26, NIV


Because of the LORDs great love we are not consumed, for all
His compassion never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait
for him. 25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to
the one who seeks him;26 it is good to wait quietly for the
salvation of the LORD.
Consecrate yourself to God in the morning; make this your very
first work. Let your prayer be, "Take me, O Lord, as wholly
Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy
service. Abide with me, and let all my work be wrought in
Thee." This is a daily matter. Each morning consecrate yourself to God for that day. Surrender all your plans to Him, to be
carried out or given up as His providence shall indicate. Thus
day by day you may be giving your life into the hands of God,
and thus your life will be molded more and more after the life of
Christ. - SC 70
Let's Pray. Eternal Father in heaven,
1. Thank You for great love and compassion revealed in Your
Eternal Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who dwelt among us and
showed us the way of righteousness, joy, and peace in Him. Help
us to be truly grateful for His ultimate sacrifice to free us from
the penalty of eternal death (Rom. 3:24-25) by consecrating ourselves to Him first thing in the morning. By His grace, USE us
for meeting His divine appointment with someone to share Christ
in our words, attitudes, actions, and in caring for others, especially the poor, homeless, and needy.
2. Thank You for life, health, and spiritual and material blessings
for all alumni, AUP members, and our families.
3. Please DAILY protect all our Alumni, AUP Members, families, and loved ones from accidents, natural disasters, and violence at work, school, and wherever they are. Help us financially
as we invest in our children and grand children's eternal future by
sending them to Your Christian schools (or home-schooling),
where they will experience a personal and saving relationship
with our Lord Jesus and remain faithful to Him, His Word, and
His Church until He comes.
4. We pray for our dear AUP alumni who recently passed away Edgar T. Verde, and other alumni who we lost these past years.
We commend them to Your keeping until Resurrection Day. We
pray for their grieving families - for their emotional and spiritual
needs. Please send Your Holy Spirit to personally comfort and
give them hope in the sure promise of our Lord Jesus in 1 Thes.
4:16-17, that we will see and join our loved ones, who precede us
in death, when He comes again to take us all home with Him.
5. We pray for all our alumni, who are sick, troubled, and having

4 CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015

health problems, whether at home or in hospitals. Please ease

their pain, suffering, and loneliness. Grant them physical and
emotional healing according to Your will so that our Lord
Jesus' name may be exalted. Bless those who have problems
at work and financial difficulties trying to make ends meet;
give them assurances that our Lord Jesus will provide their
daily bread.
6. Give us divine wisdom to choose healthy habits and
lifestyle (as in "NEWSTART"). Help us to: eat a healthy diet
of fruits, nuts, grains, legumes and vegetables; do healthy
walking exercises; be temperate in the things we do, eat and
drink; and partake lots of pure water, sunshine, air, and rest so
we may live longer and glorify our Lord by our health message.
7. Thank You for establishing our College of Medicine (AUPCOM). Bless this College to lift up our Lord Jesus through her
professors, medical students, and in all her activities. Also,
bless our AUP administrators, teachers, students, AUP workers in their daily tasks and activities. We pray for a peaceful
and joyous atmosphere, harmonious working relationships,
and financial prosperity for all departments and occupants
In our campus.
8. Grant us a spirit of GENEROUS GIVING to Your poor and
needy children. Help us day by day in molding our life more
and more after the life of Christ, and to be like Him in sharing
a good measure, pressed down, and running over of our
blessings with those in need (Matt. 25:31-46), specially:
(a) Reva Moore's " Help the Needy " Mission for desperately poor children and adults in the Philippines in need of life
-threatening surgeries (see
to donate);
(b) Reva Moore's Adopt-a-Minister Project supporting
over 300 of our unemployed SDA ministerial graduates laboring hard for our Lord Jesus and for us resulting in a Pentecostal harvest of thousands of precious souls baptized
annually for His glory (see to donate any
amount or monthly stipend); and
(c) Teresa Quirante's Mission of Hope's FARM project
for, and by, AUP working students to help them become
self-sustaining and self-supporting by raising farm crops,
vegetables, chickens and eggs, tilapia, various fruit trees, etc.
and help purchase farm work animals and tools (visit to donate).
For Your Eternal Son told us to ask these things in His name
(John 14:13-14). Amen.

In Memoriam:


By Eppie Adil-Manalo,PhD

rdained minister, evangelist, administrator,

trainor of ministers, loving father, husband,
and friendthese aptly describe a whole
spectrum of service and roles Pastor Jimmy Adil,
Sr. played during his sojourn on this earth.

Born on July 3, 1936, in the province of Cotabato,

Jimmy grew up in a non-Christian environment
coming from the Maguindanao tribe; yet was later
more exposed to the Seventh-day Adventist culture through his first wife, Adelina Villarta, whose
parents, Jesus and Josefa were devout SDAs.
Prior to his baptism to the Seventh-day Adventist
Church in 1965, Pastor Adil served in government
as supervisor and right-of-way inspector and
approver. Through the efforts of SDA pastors and
church members in Midsayap, Cotabato, he was
baptized into the SDA Church.
Series of church and institutional service assignments followed after he finished the AB Religion
degree from Mountain View College (under denominational sponsorship)as district pastor,
mission evangelist, South Philippine Union Mission evangelist, Southern Mindanao Mission president, Church Growth Institute trainor, chaplain of
Manila Sanitarium and Hospital (now AMCManila), then Human Resources Director of MSH
till his retirement in 1999.
A veteran servant-leader in the SDA Church for
more than three decades, Pastor Adil poured his
whole heart and soul to the ministries God has
entrusted to His careleading people to Jesus
Christ. Through all the more than three decades of

