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Answer keys

Teacher Support Programme


Apollo 13
Book key
1 Open answers
2 a Open answers
b 1 engine, pilot, parachute
2 measles
3 tank, oxygen
4 Earth, gravity
5 astronaut, Moon, lunar module
3 Neil Armstrong and a lunar module on the Moon.
4 a Neil Armstrong b Alan Shepard c Jim Lovell
d Fred Haise e Ken Mattingly f Jack Swigert
5 Jim doesnt know the new pilot very well. Also, Jack
has to work in the simulator and there isnt much
time. But without Jack, Apollo 13 isnt going to go to
the Moon.
6 Open answers
7 a Saturn 5 b Odyssey c Aquarius
89 Open answers
10 a Jeffrey Lovell b Jim Lovell c Fred Haise
d Jack Swigert e Gene Kranz f a controller
11 Open answers
12 a 10 minutes b 15 minutes
13 a 3 b 3 c 7 d 7 e 3 f 7 g 3
14 a They are in the lunar module.
b There are problems with the command module.
It is losing power and oxygen.
c Apollo has to turn around. It can go around the
Moon, and then the astronauts will start the lunar
modules engines. At the end of the trip, they will
have to use the command module again.
15 Open answers
16 a 5 b 1 c 4 d 7 e 2 f 3 g 6
17 a 28 b 100 c 3 d 16
18 Open answers
19 a asleep b tired, cold c hot d smart e angry
f dirty g beautiful
20 a baths > beds
b Sun > Earth
c engine > oxygen
d eat > sleep
e with > without
f restaurant > simulator
21 Open answers

c Pearson Education Limited 2008

22 a He can work on the problem in the simulator. /

He is the best man in the simulator.
b In the lunar module.
c There are no moon rocks in it.
d The nose of the command module is at the back.
e He can see the parachutes through his camera.
f His father is coming home.
2333 Open answers.

Discussion activities key

15 Open answers
6 Suggested answers: he is a very good astronaut. He
went before to the moon. His son wants moon rocks.
7 Suggested answers:
Ken Mattingly
was the pilot of
the command

Fred Haise
was the pilot
of the lunar

Jim Lovell
took the place
of Alan Shepard

810 Open answers

11 Suggested answers: My dad was in the command
module, he talked on TV, he will eat dry food, he can
see the Earth from space.
12 Open answers
13 Suggested answers: They are losing oxygen. They will
have no water and no power very soon. The machines
and engines will not work. They will be in the dark.
14 Suggested answers
Has to turn the
computer control soon
Jim has problems
working the numbers

They are losing power
Jack doesnt know which
pages to read

1522 Open answers

Activity worksheets key




a Chapter 1 b Chapters 2, 3, 4
c Chapter 5 d Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9
e Chapter 18
a space b astronauts c command module
d oxygen e controllers f radio
a 13 b 11 c 12 d 11 e 14
a 9 b 1 c 4 d 8 e 10 f 6 g 2 h 5
i 3 j 7

Apollo 13 - Answer keys

 of 2

Answer keys

Teacher Support Programme


Apollo 13
5 a The doctor to Jim Lovell after he finds that one of
the astronauts may have the measles.
b Jim to his boss when he learns that Ken Mattingly
cannot go on Apollo 13.
c The mission controller to Jim when they discuss
who should fly instead of Ken.
d Jim about Jack when he realizes that Ken will not
fly with them.
6 a Astronaut Alan Shepard didnt go on Apollo 13
because he had a problem with his ear.
b Ken Mattingly didnt go on Apollo 13 because he
never had the measles. The doctor wanted him to
stay on Earth because of the measles problem at
Mission Control.
c Engine five turned off early. It was the first problem
after they left Earth, but they didnt know it was
d He was away at school and couldnt go to Mission
Control on April 13, 1970 with his mother, brother
and sisters.
7 a friends > his mother and sisters
b hands > smile
c food > gravity
d Odyssey > Aquarius
e a womans hair > paper
8 a 2 b 4 c 5 d 1 e 3 f 6
9 a command module
b oxygen
c fifteen minutes
d busy
10 a 7 b 3 c 3 d 7
11 a Its dangerous because the controllers dont know
about that engine. Will it start?
b It will take three or four days and they cant live in
the lunar module for four days.
c Those engines are for short trips. They are not built
for this. (This is the only possible answer.)
12 Not enough power is their biggest problem because
without power, they cannot return to Earth.

c Pearson Education Limited 2008

13 a 1 b 6 c 2 d 3 e 4 f 5
14 a Ken told the men that the command module was
cold so the simulator had to be made cold.
b The doctors were wrong about Ken because he
didnt get the measles.
c John Arthur wanted Ken inside the simulator.
d The astronauts in space started to turn off the
machines and the engines.
15 a 8 b 2 c 1 d 4 e 3 f 5 g 6 h 7
16 a 3 b 7 c 3 d 3 e 7 f 3

Progress test key

1 a Neil Armstrong > Alan Shepard
b Y > X
c angry > tired
d life > job
2 a 1 b 2 c 2 d 2
3 a 1 b 3 c 5 d 6 e 4 f 2
4 a 3 b 3 c 7 d 3 e 7
5 a It was Jim Lovells second time behind the moon.
b The Apollo men realized that after more than three
days in space the would not have enough water.
c Kranz decided that they should work on the
problems on the simulator.
d While Ken worked on the simulator, the astronauts
started to turn off the machines and engine.
6 a In space, the astronauts were tired cold and wet.
b Jack thought that they would fly past the Earth and
move around the sun.
c There was no gravity so food and papers moved by
their heads.
d Jim was happy because computers always flew
Aquarius for him and now he would fly it.
7 a Mission Control
b measles
c wet
d lunar module
e moon rocks

Apollo 13 - Answer keys  of 2

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