his journey in the ministry, his first wife, Adelina,

was the wind beneath his wings."Their tandem in
the ministry however, ended when Adelina died
in April 2002.Life and his ministry must go on so in
2003 he married a young lass from
Mary Ann Landero, who continued his first wifes
role as helpmeet and partner in Gods cause
during his retirement years.
One of his cherished dreams was to be able to
join the hosts of SDA members in the General
Conference session. God granted His wish when
in 2010, as a brand-new US immigrant, he
attended the General Conference session in
Atlanta, Georgia.
However, just like any mortal in this sinful world,
prone to the debilitating effects of sin that the
enemy of our souls employs against Gods faithful
servants, Pastor Adil was diagnosed with prostate
cancer about 5 years ago, which later involved
other organs of his body. On May 11, 2015, he
breathed his last with his second wife, Mary Ann,
Dolly, who, for 12 years, faithfully cared for
himby his side. He leaves behind his immediate
family: his wife and his childrenEppie, Gabriel,
Evangeline, Eva, Evelyn, and Jimmy Jr.
Indeed, Gods warrior is fallen, yes, but only for a
moment. He will temporarily rest, and will, by
Gods grace, be among the redeemed, who will
go marching into the gates of Gods kingdom.
There, Pastor Jimmy Adil, Sr. with an
incorruptible body, will continue to proclaim
saving grace!

CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015

Dr. Roger Hadley enthusiastically shares significant experiences as a physician and as an administrator. His
wit and wisdom is exceptional! Such a distinct inspiration for everyone, especially the medical students.

6 CYBERLINK / August 16-22 , 2015

A woman brought a very limp duck to a
veterinary surgeon. As she laid her pet on
the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird's
chest. After a moment or two, the vet
shook his head sadly and said, "I'm sorry,
your duck, Cuddles, has passed
away."The distressed woman wailed, "Are
you sure?"
"Yes, I am sure. Your duck is dead," replied the vet.
"How can you be so sure?" she protested. "I mean you haven't done any testing on him or
anything. He might just be in a coma or something."
The vet sighed, turned around and left the room. He returned a few minutes later with a black
Labrador Retriever. As the duck's owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind
legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He
then looked up at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head.

The vet patted the dog on the head and took it out of the room. A few minutes later he
returned with a cat. The cat jumped on the table and also delicately sniffed the bird from head to
foot. The cat sat back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly and strolled out of the
The vet looked at the woman and said, "I'm sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100%
certifiably, a dead duck."
He turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed to the
woman. The duck's owner, still in shock, took the bill. "$150!" she cried, "$150 just to tell me my
duck is dead?!?"
The vet shrugged. "I'm sorry. If you had just taken my word for it, the bill would have been
$20, but with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it's now $150."
( Contributed by Charles Fegarido, gleaned from the internet at

CYBERLINK / August 4, 2015





in Silang, Cavite inaugurates it's

College of Medicine 8 am today, Aug. 9. Hundreds

of guests consisting of prominent medical personalities, government officials, heads and leaders of AUP
sister institutions, alumni, donors, sponsors, SDA






assembled at the central ground floor of the AUP

Alumni Hall (College of Medicine Bldg.) to express
their felicitations and thanksgiving to God, the Great
Physician and Greatest Healer. Guests of honor and
speakers are Dr. Lisa Beardsley-Hardy and Dr. Peter
Landless, Education Director and Health Ministries
Director, respectively from the SDA General
Conference headquarters, Maryland, USA, with Dr.
Roger Hadley, School of Medicine Dean, Loma
Linda University, USA
AUP COLLEGE OF MEDICINE is the first Adventist medical school in Asia, and the sixth in the
world. Nineteen pioneering (first batch) students
were invested through a solemn white coating
ceremony just before the historic unveiling of the
COM edifice. Dr. Doris A. Mendoza is the founding
Dean of the AUP College of Medicine.
All praise and glory to God who made everything
possible! (RMB/devcom)

Looking smarter, snappy and happy future

doctors. Physicians oath-taking during the
White Coat Ceremony. Photo by
Sheryll Ann Castillo

8 CYBERLINK / August 4, 2015


I would like to thank the contributors, including

photographers who made this edition possible :
Charles Fegarido, Reva
Lachica Moore, Dr.
Benny Banaag, Dr. Romi Talento, Dr. Ernesto
Banaag, Lailanie A. Fronda, Dr. Romy Barrios,
Mrs. Sheryll Ann Castillo, Paul Rothwel De Jesus, Rene Donato, and Dr. Eppie Manalo. All
praises to our loving God .

CYBERLINK / August 4, 2015

AWESNA 2015 43RD Annual Convention

September 4-6, 2015 at Doubletree By Hilton Hotel San Jose, California
his new book "Golden Gate: The Life and Times of
America's Greatest Bridge." The most recognizable
bridge in the world, the Golden Gate remains a bit of
an engineering marvel. The longest bridge before its
construction was 700 feet shorter, and gapping the
1.7-mile stretch of Pacific was called an impossibility
at the time of its conception. An icon represents
something different to each of us," he said. "It gives
us hope because it speaks to us as individuals; it
speaks to our hopes and dreams for the future."

This years AWESNA Convention will be held in Northern

California at the heart of the Silicon Valley, San Jose. It flourishes with industry, beauty and culture rich with history. Double Tree by Hilton San Jose places you in the center of it all
less than half-mile from San Jose International Airport, 45 minutes from San Francisco International Airport, and an hour
south of San Francisco and north of Monterey/Carmel.
There are two most iconic bridges in the United
States The Brooklyn Bridge in the east coast and
the Golden Gate Bridge in Northern California.
The Brooklyn Bridge is the longest suspension
bridge in the world. It rose out of the expansive era
following Civil War, when Americans believed all
things were possible. The Golden Gate Bridge-nine thousand feet long, seven hundred and fifty
feet tall, weighing 887,000 tons and coated in
millions of gallons of International Orange paint-links the urbanity of San Francisco with the wild
headlands of Marin County, as if to suggest the
paradox of California and America itself," wrote
California State Librarian Emeritus Kevin Starr in

10 CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015

A bridge can have literal and symbolic meaning.

Literal, that it brings people from one place to
another. And a symbolic structure a bridge of
hope that unites us as ONE. It has a deeper meaning.
The Greatest Bridge for today and throughout
eternity is Jesus Christ ,the bridge that opens the
floodgates of humanity to our heavenly Father. When
sin separated us from God it was Christ, the Living
Bridge that brought us back to Him. Jesus said, I am
the way, the truth ,and the life ; no man cometh to the
Father but by me. John 14:6 The only way man can
be reunited with God is through the Bridge of Christ.
Theres no other way . Only Him. As we look
forward to this coming convention let us contemplate
on the Greatest Bridge for Today and Eternity
Christ, the bridge of hope for the fallen humanity.

Kuya Bennys Corner

By Benjamin Banaag ,MD

Have a Wonderful Day!

Friends , have a wonderful day! Psalms 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise
shall continually be in my mouth. I got this email from a friend and I laughed so hard I had to
share it with you.
There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and saw that she
had only three hairs on her head. "Great," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today."
So she did, and had a wonderful day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that
she had only two hairs on her head. "Hmm," she said, "I guess
I'll part my hair down the middle."So she did, and had a
wonderful day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that
she had only one hair left on her head.
"Wow," she said, "today I get to wear my hair in a pony tail."
So she did, and had a wonderful, wonderful day. The next day
she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that there wasn't a
single hair on her head.
"Thank God!" she exclaimed. "I was
running out of things to do with my
hair!" (My own experience!)
Friends, ATTITUDE is everything! Let's be grateful for the things
God has given us and have a
wonderful day!
Your family in the Lord with much
agape love,
Kuya Benny

CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015


Sharing Time
By Reva Lachica Moore

The Elusive Dorm Room

was at a girls dormitory in an Asian country and was looking for Level A, Room 20. There were no hotels around and a friend had offered her dorm room for me to spend the night. The dorm looked like an old barracks converted into a dorm. I realized later that I had entered the back door that opened into a maze of rooms and hallways. I saw Level C on the wall. As hard as I tried, I couldnt find the way to
level A. Several minutes later, I saw stairs so I walked to it. Above the stairs, a woman popped her head with a questioning look on her
Would you please direct me to Level A? I'm looking for Level A, Room 20. The woman (she must be the dorm dean) just stared at me and
then disappeared from view. Whats wrong with this place? Why is she so unfriendly? I muttered and walked back down.
I kept walking and saw a woman standing by the door. I asked for directions to Level A. She looked me over from head to foot. With a smirk,
she pointed to a direction on my right, which I followed. The hallway abruptly ended to a door on the left. I entered the room and saw 3 women
doing janitorial work. Again, I muttered, Don't they understand English?
I approached one of the women, introduced myself and asked for directions. She just looked at me and went back to what she was doing. I had
to get her attention so I asked again.
Excuse me, I really need help. I have no place to stay for
the night and so I'm looking for my friends room on Level A,
Rm. 20. I gave her my business card. I am from the U.S. If
youd ever need anything, you can write to me. She took the
card, looked at me and made a short, sharp head movement, eyes
moving to the right, as if saying, Come follow me.
We walked past several rooms down a narrow hallway and
went inside a room that led to a long staircase. She motioned for
me to go down and then she left.
I went down the steps and entered a huge room. On the right
were old tables and chairs. There, students sat with their books
open. Some of them looked my way and then went back to their
books. On the left side of the room was a tall, steep incline with
broken up cement pieces that looked like shattered cement steps.
There were no stairs. At the end of the incline, I saw "Level A"
above the door. How will I get up there? I muttered. In a few
places, I could see iron posts that were probably part of wrought
iron railings at one time. I started going up the incline, holding
onto the rough iron posts while looking for places to put my footings. I was quite scared and aware that the students were watching
my every move. The place was deplorable. How could they live in
such awful conditions? Why did they not fix the steps to go to the
It was getting dark outside so I had to look for Room 20. I
was so stressed. I started sobbing with tears streaming down my
face. I turned my tear-stained face away so the students couldnt
see it. I grabbed another handle bar. And then another. I was
exhausted and had very little progress. I had many more feet to
climb. A climbing wall would have been better. At least, there
would be a security rope. Tears continued falling down my cheeks
and my lips quivered. Besides self-pity, I also felt bad for the students that lived there. Then I saw 3 girls coming down the incline, hanging onto the
side bars and securing their footings. They were doing a better job than myself. I was climbing and sobbing at the same time. I was shaking so
much; I lost my footings twice. I was afraid I couldn't reach the top. I continued to sob and then I WOKE UP! Thank God it was just a dream! I
suddenly remembered the e-mails from dozens of very poor students from two weeks earlier. With so many needing help, I had ignored their pleas.
It was 4:33 a.m. I went to the computer to check my e-mails. The students had sent e-mails again reminding me that exam week had started
that morning and they couldnt take their exams. Maam, I'm begging. Please send help so I can get my exam permit," Raymond Largado wrote.
Right there and then I realized God gave me such a vivid and upsetting dream to remind me of the crying students. I checked our funds and wired
money for them that morning. Three days later, the students wrote, Praise God! And thank you, Maam, we were able to take our exams!
At this time, we have four students from Laos, two students from Papua, New Guinea, two students from Africa and around a hundred from
the Philippines asking for financial assistance. I am able to send help only when God sends funds.
Deuteronomy 15:11"There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers
and toward the poor and needy in your land."


12 CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015

Health Corner
Edited by Romi Talento,
This Weeks article link: https://

Recipes link: Vegetarian, Best

Ever Vegetable Recipes by Bay Books.
(Editors Note: The week, we will continue the
discussion of The Human Brain, specifically the
general features and the cerebral cortex.)

The Human Brain

General Features
The human brain has many properties that are common to all vertebrate
brains, including a basic division into three parts called the forebrain,
midbrain, and hindbrain, with interconnected fluid-filled ventricles, and a
set of generic vertebrate brain structures including the medulla
oblongata and pons of the brainstem, the cerebellum, optic
tectum, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, olfactory bulb, and many

As a mammalian brain, the human brain has special features that are
common to all mammalian brains, most notably a six-layered cerebral
cortex and a set of structures associated with it, including the hippocampus and amygdala. All vertebrates have a forebrain whose upper surface is
covered with a layer of neural tissue called the pallium, but in all except
mammals the pallium has a relatively simple three-layered cell structure.
In mammals it has a much more complex six-layered cell structure, and is
given a different name, the cerebral cortex. The hippocampus and
amygdala also originate from the pallium, but are much more complex in
mammals than in other vertebrates.

visual system. The shape of the brain within the skull is also altered
somewhat as a consequence of the upright position in which
primates hold their heads.
As a hominid brain, the human brain is substantially enlarged even
in comparison to the brain of a typical monkey. The sequence of
evolution from Australopithecus (four million years ago) to Homo
sapiens (modern man) was marked by a steady increase in brain
size, particularly in the frontal lobes, which are associated with a
variety of high-level cognitive functions.
Humans and other primates have some differences in gene
sequence, and genes are differentially expressed in many brain
regions. The functional differences between the human brain and
the brains of other animals also arise from many geneenvironment
Cerebral cortex
The dominant feature of the human brain is corticalization. The
cerebral cortex in humans is so large that it overshadows every
other part of the brain.[9] A few subcortical structures show alterations reflecting this trend. The cerebellum, for example, has a
medial zone connected
mainly to subcortical
motor areas, and a lateral zone connected
primarily to the cortex.
In humans the lateral
zone takes up a much
larger fraction of the
cerebellum than in most
species. Corticalization
is reflected in function
as well as structure. In a
rat, surgical removal of
the entire cerebral cortex leaves an animal that
is still
capable of
walking around and
interacting with the
environment.[10] In a
human, comparable
cerebral cortex damage produces a permanent state of coma. The
amount of association cortex, relative to the other two categories
of sensory and motor, increases dramatically as one goes from simpler mammals, such as the rat and the cat, to more complex ones,
such as the chimpanzee and the human.[11] A gene present in the
human genome but not in the chimpanzee : ArhGAP11B seems to
play a major role in "corticalization. ArhGAP11B and human encephalisation The cerebral cortex is essentially a sheet of neural
tissue, folded in a way that allows a large surface area to fit within
the confines of the skull. When unfolded, each cerebral hemisphere
has a total surface area of about 1.3 square feet (0.12 m2).[12] Each
cortical ridge is called a gyrus, and each groove or fissure separating one gyrus from another is called a sulcus.

Journal Reference:
James A. Roberts, Luc Honore Petnji Yaya, Chris
Manolis. The invisible addiction: Cell-phone activities
and addiction among male and female college students. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2014; 1 (-1): 1
DOI: 10.1556/JBA.3.2014.015

As a primate brain, the human brain has a much larger cerebral cortex, in
proportion to body size, than most mammals, and a very highly developed

CYBERLINK / August 16-22 2015


Recipe of the Week

(There was a mix up in last weeks Recipe of the week. Although it was entitled Barley Soup
with Golden Parsnips, the Ingredients and Directions given were that of the Chickpea and and
Herb Dumpling Soup, next weeks recipe. We are correcting the
error. Below, which is the 7th of 39 recipes under Salads, Snacks & Starters, the first section of
Vegetarian, Best-Ever Vegetable Recipes by Bay Books, the correct
Ingredients and Directions for the given title are given.)

Barley Soup with Golden Parsnips

200 g (6 1/2 oz) pearl barley
1 tbsp oil
2 onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 carrots, chopped
2 potatoes, chopped
2 celery sticks, chopped
2 bayleaves, torn in half
2 litres chicken stock
1/2 cup (125 ml/4 fl oz) milk
40 g (1 1/2 oz) butter
3 parsnips, cubed
1 tsp soft brown sugar
chopped fresh parsley, to serve

Soak the barley in water overnight. Drain. Place in a saucepan with 2 litres water. Bring to the boil, then reduce thereat and simmer,
partially covered, for 1 1/4 hours, or until tender Drain the barley.
Heat the oil in a large saucepan, and the onion, garlic, carrot, potato and celery, and cook for 3 minutes. Stir well and cook, covered,
for 15 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
Add the barley, bay leaves, stock, milk, 2 teaspoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of pepper. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer the soup, partially covered, for 35 minutes. If the soup is too thick, add about 1 cup (250 ml/8 fl oz) cold water, a little of a
time, until the soup reaches your preferred consistency.
While the soup is simmering, melt the butter in a frying pan, and the parsnip and toss in the butter. Sprinkle with the sugar and cook
until golden brown and tender. Serve the parsnip on top of the soup and sprinkle with the parsley.

14 CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015

By Ernesto B. Banaag ,MD ,


(The Uniqueness of Our School Slogan)

f you really think about it, our school slogan is

unique in the sense that most school slogans

promote excellence in achievement. But ours
is almost a revelation of its purpose, almost
like a mission statement. And in the context
of Christian education, we begin to narrow down its focus
and direction. Right away, when you sit down and
meditate on our slogan, the Spirit of the Author of true
Christian education, comes into play, and you are somehow profoundly enlightened, a certain glow appears in
your countenance, and you are deeply moved.
So let's try to imagine how our early missionary pioneers
were moved by the spirit's direction, then they started to
plan in opening up the first Seventh-day Adventist educational facility. They were missionaries, intent on sharing
with the natives, the good news of salvation that they have
personally experienced. They were dedicated, they were
passionate and they were loving, because they knew
that what they brought are precious truths with an everlasting life benefits or consequences. What have they really
experienced by having a vibrant meaningful assurance of
salvation? They had unmovable peace, unquenchable joy
and an inner strength that enabled them to go thru the difficulties of life, fully trusting in the Lord. There were no
personal agendas, they moved only as the Lord revealed
His will, received thru prayerful opening of ones heart in
honest search of His will and direction.
What the early Adventist missionaries had was really The
Good News of John 3:16. And that was all they wanted to
share. It was never about domination and lording it over
another person. Then came the time, when they had to
think about the future of God's work in the Philippines.
Will it all be done by foreign missionaries, can it only be
done that way? The answer was No for discipling is
more effective by utilizing local instrumentalities. But
how do you choose, and how do you train the next
younger generation of missionaries, the messengers of
good news? The concept of organized Christian education
and the early stages of a school development came into
play. At present this is now known as Adventist University of the Philippines (and during our time, my beloved
alma mater was better known as Philippine Union

College). And so if you trace it, our school was established with the main purpose of training their students to
be messengers of the Gospel, in other words, it was to
train our young people in the art of saving souls. Yes, the
demands of a growing and complicated society is varied,
the interest of our youth are just as varied and unconventional. And that is good, because our target fields have to
be met where they are. They have to be trained to be the
best in their field of vocation and profession, so they
would be listened to, so they can become effective movers of focus and direction. They have to be equipped and
trained to be effective communicators, bringing clearness
and simplicity to their total message. They have to be
trained in social skills so they can interact with respect
and dignity with all kinds of people. And most of all, they
have to be trained to develop loving Christian character,
for the environment they will be working in, is enemy
territory. "For we wrestle not with flesh and
blood.... My personal observation is that a loving person
somehow is very effective even when not fully equipped.
So now I hope, the answer is clear when the question is
asked...TRAINED FOR WHAT? And so an appeal at
this time, to all those presently involved in the education
of our youth at AUP, from kindergarten to graduate level,
please continue to add on and inculcate in the students
heart and mind, that they are also missionaries, messengers of the gospel. You know, they will truly find joy and
fulfillment when they do. And you will be remembered.
Just as I remember, Miss Maria Tumangday, my Grade
six teacher and Miss Esther Manalaysay, my major professor who helped me learn Jesus love with others.
Now the question I pose, and the personal challenge I
hope it creates is..."How about us, those who are still
alive and
kicking, those who are still socially interactive, those who are still practicing their vocations and
profession, those who have gone thru the halls of PUC/
AUP, are we still consciously and intentionally acting as
messengers of the Gospel???"
I propose to all, be messengers of the gospel and you will
find your feeling of fulfillment, your sense of completeness, your truest joy and peace. May God bring us all

CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015


AUP College of Medicine is the 1st SDA medical school in Asia,

6th in the whole world.
126 pioneer COM faculty
19 pioneer COM students
Worldwide SDAs and non-SDAs generous supporters and
prayer warriors.

CYBERLINK / August 16-22 , 2015

By Edwin Araba

Mga Pananaw Natin Para Sa Ika-100

Anibersaryo ng PUC/AUP (1917-2017)
ilang pagunita sa nalalapit na ika 100
anibersaryo ng ating unibersidad , ang
PUC/AUPProgress and Unity in Christ/
Ating Unahin ang
Panginoon. Sa
ikauunlad at pagkakaisa natin sa Panginoon higit
tayo ay lalago, susulong at taus nating mararating
ating patutunguhan, ang kalualhatian sa
pagbabalik ng ating Panginoon. Mga
Ating Unahin ang ating Panginoon (AUP) sa lahat
ng bagay. At sa ikauunlad ng bayan disiplina ang
kailangan. Manumbalik tayo sa Panginoon sa
pamamagitan ng spirituwal na pagbabagongbuhay. Magsimula tayong lahat sa pamamagitan

kapinsanan na hindi puwedeng maglakad ng malayo.

Mga motorista, mga nagbibisikleta at mga gumagamit
ng mga
sasakyan may motor, sana ay pahintulutan ,
maliban sa mga maglalakad. Pangatlo, historical na mag
gusali ay itatag tulad ng Jackson-Sevrens Hall, Roda
Hall at iba pa. Para sa pagtayo ng AUP Medical Center,
kailangan ng
10-taon na pagpaplano at sapat na
pananaliksik upang maabot ang sapat na pondo sa pagpapatayo ng gusali. Humirang ng Committee na mag
iipon ng
sapat na pondo. Fundraising Projects ay
kailangan dito. Kumakailan ay
naglunsad ang Loma
Linda University Medical Center ng sampung taon na
pagplaplano para sa ikatutupad ng bagong Ospital. Puwede nating tularan ang kanilang projecto. Sa katunayan
ang is sa mga nangungunang opisyal ay nag-aral sa
Panga-apat, dahil ang unibersidad ay lumalago, dumarami ang mga estudyante kailangan natin ng mga satellite Kampuses sa buong Pilipinas :
AUP Davao, AUP-Baguio, AUP Naga, AUP-Cebu,
AUP- Palawan, AUP-Manila, AUP-Iloilo.

ng pagsamba sa ating Panginoon. Ilayo ang mga

hidwaan, at di pagkakaisa sa anumang layunin.
Itatag ang
pagkakaunawaan upang tayo ay sumulong. May mga iilan tayong gagawin upang
mapanatili ang kalinisan sa loob ng kampus.

Ito ang mga iilan lamang na mga pananaw natin para sa

ikauunlad ng PUC/AUP at sa pagsulong ng ika-100 na
anibersaryo. Mabuhay tayong lahat at mabuhay ang
ating dakilang Panginoon.

Una, panatiliing malinis at kaayaaya ang mga

gusali kasama rito ang PIC, Philippine International Church. Panatiliing malinis at mabango ang
mga rest rooms lalo na sa Iglesia. Mga working
students puwedeng mag trabaho bilang mga maintenance na manggagawa sa mga gusali tulad ng
Pangalawa, sapat na parking space sa mga estudyante at mga bisita. Magkaroon ng campus shuttle
bus lalo na sa mga baldado o disabled. Mga may
CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015


AUP College of Medicine : A Fulfilled Vision

L-R photos, Dr. Doris Mendoza presenting program materials to Dr. Lisa Beardsley-Hardy. Dr. Elmer Bangloy, AWESNA President, with
Meldy Ward and Annie Madigan, from AWESNA . Below, Pastor Francisco Gayoba, AUP President, addressing the nineteen (two are not in
the picture) pioneering medical students, while guests, delegates, and College of Medicine faculty members listen.

18 CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015

Picture of the long awaited

AUP College of Medicine



2015. Another mile stone of

the our school. A fulfillment









to our Alma Mater and hats

to those

involved in

making this to happen. This

will make AUP Shine on

Photo credit: Dr. Romy Barrios, AUP DevCom.

CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015


Adventist University of the Philippines Medical Center

College of Medicine .
Through Christ, Healing and Wholeness.

Inauguration / White Coat Ceremony

20 CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015

AUP College of Medicine: A Fulfilled Vision

By Lailanie Antonio Fronda

ts a very humbling and uplifting experience to have

witnessed the inaugural programs of the Adventist
University of the Philippines College of Medicine
during the weekend. Gods timing is indeed perfect
and His will is always the best!

family crucibles (three of my family members died each year due

to complicated health cases). Its just fascinating to be
comforted through her testimony of Gods transforming love.

I first met Dr. Doris Mendoza on March 2, 2014. It was

providential that I was invited to sing before she spoke at
the Health Professionals Convention, held in Heritage
Center, Ortigas. I was indeed very grateful the privilege to
render a song with my friend, Weanne Myrrh Estrada the
pianist. I was elated and was astonished with Dr.
Doris miraculous conversion and restoration. It was an
encounter with a literal wounded healer. I used to address
Jesus Christ as my Wounded Healer, especially during the
three consecutive years of the most challenging and painful

Dear Lord, break me into a thousand pieces and put me back

together again. Mold me into the image you want me to become.

Beauty in Brokenness

Dr. Doris prayer that forever transformed her. Our next

unexpected meeting was on March 30, 2015 at the
Aquino International Airport (PAL). Our flight was so delayed,
and when I went to charge my laptop, I saw her again! I seldom
see her in AUP, and it was a delightful surprise, she even
gave me the first brochure of AUP-College of Medicine fresh
from the printing press.

CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015


To support the remarkable milestone of AUP, I cancelled all my

appointments and invitations this weekend. I couldnt miss this for
the world! Its just great to be a part of this most-awaited event, a
history and a HIStory in progress. Its all about God and His great

the establishment of COM. Finally, the dream became a

reality earlier today, the White Coat Ceremony of the
first Seventh-day Adventist medical school took at the
portals of the Alumni Hall (COM building). AUP-COM is
the 6th SDA medical school around the world! Its during
the incumbent President, Dr. Francisco Gayoba that it was
approved by CHED, built and inaugurated. Isnt our Lord

The Dream Lives On

According to Dr. Doris Mendoza, the Founding Dean, among 16
applicants for medical schools nationwide in 2014, AUP was one
among the only three schools chosen by CHED (Commission on
Higher Education). But among the three, AUP was the last. The
technical committee made it a very hard process, with a query:
why start another one when the country has more than 40 medical
schools already? Two rejections from the technical committee
had been very discouraging and frustrating. And yet, God made
it possible when everything seemed impossible! The key people
advised them how to improve everything that needed to be
improved, to be ready for the approval and its opening.

According to Ellen G. White, a true converted physician is

ten times more effective than any minister in winning
souls for Christ. Dr. Doris Mendoza reiterated: Our trust
as Gods people is to rescue souls, not only the body,
but mind and spirit Quoting her favorite verse, she
shared the highlight of her conversion story: For what
shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36).
Dr. Doris Mendoza had been a very active and faithful
Christian leader for many years before she became an
Adventist (learn more about her conversion and restoration
story in a special feature article soon). For 36 years and 3
months, she taught in the previous medical school were
she has a lucrative work and position. Shes been worldrenowned physician for her medical contributions, leadership both in the hospital and in her previous churches,
teaching prowess and advocacy.
I cant thank God enough for my SDA students
(former medical students) who lighted my path
through their lifestyle practice, especially keeping the
Sabbath. She emphasized that those former students had
been instrumental for her to know the truth about Sabbath
and healthy lifestyle, for they live up to the truth they embraced. Being inspired, she wants to pay forward the goodness of God. This is main reason I want to pay forward
by accepting the call to teach and serve the students of
AUP College of Medicine.

What made AUP College of Medicine set-apart is its mission and

vision, to train, to produce, and to empower medical missionaries
that would help hasten the advancement of Gods work. Lifestyle
Medicine is the highlight of Preventive Medicine. The health
message is indeed the right arm of the gospel and this dream of
establishing a medical school sparked 30 years ago, during the
administrative leadership of the late Dr. Alfonso Panis Roda,
President of Philippine Union College (now AUP) 1965-1987.
During the immediate past President of AUP, Dr. Gladden Flores,
the Southern Asia-Pacific Division finally said yes, supporting

We cant thank God enough for the unfathomable blessings endowed. Despite the hurdles, unfavorable circumstances and hardships AUP faced in the past years, today
marked another milestone of His faithfulness. Imagine
having 18 pioneering students who are very talented and
gifted, and 126 pioneering faculty who are dedicated and
determined to share their expertise through teaching and

After 30 years, the dream has come into reality. Praise the name of
the Great Physician, the Wounded Healer!
A Fulfilled Vision
AUP-COM White Coat Ceremony

22 CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015

Of Peculiarity and Providence

From the Gods providential workings in miraculously transforming and restoring Dr. Doris Mendoza (cancer survivor)
to tremendously blessing AUP-COM with financial needs and
dedicated workforce, its no doubt that this project is a fulfilled vision.
The generous supporters and prayer warriors whove caught
the vision and have joined forces to advance this cause are
empowered by compassion and spirit of sacrifice. Even before
the construction of the College of Medicine building started,
the Lord had provided unimaginably. The three prominent
alumni associations: EASNAC (Eastern North America Chapter), AACNA (Alumni Association of Central North America)
and AWESNA (Alumni of Western North America) have
been very supportive in channeling financial help and offering
fervent prayers.
Aside from the major supporters, local and international nonSDA institutions, organizations and corporations (AUPs
friends) have been benevolent as well. Even with the special
appeal for support yesterday during the Sabbath worship,
more than P70, 000 (cash) was raised, and more than
P900,000 was raised as pledges from generous brethren. Millions of dollars and a single peso has the same value in the
sight of God, and its the generous heart that matters most.
Both huge and small amounts contributed to the accomplishment of the progressive College of Medicine.
We cant thank God enough for the unfathomable blessings
endowed. Despite the hurdles, unfavorable circumstances and
hardships AUP faced in the past years, today marked another
milestone of His faithfulness. Imagine having 18 pioneering
students who are very talented and gifted, and 126 pioneering
faculty who are dedicated and determined to share their expertise through teaching and mentoring.
The Adventist University of the Philippines is indeed wonderfully blessed! Having the College of Medicine to gear to the
advancement of Christs healing ministry, the world-wide
church of the Seventh-day Adventists are encouraged to continually support in prayers and encouragements. The presence
of the distinguished guests, leaders from the General Conference, Dr. Peter Landless (GC Health Ministries Director) and
Dr. Lisa BeardsleyHardy, (GC Education Department Director) and the support of the flagship and sister medical school
(pioneer) Loma Linda University through Dr. Roger Hadley
(Dean, College of Medicine); the presence of the government
leaders and alumni from far and near has been a clear manifestation of a unified support to carry on the call to academic
excellence and exquisite service among the medical students,
faculty and staff.
Serve God where you are planted.
Spend and be spent for the ministry.
The mission of the gospel and health ministry should
never be separated. ~ Dr. Peter Landless (Spoken Word,
Philippine International Church)
Over the past 100 years, Loma Linda has refined a process to select mission-focused graduates who have carried

out the healing ministry of Christ and the commission of the

Seventh-day Adventist Church, and their mentoring of AUP
and our other new medical schools has been vital. ~ Dr. Lisa
BeardsleyHardy (ANN news article)
Our Lord Jesus Christ came to this world as the unwearied
servant of mans necessity. He took our infirmities, and bare
our sicknesses, that He might minister to every need of humanity. Matthew 8:17. The burden of disease and wretchedness and sin He came to remove. It was His mission to bring
to men complete restoration; He came to give them health
and peace and perfection of character. ~ Ellen White, Ministry of Healing, p. 18

Lailanie A. Fronda , Contributing Writer at North Philippine Union

Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Writer , Blogger, Wanderful
Wordsmith Writer, Thailand Professionals

CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015


In Loving Memory of Edgar T. Verde

(December 10, 1945 - August 11, 2015)

My brothers Funeral services:

Friday, August 21, 2015 - Viewing & Worship 4pm - 8pm
Pierce Brothers-Crestlawn Mortuary Chapel
11500 Arlington Avenue, Riverside , CA 92505
951-689-1441 Light reception to follow at the location designated by the mortuary
Memorial Service Sunday, August 23, 2015 10:00am La Sierra University Church of SDA
4937 Sierra Vista Avenue,
Riverside, California 92505

Graveside Service
Pierce Brothers-Crestlawn Memorial Park
11500 Arlington Avenue
Riverside, California 92505
951-359-4152 Leave message please & your call will be
returned. Thank you.
Family's address:
Jemima Cordova Verde
16326 Bridgton Circle
Riverside, California 92504
Home Phone #: 951-687-7007
Submitted by Leni Espiritu,
Sharing Time from page 12
Letter from a working student at Central Philippine Adventist College:
Dear Maam,
I am from Barangay San Jose, Bayawan City Negros Oriental, Philippines. My family is so poor, and my father is a farmer
(tenant). My mother gathers wild leaves (vegetables) to sell. My parents income is enough only for food. My parents cannot provide for my studies here in Central Philippines Adventist College. I am here as a working student. Sometimes I experience sickness and hunger.
I have been a working student for almost 5 years, working in different departments: garden, park, 22 hectares and in garbage collection. Sometimes I feel hopeless. I always send prayers up to heaven, asking to have the Holy Spirit to strengthen me through
hardships and trials in my life. I feel a bit discouraged. Sometimes I dont have no rice and money to buy school supplies, most
especially for paper handouts, or means to make photocopies. I pray to our Father in heaven, God of the most high, for help for my
lifes dream and problems.
My desire is to finish my studies to become a blessing to my Family and Church because some of them are backsliders. My
brother, Rowell Largado, is also a working student here in CPAC. My sister, Mira Largado, is not going to college. She works as a
maid in Cebu. Maam, please find someone who can help me.
Thank you so much and God bless you,
Raymond Largado


CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015

Online Payment to AWESNA

Reservations for Banquet and Lunch or payment of Membership Dues and other Donation or Contributions
may be done over the Internet with Credit Cards or Debit Cards by typing the address: http:// or clicking at the same address and "Follow link".
Thank you for your contributions and support to AWESNA.

Ella N. Alcaide
P.O. Box 11053
Glendale, CA 91226
YBERLINK / August 16-22 2015


AWESNA House of Delegates Meeting

on September 4, 2015, 2:00-5:00 p.m. will be held at the
Double Tree Hotel by Hilton, San Jose, California.
To attend this meeting are AWESNA officers, chapter presidents, chairs of standing and ad hoc committees, immediate
past president, chapter officers, and designated representatives
from AWESNA chapters. Please designate your substitutes if
you cannot attend.
Chapter presidents, standing and ad hoc committee chairs-please email your reports for the HOD to the AWESNA
secretary no later than August 15. Chapter presidents are
likewise requested to present a 3-minute (maximum) report
during the convention afternoon service on September 5, 2:00
ENDOWMENT FUND--proposed amendment to Article 4,
Section 4.2. of the AWESNA Constitution and ByLaws.
Please study the following recommendation from the Endowment Fund Committee, voted by the Board of Officers on
June 7, 2015 to be recommended to the House of Delegates on
September 4:
AWESNA Endowment Fund Committee proposed
amendment (voted by the Board Of Officers (June 7, 2015) to
be recommended to the House of Delegates on September 4,
2015: (Please refer to Article 4 below for reference).
1. Delete Section 4.2 (Article 4) of the AWESNA Bylaws
which states,
"The amount from the earnings equal to the annual inflation
rate shall be added to the AWESNA Endowment Fund as a
hedge against inflation."
Proposed Amendment
4.2. The amount of funds allocated for AWESNA projects
should come ONLY from the annual interest yield of the
TOTAL AWESNA Endowment Fund.
Explanation: Deleting this provision provides AWESNA more
leeway; subsequently, allows the organization to donate more
funds annually to AUP. The fear that the Total Endowment
Fund will be devalued in face value over time is real, but the
Total Endowment Fund continues to be "held in perpetuity to
provide interest or dividend earnings to benefit projects for
AUP." In this case, interests from the fund accrued over the
years and the amount of donations for AUP will strike the
balance against the amount provided as a hedge against
inflation. Simply stated, the money from the fund set aside as
hedge for inflation accumulated over the years is still part and
parcel of the Total Endowment Fund (still owned by
AWESNA) and will be used as long as AWESNA exists.
This means that the Annual Interest yield of ALL the funds
generated by investments of the existing Endowment Fund, as
well as any amount coming in from personal or group
contributions by alumni and friends, will be factored in as the
source of the fund allocated for AUP projects agreed upon
between AWESNA and AUP.
Traditionally, a portion of the Annual Interest yield of the


CYBERLINK / August 16-22, 2015

Total Endowment Fund (on the average, $4K-$5K) is handed

to the AUP President during the Convention Banquet. As of
this date, the total amount given to AUP for our mutually
agreed project since its inception is $31,500. Allocation for
agreed-upon projects is as follows: 75% for AUP Faculty
upgrading and 25% for AUP Research.
ARTICLE 4 (Current Provisions)
Endowment Fund
Section 4.1 The AWESNA Endowment Fund shall be held in
perpetuity to provide interest or dividend earnings to benefit
projects for AUP.
Section 4.2 The amount from the earnings equal to the annual
inflation rate shall be added to the AWESNA Endowment
Fund as a hedge against inflation.
Section 4.3 Any person who donated $10,000 or more on or
before the end of the year 2009 and within 5 years thereafter
shall have a named AWESNA Endowment Fund. Any other
donation will be placed in a combined Alumni Endowment
Section 4.4 The Endowment Fund Committee members shall
be appointed by the AWESNA Board of Officers for a term of
six years.
Initially, three members will serve for three years and three
members for six years. Thereafter, three members shall be
appointed on the first meeting of the AWESNA Board of
Officers following an AWESNA election year.
Section 4.5 The AWESNA Board of Officers shall decide any
AUP endowment project.
Section 4.6 The Endowment Fund Committee must submit to
the AWESNA treasurer all donations within three business
Section 4.7 The Endowment Fund Committee must meet at
least once a year.
Section 4.8 Within a reasonable time, the Chairman of the
Endowment Fund Committee must submit to the AWESNA
secretary the minutes of its meetings. The Chairman shall
provide a financial report to the AWESNA Board of Officers
on the latters first meeting of the year.
Section 4.9 The Endowment Fund Committee shall keep a
record of all the donors, and shall have it available to the
AWESNA Board of Officers.
Section 4.10 The Endowment Fund Committee shall follow
the Roberts Rules of Order in the transaction of its official
Section 4.11 In the event AWESNA ceases to exist, AUP
shall manage the Endowment Funds in perpetuity to
AWESNAs plan.

Eppie Manalo,PhD
AWESNA Secretary

Coordinated/Edited by Edwin Araba
Please submit news, announcements and articles to the next editor with his /her email address shown below.
Or feel free to get in touch with any of the Cyberlink Moderators:
Edwin Araba,
Romy Barrios,
*Myrna Dial,
*Edna Domingo,
Charles Fegarido,
Elmie Lynn Lagajino,
Romi Talento,
Willie Tortal,
* On leave
Have a pleasant week!

September 4-6, 2015, Doubletree By Hilton at San Jose, California

Theme: Bridges For Today and Eternity

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